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_vr...�._�.. ..._. <br /> � __ _ ,�-,. . . . , . . . „ .-. .;.__. <br /> . .. .. � .�iu.�:i���. <br /> . x -- <br /> ., • . �iI"" �. .. - <br /> q�de�a�pber t�Ci�o�nry�rt o�dM P�q►wty,or ior aoswya�o�!a aa`d�o�tio�,�hr�6j►a�i�d�t . i, <br /> �i� it��roW t�kinj d tb�Prapaty.� dap be applied p the w�ar�ecured by tIJ��eoufiy ' <br /> ' Mionrnear.wr�ethar or not dbn dua.with+r►y e�aw w 8amwer. In d+a evpat of a pa�tW pkin{ot 1hap�op�ey hn <br /> wl�ich tl�e fdr rtMtkd value of d►e Peapaty itnmedi�tely befo�e tha tatioe is oqtat to ar pe�te�r daa the�mount af t(a �iums <br /> .ecweA 6y U�searity in�trument immodiWely borao tho akin�.w►kss�onrOw�r.�w La�dar«i�erwi�e,�p�ee in wridaR, . <br /> d�e Nreu�ecmed�by tbi�3eauity i�nent du�ll be ralnoed by tbe ianoum of the pnoeeda mubiplied by the tdla�virt� <br /> fi�aion: (a)d�e toul�ur►ouat of�he au��ectuod immediNely befane�he ukir�,divided by(6)t!a fdr m�ri�et v�lue ot the <br /> frtlpeny iiau�edi�Nely bdao d�e t�kia�. My b�l�tioe�laU be paid W Bamnwer. In the event of a panid akln�oi'the <br /> Hopacy in wl�ch aie tdr malka valµe e�f drc Pmp�any inaneei.tety beiura�he wcing i�less dw►u�e.mounc ot tne auns <br /> �ecurod in�medWely befae the akint,tmleu Boeo�rer md La�der ahe�wl�e�groe in wridn�or unles�+ipplfc�bk I�w <br /> adie�wtae providos,�he prooeeda�116e apptied w the stam securod by t6is Seaurity laipume�tt wl�ar not the tumt a�o <br /> tlka due. <br /> U tbe Praparty is abuidot�ed by if.ater notlae by Lcader w Bmrower tiat tho ooademu�or offere to m�ko <br /> an aw�M or�ak�clabn fa dam�ges,Borrowar fi�ils to iespond ta Lender wl�hin 30 d�ys after tho daoe ehe notke i��. <br /> l�enda u�uthorined to wllat �nd�pply tho it�optfoo.aither w nxto�tion or repair of tho Pruper�y or w Iho <br /> au�secured by ihi�Securlty lnstNment,whether or not then due. <br /> Unle�I.a�der snd Bortawet othenvi�e�gree in writiag,aty y�plicsuIan of proceeds to pri�lpd slwll iwt extend or <br /> po�tpone tho dnn d�te of the manthiy paymaaa nefemed w in pu�rsphi 1 And 2 or ch�nga tho�mount of:ue6 paymenu. <br /> 11. Bort+owa NM Rdes�edi Forbpranoe B9 I.eade� NW a Wi�iver. Eatension of d�e time for ptyment or <br /> �odU�ba of amaRi�don of the�securod by this Securiry lnstrwnent gnaued by I.enAer w Any a�coeuar bn h�knest <br /> of Bartnwer ib�U not oparate to rejese the Ii�biUty of tha ariginai Borrower or Hwrowerk sucascan in int�est.I.a�der <br /> e�!!aot!� *in+�l tn cAmmantc�+ocadinRs oAAinst any successor in intercst or ratt�se to txtend dme for p�ymdn or <br /> othenv�se mod�i y uno�lcatian��ms seea�d Dy this Securiry Insuumenl by teASOn of any demand made by d�e aigin�i <br /> ,� Bonowa a Bortowerh st�cassor�in inoe�� My forba�x by i.ender in axcrcicing any riQht or�+emedy siWl�wt be a , <br />, w�iver ot ar proclude tho exarcisa of any right or rcmedy. <br /> 12. Su�oe�ori wid A�m Baw�d;Joiot aad 3evernl Li�bility;Co�si�aers. 71ia coveaan{s und agroementc of th�s <br /> Socurity lnst�wnent shdl b1�M and barcflt the suax.csors and assigos of L.ender�nd 8omower,aubjdct ta the provl:iaw ot <br />, ��17.Bormwerk cove�wM� wid agroements shall be joint end 6overal.My Bormwer who co•sig�s thls Se.curity <br /> t but daes nat execute the Note: (a)ie casigning�his Secudty Instrument only to matgage.grant�nd ooavey�hat • <br /> Bocrowery inta�est in the Fioperty under the terme of this Securiry Instrumcn� lb)is nat persorwlly obligaced to pay the sums <br /> yecwrd by thp 5ecurlty IncWrncn�and(c)ag�ees that Lender and any ather 9orrower may ag�ee to�bear . <br /> ar m�ke any �coommod�tions wiU� regrM to [he te�ms of thic Saeuriry bwrument or the Nou wlthout Ihat Bomowerl� <br /> con�ent. <br /> 13. La�a Cbugee. If tl�e loan secwed by this Security lnstrument is subjxt to a law which sets mauimum loan <br /> ciur� dut finaiiy inte�prc[ed so�har�e in[ercu or aher ioan ciicuges coilected ur tu ba cuiiu:ted tn ewisectiori . <br /> wlth the loan exce�d the permiaed limits,then: (ul any such loan cherge shall bc reduccd by the amrwnt neassauy to roduce <br /> �he chuge to�he permitted limit;and(b)any sums alrcady collocted from Borrower which eaceededpe�nilted limits will be <br /> refunded to Bomower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing tAe principal awcd�mder the Note or by making a <br /> direct payment to Bomnwer. If a refurd reduces principal.thr�eduction will b�apa[ed as a partial prepayment wlttNwt.any <br /> p�ep�yrna�t clwrge ander the Note. <br /> 14. Natkea My natice to Borrower,�ovided for in this Security lastr�unemt ahufl be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by fi�st class mnil unless applienb'}z iuw tequi�es use of unother met3racd.The�tuice shall be directod to the Praperty <br /> Address or any otlKr uddress Bortdwer tle�ngoates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first class <br /> mail to Lendtr�s add�ss au►ted herein ac any other address Lender designates by notice to�lomower. Any nodce provided for <br /> in this Security Insuument shall 6e doemed to have been given to Borrower or Lencler when given as provided in this <br /> ��15 Governing Law;Severabllity. This Security Instrument shall 6e govemed by iederal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdictian in which the Prope�ty ia lacated. 1�the event�hat any provision or clause of this Secudty Instrument or the Note <br /> �onfllets with applicable law,such conflict shu00 aa af'fect aher provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> be ven effect without the meflining provision. 7b thix end the provisions of this Secatity Inslrument and the Note are <br /> dec to be scveruble. <br /> 16. Borrowet's Copy. Barrower shall bt given one confortned copy of the Note ancf of tl�is Sccuriry lnstn�ment. <br /> 17. 7�ansfcr oI 14e Property or a Beaeficlal inlerest in Borrnwer. lf all or uny purt bf the P�raperty or any lnterest in <br /> it is sold or transferred�or if a beneficiul interest in Borrower is sold ar transfcrred nnd Borrowes is not a nawral person) <br /> without Lendcr's prior wrinen consent,l.ender moy,at its op�ion,�ryuire immediAte pay�rnent in full of nll sums s�cured by <br /> thic Security InswmeM. How�ver,this option shull not be exer�cised by Lender if is prohibited by federal law us of <br /> the date of thia Securiry Instrumem. <br /> If I.ender exereir+es this aption. Lender shull give Borrower no[ice of•rccelerution. 'i',he notice shull provide a period of <br /> not less then 30 dnys from the date�he natice is delivered ar mniled wi�hin which Borcower must pay nll sums secured by this <br /> Socurity Instrument. If Bortower fails to pay �he�e sums prior to �he expirntion of this period,Lender may invoke any <br /> � iemadies permitted by this Sxu�ily 1 nstrument without fuhher ndice or demend on Bortower. <br /> 18. Borrower's RIgAt to Refnstate. If Bomowcr meets ceRoin conditian+. &�rrn+�er shnll huve the right to hnve <br /> enforcement of thic Security Inx�nxnem din�:ontinued at nny time priur ro the eadier of: �la)5 duys(or such other period as <br /> , Sin�le Funlly••Flaale MadFl"eddk Mu UNIFYIRM INSI'RUN6NT-•Un{farm CmemMa !/90 /paRel r.j6 pa�peal <br /> -- �.—.,,. ,r_. ;_ . .. ._. . h ��y� -� c ��L.�:� t,Y.3tt�ti- - --- �-r `Y'i��FiGi�c..�-.�..4..._,..� �. <br /> �I,�7A . f"'_"•S�^- - tr�"fi".r�'?�'�.ltlj.:f�l.."A�It� rI1H�4t1;(r�j�w�7��!!��y'°i'n7lPI�� , ""Tt'q '�"„' 'r"'e^'.n.` -r^ ..- <br /> yr��'`�.'� " �..,:- • ' �f!l���i� r� b- ,�.�( �,�_.t� '� '' ' <br /> �..:�,iJ:,..��. 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