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..,.,,�i�4�f�"�'�"'a"�,.�'�.����" °��-�.;—_= _ , .�[.— . <br />. .:1 . . . ' .� :r ryt. . . u..- _. :...�lr.AS__'__-�..��- —_—_. <br /> , t �� - _ ,�� �+i. �( .r..r ��. ...1.4.:.��.;__ . <br /> . , �.��� .��� .-..��°.--�_ <br /> e � r.��� - '.�t�x�_-V6iafi----� _ r.�..�_ _. <br /> � -- - - ' =.i.��t+.� - �- -- - - -_ i�_7`�?'?��_�!-a��[m. —_ ....:�.._ -_--- <br /> . .+iAii�i i1i�t be,MM�iI�rM1►MiM�MR 1t��Mii��t�!`�,�M►0�'.xM�l�"����' .rt�. '"'� _ <br /> ���p�b���1�IV�111�11��'/�� ' . ,. � ���' t'�°'� �S��' <br /> ., .A���1!�111d1��d I�RMM���.�b Z�r�F'��f�M�M01�d��"�� .;� <br /> �1��t'�k�A}��1/polldiM Ma 1�1I'rl� �MI�Q'�MM.�AM�Nf�1�M����MIi.M{�t�M�� " :��,_ <br /> � !�M�+��+�!'�wd��.Ir,i a�A�t of io�.Borxurw�r��l�a p�+oa�p�t aoit�Co to�ro�la�otfmoG�skr�m¢iffie. ^ . <br /> � Iwad�t�pr rMloa�proat nt IaN N tal.�ilr�nowp�eb by►ia*o�'�'• " � � . ' <br /> U�k�t.ender�bd sorm+�aqae�rloe a�ne ia rrri�,ia�wwno+proo�rl�ll b,�iMO a r�a�tios a.�gd# . . <br /> Prnpa�ty d�e�ad,it the roNO�wtiqa a M1�hC'is�oo�ondod�Y fe�bN.aa L�ir••�ea�rlq►r w IeNUMa.x un�w1o�a1fo.1R . � <br /> ropdr i�not eooiamicwlly teribie a I�eetler'�Nowity wadd be IaMened,the Inu�noa pooe�dl��II be�plMa roaM�i <br /> �ocated by thit 9e�arity Inwa�nw�t.r�l�t1�a nat tl�ea due. wHh a►y a�cae�p�id to Betmwa�. I�Ba�o�Yar�hrow il�e <br /> �tap�ety.or Aoe�not w�a�widiin 3Q dqn s nolioe thom lwnder llMt d�e inauanoe auela 6�s oinmed m r,etla a c)r1r4 tl�m <br /> I.�der�qr oollect�he�miur�aioe prooeedi. La�dac sM�t��tA�P�rocoec�.uQ !ept�or nroro d�e Pmp�ty m to pip►�mat <br /> rairod by d�k Seca�tity I�n�e�tt.M6etl�er ar eot dreia�due.'1'60 34d�y paruv��b besin Mboa the nMloe it Rivah. , <br /> uele�t�e�da.nd�oaoars�.oqwwi�a+p'ae in ��i• �'+PP���'1���a prMdp�l ad�l� uot maoend ar <br /> pcMepo�e�ha duo dMe of tl�o mo�MYy pq►�t�to ia pr�apb�s 1�wd 2 a�bn�e the uaouet ot tbo p�ya�. U <br /> rdee p�ph 2l'Ide Prupaty is#oqairad b�r Lade�t Bonara�'s ri�ht w�r inwe�ce polida�od penoMd�tawldq�flnm <br /> d��t�Ih0 Pi904AY P-Ktt�9 tMe�O�M�1111D��U PW b I�E11d1*b(bo OdC11t Oi tb s11111��OL71tMi��ly W�I�.� ----- <br /> ���Y P����Ni�itioo. - -- - _ <br /> f.Oa��7,Tne�.Md�eMrinoe w�i Pple�llo�of tie Prnpesy,►;H�tower's Lo�q AppMe�tMr I.e�MAiR . .',, <br /> Bamwer=1�11 aioc�yy. atablish.and use tLo P[opaty at 8orroaer'a priia�,�pl raidaioe within sincy d�ys dler da eaaarion d ,� , <br /> . this Savrity Iq.oeri��ment�d�b�ll oontiaue to oo�py tho Pnope+ty�s�to�radKr'e p�acipd seaidaioe for�t lo�t ooa per attor � <br /> , . the d�{e of oy�W�ncy. ualess L�ender atherwiie�greea in wridng.w}da;�Colvau sh�ll nat be wuaaonbly�riWrcld�or�msle�s <br /> .e�ItcouutLy} circumu�naec ezi� ahich ue brywnd Borrowu's wmnol. Hore�uwer ch�ll not dauQy. drar�e or impdr t�a <br /> �' ' Prc�ettY.�Ilow tho Prope�ty to dete�ioate� or oommit w�sto on the Prope�ty.Botrower�11 be ia defiult it my•fo�r6ddue <br /> �'�'�'•.,�,��aCtion or prooeedi�g�whdher civil or begun Ih�t in I.ader's good hith Judama�t cauW reault in farldtune of tbe <br /> . . � ' ','�apaty or ot�ii�e rn�ted�lly imp�ir the lfen cr�tod by thL Secudry Tutdument or Le�nder's�y loteieat.Bonowra mry <br /> �� ,:ci+re sqeh a dciAUjt r�qd teimst�ie�ac pmvlded i�p�u�graph c�uaing the�etian'p�Atne�die8 t4�be di�ds�ed w�[th R�ulia� <br /> ;'i..��.`.�- .ti�at, lii 1�ndpr'�.Siad:faitTM�il�tomiination, procludes forFeituna of the Borrowdr�s iu�tis�in tha qpt�4Nber�te:i�l <br /> �Y,..� . <br /> � impaim�ent of tF�:lien created'by this Socurity i�t or l.erider's soca�riny'.jmaeaF• $or�ovvu sin�•i�o�:ca,;deiNaii•i� <br /> � Bormwer.dur�a+g tlie laan application proass.gave materiWly false or iaACCtirnw infohritldon ot st�taulet}�t'YO 3�rii�,�bt,�i�d�e�''�� <br /> to pmvida Leneler with a►y matedal infamution) in carmectton wlth the to�n evidenoed by the��N,1c�tx.:incluclirig;but�;qot:Wp�uttitll <br /> to.rcprcsenwtions om�oeming Borrower':accuponcy of the Property as a principd reaidenoe.if this S�rcwity Ir�str�iraaa is od'A ' <br /> leasehold. Borrower slwll oomply wlth all the provisions of the Iwse. IP Borrower��oquii+es fa title wi�ie �'tnpaM1y. the <br /> les�ccelwld and the fee tide sNall not merge unless L.e�der age�ccs W the mer8er in writ�ng, <br /> 7.Prutection ot I.eoder's Ri�hts la the Propa�ty.If Borrower f�ile to perform the covemnts aad�groanents contained in <br /> this Security Insuument,or there is a legal prnceeding that may significandy s+ffect I.ender's rights ia the Pnope�ty(sucd as a <br /> procading in bankrup�ry. probete, for condemnatian or forfefturo or to enforoe laws or regulations).tfiai l�ender m�y do aod <br /> pay for whatevet is nocessery to protect thc value of tha Ptoperty aed L.ender's r�ghts in the Propntty. t.ende�'s actioin m�y <br /> ,include paying any suma secured by a lien whjch ttas prlodty over this Security Itt�strument, oppearing in couR. payiag <br /> reASOnable ettomcys'feaa a�d entering on the Ptoperty to make�epair�.Although Lender may tqke ac►ion under ti�is per�raph <br /> 7.I.ender daea not luwe to do so. ' . <br />" Any amounts disbursed by l.ender ander tMie paragtaph 7 sht+ll become additional debt af Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Tnstrument.Unless Borrower and Lender Apree to other terms of payment.lhese amounl.v shall 6ear interest from the <br /> date of disbursemem at the Note rnte and sh�ll be payable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Barrower roquestin� <br /> p�yment. <br /> 8.Mortgage losurance.If L.ender required mortgAge insurAnce as a condition of nwlcing the loan secured by this Senuity <br /> lnstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requfrecl to maintain the mortgage insuranoe in effect. If, for any rcason. tfie <br /> mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender I�pses or ceases to be in effert,Bonower shall pay the premiums requirod to <br /> obtuin ooverage substantially equivelent to the mortgage insurance pre�iously in effect, at a cost substandally eauivalent to We <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurancr previously io effect, irom an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> substanti�lly equivulent mortgage insurnnce coverage is not available.Borrower shAll pay to Lendet each month a sum equal lo <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insuronce premium being puid by Bonuwer when�he insuratx:e coverage lepsed or ce.sad to <br /> Ae in effect. Len�ier wi 11 accept,use and retain these payments a.c a loss reserv�in lieu of mortgaRe inau�e. [.oss rcserve . <br /> , Form 3018 �/Y� <br /> v.o.a o+a <br /> --- _ , ���r - - -- —��._ _� <br /> � f����tfk_ . , ...; • .r f ,s— <br /> �-.; <br /> ����L1��i� }.�,i . . .c :1�,� .l!'����'�[�:�r {t�����. <br /> '�i'e,(�� . : - '_ � . . . .''•° i IllO'� • _ v.:.Jw{Y�F=..;� .. - _ . .—.r <br />� _...__ .�NJ_'�,,,. - , , . } +4�v�7'l.-�.:.ld�ur+v- r 4� s-�.y�y;:S�i.tyby� _ _ <br /> - . .a11f�».. _�eor"r�. 4.; • � � � �,��4nM. �.WfulYl�.aflf�uiwi.r.�1.�.ifi�c�'.�.'___ _,_. — _ <br /> :rLS.�S�t�L. ,.L.'�i�� ���1��'a _1_-B-tZ:.:.�..t <br /> "' —'�....-"____ _ _-_�_ "_" __. ._.. <br /> - �-.i`' _.-. _--__.. _..:—_- - <br />. Tyr�aT:i �`l..-.._ . . . ------ ---:– . [?:�r��. .__'i.:Li�; tf .:c�x� � � –]-�u�.ai -.— <br /> �Tj'l�rl�l���{� .. . _ � �•'�� sti .7 –a `3'.::7�+��`�... <br /> s 1�.��>� � `�,.y`.. . . ' ' - - . � , ''�- . . . .Z..��Y�t*is�G�, `. � �t � a dat 1'Mild�{� Y - . <br /> � L�!iNl ' ` <br /> 'YLF� � . . _ . . r. ` � �y yM�-� _ _. °- <br /> �al � y .i ' i •. : }a � ,��-- . 3_ .:: -. <br /> .1 �� �4: u�..I�T l d ,t� ... .L'?r� , a�..� •.S�•'- 'RY..•=._Y - � J:�"-'1�I ��'� :. � .. . <br /> "IJGYA' __ ' _~�.•�.-. .. � . • .� , - � "�'�•M�r��4�::""1i5;�xjIF.4��'r.�.:A'tr�a'.r�..�l�����+a�+..R:.-�4 .�i., a:alf�•_ <br /> �.cC?1 y,t _ • o ." ., . „ . J y . !. i,' . .� - . - .' . <br /> ,'K,�MN t � .. � 's.�f. . .• �J . � .G.�vLL tilR r�.�•s.��r. • . .. . . . . . - <br /> wG{t .A� ; !� �� , U . . . , .• . . . . . � <br /> ���;;i°. �� .c �•, .�. i' . . . � � . .. - �.ti,'.a.4�. �.w�hi�rn.i-.:+..v:'l,.`. , • . <br /> � . a,��ttiy� t�.��� <br /> 5 .�� ������M M .... 1.. i�... . . . . �.. ... � ,..a.`�F�'v�l;�.�!-:rJMt�.`tr•9If.r.ilAw.,,"�ti.•r�r•.�.•r i •� .. , •_� <br /> -- -�r .� �3t�.,..i�.. .., �,,.i��•„a�ri.�"q^��'-"'�"'�'R�Y'= ���a�..�t:ti.�r,_-:r..+• . - <br /> -�:. .._ . v '. 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