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v�N.1�y�y►aY ' _ � � �AY. � �Y� ����j�'. . F' <br />. . . 'i .. � .. . ` ��. . .'i." <br /> . , .i�INr�+M«w�r aa lo�L�w�.�e�..Mi.�d iLw��t�r�r i.�qr oww�u•w�w�u aa rr i.�w <br /> �1.11� �rjr�l�t��p�wwM y trilr wi��orw��wi�l��/M alui��l.�ew���II�M� <br /> .. �- �,�.±.�w . � -- 1i�rt._����i��s�#���l�:��_�-_-.. <br /> �b+roanl■�e�t�r1�.�0►�iMr aV�M�M��e�w�i I��w�irr er�i�i�inri►. �, � � ; <br /> !. lw�olM�.l�rdx ar W�t rqr �ioe t+�w�M�l+�h�ea Ra�+�d i�o�p�et dM�1�pwqr.t�l��MII� � <br /> par�er notia�t dia Nme otor Prior 10*i�pedk�n�paoilyia�ro�ra�M wu�s 1E�dK i�otio�n• . . <br /> 1�.�a.7Ue prooe�nt�iay�wRnd or d�im for damqes.diroct or c�omeqneoti�l. ia wiY��gr <br /> oo�aeiandoe or od�er aid�or,n�►pMC ar tb.P�opNty.or I�nr oom.y.00e in�ieu or ooadema� " aMip.e..� . <br /> rhall ba paid W I.eadtt. ' . <br /> Ia tla�vau ot�toW eticio�d tlie Peopaty.the prooeed��II ba�pplied b the wmr�ew�ed by thi�8eauity L�. . <br /> Mhedbr or not d�m dne. �rhh aay ezoax pdcl to Bon� the ovmit o�'a p�tial tdd�of the Pro�paty in�vhfeb the fiir <br /> marbo�value of the Propa�ty immedi�tely beforo 1be t�lcia�i�eqwl to ar�e�1er tfua U�e atauat o�t1�e wro�aea�red by this <br /> Seririt�r I�dmamt immedl�tdy betoro 1ho ukln�.unlaa Bmu�rer�sd i�r athuwl�e�Aea r wridq�.me earr sacwed bY <br /> t�is SeariA� I�WumaK siull 6e�aduoed by the�oio�t of�6e Poceed�maidp�ied bY ra tdlnwd�fYaedoe: (+��1Me taW <br /> �rnovmt a(�a aams secvrod Lnmodiat�ly bofan t�io�kiq�.dirided bx tb)t6a f�+r m�ricet valh�e ot d�e Piroparty immed+Md�r <br /> be,toQa d�e�.Any�leioe�Iwll be pid a Ben�e;r. 1�d�e cv�ot of a p�tW taldng ot�bo Pnopat�r in rNc6 We� <br /> ��et v�lre d t6e Pmpat�r ireo�diroeUr befac We bki�is las tmn tre�nount of We aaa�ecured im�mdiMdY befae 1ho <br /> a�t6►�.w�as awm� tbder aea.ruo.�reo in,vMios or�mlas�pplicab�e��w otherw►i�e p�uvia�s.u�o pooe.a.a�u <br /> bp�pplie,r!Ip Ihe mm�e�vod by d�is$a�ouitx lesuwnait�6etl�tr ar tat We sums u�s tbei�due. <br /> ' If�li�+Propatr h ab�ndooed by�a�oNer.o�t if.aRer nodce by[�ender oa BMmwer th�t thc oaide�or o�fibn b m�te aa <br /> tiwpef:prrsetde x�diuia for dm�,�Aar�row�er i�il:to rapoM to I.ender widan 30 d�y�afta tbe dato tha eotioe i��ivan. <br /> l.crs3�r�:�jiux!gu�x,ilcx�,�x2 s;ppl�;��ixw:w�1�,�t ito u�tivu�r�t1a�•is�i�t���tati ar�ot't!�Prc�r�rty or ta dte ms�s <br /> � �ewind by thi:Seaulty Iosttwocut,yr�OQ�or not tbai due. ' ,' <br /> Ualess [.ender and Borrower othe�wise �gTee in writin8. �Y APP��liqii e�'�rocqeds�p�iacipa�4.sfqdl uot e�ad or <br /> postpane 1he due d�te of the monthly paymrnts roferned to in p�ragrnphs 1 aud 2�r.c�ngc,�,k�c►unt�if sylcb�Ytt�e'�• . <br /> tl.llorrow�Not Retaued;Forbearasoe By[,ealer Not�Walva�..F.�teasion of the time fo�p�y�►t ot niWdi't�cat�on• . <br /> of anwrtiatton of the�cums savrod by�his Securiry Insdument g�nted by I.ender w any sucoessor in imen�st of Bocropier afu►JI. , . <br /> rat opaate to release the liability of the originpl Borrower or 8arrower's succrswrs in inten�t.Lender shall not be r� , <br /> oomntena proceediogt against any sucaessor in Inte�est or refuse'to extmd[iine for psymau or othawi�e modjfy ama�tixnt�Ou <br /> of the aumm� Seeu�bd'by thls Security Inst�ument by reason of Any.:derrwnd rtmde by the original Borrower or&►muwer's <br /> auocea�ota fa iotcrest.My forbearanoe by Lendor in axerciein�j,any right br aanedy shall not be A waiver of or proolude tha <br /> exexcise of any d$ht ar mnedy. � <br /> I2, San�,r� �i A� Bwuni�3uiui ,uni Si.wrr�i Ii�LiiH�t Co�igui�. 'i'i��verwnu �nd s�aemenu ot tfsis <br /> Security Instrument sAall bind and benafit�ha sucroessors and assigna af Lcnder and Bormwer, subject to�he provlsia�s nf <br /> paragrapi�. t7. Bomower's covcnents and agrecmcnts ahell be jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this�$ecudty <br /> Instrument but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signing�his 5erudty Instnunent only to moRgage� grant an�l vanvcy that <br /> Borrower's intercst 1�the PropeKy under tho ternis of this Secu�lty Ins[n�ment;(bl is not persotwllY obligatod to pay Iha&utqa <br /> secured by this Saur�ry Instrumcnl;pnd(c)agrces Ihat Lender and eny othcr Borrower may agree to eztend.modify. forbcar or <br /> make uny accommodntlons wlth rc�utd to the temu of this Secudty lnstrument or the Note wi�haut tlwt Borrower's coaaent. <br /> 13.Loan Cbarges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> and thnt law is finally interpm,ted so that �he inte�rst or othar loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan ea000d the permiucd limils,lhen: (a)eny such loun cha�ge shall 6o reducecl by the amcunt necessary ta rcduce the charge <br /> to the permitted Ilmit;und(b)any sums alreudy callected from Barrower which exceeded permittod limits will be refundod to <br /> Borrowcr. L.ender may chaose to make this refund by �clucing the principal owed under the Nate or by making u direct <br />. payment tu Bomnwar. If a refund reduces principal, the reduclfon will be trested es a partial pr+cpayment without any <br /> prepayment clwrge under the Nae. <br /> 14.Notic�.Any notice to Bormwer provided for in this Secu�ity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by Brst clas.c mail unles.s applicable law requires ui;e of another method.The noHce shall ba directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other address 8orrower designntes by notice to l.ender. Any notire to I.ender shull be given by Crst class mail to <br /> l,ender'�addrea� ctateA hr.rein or Any other uddress Lendcr designates by natice ta Bonnwer. Any notice provided for in Utis <br /> Serurity Instrument shall 6e deemed to huve been given�o Borrower or I.endcr when given ac provided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Coverning; Severabillty. This Security Instrument shall be gaverned by federsil law and the law of the <br /> jutisdiction in whkh lhe Property is locuted. In the event that any pmvisinn or clause of�his Security Instrument or the Note <br /> canflicts with applica6le law,such conflict shull not affect other pmvinions of this Securi�y Instrument ar the Nate which can be <br /> given effect without the conflfctfng provision. To thix end the provisions ot'this Se�:urity Instrument und the Note er�e decluted <br /> lo be severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one a►nformed copy oC the Nute and uf this Security Instn�ment. <br /> Fam 30Z8 8180 <br /> P�aore <br /> � n!�'!�'!r�l�IQ :}g� <br /> .��� r• r�:':z�,: � '��n �i1�j„ rj4•ptFt•,�'� ;,��y',>1� �-: -- - }''5'.,,a.,. .. .. • ,- II��t1{���rr'- <br /> � � �.�1. j,g� �$':�;w�:�L�.,�� f { ���r f 15 �l� '`'�.S�.f�: i 1�"�_p :. x"J�.'r � , � '1�ios�'ai►.':_„r;ibc..y._..�..;t p�a, �- <br /> �r)]�. . ����` . . ��. -�/.T � ce�StiC'P'�.. ;�`tj��1`��' .. � ...'�� � ) Lrr�'..7�•.w�.. . •. 1 C.s <br /> -_ Jt Y:•iAti:��l��l�ltlldh��i/,215��ef1AL'0(�I�ii.�liM 45i1d , �3�,71u V�c��"-- -. <br /> --'-___ � „• (}V�4}�4sw _-_ ._, + _-_.- _�"��1, l ..-��`�'-__ --._ _ I� ,� � ,fi l:,��.j�!' - ,i J�7 <br /> -- ----�1��i�i!Y X 7�t �� . 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