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<br /> ---- ���� pyqrona m�y flo lon�er ba roquirod,at tho aplian aP l.rndcr. iP mortg�e imwranco coveruQe(in the onwunt w�d for thc period
<br /> '-°"�`°°��• tb�t Leoder roquircs)Pnnvlded by oa inwre�rr Appmved by l�nder n�ain bocomes av�ilable wxi is ahtalnod. Bomnwer clwll I►�Y
<br /> �he pmniums roquirod to m�1nWn mort��e insuranoo In eftoct,or to provide w low rescrve.until the roquinanent for nart��o
<br /> iawhnoe a�dY in a000rdance with�ny w�itten xgtanxnt Hetwan Bonawer wid L.ender or�pplicabie law.
<br /> 9.l�pectloa. I.cndcr or it�agent mAy m�Jce re.�sc��wble ent�ies upon and inspectiuns of the 1'ropeRy. Lcnd�r sFwll �iva
<br /> Bormwer notia�t the time af or pdor to an i�upection spxifyiag teasorwble causa for the inspection.
<br /> ° I0.Coadannotlon.The proeoeds af any awud ar claim for danwges, diraK or oansoquenli�l, in cannection with rny
<br /> - - � ,-= condemnatlon c►r dher twkin�of iu►y pah ai'tho PmpeRy.or for conveyana in lieu of comknuw�iun. +ue hereby�wi�ned wtd "-
<br /> . ��4 �hall be paid to t.ender.
<br /> - , ln the event af A�atal laking of the Property.lhe pracoeds shAll be oppUal to thc sums secured by this Secu�ity Instturnent.
<br /> �_��l� whether or not then due. wlth any cxcesa paid to Barmwer. In thc event ai u parti�l tuking of the Property in which the fair _
<br /> awrku value of Iha Property inurKdiately befare the trdcing is equal to�r greater tiwn the amaunt of Ihe suma secured by this
<br /> _ ��'�-'� Security I�ct�ument immedintcly before the wking.unlass Barrower and Lendar othenwisc Agrea io wdtin�.the sums secured by
<br /> _ - {_ �_ ,� this Secudry Instmment shall be roduced by the anw+�nt of Ihe proceods multipliod by the fallowing fraction: fa) the totel -_
<br /> amaunt of the sums secu�ed immediately befom 1!K wkiqg,divided hy (h)�he fair market vulue of the Propetty immediatc�Y
<br /> �.{:�=L.�rr,�'?• " �efo�e thc taYing. Any balence shall be paid to I3orivwer. lu the eveM of n panial ta�ing of the PropeRy in which the f n ir
<br /> �..—,.,:, .. �-`
<br /> � -�--":'�::..�._..0 rtr�ricct value oE t6e Propeny immediately before tAe tatcing is kss chan the amount af the sums sec,�uc�d immcdiately before ct�e �__
<br /> --`..{-� >`"`-� ". qking, ualess Horrower an�f Lender otherwise aigree in writing or unCess applicabte Law ixGer�ise provides.the proc�ls slwJl �?N
<br /> ��.�r.�••..,:,.. -.:::
<br /> . i. ;�,.`_-, be applied to the oums s�encrec!b� �his Security lasuument whether or not the sums are tAea du¢.
<br /> _-__u'�,�._�_�'_!_ __ If the Pmpetty 1s abandooed by Bomowcr,or if,aRcr nwice by I.ender to Borrowec tRait the cmndemnor ot�ers to make an ��,�-.°-r.
<br /> - �s..: --
<br /> -- �`'�'�"�"/� '� Award or senle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to l.ender within 30 days after rhe date the notice is given, _
<br /> ='��f�l`iw e�5 —_
<br /> s�- r,�� Lender is autho�izod to collxt and apply the p1�ac�ed.g.a[its uption,either ta�storation or mpau�af�he Property or to the sutns _
<br />�:.,' �'^1A ' +y[,,t:;
<br /> �.��; s�ocured by this Secudry lnstcument,whethcr�ir not then due.
<br /> �+.�--����•��'"';:� Unless Lender nnd Borrower othentiise agree in writing, any applicution of praceeds to principal shall not extend or --
<br /> ��`�`'��`,��'��•� postpone the due date af the monthly paymenes referre,d to in paragrnphs ! and 2 or chenge the amount of such paymenta. ___
<br /> - ?�dr9�a'.;��;�°4.; 11.Borrower Nat Rdeaced;Forbeat�nce�y I.ender Not A Wnlver.Extension of the time for payment or modifiaUion =
<br /> -_ �` '' " '4'�� of amo�tization of the sums secured by this Secu�lty Instrument granted by I.ender to uny successnr in interest of Borrower shnll
<br /> ��.�:• •c•:<�
<br /> �����•'-- >>� not operate to release the liability of the�riginal Borrower or Borrower's successnrs in interest. I.ender shall nat be required to
<br /> _'�:�0��'�. , i :.��;ii�[�. .:.
<br /> �'�' r�l��`at;�:+.'� commence ptoceedings against any sucrossor in interest or refuse to..xtend time for payment or otherwise modify amoniuNun t,
<br /> ��°� j�J� �1+��4h ' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borcower or Borrower's �.,�:
<br /> ---�'-"`''•r��,f.�4����' �`':
<br /> _____,,,..,,,,,L ,__ _ successors in interest. Any forbearance by•l.:ender in exercising any right or nemeA:y shul�not 1�e a wi►iver of or preclude the �,.,_;_
<br /> - '� f�';E��s�` eaereise of any dght or rcmedy. —
<br /> _'� �� �� �Gl�;'% 12. Successon and Asslgnv Bouad; Joiat and Several LG►blllty; Co-slgnens. The cnvonunts nnd agreements of this
<br /> ::f�, �,•;4.,;.';.. --
<br /> �.,. . .
<br /> .+��°• �(,.:','�''�:�,, •��;5;�;i� Security Instrument shall bind and benefil 1he succes.wxs und ussigns of Lcnder and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> — �,, r t. ;,�.�
<br /> -."�';,4�����, •�,�t�, puragcuph 17. Borrower's covenants end apreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who c�-yigns this Security
<br /> ra��• . ;:� ;,.�..
<br /> i�stn�ment but does not eaecute the Notc: (u) is co-si nin this Securit Instrument onl to mon a e rant und convc that
<br /> _: ;�';'' ' �,' �,!t�' 8 8 Y Y 8 B • 8 Y =
<br /> '"'�<�,• F,�.. ,. ; `�'1��. &�rrower's interest in the Property under the tcrms of this Security Instrumenr,(b)is irot personAlly obligated to pay the swns
<br /> :;�.�:,. �-:. .•�...t�,�.,.,,�
<br />_ .�.�;_ :�.,,,'.,,,�..
<br /> - .,�,.� .� :�,�,,:.�� sex:ured by this Security Instrument;and(cl agrces that L.cndcr und a�y other Borrowcr may agrec to extend,modify. forbear or
<br /> ;��-- , —�-
<br /> �=��. ri�•�;, ,. m��Y accommodations with regard to�he terms of thia S�xurity Instrument or the Note without Ihat Borrower's consent. __
<br /> �`�•`••''�` .,�, ' 13.[.00n Ctu�rqes.lf thc loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subjecl to u law which sets maximum loan charges, ----
<br />.�,:n}..is�'���i:i�,iq1- �,�ll....�A- —
<br /> -�` ��S �, ; � ,,,�• and that Iaw is Bnally interprrted so ti�ut the interest iir ather loan churges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> '`: �+�'`�` ' ° • loan exceed the permitted limi�s, then: (a)uny such loan charge shull be reduced by the umount neceswry ta reduce the chuge �"-'`
<br />-w'" `'° ��°``��•��' to the permittod limi�; And (b)any aums ulready collected from Borrower which ezceeded penniued limits will be rcfunded to
<br /> :�:.�,. : ., .
<br /> � ,�- .. ° Borrower. Lender muy choose to muke this refund by rulucing the principal ow��cf under the Note or by making a direct �,,.
<br /> =-- •- payment to Borrower, li a refund reduces principul, the reciuctian will be treateJ us u partiul prepayment without �ny �`•
<br /> �'-'�''���-•• ' prepayment churge under t'hc Note. -
<br /> ' ` �� 14.Notices. Any not�re to&►rrowcr provided tor in thix Security Instrumcro shall Nc given by dclivcrin� it or by mailing �.3
<br /> _= �.,;j.::;?.'
<br /> z;'��� �;,j -;4,�, it by first class m�il unlesy applicable luw rcyuirc.r• usc of unother methoJ. Thc noticc shull be direc�ed to the Property Address _
<br />' ' � y��+�•�'- or an other addre�s Horrower dc�i nntes b notice to I.ender. Am notice t�� I.cndcr ,hall he iven b tirst class mai! to -
<br />.>.'�"� .�...,- • ,.:,;��,:: Y � Y F Y `�,t�-, ;
<br /> _'_.��+ • .�• =.:�r • I.ender's address stated herein or any ather addr+ess Lc:nder designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this __
<br /> -;::.r_r1�'i"'�.:����::-e..� --
<br />-=;;r:,�� r- Security Instrument shall t►e cleemcd to havc been given to&�rrowcr or l.end�r when givcn us provided in this paragmph. �
<br /> ,_--r'��a j."�. � —_
<br /> ♦; •� ti.�:i:r' - � 15. Governi�Law; Severabilily. This Security Inst►ument shull be governed by Iederul law and the luw of the ryy
<br /> :_,�'�, � • jurisdiction in which the Property is lucatal. In thc event thut:�m• �rovision i�r clause c�f this Security Instrument or�he NWe �.
<br /> ',,�. , .�� i,, con0icts with upplicablc law,tiuch contlict shall nnt affect uthor pr��visions ot'this Scrurity Instrument or the Note which can be i�
<br />:',,::,::._� `�` ••'�,�r' ' given effix:t without the contlicting provision. To this end the prm•isionc of t4�ia Security Instrumrnt and the N�»e ure declared -
<br /> `�,.�,'��• �i,tj; to be sevcrablc. ==
<br /> ,,,,C�y.�.�!��:' —
<br /> '. ' :i!;!s •��'���� 16.Bomower's Copy.Bornower shull be�iven onc cnnti�rnuJ cop�•of thz �otr anJ i�f thi�Security lns��ment.
<br /> , � ti�:r.'. .. .�..,, �
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