� �� —. . rn�r � ' � ....._. - �_
<br /> � �+ ,��I :f. .�•y •_. Y---
<br /> 1'. �Y
<br /> 4�Ji�ili� �� �:
<br /> �� • -- -.._ -
<br /> , �.——--
<br /> . �,,, Q_
<br /> 91""'102886
<br /> . �. ��a, p�' �. Horrowcr �iwll koep thc improvemrnts now exiuin� ar hre�Pter am+.�ted on t1�e
<br /> : `.,`. . propeAy insurod�dnit loss by fl�.hrx�uds inciuded within the �tm� 'extended cnve�ge'uxl any dher ha�ard�.inelwtinO
<br /> floods or fl�odin�, for which L.cnder roquircs insu�•This in�urnnce shall be maintainod in the srmwints uxl Por the paiodt
<br /> �� od
<br /> lhst l.ender re9uires.The inaurance curie�pmviding the lnwraace shull be chosen by Bormwer sub,jLender m�y��t I1nder'a
<br /> which sh�ll not be unreasonobly withheld. If Borrower fails to m�in�n�IV�er�it ���'VO• •
<br /> --.
<br /> .,' , F' ' aptlon, obtain caveraQe to pratect Lendcr's�ghta in the PropertY e clau�e. l.ende�
<br /> � '; � ,., ,.,,
<br /> . : ...-•��.�-.� .. All insurance policiea w�d rcnewais shall be aoccptAblc �a l.ender o»d shall include a ctandArd mUMp�
<br /> '' '�'� shall iwve the ri�ht to hold the policies and r+�newu�A. 1`�"�r require�.Borruwcr shall promptly give 10 Lender All receipic of � _ _
<br /> WI
<br /> . �, ,',��;'. ' p�id prem�ums and renewal notices. In the event af loss.Bon+nwor s1w11 sive prampt notice�o tl�c insuranoe a+rtler and l.eodet.
<br /> , - ir����,' I.eodcr mAy malce prooi'af loss if nat made prompUy by Borrawer.
<br /> -_-:''� % Unless l.ender and Botrowcr utherwi�e agrea in w�iting.insurancc proceeds sliall be applied t�reuorotian ar repai�of the
<br /> ` � r property dumaged. ii�he nestorntion rn repair is ecanamically feasible and I.ender's secudly Is am lessened.lf the resta�tian or
<br /> .,,.�—��.' .. ... .; ,11
<br />— - - "j'"• ,"' . . rcpair is nut ec�nomically fe�sible ar l.ender's secutity wcwid be Icsse�ed,thc lnsurance proceeds shall t�e upplied ta the sums --- ---
<br /> =- '' .
<br /> . . ... ...
<br /> °° ' ' secured by this Secu�lry Instrument. whethe�or not then due. wGh any excess puid ta Borrower. If Bomnwer ab ans t _
<br />•-_�:��i�- • .,. ��__---
<br /> :�� ��; Y�,, _: pr+nperty,or daes not uncwer within 30 duys A noti��e[rom I.ender that Ihe insurnnce cArrier has offered ta senle a cluim, then - -
<br /> ����,.��,,:L • Lender may callect the fnsumncc proceeds. L�ender may use the pmceeds to repxir ar restorc the Praperty or ta pay sums
<br /> -�••—r+�'''^" � ' . �ecurod by this Secu�iry Instrument. whether or not thea duc• Thc 30-duY I����'����8�^W�n the notice is given. — _
<br /> "`_ '�., : • Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwfse ageoe in writin$. :uiy applicutian of prace�ds to princlpal shall nat extend ar _
<br />.--':•:.R��;� �..^�.��.. `1 ,, postpone the due date of the munthly paYments refecred to in paragraphs I nnd 2 ar change the amou�u of the p�ayme�, lf -
<br /> �I..-��•—.
<br /> �',°��r- �S i�. - - under parngraph 21 Ihe Properry ia ucquired by leocfer.8orn►w�er's�i8ht to uny insurnnce palicies and p�oo��Ls resataiqg`uo�trt .�•� � .
<br /> s� . .y.. ,. .
<br /> �u�' •.;,� � � • ':'; d,vnage to the Praperry Prior to the rr��quisition sl�ll pa►�s co L.ender to the eztcnt of the sums�x.wro�t b��ti�is Securit}• nccmanent �}��:
<br /> ��,, 5k, '';'f jr• �mme�liately prior to the ncquisition. °i••
<br /> � ��t�r',<,, '1 A�a t e p A a c e a u t d P r o t e c t i o n ot the Pro p e r t y: BorroKe�''a i.w�n ApplkaUon:I.e�seho�lds. ��}r ,
<br /> f , :��.��„�f.. 6. Oocups�nc�',P�+eservs�tfon,.
<br /> r, ,•; us Borrower's rinci residence within sixty days ufter the execution o f �',���,���.;-�-
<br /> ., 1�(a i� •� Borrower shaU occupy,e�tablish,and u�e the Pr�y�eny P P�
<br />� �'�•�;` ':.::; ' �hi�Security Instrument und shall continue tn c�ccupy the Praperty ur+Borrower'+ principul residence for at Ieast one year a11er u^��.,.: .
<br /> --.�:,.i�� �;!� �;:.:�i: ±p� �_�_�_
<br /> h •-:. ihe dace of occupancy.unless Lender athenvise agrces in writing,which consent xhall not be unreasonsably witeh�e'di�r�'�he � x�
<br /> �r'�',� .� � s --
<br />_ • extenuatiag circumstances exist which are beya�xi Bar*oWe�s control. Borruw�r shull not destroy, dama6 P —
<br /> � ~ propert}�, n1�uw the Propetiy to deteriorate. or commit wastc on the Property. Aarrower�hall be in default if any forfeiturc _ �
<br /> .`'�~� �'� ��"�'"�•' action or pracc�eding, whether civil or criminal. is Negun�hat in I.ender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeimrc a[the �°_ __
<br /> =��°: �• �� Property•ar otherwise materielly impair the Ilen creaa�d by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may �-��,ro•.=
<br /> � ` •_<?.` � --- c���r xueh u default nnd reinstate,as provid«i in p�asu^raph 18,by c�s►using the action or praceeding to be dismissed with A ruling
<br /> ,_
<br />• ' .�r:. • '�:�•.�;�f,,1};•° that, in Lender's good faith determinxilon. preNudes fbriciwro of ti� &irrowcr's i:iterest in the Prc� rt or �xher maten _ _ __
<br /> � "�'s:l� '�'()' im irmcnt nf the lien crcuted by this Securiry Instrument or l.ender's security intern�t. Bcirrowcr sha also bc in dcfuult if
<br /> ..:1�::;',;;,... : � r�s.�w.' .�
<br /> d . .1' �T�`f�1��' r -
<br />.. , � t.,�i��,•� Borrawer,during the loan apP��cat�on Ar�cegs,gAVe muterially false or inaccurnte informs��inn nr swtcmr.nts to Lender(i�r fai _+��,.�,h
<br /> �,,,:,:;�•�,..
<br /> �,;, ,� •�, to provide l.ender with Any material information)in connection with the loun eci.lenced by the Note.including.but no�lirnited
<br /> � .,,�,.Y o � . to,representr�tions concernin�Borrower's occupancy of the Pmperty as u principal r�sidence. Ii this Security Instrumem is on a _
<br /> • leasehold, Borrower shull comply with all the provisions of the lense. If Borrower ucquircs tee litle t�, Ihe Propert}•, the i���;;,y..;,--
<br /> • ° � teasehold and�he ice tiUe shall not merge unless L.endcr agrces to Che mergcr in writing. �,,,,�_�.,. _
<br /> �'� 7,Protectlon oP Lender's ItiBhts�n Ihe Pruperty. �f&�n'owcr fuilx tn perform thc cov�nunts und agrci:mentx contuined in �:��:
<br /> � ' '° this Securiry Instrument, or therc is u Ieg�l proceeding thut may signiticantly uffect Lender's ri�hts in the Propeny (such as n �
<br /> , � �. , proce.eding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnutiun or foetciturc or�o coforce luws or rcgulutions). then Lender muy do and _�„�.�4;,
<br /> ndcr's ri hts in thc Pra ny. l.endcr's actions may �"�� '
<br /> ` .y. .::,•;,.;�;,,�, pay for whatever is nccessary to pmtect thc vuluc of the Pmpeny and Le g Ix ;;:.�.�-_
<br /> � ''•+��•�ti,�1 sums secured by v licn which has priority over this Si;curity Insirument, appearing in coun, paying �;;�,_,-; .
<br /> ,�.- ��,,;.;.�ll• includc paying s�ny °
<br /> '-+�� "•;;�4i;��`';�);a �easonuble attomeys' fees and entcnnF on the Pmperty to mvkc rcpain. Although LcnJcr m�y ia4c action under this paragraph ;;s•�t•;;�__- _
<br /> . ��,.,.,;,., ..-_�
<br /> { � . �f;r�!•1s�f.� 7.Lender does not have to do so. _ �.:• =
<br /> . �;',�►��°�.,�•. °� Any amounts disbursed by Lcndcr under this parugraph 7 �h•rll hecome udditional deM of Borrowcr uxurcd by this . ��,.;_
<br /> " �'� 4�" ` S e c u r i t y I ngtniment. UnIe�.S Bonowcr und Lendcr agrcc tu othcr tcrms of racment, theu amnunts sh�l1 bear in[ercst from the ,7,
<br /> ;_.� ' ' ti't���• � . �iK�._•,•�__'!",..
<br /> •��;a;:' , date of disbursement ut thc Notc rute und shall be puyuble. wiih interext, upnn notice from L c n d e r t o 8 n n o w e r r e q u e s t i n g ��
<br /> �afi�%r.
<br /> ',' •:..�;,, ° payment. - ��
<br /> ` .. S.MortgaRe Ingurance•�f V:nder reyuired mortgu�c imurunre•rti�conJition of making thc lo�n secured by this Security �v��y, .,_
<br /> " Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuimd to muint•rin the mortgage insurance in effect. lf, for uny reuson, the ��,�,_6,..
<br /> . _,r�a.�C�.:.
<br /> ,,.,, mortgage insurance coveri+ge requirccf My l.cnder I•rpu:s o�•cea,cs t��i►c in�Ifect.Born�wer shull puy th�premiums required to _,`,�;�','�,F-
<br /> ' ''`,�ij.�;f/f., obt�n coverage substantially equivulent to the mnrtgaFe insursince previously in effi.�ct. �t u cost �ubstsintiall�• equivulent to the `,��,
<br /> r
<br /> � ••�� r,J'.:�'' :�•,•.,;�.�;,f� cost to Borrowcr i�f�hc mongau�.insuruncc prcvioutily in cffc�:t, t'rnm un altcrnatc m��rtgagt inwrcr upprovcd hy l.ender. If ,,�,,•
<br /> �'. ;�;Y,• ;..�
<br /> y �;';r�'"�' •+'; substontially equivulent mortgag� in+uranrc c�wcragc i.nut availahlc,&�rruwcr shull ps�y t�n Lrndcr cach month u xum cquul to
<br />� T�. �±���'� • . one-twelfth uf the}early mortg�gc imurunce prcmium Ixing paid by Borr,�«cr wh�n thc in�uru�ce covetage lap4ed or reased to
<br /> ' � be in effect. l.endz��v���:�ceept.use and retain thc+c puyments u� a los, reserve in lieu of nx►Rgage in;urance. Lns, reserve
<br /> Farm 9028 9180
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