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' __ <br /> . ����:Aftjl. -d�jwN�qj�fJJ._ lt.. . _ . . - . . ...h' � _ ._ ^"_i��•�. <br /> .._.,.1 � t�� - ��_��_���� ~ � _ =���� i . <br /> __.�� �,� _ �.�� � ` ' �7 <br /> !p�,i�M�' �il� -tmw�� 1r��a'� w► ', r�:.� <br /> � • ���-;� �#��� ,r�' . �,.,� .. <br /> ' ��'��1f�'��//11��M d 1��� � ..+ "r ti=.,.. , _ <br /> �ap�iow'�Mria'ao�rw�ta�ut 1�'"��Y d�h�+�f M�roa�'dMO��i�M Mr��Y•. , <br /> '' A�i�wMw/oMoiM�M�I w�wrii i�A �oo�pMid�10 l�nd�r ad du�Yc�id������d�r� t+�Me . . <br /> �11 Yn�d�d�t Io bW dr polldo�#►e roor� La�1�r nq.i�..�oa�rr+d��Ib dw a l�i�e r11�e�M`' <br /> Mr NM����wi�olb�a.U ths eMMM Uf Ia�.ll�ea�r�MMi�irs P�uwipt�otiw�a eiw i�rwr�+�rrrirr�d L�A�4': . ; <br /> Lawdu�gr��oot d lor K not mMM p�on�dy b�r b�nr�lr• �Il bs�pplNd w rMeantia�a rNprk et ie . <br /> Ud�w lMder ad Da�oMr adMnvl�s yns h��Ili�{.1�wt�noe Proo'eed� <br /> PnopKt�d� d�s n�otiioa or epir b roo�o�aUy 1b�ibk.ud LendK'��eauity V aa Ia� NM�Montlo�er - <br /> np�b uot aoorwndal�y i.ander•.�eadty wcww a le■a�ed.a�e tnauaioe p�noe��1�b�.pplf.0 a�h.�. <br /> �rc�ed 1�r di s�arrtty la�t.�twke�r ar noe aien dns.Mlth arry�P� a Bam�. V Bon�a�wr�bmda�s�M <br /> ' ho�a�r.or does mt�os�er wiThia 30 d�qi�a�wtiot tlroo�I.e�tMir dr��M i�e a�nie�Mn nd'ard b�ple a al�im..1Ma <br /> I�otler w�y adlact de iw��oe pooeed�. 1.eadar�Mq we dw poc�edc�o�ep�ir a ne�oee t�e lraperty ar to pq a�a� <br /> �eeard AX�Mis Searrily W1n��ept.wirellier ar�ot d�a�due.'1'�e 3bd�►paktd�rf�!►�i��¢��olite�ia�• <br /> u.lea I.e�dx.a pa,ra�ner aYaMi�o.`ree i��.w►+�p+��P'�b w�PV aru�s�lena ar <br /> po�lpone t�e doe dMe aR Ibe mnYr prqr��+efen'ed�eo iu�p�r�pi� 1 �d 2 ar e�e 1he�Mlt.oi d�,* . <br /> �nd��r p��6 21 Mie propa�Y is�oqriind b1►ladar,Baro'Mee'a ny�t a+N7��o�icks a�d P i'u o e a l�n w u M i�!MM <br /> ��n the P�ip�b I�ior tn ie�o4�im rWl ow oQ let�dor w�e esleac d d�e wmt�eoqrod 6y►d�lt�i4'f�MrroMt-: ---- <br /> i�odiMdY�'ia���N�• <br /> �;pc�e�,l4e�ees�tl�„M��oe a�Tti+M�ecfM�a�tYe PtopaR�r;Mrrower'�1wd1 Ap�ffatM�i��idi. <br /> Bonr4wrx:luJl oocupy.aub�liuh.a�d wo tbe P�oQaR,Y aR Hormwer's principd reddeooe w�idiin�ty d�y�aflet d�e e�eatio�of <br /> Ihis S�dauity ImuumaK aod sWR ooaAioue o0 ooc�y tle�hnpa�y as Bwmw�er's ptiaeipd na�ide�oe fur�t la�t eoe yar allet <br /> tbe d�to of oavpa�ncy.unlesa Leader o�wiiso apees in wridn�. wfiich consa�t tb�U not be u�ou�bly wkMhdd.a wdest <br /> exlpnw�tiu� ci�anoee e�t w�Uieh a�e b�eycwd �orrower':oondol. eorrow�er dall aot deW�oy. dao�o or�aOp�ir dle <br /> th+opttity. albw tbe Prnra�ty b dekriorMe. or aramit wacte on tho PropeRY. Bornower�tudl ba ia deta�it if a,qy fodeiwro <br /> �iaa ur p�ooeecling.wtxtha�civ�l or begua thwt ia l.rnder's good fiith judgment eouW�ult la tor6eitum ot d�e <br /> 'Pno�ty or othatwiie m+MeriAlly wmp�ir die liea cnaited bY this S a a��i t Y Iashumau or i.ander's�ewriry�nteroa.Borro�ar aary <br /> • p�s,web a def�it and:dnstate,aa provided in p�uagraph 18.bY causin8 the aetion or praxeding w be diurdssod with a ruNag <br /> . '�iir1..ia La�dex's gaod-fi[th delermin�tion. P�cludes forfe�tun of tha Sorrower'a intcrat in d�e Propaty or aha m�tcri�l <br /> im�iirma�t of the lien crated by this Securlcy[na�umem or Lender's sa�trity intanst. eorrower sUNI atso be in def�oh if <br /> � Borrower.during the loan applicatiai proass.gave maurially f�lse or ivaocuiate infom�atian or statan�ta to Lender(ar fa�iled <br /> to provide La�der wlth any mwxid informwtion)in wnnection wlt1�tbe It�an evidawed by the Note,including,but not Umilad <br /> w.�ep�esaitatiops aonceming Borrower'�occupancy of the Prope�ty os a princiPad rcsideax.if this Sxu�ity Imtnuna�t is on a <br /> . leaseh�ld. &►rro�uer slwll oomply wlth all the pravlsions of the lease. If Borrower aoqui�s foe title w tbs Propdty. Ida <br /> lea�d�old and the Cee dtle shall not mer�e nnless L,ender nBrocs a the merger in wridng. <br /> 7.Prntadton oi I.eader'�Wghtr la tbe Propaty.If Borrower fails to perform thc covenants wid agroements cunta�nod in <br /> thi:Security lushument.or tlxre is a legel prnceeding thet may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Prope�ty(such a• <br /> prn�+oeding in bankruptcy,p�n6ate.for condatnnatlon or forfeiturc or to enforco Ipws or rr,gulations).t1�en I.ender may du�nd <br /> ' pay for whatever ic nac�csry to pmtect the veluB of the Property end I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions a�y <br /> , include paying any sums sxured by a lien which has pr�ority over this Socu�ity Insuument, appeuing in oourt. paying <br /> reaeonable auomcys'fees and entcriag on tho Propeny to make rcpaiB.A�though Le�der may wlce xtion under thie pa�wgoph <br /> ?�Lender das rat haee to do�o. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this parAgraph 7 shall beoome additionW debt of Borrower secured by thi� <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Homower and L.ender agree to wher ternis of payment, these omounts slwll 6wr interest from rhe <br /> date of disbursement at the 1Vote rate and shall be payable, wilh fiteres�, upon notice from [.ender w Borrower requestin� <br /> PaYment. <br /> S.Mortgage Incurance.If Lender required mortgage iiuurance as a rnndition of mnking the loan secur�ad by this Sec�uity <br /> Insuument, Borrower shall pay the pr�emiums rcquired to maintain the mortgAge insurunoe in effect. If, for any reason.the <br /> mortgage insu�rnverage re�uired by I.cnder I�pses or ceases to be in effat. &►rrower shall pay the premiums roquirod W <br /> obtain ooverage subs�anti�lly equivalent to tt►a mortguge insurance previously in efPect,at a rost substaatially equivalent to the <br /> oost to Borrower oP the mortgoge insurance previously in eifect, from an alternnte morigage insurer approved by I.ender.If <br /> substantielly equivalent mortgege insurance caveruge is not available,Borrower shall pay�o L.ender each munth a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgase insurance premium beiog paid by Bormwcr when the insurancr coverage Inpsed ur ceased to <br /> he in effect.Lender will xcept,u�se end re�ain thGSC payments as u los.s reserve in lieu of mort�tAge insurance. l.oss reserve <br /> Ro►m 9028 9190 <br /> Pups 8 OI 6 <br /> --- - nam�c� ���.-.- - -- --- <br /> _____ � "<[:�`-��+..�tir..�``v ' ��,�3i'.'�D:��1.°:r•.��,��s4',� ��,,,d�71�i� I ��'- <br /> ���, <br /> r y��;`' " _`:r `ti _ (�`•*"`)�� �'���5 ' �_ <br /> — 4i'_s�,'+}.+rt..�`-4�� �,]�h�St�"t '������p.�,(s��., �a� ,1 I ' Ittl°•�r.�V- t��]�...r�:-_� <br /> . � �•�v.i.e•..�.ha?fNYAI•I.�,� _— <br /> --Y.,�..._� x —•s�i `7�.,� �y"� ,i y ti,=�,��'eS`y n t��ay-r��ac.u.�� ��_ <br /> — e ;� , tr ���f y �".��, vi". a -a;:,���.�T . -'�'•.'�?":f.��t,� 3's x l.,r .�At�KRti <br /> � < tl�Y�":,r� E_, <br /> =_�." li•� Y -� -.iis� 1� � . r- t 4.,� ��fr�.',�.;.r.: {.{��'1 ��.'i i'�}Y.w'Y,L+�'{��t��"�.►��7'i' : <br /> ._.._„�.---- -, �� 1.: ( H �J(t 'y� � r '.�'` � ✓ t <br /> . , i ..:� <br /> . . <br /> � <br /> _—_ .�.e..o....� �eb�e . . ,,,tZ)�Y�e��y(�tXta�6$Frr�l���' ���fllf� . M��:{.�i�roC6Y\ILvw.RF;_� <br /> _. _ a ` F,�^'I �;,�m' � )1 .l - <br /> n ry��7Ili�(��',}�•:"'T';��l��y'�'}r:`,,�..,,. �- ' t.�T.}M 'iili t� ��`n!�•.5( .Ff..U�'�.l��[.�.�__. <br /> __— _— _ ._: �!s .,� rAkt, :{�q��'� }�u���l� ... :..^ •r:- ; . . <br /> � Y.�• :��.: r�.:l:,v��••, � �i l'1l�. �w � <br /> h e yi:( :.C< k' . t a <br /> _ .� �kXL..'i�Y� .y '� �- '4 �it� r1% +E/f�u�1.,,h+ir+��i'�� . ... . e r.}r 11 �+*�n���.e _t` , . <br /> __ __ ��� . . f 7;f�Si�;.. ��r�: � N-:;-'r�' . ��+7:�.7k47.�� ��� �l.ff}� ���� �jU$t7i2�r.V�.�3:^.:,If',i Y --��_. <br /> -- '��-i�b� / �: r:�v s. :�'i F' +.,!i. �, L�'. � '.�7t1 L,i� ,'.. . • .. 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