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Sectir� 26�A1 et seg ("RFSPA").unM�s�o1�er M�r t�1 appiip to tl�iind� <br /> �ets�bwet+�o�Mt. U�o. Lsnder m4y. at Miy tia�e.wllect d b�i FuMt in an�moiMn not lo e:caed dis Id�e�'1MOw�R. <br /> tx���y�e che�:wuat�t ru�dne aa d�e b�cic oi car��SCa and��uf�Iwr�af l�mr . <br /> Brcmw Ita�or otherwlne in a000rd�noe wifd�ppllicaWe I�w. � <br /> 7Ue Fuadr �h�ll !►a hrJd in aa in�titudan who� deposi�a arc Ineurad by a feder�t pgcn4y. ine�wnoat�liry. ar axity <br /> (including[,ea►der.lf Leqdc:r ic wch an itWitution)or ia any Faderal Hama[�oan 8ank.i.aKler siu�lt app1Y thc Funds to pty tde <br /> Bicmw Items.Lcndbri mwy aot duuge Bornovuer for IwWing aad applyiog thc�+nds.ww�lly�uialy�3ns 16e ascrow a000unt.or <br /> veritying tha 8se�+ow itema.uNai Laider p�y�Bartower inta�at an We Fw�ds aad applic�bla lawp�nNt�L.etdu to m�tra wch <br /> a chuge.Hawever.Lcnder may roquiro Bonowa�w p�y�one�imo ch�rgc for an indepadan�eal atate tu npoKirq savbe <br /> u�od by [�der in connectbn with this loan. unless applic�ble I�w provjdes whawise. Unless m agreemart is m�de or <br /> �pplic�bla bw�equircs inta�est to 6e peld.l.eader cNall not be roqulrod w pay Bormwu aay inte�est or arnings oa the Fuud�. . <br /> Bomnwar�nd l�er�der:my�gtee in�writing.however,that inte�est slWl be paid on the Fwd�. I.a�der shaU give to Bonower. '': <br /> witUout ch�ga��n onnwl a000unting of tl�e Furds. �howing cradi�s �nd debits to�he Furds and t1�e pu�pose for which acb <br /> debit ta the h'ands�was mde.'Fi�e Fwds m piadgod as adciitiomi s�uoty ior a1i wm►�vnxi t�y tha�Se��tY.fn�r+un�t. <br /> if the Rwds held by l.rnder exoeed the�r�ounts parmittod to 6e held by applicable law.l.ender shall acaount w Borroaer <br /> for the eaass Furdc in a000rdanx with the roqui�ements of applic�ble law.If the amount of the Ftinds hdd by L,ender at any ; <br /> t�me is nat suaicicnt to pay�he Fscrow Ileans when due,Lrarler ttu►y so notify Borrower in wriling,� such case Bortower <br /> slwll pay to Lender the amount neoestary w mWce up the deficlerK.y. Burrower chall make up tl►e deficiency in no more Idan <br />' twelve rt,onthly Lender's sole discrdion. " <br />; Upan pi�yman in full of all wms securod My this Socurity Instrument. Lender shall prompUy nfut►d to Borrowu any �. <br />� Funds held by Lender.lf,under paragraph 21.l.ende�shall avqnire or sell the Propetty.Lender�prior to the acquisition or sale ,� <br />' of tix Pmperty,shvll apply Any Funds I�eld by L.a�der at the tinie of aoquisition or sote s�.a c►adit a�ai�t the sums secu�+ed by <br />: this Security lt�suvment. <br />' 3.AppUatian ot Paymeata.Unless appUcable law provido.4 atherwise,all paymenta rcceived by LenctCr under pnr�rgraphs <br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll be appliod:finst. to enY Prep�yment charges duc under the Note: seonnd,to amounu p�yable undar parograph 2: <br />� , � thitd.w intercst due; fourth,to principal due;and uny 1We charges due unde�the Note. <br /> , 4.Chat�e�; I�er�.Borrower slwll pay all uuces.acsessm�nts,charges, fiaes and impositians ataibutable to the Property <br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instmment. and leasehold payments ar ground renis, if any. Borrow•er sl�ll pay <br /> � these obligatians in the m�utner provlded tn parug�ph 2.or if nat paid in that rtwnrier,Borrowc�shatl pay them on time dir�ctly <br /> to the person owed payment.Bomower shall promptly furnish to L.ender all noticac of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> � if Bornower m�kes Ihese puymenls dinxUy.Borrower shell prompdy fumish to[.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Secur�ty Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> writing ta the payment uf the obligation securod by the lien in u manner acceptable to l.ender;(b)oantests in good fsith the lien <br /> by. or defends agafnst enfarcement of the lien in, legal procroedings which in Ihe Lender's opinion apemte to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of 1he lien An AgrePment satisfactory tn I.ender subordinating the licn to <br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part ot�he Prapeny is subjoct to a licn which may attain priodty over <br /> lhis Securiry Instrumc:nt, Lender may givc Borrower a noticc identifyiog Ihe lien.Bamawer shull su[isfy the lien or take one or <br /> •more of the scliona set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of not ice. <br /> Fam 3028 8f80 <br /> Pp�10+e <br /> . . _. ._ . .----._. .. �37�—�� 4-�— `,�'•1`n,t}�`}� � �}I r ,' y',TV 7�.fti�� <br /> ,� -- sES;��lA'Yi�r � ���,,i� �.��;'tf� "4 r ..r;'�;.�,. �{::r�l�,_ ,�.y ��i Ir#,R_ <br /> t= :.J �� �{ 4�fh,- <br /> ,:-----.�..o�....r.� � , � _° �B� � �t <br /> �.�v2ry.a'r s-r'a k ',T�' �F�F '�'�� ii�° <br /> --- �_" " ; ( p . <br /> " ' rf -'� �41 < <br /> �� ,f�p 1��'t`i; .. 'l�' �r i�ii r Y,s .�t f i z, <br /> _ -���l1Lilg''�.� �r4i 1w� • � . �� � \ -�). S t {� I.r�y.�;,�.}�l•i1 ��} ` • - �• 1 .�� <br /> _ _ .MW�fIlLh_'�t i .t � ��. ��l.� � i.��� ��Alf1 7�� iJ t�:1�,�� �1G 'J��f-�l e { 't�f F�`-'•. <br /> _°- -- — :�,..�������i�i;s�'.�l�it r�i 4_ 'e:����J_��S�U�k�trrc 4.- <br /> --� � - ,-�-r�xy. , .; . < . �,,.-,.n..,�:�y* - r��lt(!�' j`•- <br /> ? �Gk�1S� �i�JSW,� L'Ltt u�, r 1��� - <br /> �nnwrr.suis4o'r`' i�x}f�S'.i:��c:��n: .:4i" °.��e`+�,' :"...�^'::Yi+Tti"�sw�:).'...F,. �1Tl� ft +Y 't� ��tii`�'i�� <br /> ;�, ,J ,�,¢:,±�,�n� `�� � � 6., , ;<��s'�f�li.�k,tt��r;���.�. <br /> -- � ``' a 7�,:�i• '"�, � s.r= <br /> yi�� '.,.� ' •�.: � :�).1.. � xrti� t {k -. ' <br /> sti�1 p� ,�,� '� . „ �� .,<...,. � t << k tz���� , <br /> ---_ c�74�qS1W`�'.i�Yljtli�.U�J`S��VL�aa� . �Y,`.'�'1S� 1.•.v^ .a -37, � if+1�l���'���.jae�` .;,,-, . ��. <br /> ��������nt��' rt�el! r.•�'�! j1 !!� � -- �'�\ <br /> �' -`�y—r-.�; v,.�-y+ wti.,. . .�n� �j,i i '�1• •;. 1�n , ' � <br /> — --"s��► )ar��miw`i4��ia' �_. ' ��.`sa.j��f�.C,�4(' ttTi» � y.;;���. ,[� -• � 1 <br /> . 'i' 7 IR] <�'�i'��,e.L'Ypd�.s1.��(�1LL -{�uSiS� <br /> --�WLi:GRA]i7L7R'JwTd'.Y_$351fs1w-`-- - ��'LL4.y';1. 3 M._. �. . <br /> � �..� 1 �. �^ . <br /> � '�.3�u]� �� <br /> ..�_�.:Y�_�-- — ��r T�:��t�"+�s...� ;.,� t � -: :l,��,-,��''�— i� -�F::.-:�- '" . <br /> .__ ._. —' �r.c�.�r.cun.-. ��-i�6.�..�f3��• t ,�(d�.._ _ .a+:�1�wqF�.����EJT.c�fi��'�.�' 't.�:�+:,:• _. <br /> . _ A ,., � . .. <br />