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_ _ _ _ <br /> � ��� ". � ',`...._: <br /> 1�.Tr��rr M'tM l����aditlrllM�t+M la Rorre�r.lf�It or qp�ut ot tbe�e+operty ar�nY lntere�t in it <br /> i�wW or tnaMfan+od(or U a Ine�at in Barorra u ald ar u�odarod ird�Burtaw�w ls aot�o�teinl�M�onl�vi�baut <br /> ies�la�ss veio�s �a�•�ut, i�ad�.aY. �t h.aption. � 1mm.aLt�+P�vment in w�d'.0 w�oa. .eaana by tbi. . <br /> d��St�urkq��•t�a��!#tmi be e�l l�er K e.*.s�r}�e k�bi�iy fid�eal tsw�as of rd�s i�1s -_ -- - <br /> 1�La�de�'exe�+cf�ea dlt�op�la4l�ader�11`ive Bortawa notioe ot�ooelention.71ie naice�IIp�v lde a pdiod af i�ot <br /> lou tiwin 30 daYi t'tum the d�te tho �olke is del iverod ar nWled rritbin whkh 8orrower�ouK pryy �I wu�n recuted by tl� <br /> Secvrity butrwnait.if 8onnwa fiU�W pwy thac wn�pdor w thu eapir�tloe of thir p�rbd.Lader aa�y lavoke any neaaedia <br /> tUis Searity Imuumait wWw W Auther noliae or dmtind m Boew►�er. <br /> �jt ��inrrree'� Rl�t to Rdrhte. It Bor►owot meet� oe�Wn oandltions. Borrower slull Iwvo �be d�ht to luve <br /> adwnernaM of�bis Secudry Imt�un�eat dt�oontiuued �t N►y time prio�w tAe adier at: la)S d�ys lor ad� o�har period as <br /> +ipp�iabla I�w orY Rpedf� tor id�rWanait)6e�aro�ala of tha PropertY W�awnt w�ny power of sa�e aotWi� ia thb <br /> 3owrlty Guuu�:or lb)antry of�jud�maM a►fixcla��bi�Socurity i�umem.7'taco aanditiau aro Uuu Borrower:(a)P�y� <br /> Leoda aN au�u which tl� wauld bo due ua�ier this Socwiry I�ubua�a►t and the Note ai if no scoder�tioa fud oocurned�(bl <br /> cu�es�ny defauk of�ny oti�ooven��nb or qnanduo:(o) pys�II oapen�ea incumed in enfon3ng tbi�Saa�dry Imwroa�t, <br /> including,bue not limited a. n�wn�ble Wtorneyi' fas: �nd ld)trka auch�ctioa as Lender amy masw�bbr nequiam b a�uire <br /> �t tke lien of this Savdty lnsuu�oept.Leoder't rl in the Pnnp�rty ud BorroYrei'a obUgatiaa t�r�q We sum�s eecunea by <br /> �l�is, Seewity I�trument a�all 000tinue Upon rcincutemeot by 8onow�, this Secunty leetrumao� and t�ho <br /> oMi�ations securod heteby ahAll r�emwio fWIY effxeivo a�a if oo accelarAtion hd acunod.However. d�is ri�h1 w mimhte�h�ll <br /> eaappIy in�he caea oi�ooekx�tion under pr�gnpl�I T. <br /> 19.S�le d 1V�e: (.1��c�i'I.o�n Sp'rioer. 7t�e Note or a pattial interest io �hc Notc(togelher with ttw Sa�a'ity <br /> I�umentl nu�y be sdd ooe a morc timea vrithout p�ior nutia to Borrowu.A s�k rn�yr nsWt in A clwnge in�the entlq(known <br /> as the"i.o�n Servlcer')tA�t�ollocla morMhly pAymema duo under the Note wd thia Security Instrument.The a4w mry be oae <br /> or more dun�es of�ta i�oan Saviar iwelated to w aala of the Nae.If there 1�a ch�gr oi'the Servioar.Bor�owa�wW be <br /> pven wrilten ootioe aP tlie ch�e in a000�darce with p�ragraph 14 obove ud applicabk law.71�e notia will sqte 1he aa�o�od <br /> address of the aear Loan Servioer�ad We rddn�x tu whieh pry��ua ehwW ba nwde. "fi�a aa:ic�wiii aisu uum�ia�m��utt�a <br /> inforo�tion required by�pplic�bk law. <br /> 20,Hatwrdo�q Si�puors.Bomuwer slWl nat cause or permit the prcsenoe. use,dispa�l. swrage.or�le�se of any <br /> Ha�udous Substances on or ia the P�operty. Borrower shall rwt do. nor dlow anyone else w do. anyth�qg atTacting tbe <br /> Propetty tl�t is in violatioa of�uqr Eavlronmentol Law. The procoding lwo sentences shal! no1�pply to tfrc p�sence. use. or <br /> storage on the Property of sm�ll qwmtities of Hax�da�s Substences that u�e gcnerally reoo�nixed to be appropriate w norn�l <br /> residcatiel uses and to maintenaioc of thc Properry. <br /> 8orrower shall promptly give I.ender w�itten nottee of any investigatian. clnim,demand, lawsuit or al�er action by any <br /> govemrnentnl or rcgulutory agency or privata pe�ty lnvotving thc Property and any Hou�rdous Subs�anoe or Envi�onmmt�l law <br /> of which Botrower Iws actual knowledga If Borrower ldms.or is noti�od by ony govemnkntal or regulWory auti�ori .1hat <br /> any�eirtoval or dher rertxdiation of any Hazardous Subst�nce af�'eNng the Properry Is t�eresxary,Bortower clwll pr+o�y talca <br /> n11 necessiuy remodial nctiona in accoidancc with Envirnnmental L�w. <br /> �tc rsed in�his paragraph 20. "Haierdous Substroas" are those substances definod as muic or 6v�douc su6ttaaees by _ <br /> Environmenwl law uad the following substences: gasolfne, kerosene, otfier flamrnwble or toaic pelroleum products. wxic <br /> pesticldes and herbicidex,volatile solvents.materiels cont�ininF aqbestas or fomwldehyde,ond radiaactive mater��ls. Aa used in <br /> thiR poragrnph 20. "Emimnmentnl Law' meuns federal lows and laws of the jurisdictioa where the Prope�ty Ia located that <br /> rclata ta heallh.s�fery or environmental prota.nion. <br /> NON-UNIF�RM COVENANTS.Bomower und l.ender Ponher coven�nt ond agree us follows: <br /> 2l.Acoeleration;Remedies.I.ender shwll give notke to Borrower prfor to accelernqon tollowtag BorroKer's b�ch <br /> ot any covenant or agreemenl in thls Security Instrumeat (but �wt prlor to accelerat(on underpa�gca ph 17 unless <br /> ppplkable law provldes otherwLce). The notice stwll specify: (a)the detpult;(b) the actton r�gulred to cune the default; <br /> (c)a date.not ks.w tfwn 39 days iram thr dnte the notke is�Iven to Borrower,by w6ich the detaWt must be curedi aad <br /> (d) tluit faNure to cure the detAUlt on ar before thn date specltied in the nMlce mpy result in ncceleruUod of the siuns <br /> xecumt by Ihls Security Instrument and solc of tha Pmperty. The notice shall fY�rtber intorm Borrower ot tl�a ri�ht to <br /> rcinsbte pltcr aoceleratian And tke �lght ta brir� o wurt wctlon to assert the non-existeaoe ot a default or any other <br /> defense oP Horrower to acceleratbn and sale. If the default Is not curcd on or be[ore the date speclfled ip tbo qottce, <br /> l,ender,at its option, mpy require immedlate payment in 11d1 of ull sums secured by this Secudty Inctnunent wlthout <br /> fbrther dema�xl and moy invoke the power of ss�le and any othcr remedlec permitted by�pptkable law.i.ender stwll be <br /> eatltkd to rnllect all expenses Incurned in pun�uf ng lhe remed{es provlded In this paragraph 2l.including,but not limited <br /> to�t�easonable altorneys'fe�s and costs of title evldence. <br /> If Ihepo wer of sele is Invoked.Tnistee sholl record a notice of default in each rnunty in w6ich�ny p�rt of the <br /> property is located and shall mail coples ot such notice in the manner prrscrlbed by eppltcable law to Borrower wid to <br /> the dWer pen�n�prescribed by appltcable law.Atter the time required by npplica�ble law,Trustee shWl give public nottce <br /> ot r,ak to the persons s�nd in the ms�nner pres�riUed by upplirpblc la�v, Tra�lee. wlthout demand on Borrower,stwll sell <br /> the Properly at publk auction to the highest bldder ut Ihe tlme and place und under the term.�designwted in the aottce ot <br /> snle In one or morc parcels end in Any order Truxtce determines. Truxtce may pastpone sale of ell or Any parcel ot tf�e <br /> Property by public nnnnuncement ot the time und pl�ce of nny previou�ly xh�duled cale. I.ender or i�� d�i�nee may <br /> pMrctuise the rroperty At any sale. <br /> rom,aoza arso <br /> Pat�B o�8 <br /> —_—_— �'}f: ':7... =-=-=--=_" <br /> ..-a.i?.�,�� t i•'�' , . ...5� ' ^ � ` • �•�,i ' ri•',`�. :'T491NR17R�iM'��*C��,� <br />�� '"'T�L��. [ _��r����1�� i:.l�,��i. . � . - �r` .,-t��.t i 1� , i��!i�t7r�1+'��;'� ..{Jt i �_ t 1��::..:� . r. . ��t;:'I"�.�•� � .. <br /> ��,� + i�:; -(tii��{y.�.�_ ' - `{'�)�; ` i��l - ` <<;!, �yS� - � . .!A�- ;• : <br /> . . <br /> '� `���/' ��A <br /> ._�tv,�J� � • .■... •�.�; °" - _ _ : __��._ �� _�cLJ]I:�� �i�:ultstl4�:t4i,�+!':e•i���i'L4S.i�lf�:; <br /> � `. <br /> ,. . <br /> ,ec , ,,r-,��� , —- - -_ _ �,y�� ,�- , r;,°.:. .�.. �''�'�. � i <br /> ��' �a: . 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