,��� . : : ----�_
<br /> �n ` �1 ��':���- --. _�,,;.. ��� ''I
<br /> , •i -::�1e� �t�IWIG�I�aa�.e ._- - ..�_�
<br /> . �;� M�
<br /> r ;,.:. 91--102902
<br /> .° ';�� ,
<br /> periads tlwt Lender rcyuire�. 'll�e insu�e carrier providing the in+�urauKe�►hull he choticn by eurrowrr subj�ct to l.ender i+
<br /> uppmvul which rhull not be unrcueonahly wi�hhcld. If Borrower fuilx�o maintain c�rvcrage dc�:ribed abavc,l.c�►der myy,at
<br /> + I,ender x a�tion,�t+toln caveruge to pmtect Lender��ights in the Pmperty in uccnrdwue wilh parograph 7.
<br /> - � t All fn�urunce policies and renewuls nhull he ucceptnble t��Lender wui xhull include u.�anda�d m�►rtguge cluuxe. Len�r
<br /> Khull have�he�1ght tu huld�he policicK and renewulw. lf Lcndcr reyuires.Borrowcr shull promptly givc to Lcnder ull m�:cipts -___
<br /> '��_ __ uf pAld qcmiumx und rcnewal noticex. In t he evenl o f lo.c,H�r ro w e r x h u l l g i v e p m m p t no�ice to the in�urunce came�ond
<br /> -- '�"�"°`` Lw;�ukr. Lc�uf�r muy makc proot'oi Im,if u�d�iiadr pmmMly hy Bormv�er.
<br /> °.�; .' �'.� U�IeY�L.ender c�d&�rrower�Kherwi,e aEtrce in writing. imurance prcx:eedx�hull be applied to restomtion or rcpuir ot �
<br /> ,it�.• ��r pmperly dtunaged, if�he re.torutiun ur repuir ix ewnomicully feu�ible And l.ender� kcurity i�not le+sened. If�he �.
<br /> �k•�' rctitorutian or repnir is not econamieully Yeu.,ible �x Lender� +ecuriry wcwld be Ie.rrened, �hc imurunee proceedx shull be �,
<br /> - - —',����.�:'• upp{led ta 1ha sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument.whelher or na then due,wi�h uny eacess paid ta Bormwer. If
<br /> -� -�`��;���:':7 Bortnwer ut�aadons the Propeny. or dce+ nat un�wer wilhin 30 duyx u aotice Prom Lender that �he iaxurnnce cumer ha�
<br /> —��.?���� offered ta r,eule a claim.�hen Lender may collrct Ihe imurunce prcxeed�. Lender muy uxe�he proreed.ta repuir or restare 6.��°
<br /> -- =�^t:�3..
<br />� ' ` +.ia:r�._._,.,;;,,,;,� Ihe PmpeAy or to pay sums securcd by thix Security Inslrutnen�,whether or not�hen duc. 7'he 3tWoy pe�iod will hegin when :ff,s,,;;_
<br /> .-�.,,,:�.- .....„ �he aatice i�given. -
<br /> � "`"`=�_ `• �' � Unlecg I.ender and Bom►wrr alherwi�e agree in wridng,uny applir.nion ot'pr�x��eJ,ta pri�cip:►I shull nat extend or �_
<br /> — .������ '�°' ti� ne�he due dute of thc manthly puymeniti referned to in parugruphs I und�ar chunge the umount of Ihe puyments. lf
<br /> ;°:nCst�r�u•_, P��P�
<br /> �F;�:�;�--= under purngrnph 21 the Property ic ucquired by[_.ender, Borrawer's right to uny in�_�muue Ex►licies und pmceedr�rcsulting
<br /> - ��•�°••��� from dama e lo the Pro rt rior�n the uc uisition shall putis�o i.ender�o�he ertent af the sums secured b thtti Sswurit
<br /> ��c�:�� B Pe,YP N y y
<br /> '�'t�°'!�'�'� I��;nwnen�immediutely pnor�a the ac uisiiian.
<br />-- .�II�i,Jl _ :.V
<br />__- _�:��;�_ �._ . . �.. Occuppncy. PreservAlfop. aintenance and Protection of Ihe Properl�; &►rrower's Loau A�pplication: �„_
<br /> --�„�"*Yw;r�,`�:.,;�;•""�'�y L�seRnoid.�. Borrawer�;hull arupy.estublish.anJ u.e cler Pruperty ur Bormw•cr:pnacipal residernr within•ix�y cfay.after �;��n�
<br />- - �:`,:�r+'S.:..:. � �he execution of this Securiry Insuumem und atwl!contittu� tu c►ccupy the Propeny:�s Burn,week principal rexickn�e fur ut _
<br /> - -_—.:;�,,� ..:,..u.
<br /> - leust one year ufler �he dute of cx:upuncy, unlexs Lender othenvi�:e agree, in wri�rog• wAich ccxuent xhull not be 6TM
<br /> ' ' �. ' unrea.tionubly wilhheld,or unles.extenuoting circum+�unces cxitit whirh ure t�yond Bum►wer�co�etrol. Burruwer+hull not __
<br /> :- .:�,�,, •.� . .
<br /> _ � � °��;;r;�. des�roy,dnmuge or impuir Ihe Property.ullow the Pmperty to deteriorate.ur commit w;��tr at thr Pn�peny. Born�wer shull
<br /> _ - be in default if uny forfeiwre actie►n or praceeding,whether civil or criminul,i.r hegun that in Lender:gaad fuith judgmcnt
<br />'" ,,��. 't� ` could result in fixfeilure ut�h�: Propeny or othenvise materiully impair �he lien cmutc�t hy �his Securiry Ins�rumrnt u� ____
<br />----�'-� I.e�xler's xecuriry interest. Borruwer mny cure tiuch u defuull und reinxtute,a,pnwi�kd in parugruph 1 R,by cuusing Ihe uctiun �
<br /> �J �'�'� ''��%�'' " or pra:eeding to be dixmis.ed with A ruling thu�,in Lender+good faith detcrminution,precludes iiirtciture oi'�he Bormwer�
<br /> �_xik;'f� e�.•� ,' —
<br /> "-''=.ti '�,��� interest in 1he Piroperly or other muteriAl impairment of'Ihe lien created by �hix Srcunry lmtrumen� �r l.cnder+security ��
<br /> :;;":�i �' ioterc4�. Borrower shull ul,u t+e in defuult if Bormwer, during Ihe loan uppliration prckez+. gave mutrrially fulu ur _ '
<br />_ "�`" . ,.;,, �:
<br /> "''i'` � `%U ' inaccurate informution or stalemrntx to Lender(or failed to pmviJe Lender wilh any mu�eriul infarmu�ion)in canne�Uon wi�h
<br />-='=�'`� ��'�-�y��`—!��4-=� the Inan P�idenced bv the Note, including, but not IimitNd t�, ropn�+�n�v�i�n+ «n�erninF &�ROwer: ckcup:�y of thc _
<br /> :.,-�:�,: °,�
<br /> ] .�;;:� propeny u�u principal residcnce. If�his Security lnsuument i�on a leu.choid,Born�wrr�haii cuwpiy w iih ai: n pmvixiom - --
<br />..`;,`,•, �,lj,'.•; �,,;`•';; }, ',` of the le�ue, Ii garrower:►cyuires fec title to the Pto�rty,the leuuhuld anJ�he f'ec tiUe shull nrn merEc unle+�L�ndcr ugreex
<br />, •,�� ,�.n,u .. ° tc��he mcr�ter in wdting. �-_-
<br /> „ �,;`, �,
<br /> - ��' � 7. Protertion of Lender's Rights in the Property. IF Borcowcr 1'uilti a► {x�form thc covens�ms ►uKl uFnemen�+
<br /> �� " '�` w��� �;'`' � romuined in �hi+ Securil In�tn+mem.ur�here i� a IrKal prcxeeding thut muy xiEniGranUy nffect Lendtrti right, in the ��'•
<br /> - ,I;�{;s.. �, .;�; �• •:`� �� Propen}•(aueh as a praeeding in hankniptcy.pnibate.for cond�mnutiun or ti�rlciturc nr to enti�rce luwz ar regulution+),ihrn
<br /> ,.:,.
<br /> • ;�`'� fi•�• .' Lender muy dn s►nd pay fbr whutever iti ncrc,+ury to prot��t the vuluc o(tlx Property und Lcndcr's righls in the Pm�x ny.
<br /> � ' r�Y�� ����''�4'F,'"' Lenderk actions ma�y includc puyinE uny +ums.�curcd by u lien which hu,priority over�his Cecurity Insttument,appeunng
<br /> �� �:��:;�>����. •s in caun,puying reau►nublc uuomcy,'terx und cntcring on the F'm{►cny to make npuirti. Although Lender muy �uke acnan —
<br /> �� ,;,,:,i '±�' '���'�;:i;'���: ,, unJ��Ihis paragruph 7.Lendrr dt�es nnt have lo Ju+o.
<br /> ; .�, �'. ' .i .:�,�var�� , , Anv umounts di,buned i+.. Lcndcr undcr thi+purugruph 7 sh�ll Ixcomc udJitionid deb�uf Banuwcr .ccurcd hy thi+ �:-_
<br /> , ;5,� j : Securiry�lnstrument. Unless Bnrn���rr and Lend��ugrce�o other tcrnn uf puymcm,lhe�c umounh�hull ixar inlcre+t from the
<br /> �,,.`,. � ti . , dute of di,bw.ement ut thc Note rut�u�d rh:ill he puyable. with inlcrctil, upon notice t'mm Lrndrr ta Bormwer rcyucs�ing
<br /> ���;,�� ,. , �� , . � paymgnt.MortgaRe Insurnnce. lf Lender rcyuired mong:�ge insurtinre n.n cuixlitiun ol'muking ihc Inun +ecured hy�hi+
<br />'':!':,;. �,f,:� ti,:;� ,•xtf:�r�;��, .., i ��curiry Inxtrument. B��rrowcr sfiull pay thr premium. requireJ tu m�intuin thc mongi�ge insur+mce in�t'tect. If. li�r uny
<br /> :•-:��,,:'..;, �, „.`•;�.'•E�,;. ;.. . � ,, ,.
<br /> ..,,;, •, ;•.,:�� .�d,�,�,�.,, rcason.the mongu�� insuruncc covrru�,� rcyuireJ hy Lcnder lup.r+ or ccu,c+ tu hc in ei'fect, sorrowcr .hall p•ry the -- -
<br /> "`'� �• �• i,• �. �+� ,r�•' , premiumx reyuircd to ohtuin cm•erage ,ub.t:u�tially cyuividrnt �o �hr m�,ngagc in.uruncc previuu�ly in effcr�. ut a co.� �.�-
<br /> ��.���"�: •" " ,i. .�.',�. � substuntiully eyuivulcnt w thc ras�tu Borcowcr of ihr mungagr intiurance pmviou.ly in rtfect.from un al�rmatr m�xt@a�ge �`
<br /> ' ,:,�(.,•�� i � �• ,• °__..
<br /> `.'.�,s�f�' � �.:�'-�'� •� in+urer u roved b LenJcr. li'wb�tantia{ly eyuivulent mon�.a�.� in+urancc c�wcraE� is niit avuiluhle.Born�wer+hull pay w �-
<br /> _�,_.}.",�ti' .,--. "` ,� ' Lender erph month u xum rqual ta one-twclfth��f�hr yrurly mortgugc insur:mcc prcmium Ixing puiJ by Rormwcr wtnn 11x _
<br /> r .:'��'-.
<br /> � ,� .
<br />- ° � �•5 � in�urainc coveragc lup�rd or ccau d tobe in�f'fecl, LenJer will arccp�.u:cc:md re�uin�he,e paymcnt.o.a I��+,rc.ervc in lieu _a_
<br /> ,' , .'ti °r," ' ofmonguge insuruncc. Lovv rr+ervc paymem� muy nu km�cr I+c rcyuirad.�n Ih���ption ol'LenJer. it'mon�tu�c in�ur•rncc �:-
<br /> k#�''���� " • � coveruge(in Ihe umount unJ for Ihe �ri+xl Ih:it LenJrr r�yuire.l pro��id.d h��an in�urer��ppnwrd hy Lrnder aguin Ixcometi �"
<br /> ''��%:;y � '��� uvail�ble anJ i.oMuimJ.Borri�wrr.hall pa} ihr pr�mium,rcyuircJ ui maia�tain m�mgagc imur.�n�r in rifect.��r to providc a
<br />_ .,,�i:, ,. ;
<br /> • `� lo�x re�ervc.until the rcyuircmunt ti�r mohF►�gc in.uruncc cnd.in urcuniancc w•ith anr�wriucn a�r.emcnt tx�x�rcn Borm�vcr �
<br /> � und Lcnder ur applicablc I:iw.
<br /> � ' • �� 9. Inspertiun. Lcndcr�x ia :i�:enl ma) rnake re:uunahle�nt�ir�u�x�n and im�xru�m�ul Ihc Pro�xrty'. L�ndcr.hall
<br /> ... ��ve Borrower nutice at ihr lim.ol'ur priur Io an in+�xrtion,�xcit}•ing rLa,unahk r.�u.e tix Ihe im�xction. � �
<br /> ��'�'', 10. Condemnulion. Thr pnxr�dti nl'im�• award ur rlaim lirr damaEr�.dirccl rr runuyurnlial,in runncctiim ailh am {
<br /> ;•'•t•: .; '
<br /> ;rir`•" v.� tiinElr F�ro�h��FMnnie�luNh'rcddie�furl\IFIIR�f l\5dR111t:\7 t ndu�ml'���.nam. 9/90 ip.�er?,�l�����¢n�
<br /> ..�. .iri � ��R.�tl.i►r�Nu�xMml�nnt,.hn �
<br /> � ., inlR�Mfl[p111�W��SM►9:{l7L7FA%G1�771•11]I _{,�;. .
<br /> � . .1+:i;,�
<br /> —. . . ,.p. , . .,. , :r� . .,.,,ym...-�,, .,s.,,..���{�
<br /> • , .. .. � ,�.. •,. . . . ., . � . ' `r; _ � . :,./'• , ;�..
<br />_ 4 .. �
<br /> . r , . �, . • .. . � . ,
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<br /> . , • � .
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<br /> �� , �
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