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w�.,�,�«,�_... .,r.;_�_-�,-„ ;.�j �_ .m,.:�ea�._. _ _ . . _ __ <br /> . l,.�a. . 4� , � !7l91'�{�1���'t�.�{ J� RlY' (7"�F'iT1R'!�3 C. '.� . _ _ ". ,,,.�-. <br /> . �. . � ,•`s:�d..a.::,iitsL...r.�:.3�_. rJ..1.:.,:1ww.L ,_.�A,.�f�l, .. � .wl U..P'�:xr_l'�.�y I� '._—_-. <br /> y � -��-. . . .�� rr'.iT.n F.�" T7.T '_ •�4. � �n' <br /> ,i �..�,�.n� •..��. .�.=. ,�..x.. ., u.;���' S- 'll}4�yi��'."7..� ���_`a•.t.i`J�S�51� � <br /> ( y ,�1�t�_'. t1�4if - <br /> � �a •'ar �/Itllr}�:�--.�' . '�.' •r . '`:�.,51.�- �a.i.t��.. _ ..LfA Nw�i.r�S.s-rL�lh�Yt - _ — -__ <br /> . • <br /> _ '- ..n�. , >� ,'1 _ _ -i_� r <br /> ,. . � - <br /> . . . rr+ri�a,. � ..__ �. <br /> �,,q�.�r,:._._.,,r,a� . - - -- - ---- ----- <br /> . � •�,. r_La�= ...� ,.:-i., ,' ,n _•.1n- � --Y�_:-----�—^""""�--r --•-----���y s-�cir-- - - <br /> -"r <br /> .Jr'f.eru. -:i�i�i��i�ii�i��s�=�Y. - _ � . ' - __.. -__ . _ __ ,_. .---_.- <br /> "!ff.�.:_'y=�,.�.�����a.�..s�.��.������._'_.. <br /> y n1«:.1'.• . .... . . �' . ..r -'� -`y�I��iC:.�6!•31.�20b:'�T_. ""..... <br /> �ww�9�.��r�=� :.�; <br /> � �/ M �w�Irl1�l� �M►A��Mad�I*�ew� 11�u�iiriir � :�,�� <br /> w� Mw 1��lrb��!t��i�b���!�1d�+t p!NO'�1M� �r ,,.��It . °— <br /> � � '�'�JNR'Y rt�tt�ttJM�e!atiliir iA�q►a�oi��M i�q �i iid "��w�W�'��'�+�'i.iYrk� :,-,. <br /> ;:r.,,-. <br /> , liw�ihd v�'iNiww by jrrir�iicii�+o io+�ii�iiis�•Ypttdoul��so�a3�t�Cs�t proptitty.. •— , - _ <br /> UMP�NlM O�V�1AN1*. selrf�MrOr Mld LNIdif oowllrt Md M�Owvi�r�; •, . , . , • . _ <br /> l. �Mw!����MM'�j�y�MR A����. �a11q1Yt��I�y�M�MI!�MC�t , ' <br /> OE�d����t dMlt Cr1dOD01d by lb0 NHIC�Ud�►pf�1011t dld 1�1!dIM�O�d1�0�1d�� <br /> Ud <br /> �ltiMt�1l��a�/�r�.Sn�jOCt b app�liaible I�w a�o a rv�iden+�Ivat by I.ea�r,8anwv�r tMnll�p�y to <br />=. Laid�c ai Aie Aap mo�a�lY p+D�sa�s�e�lre w�dOr�be Nata� wNU tbe Nooe is pdd in tbll,a a�rn("fimd�")lix:(s)Yqnir <br />; hltta�nd ae�wners wri�i rqr awi�p�fo�iq ava ebb Sear�it Tn�na�c u a liea oa tbe!'roprty;(b)S^�Y��� <br /> n �w <br />. or poe�d �ats m d�e Ptoparry.N�ny.� (c)Ywiy �'P�Y �Pi'��t (� yeoiy tlaod <br /> �p��.if aqr:(e) ��m�a�ooe�.if�yo;�nd(4 +�ry ana P�riWo bY garioMm'b <br /> �y n <br /> Lsder.i�+�coadroa�rii�he ' d pr�paph R i�ti�a�d�Ie pyme�t d�o�tp�e isaranoe p�aniwaa. 71�e .. <br /> i�awt�rra c�Yed"F.�ciow tleeos." I.cader aMy.�t aoy t��ect rsd bld firnd�L�as�wuat not to e�tceed the� <br /> an�oroR�laider[ar a fatM.�lly�aldod swy,t�e laim a�Y�oqui�o !a Ban�e'!actav aocamt tudet the fede��l Ral <br /> BmAe sat�a�Anc�ea�a Acc d 19?4 a�n.raaea rma,bme eo tbna�2 u.s c.f 260�et scq.("1tBSPA'�.Mn�ea�anolber <br /> Iw 16ot�pplks tb IYe Auds�a kaa amouot. If w.l.a�der mry.�t arY 1imc.rnNect�qd tloid Iir�ds ie�n tao�unt not b <br /> t=oed IM lerrr�ne�. �:�*+Ip�t!!�!�_ +� t!� �!!!r!!�! ef!;!!�!!k �1�►M tMa v�ia atarw�t d�.a�dwwdd�-.--.---- -. <br /> at�ea ot axpa�Nte:af fiianne�Cm�w Ikrw ar aWerwi�e in acooRd�ooie�nith�pplica6le,law. • . <br /> 7Le E�od� tlnU 6o beld in a��iortitudon Mho�a depo�lts�re imnod b�r a fad�4�ency►.im�wm�u4R�.ar rRil�► <br /> (i�ocwdina Laider,if L.aider u cncli�n iaaNmHan)4r in ary Foderal Hame Loaa lla�tyt.,Jttawla'�ull spply the Rmds lu mqr , <br /> d,a�c,uw uems. t.eoaer ro.r no�c�e ear�ower fa boiains�+w�v4�&�vl��.�•,uy�y�d�ed�nw► ;- <br /> . �oc• veriiying the Fscrow Itena. mkss l.eader p�y� Bannwa i�rs��pi�l�lb�Rmt4�nd applicabie l�w patai�• ; '��`,.: <br /> l,.r�ndex W m�lce wcd�charge However.Lenda rtuy roqui�Bamo�rru.Vw�iPRY.�wib�qe c6�r�o for au independa�t iai <br /> eat�le q�n�n��ervlae wed by L.ender in c�aro�ocHon wUh tWs ban,unlesa pp tnw provldes ot6awlec. Unlas�u <br /> �areat is msae ar uppllpiMe law roquira iat�w be paw,t�enaa shsu na�be r��.•xl w p.y eomnwer�ny intae�a or <br /> auulo�:an the Rmdc. Barmwu aad Lender may agox iu writing.howcvu.Wat interat alall be�rld an d�e Ei�ods. l.ader <br /> �hall�fve w Bormwer.without m�wl swom�dng wt tM fi�nds.sMowinB aedits and de6iq ta die Plu�d��nd d�e <br /> �f��debit w the I�ads w�s.p�cle. 7fie fiu�ds�re plodged�s�ddidon�l secunqr for�af1 wms necu�ed by <br /> ti i� A��i�cif Ly Ln+de�i ext�.1 it�miKit�tis�ti�d i+a bz iseld by�ib� {�vir,��ti�d ia <br /> Bonowet fa the exoess Fiuds in acconlanca wl�h the roquime+ra�ent�af�pplicAble law.'`�¢7�e an►omt of�he!�;iieTbPAi' <br /> Leuder u�ay time i�na sufliciea't to pay the F.scmw[tertu�wben due�I.ender rot�y sn�norcify Borrower in wrlting,:�tw►�!,in <br /> wch a�se Namwer afWl p�y w i,a�der the amount aooeas�ry w mW�e uQ•tlip�dc�icipwy. Bonower�hall m�Ir��1�P.the <br /> deficie��cy ia no mae tlu�n twelve maNh1Y P�Y�B•at t.ender's solc discr�ytia�a.• . : . '�,,• . <br /> UPa►P�Ymeut in full of ali aums se�urcd by this Secucity Tt�stnapen[,'Letwler shAl1,P�P�Y�fund W Barov��aaY <br /> FIuMs#xld by L.ender. If;wide�p'uagraph 21.l.en�kr shall acquire or sell the Property.LerWier. Prior w the�cquisuson a <br /> sak of tbe P�operty,shrll apply uny Funds held by Lender u the time of�cquidtko a�sale� a cnadit�Intt llrs suau <br /> �ecumd by ti�s Security InstrumenG ' . <br /> 3. Applkstloe d P�yroeats. Unless applicablc law p�ovides othcrwise,al! payrt�enta�+eaivod by Lender unda <br /> paragraplu 1 and 2 elwll be applied:f� anY preQaYment charges duc undcr thc Note:seca�d� W a�ttnuats pay�ble w�da <br /> par�raph 2;thind,w interest due:fowti�,w principal due:and last,w any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> 4. C�u�;Lkne. Bomower shall pay all taxes.assesaments,clwrges,Fu�es and imposidons �tributable�to tbe <br /> Property whlch may attain priority over this Security Insuument,and leasehold payma�ts or gmund�nts,if any. 8qrtower <br /> slwll pay these obligatlone in the maiu�e�provided in paragraph Z,or if nut paid in that manner.Bartower shall p�y dKm on <br /> tLne direcdy to the person owed payment. Horrower shaU promptly fumish to L.ender all not�ces of amounts to be paid under <br /> this puagraph. If Bormwer nwlces these payments directly,Bortower shall promptly furnish to LeMer r�atipts evidencing <br /> the payments. • <br /> Barower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument u nless Barower:(a)agre�s <br /> in wriung to the payment of the obligation secur�ed by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the L.ender�s opinlon operate to prcvent the <br /> � enforcement of the flen;or(c)secures from 1he holder of the lien en agreernent satisfaciory to Lmder subordiaating the lien <br /> to thia Security inswment. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a Ifen which may attain priority <br /> . over this Security Inswmen�I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the Uen. Borrower siiall sA�lsfy the Uen or take <br /> one or mone of the xtions set fath above within 10 days of Ihe giving oi notice. <br /> 5. Ha�ard or Property Iasurance. Bomower shull keep�he impnnvements now exi�ting or hereafter erec�terl on the <br /> Prvperry insured ag�inst loss by firc,hazards included within the Iertn"extended coveroge"and any other huzards,including <br /> floods ar tlooding,for which L.ender requires insurance. 'i'his insuraace shall be malntained in tAe amounts and for the <br /> Firo JOt3 9190 fpaRe 2 oj6 ynRttl <br /> ,�-�..,r.--r.• _ --.r- �. -� . '�I'�i�ya'FS _'_' 'r� y;t �y -;•.S�•rrn;...---�:�.� <br /> �� i'+xr,_t- .. `Irh1 h �•�.3•, �,�,t J���� -�'�{��r�.: •j.l.?'���1 ,fl�7ti t ('l�jjt�4�vti._._,a,,�l,'��'- <br /> 1 )\�� .� , � . ,i ( t ;:� r+ t ���r�vn�.;.. <br /> u�r�ra;�; J.xt��.•tS�._ �:.L•i�l,'_w.��:�f�'�{C�Y,�91.1���14:,.:�j.fJ•�57��`]�.y'1�61�L`L�.Y�3Y��"� ,� { �ti1F��= �' r...��r��. - <br /> .ryi__ � _ _-_ _ ._J__ ��,_ `. ,.. .`.`,,rj�,.'.,�i-� � Y�`- -���til��r --r�v�� -�� - - - -�--;- -�r��-� . . <br /> -{��r +�+��•• �ry"� <br /> ivil� LY. -� � tr���ti �+�f ��y���J�-t l �� y�,� !�{ r`�t y76'rUS 1�y i•.1 R ;'v� �.ti+'L'Y'.�. . r�s��13Vy��' � t �����,�i <br /> T��'• . ,F, ,ra1�.f� , .� ''�ytY1�}tt4ti..�rr ����y���(tt: '�tif�` �42�'�?1�1�{�Yi��i �.�,�+."i+.�rT y� y "�` W .•!�t'rt,7�l�i�tYK�f�il�ss <br /> ...� 1i.�..dtr .. . 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