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_ . . � _ _ _ <br /> . , . , . .• . , -�,��: . -�rr,,�..v`W� . .,jl•��a:�-� - <br /> - _= �_�� �, �t' . • " . .x .. .� .. . ' ' . ���� "� -�1�- <br /> ., �7.Trw���t IIm ��l�II�W OrYMSt 4�A��M'.f�r!vt rst a��M he/My►ar 1fili�M1ii �'. <br /> -- ��e11 K p�arbn�ri{a K��i�+�t i���swrr�i�Mii��hrw/�Md��Mt��p�i ,_�F;:�,'` <br /> ��'z-i�-�-� �� .-� I��M�1�tall���_,._'�;:_ <br /> . - 7�- �1��IiOwrNr;��;10�1�1ot�1q�01wt q u _ .� �'i_:�.:�=.:i�=�•r�,w.--= <br /> �����. , , . . . . <br /> K l.�d�r�dd�aptjao.i.Md�r�II�iw D�atrorwr�nda o��ooe�er�tia�7'b��ala�h�N��i�t�Me�oil rl rt , <br /> � IMe tlrw�0 d�f4em Nie d�le t�eotioe i� ddlvl�r�d or m�ii�d�rrhic9r.torlowrr m�t pq al! ��s�d�� , <br /> $eaWity I�t.If Bonoavae fdls bpq fl�pe wms�ior b�iN�ot thl�preiod.LNder iwy �nY , <br /> ��y thi� I�snnnent wMho�t'fYtilhlr naUoe a d�oa 1oe�ow+r. <br /> �anewer'� ts WirtaM. it Ooeeotrer.meot� os�t�in ooadidooR. Boeow�a' �q fade We d�ht lo„b� � . <br /> eid�oanent oC.�hts I�t1�R dro�i�siMd at�o�r tia� to tAe arU�r of: (�)S drys <���P�'�� <br /> �pplicabk law rosy �pecity for �)i�1bq � of the p�wM�t ks wy'pt�Mar of ale la d� <br /> Socwiry Instruaoaat:or(b3 wbY�N�q°�����► 7l�ae oo�dkian�ne dut Horro�r,(s)ps� <br /> Iren�er all wan Mhich ti�ea woidd 6e dae o�da th4�eacity I�hument�aod t4e 1Vole a�if no�ooeiat�on h�d ooc�rnd:lb) <br /> auaa a�q►det'�ult of�q►olher cova�ats a�rea+na�t+:(c) ys ell eapa�ses it�curred in adordn�dds Seairity�� <br /> incl�diq�.Mu not limitod w,rauosN6le�ttoi'c�e�rs'teea;ud(d)q�tOS stxh�etion as Lendor m�Y n�w�a�MY�+e�qaim W�'e <br /> 1ta1 tho lia�ot this 5eauiry IostnuoaN. I�nrder�s d�6�u ia the Propexty�od Bormrra's oMiE�tion w pay tue wim�seoxtal by <br /> this Socudty tastn►roent �11 caotinue oa. Upoa � by Bormwer. this Seaurity Ia�truooeot �d Ibe <br /> obti$attans aaauod l�enby sR�ll ran�io fully effective as if m aooNtratiaa hd oxumed.No�wer,this djht b roiast�e sl�Q <br /> not appl,y ia tho c�o ot ao�oela�tion undat puugnph l7. <br /> 1!. Sfk ot Notei C��at Iro�a Senlar. Tbe Note ac a partial inioreat ia tdo Nota(Wgetlia'with fhis Security . <br /> Ioitmment)mry t�a aokl cu�o or won tlmes witliout prior notia ta Borrorvu.A aak m�y rauft ia a chaqge in the ao�dty(imowa <br /> � os the'Lan Serviar')th�t colloctc montbly p�yctxats due unckr tho Note�ad thk Security imtruotau.'Phero also ayy bet oro <br /> ''ar moro dµ�os of tbo L.wa Savi�r untd�ted to�s�ta oi the Note.It there is a�ng e ot�ho Lan Servioer,Horrowa will!a <br /> _ � � •¢iven writlen nntick+nf the ch�nge in a000rd�non wit6 pwn�craph 14�bovo aod appllcabk 1aw.7'tie notica wjll wte t4o�IUae and <br /> --- -_ ,. �ddrp�a af tlio hew t�}u►Servlcar�nd the x#dras a which paymaits sliouid bo mado. Tho notia wiii dco oorn�in:any ot¢a , - <br /> ;. li�fe�}ion requlfal by applic�ble law. . , . � . ,�.... <br /> 2p. Ha�niou��Sul�Mqoe�. Borrower shqll rat cause or permit thc presenoe.use,disposd. awrega,or release of ury , , <br /> Hazardous Substancxs on or in trie Propaty. Borrower shall not do, nor,a�bw anyune els�: to do, n8 off'ecdng the : <br /> ff <br /> �Propetty that is in violetion of aay�nvironmer►td Law. 'fhe prxaiing two sente+�ces�fwll not ly to t�E pr+esa�ve.uae. or . <br /> d <br /> storage on tho Property of small quandt�es of Na.�rardous Substanoes tlwt a�generally to be approprWe to noranal <br /> residential uses and to meintenonoe of the Propetty. � <br /> Borrower sl�all promptly glve L.ender written notice of'any investigation,claim,demiu�d. l6wsuit or other�cHon b any <br /> c <br /> governmental or rcgulatary agcncy ar privue paRy involving the Property end any Hnrardoua Su1�Attce or F�vi Law <br /> of which Borrower has ac�tual knowledge.if Borrower•leama,or is notitied by eny govemmental or regpiatory authority. tfu�t <br /> any rcmaval or other remediation of any Hazardoua�bstance affxt�ag the PropeRy ic nccese�ry.Borrower ahail prompdY take . <br /> all necessury retr�edial zctions in accordance with Environmental I,aw. <br /> - �►s used{n tltis�raph 20, "Hp���ws Suhcta�oes"are those substu�ces deMed as toxic or h�rdous ab�twnoes by <br /> - Environmontal Law and the folla�ving substances: gasalfne, kero�ene, other flammable ar toxic petroleump�d ucts, toxic <br />= pestiddas and 1�erbicides,volatile solvents,matedals containing ttsbestos or forn�idehyde,and radloactiva mater��le.As used in <br /> ' thia p��apb 20, 'Environmental"meam federnl laws and lawa of the judsdiction wharc the Prope�ty Is looated tiw�t ' <br /> �telate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFOI�M COVENANTS.Borrowcr und l.ender tLrther covenant and agres as follows: <br /> 21. poceleradon;Remcdies. I.ender sl�all give noNce to Borrower prlor to aceeleraUon tollowing Sorro�rcr'a bmac6 <br /> of any oovenant or a�eement in this Secudty Instrument (but not pdor to aocelemdon uoderpa ragrap6 17 unles� <br /> appNcable law provides atherwiqe).The noNce shail speciiys (a)the detpult;(b)the actton requit+ed to piri the detault; <br /> (c)s�dwte� not less than 30 days from tUe date the notice Is�Iven to Borrower, by whkh the de[aWt must be cure�and <br /> (d)that tpilure to cune the detAUlt on ar before the date specifiod In the nolice m�y resWt in aooelerotion ot ttl�e sums <br /> � secured by thle Security Instrument and sale ot the Pmperty.The notice sh�ll iLrther Mform Borrower ot the dght to <br />- �,�,�= relostute After acceleration and tfle�ight to bNng s�court act(on to assert the nornexistenee ot n default or iuty othe�' <br /> ��'4� detense of Borruwer M acceleratlon and sale. If lhe detpult le not cured on or betote the date speciftod In the aottce, <br /> = ,,�. I.ender. at its option, may requlre Immedlale payment in fUll oP all sums secured by this Secu�tly Anstrument without <br /> ti:r turther demAnd and may invoke tho pawer af sale and any other remedies permitted by appikable luw. [.eader shAll be <br /> .a <br /> entitled to collect all expenses incu�ed ia pursuing the remedies provided in this pwragrt�ph 21,induding,but not IGnited <br />` to�reasonable Attorneys'fees and casts of title evfdence. <br /> . �t'+.7y���' <br /> �„y.;.,;�..,K,;:., If thepower of sale is invoked. Trusstee slwll record a notice ot default in eacli rnunty In w61ch wny part ot the <br /> . } Property ts I�cated and shall mail copia of such natice in the manner prexribed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br /> � ,�; the other persons prescribed by appltcahle law. ARer the time reyuired by applicnble law,Trustec sh�ll give publk notice <br /> _ J_ „�� of sale to the penons nnd in the mAnner prescrihed b��applicuble law.Trustee. without demand on Bormwer, shall sell <br /> the Property s►t public uuction to the highest bidder at the tirne and plece and undrr the lern�s de9lgnated in the aotice ot <br /> sale in ane or morc parccls�nd fn Any erder Trustee determ{n�.w.Trustee may postpnne wle of all or anyp�ntil of the <br /> ��r�.i;.•�,;y., proprAy�y public announc�ment ut the time und plACC of uny prevt�w.Rly srheduletl cyle. Lender or its desi�nee mwy <br /> - �.".�'.w,. •". pwrchASe t�he Property at any sule. <br /> �-� {. .�,, <br /> �:.�,�:. ,•,, . <br /> �" � ri' SF:r <br /> �4:�;:�-,�� i?�`��4 = <br /> . -�:.4;�i>i�;4r. 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