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<br />_-� TOGETyBR WITH all the imptovcmenu naw or Ixrcafter crrxtod on the praperty.end �11 eusemerns.wPpurtenwuea,
<br /> pnd fixturea now or hercafter a p�rl af the property. All rcplacementa wx!additfona shall afao be covercd by this Security
<br />- Insuument. Alt of the forcgoing is rcferred to in this Secudty I�slrument rs the"Propeny."
<br />_�.�:.
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully xeised af thc e�tate hereby conveyed and has!he rfght p► grant
<br /> � • and canvoy�he Propaty and thac�he ProPeny is unencumbered,except for encumbranccs oi record. Baaower wurronu
<br />�= t
<br /> - -_ -------- --- --__ _� a�iR dtfend�enm�!!y the�itle�o�hr Pnyw+ny n�ains��II claims and demands.subject ta uny encumbranas af rec . .
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUM8IVT combines unifam cavenants for national use w►d non-u�ifarnt cavensu�ts W��n _
<br /> -, ' �irNted va�adom by judsdictian ta constitute u uniPonn secudty instrument covedng rcal propenY•
<br />` � ,.,�� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender cavenant wtd agrce as follaws: � wh�duc tha
<br /> ---��:��; � ; 1. Paqment of P�incipwl s�ad Interest;Pre{wyment And Ls�te Chwrges. Borrower ahsdl prompl y ps+Y
<br /> _�__`.� principul of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note snd any prepayment and late charges due under�he Nate.
<br /> ___ ___�I� ]. Ftiad9 far 7pxes aad I�urwnee. Subject to applic�ble luw or to u wriaen wuiver t►y l.ender,Botrower shall pay to �
<br /> _ Le�der on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is puid in full,n sum l"F1md�+")fpT: lal yensly
<br /> _,..�d_�, twees su►d asseasment�which mny attain pdority over this 5ecurity Instrument as a lien an the PropertY�(b�Y��►��I ���d g _
<br /> --- ---._._�
<br /> paymenis or ground rents oe tt�e P�operty. if anY: lal Y��Y h�d ar property insurance premiums�: ( 3� Y
<br /> -o.:.�•..�u�9 insurance prcmiums,if any:(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and l� anY sum� PaYaL� �►�g°�0"�'tt �o
<br /> -- `"'°'-:� Lender.in acconiaoce with ttie pmvisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the puyment of ma»gage insuranc.'e P�'ec�ux�s. 'These
<br /> --- - iceros atr called"F.scrow Items." Lender may.at aey time,collect aed hold Funds in an amauM nat to e�Ceed 1hr maximum
<br /> - =ern�`;' wnount a leader fa a federAlly related mortgage loan may requi�e for 6cx�ower�eacxow account uncier the federul Re�l
<br /> � Estate Setttea�ent p�ocedurec Act of 1974 as amended from time�o time.l2 U.S.C.$�fial�t seq.(•'RPSPA").untess+uiother
<br />----��=,^•�,� -, law�hat a lies to the Flmds sets a lesser amount. If su,Lcndcr may,at any tirrte.em�l9eca aaid hold Fu�nl.w in s�n amount �roe to .� =;..
<br /> --T.. ..,+� .,.��� � •
<br /> =�-=�,�La�, eaceed the lesser amount. l.ender may estimate the umount of Fur+d.g due on t�he bASi,oh�uarent ciata wid reasc�uuab�e , ��,;,;,
<br /> �_,��_;�,�, �•' esdmAtes af ezpenditurex o�fumre Escrow Items or aherwise in siccorclance with upplieublc la��. _
<br /> -- � 'fhe Flinds shall bc�hcld in an institution whose deposits are insured by u federaf agrncy, insinimenta8ty,ur cntity _
<br />� = r;'''��.•:'`''��� •(including i.cnder.if l.ender is auch an institutionl or in any Federa�Home Loan Bw�k. l.ender sh�ll apply the Funds to pay = _
<br />:rl�i,. . ,',.•'�.,r._: . .- ���.-�
<br /> the Eserow Items. Lender mey not charge Borrouk� Por holding and applyin�tfi�c Funds. annually onalyzing the escrow
<br /> —���;,"�"' uccoum, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lertc�r pays Borrower incerest,o� ihe Funds and applicable law pem��ts
<br /> !�y;�#�a#:°.. Lender to make such a charge. However.L.ender may rcqwre Borrower to pny u one-time char�e for an independeM real -
<br /> ���..� estate tax repatting service used by Lender in connection wi�h this loan,unless s�pplicable law provides otUerwise. Unlesa un ��,�..
<br /> agreem�nt is made or applicuble law rcquires intenest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrawcr ony interest or �,,,
<br /> �v�.�;_�,e�;, earnings on the Funds. aotrower and Lender may agrec in writing,however,that irntcrest shall be paid on the Fands. Lrndec �,�_,
<br />:� °•, ��.'� � shall give to Aornower,witS�out charge,un unnuul Aecaunting of the Funds,showin�credits nnd debits to the Funds suid the ��
<br /> ` - � Y�r w1i't:.h Pa:.h dcb3t to!he Ftsnds was tnade. 'fhP R�mdc are pledged as u�ldilional security for all sums secured by
<br /> '��� �-�� iii S curity]nstrument.
<br /> � �- �� If�he Funds held by Lender exceed �he wnuunts permiued to be held by app�icable law. Lender shull uccount to _
<br />_..�� ,�;, - .,;..,:, Barrower for Uie excess�Funds in uccordunce wi�h the requirements�f appfl�able law. If ihe umaum of the Funds held by ��
<br /> '"' �;�,i;��•;_ „ ' Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Eacrmv ltems when Jue,Lendtr may so notify Borrower in writing, and.in y,i�(�,
<br /> �•,
<br /> Y�•� t s^ �.. •� ;1 such ense Borrower shall pay Io Lender the amoun� necesx�►ry to make up Ihe deficiency. Borrower shall mAlce up the ;,..
<br /> sa
<br /> �,��;;'�; '-� de�ciency in no more thun twc)ve monthly puymems,at Lenderk tiole discrction ,4i'�=
<br />�_'' Upon payment in full of All xums secured by this Securiry lns�rumem,Lender.hall promptly refund to Bortower uny ��
<br /> �. . '
<br /> i� �"' �'� �''` �� ' Funds held by L.ender. If, under paraga+ph 21,l.ender�all acquim or sell the Propercy,Lender, pnor to the ucquicilion or �.�
<br /> , i#3,. . � .
<br /> �,,��,;_.,, � . xale of the Property, shpll apply nny Flmds held by Lender ut the time oi'ucyuisition or wle as �credit against ihe sums �rt;,
<br /> - ',��:-�: • �,...� secured by�his Sewrity lnswment. t'"°.
<br />- •.�c:•i.�; �+f��:�. , 3. Appllcadon oP Pt�yments. Unless upplicuble luw provides otheiwise, ull payments received hy Lender under �,t.t.:
<br />-.''�'�. ,�� . ..�r�tti;;�i par�graphs I and 2 shall be upplied:�rst,to any prepayment churges due under the Note; second,to amoums payuble under �� .
<br /> >:.', �,�,.i,.,•:, l�t''tt:E;;,y parpgraPh 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;sind lact,to uny late charges due under the Note. �..,_
<br /> ���$ .',�'�t�r�ti�;,• A. Chargest Lieos. Bortower shall pay all tAaes, assetismen4c, chorges, fines und impositions auributublc to the ,.
<br /> ;�;,.,r �',� ,.•,�._,, .,, pruperty which mny auain prioriry over this Security Instrumen�.and leasehold pnyments or ground rents. if any. Borrower �,:�i;.
<br />'':` d�'�'''�= shall pay these obligutions in the munner provided in psuugroph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on �:,
<br />?" •°�`� . time directly to thc person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notice.r•ot umounts tci be paid under �'t'�`'�
<br />.� ' �.•..
<br /> -, ,, ,;� �! this parag�aph. If Borrower makes�hese payments direcdy,Borrower shull prompdy fumish�o Lender receipts�videncing -
<br /> �" � ' -;-a q,e_ . . the payments.
<br /> "'���,� Bomower sholl prompUy discharge uny lien which hus priority over this Securiry In�trument unless Bormwer.la)�grees �..
<br /> `��;a�Y -'^._-w':°:,.
<br />=� ��� in writing to the payment uf Ihe obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lender,(b►contests in gaad faiih the
<br /> --.�_. —_
<br /> _;;� �"�' � lien by,or defends ugains�enforcement of the licn ln,legnl pra:ecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />��::,� ?�'��:'='°' ,' enforcement of the lien;or(cl secures from the holder of the lien nn ugreement satisfstctory to l.ender subordin.�ting the lien
<br /> �" d�*�• to lhls Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that any patt of Ihe Property is subject ro a lien which may att�in priority �-
<br /> u-v���� `��••';:�.� � •-• over this Security Instrumem.L.ender muy give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. 8ortower shall s�tisfy�hc lien or take
<br /> ° � one or mare of ihe acaons set forth ubove within 10 duys of the giving of notice. -�--
<br /> ..';''� • 5. Hazard ar PRSOlperty�nsumnce. Borrower�hull keep the improvctne�ts now exiating or hereufter erccled on the ,Y ,
<br /> � Property insurec�aguinsy lc�ss by fire,huzurds included within the term"catenJ��ro��erage" und uoy other huzuds,including
<br />�°`''''•� h , , , iloods or flaoding,for which Lender rcyuires insurancc. This insu�anre +hal7 'h�maint•rined in the amo�nts and for the
<br /> .�
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