, .'��I �:' .. . �� •,. -'i ... ` ----�--�.-� '
<br /> j -• - _- ' �_-
<br /> � �ai
<br /> � �' �� Q�•- it�290�
<br /> � �
<br /> ,���
<br /> `���� candemnudc�n ar othcr ip1:i�at'ony part of the Propeny.or far convcyuncc in lieu M'co�xkmnution,urc henAy a+uci�ncd wK!
<br /> -°'! shall be puid to Lcnde�.
<br /> '•� tn Itw even� ui a tcNal tol•ing af Ihc Propeny. thc praeedc shull tx: Applicd lo Ihc �umti xecurcJ by �hix Secu�ily
<br /> Instniment,whelher u��ot then duc,with uny ezccws paid tu B��rrowcr. in thc evcn►uf a p+utiul tuking of�hc Pra�ny in
<br /> which tho i'air market vulue of ihc Proper►y immeJiutcly beFan thc�uking ir cyuul t��nr grcutcr thun the umuunt af'the�um�c
<br /> ',;�, r,ecumd by thiQ Secu�iry Inxtrumenl immediutely before Ihe wking,unles. Burn�wer und Lender�Hhi:rwi+r agn,�c in writing.
<br />" '" iFM M�ms recuoed by thia Scrurity Ioslnimcnt+hull Ix rcduceJ by �hc umount of thc prcxeed� multiplie�l by �he fol�uwin6
<br /> ----�- _----- -- .�
<br /> - fruc�ion: (ul lhe totaf amount of the suma xecuted immedialely I+eion�Urc�ulinp.�fiviJ�J b)•ib)thc tair mh�k�t vnleie of� �_
<br /> pmpeny immediately I+efore the lu�,ing. Any bulunre shull t+c puid tn Borrowcr. In Ihe event ut' �i purtiul tuking of�hc
<br /> ,:.';i' Property in which the fuir mud:et vulue of the Propeny immediulcly t+efom�he tuking i.Ic�s thun thc umuunt of Ihe.um+
<br /> ---'— secured immediutely Uefare Ihe tolcing, unless 8orcc►wer unJ Lende� �therwi.c Agnr in writing�►�unle..upplicuble luw
<br /> �'`'`'-`� a�herwise provides.�he proceeds xhull he applied to the tiums secuted by�hi.Securiry Inrmlment whetha�or nnt the sums u�
<br /> ---s then duc.
<br /> ��_—-=-°s IP�h�Pn�perty is ubundo�ed by Barrower,ar if,uf�e�nolice by Lendrr to Barn�we��hut Ihe condemnor uffen+a�muk�
<br /> -,.-� un u�vt�rd or xenk a claim for cianutges,Bntmwer fnilx�o re���nd ta L.endcr wi�hin 311 Juy.uftcr thc duie the nu�ic�ir:given, _. .
<br /> �--____^�T.� Lender iti uuthuri�ed to collect:uid apply�he pmceeds,ut i�+optfnn,ei�hcr to restaration ur repuir of�he Propeny or to the �
<br /> —_._�_tia,,,,:9 xums secured by this Security Instrwn�'nt,whether or no�then due. � ti����xterd or
<br /> __�_�_ Unless Lender an�&�crower otlt:rwi�:ngc�ee iit wri�ing, uny upp8cutiat of�nxti'�'d-+w k��P�_ �. . —•-Y
<br /> ___ poslpone the due dace uf the m�mthly payment.�f�rred to in purogr.►phs I unct'_ac chaitg�the�tttu��ot xeKA�y�nt+.
<br /> 1� ll. Barrower Not Releused; Forbearance �y l.ender Not a Wui.er. Exken,iun of th4 �ime t�s PAymeN °'' �`�;_
<br /> - � � �.r��•�.;
<br /> ���;,;��;.a modiPication of amartizutian of the sum�secured by this Security Inst�umen� grs►ntcd by 1,���c tn:tny�a�res.ur in interc>•t __'
<br /> -� i,_
<br /> ---- ��• of gorrowc�sh�ll not operute to releasc Ihe flnbiliry nf�hc originul Born�wcr or B�rruwNr's .u�wetixi�n in interest.Lender `
<br /> ___� ,�'. •`�' shull ncx t+�reyui�+r�r.�commence proceedingti ugAinst :my +ucce�xor in intereti� or t�efuxe �o er�rnd t�me for payment o� �_
<br /> 'y%������:k othcrwise moEilifc Amorci�u�ion of the r�ums secured by this Securny In,trument by rcuwn of uny Jemund madc by�hc originul
<br /> _:.::4�„�,,.�_•,•---„ � ri hi or rerm�l ,hull not be u
<br /> ._-�;;,�,�._:�_, ' Bomower c�r Bcx�o��•ers successon in in�erest. Any f'orheurunce by Lcnde�in exercisinb uny 8 Y•
<br /> �:��-�.��� wuiver of c+r PrecOu,�k Ihe exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> ,._�a—r�—�,µ 12. Successurs and Assigns Qound: Jolnt and tieveral Liabflity;('o-signerx. The rovenunts und ogreements ut Ihis
<br /> �J'"�a��'.�� Securiq• ar�.suument shail bind aneD heneflt the tiucce�aon und ussignti uf Lender und Bom��ver, xubject to�h��xovi.lom��f �
<br /> — �—�""�=�`" "^ ' purugrnph 17. Bormwe�l�c�wenunts and ugreemems xhull Ae joint und.rverul. Any Borm���er who co-sigm this SCCUrity
<br /> ��':�.� � Insuumen�but does r�n executr t4�e Nota, (a)i�co-.igning�hix Security In+trument only t��murtgage,gr.mt und convey Ihut
<br /> �;;�;'�.,:�_r •v--- Borrower�c interest in Ihe Roprny undar Ihc termx of thfs Sccurily Instniment: lbl iti n��t penpnullyobficntcd to puy the+umx �
<br /> �`T.��;:::fa secured by this Securily Instrumrnt;a►nd Ic)agree+thut Lender umi uny n�hrr Iiormwer may agzre to exten•.I,m�x�ify,farbeur —_
<br /> _.v��=��^:s;.�;... or mu{ce any accommalu�ions wi�h rcgard to�he tcrmx of thi. Securiry InxlrumeN or die �1i,te Hithoui thut Bormwer's --_
<br /> ---:s�sh.�•t�. _; —.
<br /> ---�,�-�, conFent.
<br /> ° �:r �.:�— 13. I.oan i:barg�. 1i+hc io�►+i kcurcd tsy thir:Scxurity lnstrumrnt i,���hje�� �u a law• which sc�x muximum aun -
<br /> �'`=�"- �'�' charges,und thnt law iti finully imcrprc�ed xo thut tlx imcrezt or uther loun churgeti col lected ar�o he cnllecied in connecuun __
<br /> �`� ' •_. --
<br /> .���.z�u;`;;�,':Y�w�.�: °_
<br /> "�n�.�.;'�, wilh the lo•rn cxeeeJ Ihe permilted limilx,then: lul uny such loun charge shull Ixe reJuccJ by the nm+�um nrceswury to re uce
<br /> -�':,�s�y-:�'��,'',;j,,�ti'. ' �he chiuge to the permitted limit;und lbl any sums ulreudy collccteJ 1'rom Burn�wer w hich exce�d:J�crmitted limil�will Fk �
<br />=wr;�:;; . � ••(� rctiunded tn B�xrower. LenJer inay choo.e ta muke�his ret'und by nJucing th�principul owed tmd�r the Note or hy making u
<br /> pr. ,�ad!":rv;;.t:;i; , Jitrct puyment�o SoROwer. If a refund rcduces principul.lhe mduction will tx tremrd a.a p.�rtial �puyment withnut nny.
<br />_ . ;i�:•:
<br /> --y�,�_.a+�t=��; • �'?�• �,••
<br /> prepuyment rh;ugc undcr th�Note.
<br /> '��.� ;,;,,;+�,�,�,... : 14. NoUces. Any noticc to Borruwrr provi�le�t Pnr in thi+ Securit�� In+uumcnt �hall he given hy delivcrinE il or by _
<br /> -°"�.:''��;:�,.,�ti+��, mailing it by fint rlu�x mail unl�s.uppli�ublc lua•rcquires u.e af unotlxr nxthuJ."I'h� rnwirr�hulll+e direcied w the Pri�perty
<br />_'"::�'`�� Addrea�or uny other uddres,Bum�wrr Je,i�nutc.by noticc to Lrndrr. Any noticc to Lender�hall hr givrn by tint rL•�s�
<br />_;�,, ��.;•: ' �.-�
<br />,,::i `. � ,.,.,. • mail to Lender's uJJre++,luteJ hcrein or uny other uJJre.s Lend�r de�igntHe�hy rxitic��o Rono�ver. Any nolicr pmviued for
<br /> �,�.•�;�..�' ; .. . in Ihis Security Instniment ,hull he dcemeJ�o huvc hecn piv�n �o Burmwcr or Lrnder winn given us provided in ihix —
<br /> r,,, .: ��g�� =__
<br /> -�;������'}.;:, ..° 1S. 4averninR Lew: Severability. Thi+ 5ccurity In.lrument shall tx�Eovrmed by 1'edeml law und thc law of the _
<br /> .�"`�l �;;+, judsdictiun in which the Property i�I�xa�ed• In the.�vrnt ihiu:my proviriun ur clause��f Ihi+Security Imtrumcnt ur Ihe Nate .,
<br /> •.• ' � canflict;with upplicublc law.nu�h contlict+hull nal cifferl ulher pruvi+io�ti�uf�his Seruri�� In�trumem o�Ilx Ni�tr which cun �,.
<br /> - � ,.�z:' .,�.,•�_. ,.,
<br /> -- , be given rffect wi�hout�he confli�ain�provi.ion. 'To this end ihe pmvi�iuns ni'�his Seci+ri�p In+trument unJ�hc Nate ure �
<br /> — ^ - ►.:��.::-.�:' d��clarecl to be x:vrrablc. - .
<br /> _��t� �• ' 16. Borruwer's Capy. Bon'oµtr,hall fx given une cunf�xmrd ropp ul'�he Naic aixi ad ihi+Security Imtrument. __-
<br /> n .. �"�. 17. 'fransPer oi the Property ur y BeneFi¢i�l lnterect in Borruwer. I t�all ur any purl ot'dx Pm�rty ur imy interrsl in _
<br /> (,Y- � ~ `'� �;.;: . it is xold or trumFertcd I��r if u lxneficial imrre�i in 8ami�crr i,u�IJ or tr.�n+fcmJ and Born�uer i. not a ua�ural �xr.�m)
<br /> n' ���•.�5'',;:..:•'., wi�hout Lrnder;priur written ron�enl.LcnJer may.ut it.��ptii�n.rcyuirc imnudiu�e paynrm in fu11 of�dl+um.��rured by
<br /> ^�a ' . , '�c� 1011�I1JII I101 I7C l'\CRI�I•tI h Lrrnlcr it'cxrrciKe i;rrohibilcd by fcJcrul luw�ix o! �-
<br /> c' ��•r'•'"� tbis Securit Ins�rumrnt. HuKever.Ih� pt Y
<br />--�='.,��':.��-•�..'1? y —
<br /> -� . �;,�, �he ds�te of ihi.Secudty Imtrumcm. ---
<br /> _'_'-°'�' � If Lender cxcrci.�s�his optiun.Lcndcr shull givc 13orrowcr naticc uf uccclrralian. TO�r nuti�c�hall provide•r�xri�xi of --
<br />.��^�•yµ� � .� � . '�:,,�• not lexs thon 30 duyti fr�►m the dutr�hr notire i.dclivrnJ�K mailcd wiihin which liorr���vcr muti�pay all.wn,•crumd hy thiti �`:
<br /> �t'' ' � • Sct:urily Imtrumem. If Burn�wer f'ail.to pay Ihe.r wmy priur tu IIw r�piratiun��I'this �xriid. Lcnder m•ry im•oke any _
<br /> ."r.•� remcdies perniitteJ by Ihi+S�rurit}In.trumem H•ithuul funher ik�ticr ur drmanJ�►n Nurt����rr.
<br /> ,; ;' ° IS. BorroN•er's Righl to ReinsWte. If Rurrowrr mr�t. rcrl•rin canJilian+. Barruwcr �hull huvr �hr righ� tu huvr -0
<br /> , .. ' �nfurcement of thi+Securiry In�irumrn�di.c„ntinurd:n any timr priar���du�;irlier �,i• �.0 5 day.ior.uch uthrr�xriixl a� �
<br /> . ° � Singlc F,mul�•-FAnnk�1rc!FrnldM\tw 1�IFIIR�I 1��11'RI�IF.�1' -•I ndnm�C�N.nmh 9'90 qa�er a n/���ti�u�•�� ��.._.
<br /> o �,
<br /> c ti, i • .. �,�.��.
<br /> ,;►f.,-s� , , _ �
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