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. _ f . , . . . e;.er_� --. • 2nirfe:ye� }�'., �. -.��. ,� - — ---�' � <br /> . �:.' �v ,a .r1 a� w i'�'�,.L•"44'.t._"`�.11's�.f..'7f6[idtY!�.:.�iC:tnu• t.:Yi,r.�Y�--•'�s- --- <br /> - ' `���.--- - — <br /> ,N �� <br /> _��a��_...• ]'.a w.�.�iJ� —_—�r�l�'�:v —.._.. _--. <br />:.-':�,.ryf.f—. ___-- —"__ _.. <br />,.- . _M w�. �� �� __ —__ _ _ -__�,-�7���_l f�.'__s—�`r � . <br /> � ����' lc <br /> ���'� �d���P�� � i'. ri - _ <br /> �'�Ms ��(0�0�1�11��►�af����`��f',������� �' <br /> �O�.IMI����'����1��.�����YM 0��;N11��!�!'�'':°: -- <br /> flii{��0�lO.�.�Of. . • _ , . <br /> �111�M OM���O��1��l��O�Ir4�'(�.�AOp���`i�{�M�m/�Mf�������+ . <br /> M�1�101'Of'IMM f11tl�1�/, N�Ib ily�}�10 S11�IOOR. `1W 511�4�1�'1�0�lu0 pl�/�!1 N16�11�� .'. <br /> mMtca�v.tMe ot n�e rra�.�ey Lal�dl�ir bd�ao aie aidfy ira�l en•�pe�er+1�a da�aaoimt wr t��a ey:�IMi. .. <br /> 9eoutjty i�lini}rdi�let!►biefo:e�i!�t.�fl�e4-E�i�et�ed,l.e�da'txl►envl�e�ra ia writio�.lbe ur�ut Mikos�ll/M!► . <br /> thi� Sewri�r tuaaua�ent �MII 6e eeduoed by d�e aenoime of tbe pnaede�-�nuldpiied t�y We�i.t ffr,Masf�: N� � � ' • <br /> amount uf tbe ss�m�reeneied hmmqdirtdy,bdore.the�.divfded by(b)dre 1Mir e�ee�A+�le'6�I�e� � , <br /> bal4xn dws nWn�. My bd�mae�lall be pid 10�on+o�at, Ia d�a a�edt of�prrti�l k�k6K of da�'e�npalpi bs�rlMk�y�MR�MI�. � <br /> aMrloec v.�ue of a�e rrape�ty iaraeai�tely ber«�e d�e aida�u la�s m�a ab+snowM oi We�,�a i�xr�ed'i�oNr�d�as�tl�:�_ , . � . <br /> aking,uNas Borrower and i�a16e��vi�e yroe In�or�atlaa�p�licsbb�Ithir olt�aiw�Itie p�o+rida.d�o pi�q�q4t�.�: , <br /> 6e�pplied to tho wMS�ea�rod bjr th4 Sec�yt tir�umms wf�etha ar uot die�aon4.sae t6m doe. . .�'�,<�'it•<;.�., „.;,��,`''.���; <br /> if the P,n�aty k�6r�.doned by 9anowa�.ar�a eiotio�by t.a�ideU�lv'�'or,�a�rbrt thie aa�de�olXees�va�1�+!�k�"!�;-`�;t':;�;; <br /> aw�td br setdo a cl�p��'or drowe�.Bo�rowe�f�W to rapond to Lader f�i1� 30 ��rs�Eer tbe dws dia • �iv�►�''��:.;:`�•,,� <br /> ` 4!s �le� ..��+�rsrft3s� ��,,. �-t��ii�'•a, <br /> t.�fs�'!ei�il�ex�,'�rr�,r x�fy tkr Psa�,a! ep�va, �,,�. ��t ` : : <br /> ��I�f sEGa(��Q{�f1�ti�'��1�1'Of 110���GII dUC. �1,}�, ft��•�',.. . . � ,.. •.�i;���i�.��;• , •7 i;++' <br /> , VII�Eii �O�CI aDl� BOl'[0�2'i'UI�ICIVYjiC i�fCC�II{Y�[�II,Q. all}I A�1.'1�'MWA1iO�:�M`����0'�fI�A��,� 110�CxfO�bC�r�, � ., <br /> , po�tpone tho due date of the modh1Y p�Ymaus t�eferred to ia pa�aphs 1 a�id�oir cd�c.�e��npunk���u�ah p�ymeats• ;�� ., <br /> I l.B e r ro w e t N o t R e l a M e d i P m�a n o o e B y I.e�l e r N o t a W w lva.l��ter�oa,a�.t�i tl t i m i e t�±��y b�a Y t a r m o d�C a t i o�i �;'�'1, <br /> ot amortint�oa of tba awns soa�rocl Ey thie Secudty L�etnunent gtanted by I.eiRler'{ir ari�!s,� r ia��of Borro�4a ahdl . <br /> not o�pen�te to nelase Ihe liabiliry�o�'.the original Borrowu o�Berrowec's wec�sors iub inic:�I.ender�hall nd b�a t�equirod ta <br /> oonuY�oce Prooeodinp a�inst�hj'si�cxasor in intenst or refuie w exc�nd dme for pqyme�ft or otberwiRe modify�o�ortlralbn �...,., •' <br /> of We wma tocurod by tbis Sbcurity Inatntn�ent by roawn of any demand msde by tha ariginwl �4trower or Hortowa's ••�',•'::,,'� <br /> wocescots In inte�+ect. My fofbuuwioe by Leader ia exereiiin�Any rigbt or remody,�pll �ot be a.vt+a�±+t�l'•,4t'oi,�oClude tbe • <br /> exa+cise of�ny rig�or�emody. , '� .. • ��...��_'.�� . �� <br /> lZ. �c�ec�o.� �ti As�i� Sa�udi ioini�d Sev�-�i i.i�Wiit3't �••,;'�coveu�his� �.�ts qf �: _ <br /> Secudty Instrument atudl bind wid benefit the s�ccescons n�d assigns of Lender and 8qrtn'wer, subJq�t�to the�y'�ion�of <br /> , pa�agmph 17. Borrower's oovcnants and agreements shnll 6e joint and saveral. Any Sorrower wha eti-signo this.Security <br /> instrument but does not executc the Note: (a) is oo-signing this Sacuriry 1�spumem only w mo�tgege,giant aad canvry th�t <br /> Borrower'a i�rterest in the Prope�ty under the terms of this Secu�ity instnunent:(b) ir not pe�sorWly obligakd W pay�fhe sums <br /> securod by thl:Secu�iry Instrw��nt;wxl(c)agrees that Lender�u�d eny other Bor�ower m�y s�grre W extend.modjf�'.�torbear or <br /> nwko any a000mmodadons wi�h rcg�d to the terms of this Security lnstrument ar tht Note wlthout that Borrower'o cornent. <br /> 13.Lwo Ct�rges. If the loan socurcd by this Securfty Instrument is subject to a law which sets max6aum lo�n char�es. <br /> and that Iaw is finally intcrpr+eted so that the interest or other loan cherges collected or to be collocted ia connectlon wlth d�e <br /> loan eavood the permitted lindts,then: (a)any such loan charge shell be roduood by 1he amount nec�ss�ry w reduoe tl�c charge <br /> to the permltted limit:and(b)any sums olmady collected finm Borrower which exceedod permitted limlta wil!be refu�ded to <br /> Borrower. l.rnder may choose ta make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by r�wlcing �diroct <br /> ' payment to Bormwer. If a refund reduces pcincipal, the roduction will �be treated �s a partial� propNymeat wWaut ony <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice ta Eonower pmvided for in thia Securiry Instrument shall be given by deliverfng it or by mailing <br /> it by tirst class mail unless spplicable law requires use of anoi3ier method. The notice shall be diroctad to the Property Addrcac <br /> or any other udd�s Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by lirst clASS mail to <br /> Lender's address stnted hercin ar ony other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice providod for in this <br /> Secudty instniment sfinll be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Leixler when given as provlded in this pnragraph. <br /> 15.Coverning; Severp!►Ility. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the <br /> jurisdictian in which the Pmperty is located. In�he event that eny pravision or claus�:of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> rnnqicts with upplicable law,such ronflict shall not uffect other provisions oP thix Secut�+ty In�trument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the con8ieting provision.To this end the provisions of ihis Securiry Inv�rument nnd the Note are dxlared <br /> to be severuble. <br /> 16.Borrower's Co}�y.Banuwer shall be given one canfurnied copy af the Note and of this Socurity Instrument. <br /> � Fonn 3028 9IO0 ` <br /> ►aps�o!8 <br /> - - '- - -"�--��IB� o.,� Fuocns�f.s--°�-�`°'. . -- - -- � - - _. ._. <br /> .� <br /> r':{ '�'.^"`^ <br /> - �,�n7�I/x!'}A1.T"�[7P�7� �'1l Z.(�} - q ..:„'- . . •� -�-�-.�A..,�:, <br /> ' � �J, �,. ' . ^'���vr�usr <br /> �rr�SilfjP "'. 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