.... r �._
<br />- �I . - � . � .- -- ,.�� " .-_-
<br /> .. � .,.. ,:; -:.�,t. - - �=
<br /> ' ' �'�; xti_ '-r:-,« ,�..
<br /> ` i�,,. . . . :�, •_-- -__ �
<br /> �
<br /> � ,i . ---
<br /> � ,. —
<br /> �' ��'� iO���w
<br /> • ,� is
<br /> - �" �ppltc�ble law�m�y�peciiy for�'einst�tement)bcfore sale d tfa ProPCny P�rxuent to any powcr oi salo conta�ned in th
<br /> Secur{ty I�caument:or(b)entry af�judgment enfarcing thi�Security Instnsmcnt. 'tUos�o condition�aro that Brnmwcr. (a)
<br /> , p�ys Lender�ll cums which Ihen would be duc under Ihi�Socudty �nstrumcnt and the Ncuc as if no asccler�tfon hod
<br /> occurnd;(b)cures any default of any otber covenmts or ogran'�cros;lc)p�ys�II oxpenses ineurted in cnforcin�this Secu�iry
<br />.._. Instrument. includfn�.but not limited to.reason�ble �ttomeys'fees� ond(dl takes such acdon as Lender may rcwconably
<br /> ;.;{;;_ roquim to assw�e th�t�he�kn af tNis Security Instrurtrcnt.Leider'�dghts in tho Prope�ty end Borrower�obUgatlon ro pAy tho
<br /> -- --- sums sscureJ by thi� Secudty lnstnunent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securfly
<br /> Instrunxnt wid the obli�tiaas�ocwed hercby sl�ll rcmain Wlly efFective as if no acceleratlon hnd accurred. iiowevex.�hir
<br />'�..'� f .� �iQht to rcinst�ic shall�a apply in the case af a:celcrAtion under puagraPh 17.
<br />- _ _-_��,�.,,� �q� ��}Notej L'h�n�e of Loap gerv{cer. '11u Note ar a panial interest in 1he Notc(together with this Secudry
<br /> � Instrument)may be sold one ar more times without prior not�ce�o BprtoWer. A ss+lc may result in a chunge in�hc emiry
<br /> -- - (knawn as the"Loxn Servlcer")that collects man�hlY paymenta due under Ihe Noto und this Security Inauument. There also _
<br /> m�y be ono or more changes of tho Loan Sorvlcer unrelated io u sale of the Note. I f�hen is u c hange o i t h e I.oan Servicer. �u:_
<br /> """':_��'•::r��� Bomc�wer wfll be given wdtten natice af Ihe change in necordance with paragraph 14 ubove und uppNcuble law. The nwice e,,},.z-.
<br /> _� _—_�;;;=-�� will sute the name and address of the�eew l.oan Servicer and Ihe address ta which paymenta shauld bo mada. The noticc wfll - -
<br /> also contpin any other infortnstion requicca by Applicable Iaw. _
<br /> °— �-���y� =p, }�r�,y gub�tance.y. Bocrower shall not cause or pertni�c cM(x'eset�ce.use,disposal,slornge,or neleure af any _
<br /> � Hazardous Subetances on oe is�tt�e�to�eriY. Bomower shall aa da.nor aUovr anyone else to do,anylhing uffecting ihe
<br /> -- °-�.=z: .� Property that ls in vi.otatian oE anX�nvuoeui�ental Luw. 'llu preceding two sentences shall not upply ta the prese�ce,use,or _
<br /> _--_.�;y;��;�°;'~ . storage on tl►e Pbpetty of small qua�taties of Hazallous Subuanc^es diat ure gener�liy�ecognized to bc appropriute to nornwl
<br /> _��. residentia!uses aed to mai�►cen�nce of the PtopettY• demaaa.lawsuit or otl�er action by any —
<br /> �_ ; �"».'�: ` P�P�Y 8
<br /> _- -- — _,, Ya,,.;a Barowa�sl�al! ive Lender wnaen noli�.�of nny 6ovcscigation,claim. -_---
<br /> ,_ .,`�'.�•, or vate invdving 1he Property and any Huzardous Subsuu�ce ar Environmen�al �„
<br /> :�;`�,�'.Hr f;,ti.� govemmeMal or trgulatory iBencY P� P�Y �
<br /> L.aw of which Borrower hAS actual t�-nowledge. 16�orrower leama, or is notiRed by any govemmental or regulatay
<br /> n—. �� : . ':,. . ' is nece Bamower
<br /> = _ , ,._ .�.,+ au�horiry.tdt s�ny removal or otlie�remed3ation of any Ha�ardous Subswnce aifeeting the Property �Y• �•_-
<br /> - n
<br /> �_:,t�,,-,"' �.'.;,.
<br /> k,,. , ,.,,. ahall prompdY,take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental w.
<br /> _'-�:-�'i ,�_..;..: As used��Uus para8raph 20,"Hazurdous Substonces"a��those substances defined as taxie or huardous substances by _`'
<br /> d������h�y t:y��,;;i�: Environmentat i.aw and the following substances: gusoline. kerosene,other ilamrnable ar tc��xic peaoleum products,toxir
<br /> `-��,��n� �,r'���•� pesticldes aad herb+cides,volatile salvents. materials containing asbesros or famuldehyda. an:] radioactive materials. As �,.;r:,
<br /> 1.'.��.,..;:, , � PcriY �,F:'.
<br /> �r>` , S, used in thia pauagraph 20.'Environmental Lttw"means federal laws and laws oi the 'urisdiction whero ihe Pro is locuted
<br />..;;�.:.• „-`.,..<< ( ... �'_=
<br /> ��i�.,.r,{;.
<br />__ R;ta�.;.• �F thet relate to health,safety ar environmental protectton. .�,;:-
<br />..rLL��;, :�' ' NON-UNIFORM COVEfYANTS. Borrower nnd Lender fuhher covenant und agree as follows: _...,
<br /> r,•�p
<br /> a ' ' '���'`� il. AccekrAtbn; Remedies. Leader shAll give nodce to Borrower prlor to Acceleration fdlowing Borrower s
<br /> �, , �� '� n�r.skh af any covenant or ap�eement in thls SecurNy ia4trument (but not pr[or to pccelerollon uader paragrAph�'� ■r�•_'
<br /> n
<br /> j���'`��'���;"> unless A pplkable law pravides oWerwlse). The notice atu�11 apeciiy: Is�l ihe dei'xuii:ib1 tiie�ct3aa sc�ulccs!!a curs 1!� .
<br /> l'`,�a��: .,� •,' '�"
<br /> `°'- def�ult;(c)a date.not less t hnn 3 0 d ays f Yom t h e da t e t h e n o t l c e i s g i v e n t o B o r ro w e r,b y w h k h t 6 e d e f n u l t must be ,�,�r r r-
<br />-=.;�,�'� , -� �f'�; � cured;ond(d)that Pailu�e to cure the default on ar betore the date specl8eal in the ndke may result in acceleration ot •''`"
<br /> ,i�ti•,.
<br />,_ �y� ,r,:,:.
<br />_ 'ti Ihe xnms secured by thls 4ecurily Instrument and sale of the Prope�ly. The naNce sh�11 further inform Horrower af' �r�-�
<br /> '";'� '��"`��°"'" ''��t``� the rlght to�einstate nfter eccekraUon and Ihe right to bring a court actbn lo�s,sert the non•existence of a default or __cR�•n
<br /> :��. � ��" �� �fy�'','�> An olher defense of Borrower to accele�ation and sale. It the defwult is not cured on or before the date specified fn Q.'�1�=
<br /> _'. . } ".a:...; . : •F.. Y
<br />��� .��., .,
<br /> t6e notice,l.ender at Its option may requfre immediate payment in full of all sum4 secured by this Security Instrumeot .�:�:
<br /> - � ��j;�^'°��'^+`'•1 � wlthout further demand and may invoke Ihe power d snle and any other remedies permitted by applicAble law ,:•--.
<br /> '��i ^. �—W_
<br /> �,�. ��� Lender shall be entided to rnllect �II expenses incarred fn pursuing Ihe remedies provided in Ihis paragraph 21. �
<br /> _ .��+� ; �:.�,ti;;�.� incl�ding,buf not limited ta reasu�wble�ttarneys'fees pad costs of tille evidence.
<br /> ., �
<br /> _ • � ���,. - If the power of sale is invoked�7lrustee shwll re��urd A nntice ui default in each wunty in whtch any part of the
<br /> � • ' Property is bcated and shpll mall copi�of quch noNce in t Ne manner prescribed by applicAble I�w ro Borrower and to
<br />_y�..;;.` � ':+-�+`-L�y��_.• the other persons prescribed by opplicable law ARer the time required by ApplicAble law,7Yuw/ce shall give puWic �.-�
<br /> I notice of sale to the persons and fn/he manner prescribed by Applicable Ipw. 7lrustee,without demand un Borrowen �,,-�.
<br /> . si: -r4�r.ir�,�'. �
<br /> -'i�lr, ....
<br /> -�:�`'�. , shwll sell the Property at public auctlon to the highesf bldder Al the time and place and under the terms designated in _
<br /> � ,�s`�� �;,1 the notice oi sale In one or more parcelR and in any orde"ri'ustee determines. 7tuslee may postpone sale of all or any
<br />:.��.� _.
<br />•�}� .�,':;'. � :;}�;,, pprcel of the Property by public announcement nt the tGne and pince of any previously scheduled lwle. Lender or i�g
<br /> �, s •;L���+`� desl�nee mAy purcbs�se the Proper4y at Any sale. ..
<br /> �'�'� � � Upon receipl of payment oi'the price b�d.'I�ustee shell deliver to the purchase� 'IYastee's deed conveying the �--
<br /> - �:! ;(�l..{�.�4 Y .1:'1 .,
<br /> �� ., Property. The recituas In+Ihe'Ilrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence oi the truth of the slotements made therein. [�,'."
<br />�-r'-'°{��'� ''•'•• 7Y�tutee sWdl app�y the proceeds of the sale{n the foNowing urder: lal to all costs and expenses of exercisln�the power ""`
<br /> , �
<br />:��� , _ ���"`;�;�:
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