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�` .. _ . -- _ .... �. -_•__- - <br /> - �, --„— ,..x.,;s���:�. � : ., <br /> . a <br /> :.,�� <br /> . <br /> ,. -- .. <br /> � ,� , ..��- _ _ <br /> .. ., - _ - -- - -- <br /> E l ti, �- <br /> � . �' � `��� 91-- 10288$ <br /> '���. 17.Tnoata�ot tMe�or�Ba�dki�I latp+aW in Borrower.If�11 nr ar►y pvt of the Property ar ar►y iatere�t in It <br /> � is sold or trmsferrod(or ii A beac cfal inicrest in Hornawcr ia sold or transfemed and Bc�mawer ia not a netural person)without <br /> �' I,endcr'r prior writlen cbnscnt. Lcndcr nwy, w its option. roquirc immodiatc payment ia full af�11 wms wxurcd by this <br /> � . Socutity Inwnimcnt.Howevcr.thi�qxion clwll not be e�cerciscd by Lendar if cxercisc ix prohibited by foderal law�of ihe d�w <br /> • ' of thie Secudty Instnimcnt. <br /> �; , � If l.eride�exereises this aptian,l.ender sl►all give Barrower ndice ai acccleration. The n�xi��e shall pr��vide a perind�if not <br /> less than 30 days from the dwte the natice ia deliverod o�mailod within which Borrower must p•ry all scums �ecured by Ihfs <br /> � Se��uriry Inslrument. If Bomnwer fyils tupay thesc sutrts prior ta the cxpirotion oi this period,l.cnlcr may invotc any rGnediex <br /> . „ •' permitted by this Security Instrumenc wlthout funher notice or dcn�d on BarroNCr. c <br /> 18. Aartowa''s RIRht ta Reinr�te• �i Bormwer mcets certain conditioas, Borcawer shall have �he dght to fwve <br /> �� enfarcemem of ihis Secudty Instrument discvntinuod w any time priar ta the carlicr of: (A1 5 days(ar such�Kher pc�iod aeti <br /> - . �� applkabk I�w m�y spocify far roinstatementl before sale af the Prope�ty pursuant to any pawcr uP sala containod in thia <br /> �'=-�-'+�:r�+v.:•�i Security Inslniment;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforring this Socudty Instmment.'1'Ix�se c�nditions sue that Bt�rmwer:(a)paya <br /> �4�,iID;;i�;,��. l.ende��II sums which then would bo due under this Socudty Instrument suid the Nate� if no xc�cicratian had oc�curred; (b) �,.,, <br /> . _ ` '¢;��� cuns any dePault of any othcr covenants or agroemems; (c) pays all expenses incumod in cnforcing�his Sxu�i�y Ins�rument. __ <br /> :�t` �-i:�;_ including. but not limited la. m,asonab6e attarne�s'fees:and ld)taices such action +u L.ender t►wy rcaso�ably rcqu�ne to+usure _ <br /> � �,;,�. , �`"� � that thc lien ai'lhis Sccurity Inetrurn�cni, l.ender s�ights in thc Prc�perty and Borrowcr's obligatian to pay the sums securod by : <br /> °•:'i'^;�`,�:� this Securiry Instrument :hall coo�tinu�e uncban�vd. UPon ra+ns�ement by Bomnw�r. this Scxuriry Instniment and the <br /> -LL -- —�v��..,.�. ...� ot ���;: <br />--- �, � obligAtions secured hercby shall renpi.a fuUy c(�i�c�,ive as if no ecccl�r�tlon twd accurred• However. �his �ght to reinstete sFwU �,:�_ <br /> .--. °��__.�.:•::.:;3;�� not pPply in the case of acceleration u.nd�er pa*a�c`.�71z i7. <br /> 9� 19. S�le of Note; Clwa�e v�1.w�w Servi�'• 7'he Note or a per�+al interest in thc Nate (together with this Socuriry �. t; <br /> Inctnimeot�m�ay be sold one ix mo�e tirn�es without Priar nWice ta Borrower. A rale may result in u change in the cntity(knawn �� - <br /> �°��i' � ua the 'l.s.aQ Servieer')ttwt eol�ects moaplilY PaY�nts due under the Note and d�is Security Instrument.Therc alw may t►e ane ---- <br /> -��`� �:,•�� o� more c�.m es of tRwe l.cwn Senricer tenrelated to u sale of the Note.If thcre iis a change of ti►e Loar�Servicer, Borrower will be _ <br /> �'�'���E ����•' given written noticc of the ci�nge in an'ordance with parngraph 14 abavc aod sq�plicablc law.Thc nuticc will stntc thc name and �;-=•` <br />— �'r�� -- <br /> v�;•- �. ?A,:".�� eddress af�he new l.oan Servicer and the�ddress to which payments should be made.The notice will also canlain uny other �-s_ <br /> =���';'i< <• • �; infom�ation n:quired by opplicabi`law. <br />� •�«..���:,��+ <br /> --:� . .�,�F,,,. . {�.'.,�� �Y 2p. H�rda�s Subswaees, Bc�tmwer shall not cause ar permit the presence, use. dispc�wl. storage,or release of any �__=--' <br /> 'rai%�;�l�M.. Hsvardous Subslances un or in ii�e R'soperty Borrower shull not do, nor ullow anyone elr,e to da, uny�hing affecting Ihe _ <br /> "`F�-�°�"�,, P that ic in violatian of any Euati�mnmental Law. The pnxeding two sentences shall not upply lu thc preacnce.utie, or �"�"� <br /> - = a���=•..; �nY <br /> '".H� • .x .: storaga on �he Property of small quantities of Ha:.�rdous Substences that ace A�neral�y rccognizal to tie uppropriute to nomial � <br />-;:s:. •.` wN.�... '. resldential uses and to mnintenance af the Prop��aay�. <br />;�s.:: . ,.' ,.� � � <br /> - . ,�.,,,... Borrpwer shall pramptly give I.ender writu�•ncWice of any investi�x�'r.�n,claim, demand. lawsuit or ather uctian by any a-,_ <br /> ��:'�� . .� sovernm►z�tal or regulatory agency or pcivate parry involviog the A�ape�ty und anY Harardous Substsince or Envimnmentul l.uw <br /> ���:r`s� ::,�'Saf��. <br />-.,,,�., ��, �.,. of whiCle iElorrower has actual knouledge. If Borrower is rw�tiCied by any govcrnmcntal or regulatory authority,that �; <br /> �x.... ��,.�-A=1. ., i�r other r�emediation ot'um'Hal�rdous Substan��e s►t�ectit�tfit Property is nccessary,Borrawer shall promptly wke _ <br /> - . _ � � Y any rrn!e � <br /> _r.' :"•J„ ` all nere�sury remedial actinns in aceosdance with Eavironmental➢ __ <br /> anc <br /> - � X. �'' '' � • Aa ur�ed in this na►agraph 20, "Hawrdous Subst�nccr' arc tMtse Qu�+�nunccs definal as taaic or haTSUdous subslunces by m_ <br /> r'� ;Y'�' `k"� ' Environmenlal Law wKl 1he fbllowing substan�es: gasoline. ��rosenr, e�hcr flammable i►r t��zic petrolcum products. toxic �r;_ <br /> ''��; `�r��.'��i•;d. , - pesticidex and herbicides.volatile salv�nts,matcrials�ont�ioing as:+e.rv���r farnuddchyde,und rodioactivc materlals. As used in ,��„ <br />- , �, tL..r!.�'aF:. <br /> .,�:..•�r;�...,;,.: thiepars�raph 20. 'Environmental LAw" mcans fed�ral lavvs awd IAws of thr juriuliction wherc !he Property is locatod that E��`� <br /> ',; :at`.�� _�.��; �+eleta to or emironmental protcxtian. <br /> acaT <br /> ;t,,. � ° [dON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcrund l.cndcr tur¢fh.r c�nrnunt anc:egrccas foUnw�;: �;�.,; <br /> ��; , .� y�, Apxleradun;Remedies,l.ender RhWI give nodce to Barrowrr prlar to acceleratlon Pollawing Bornowe�'s brexch ___ <br /> -� -� �, 5 of eny covenaut or s�reement tn this S�curity Instrument (� n+�i prior to acceleratlon underp�ragreph 17 unless _ ;_ <br /> ��,�'• �C ' . , appllcable law provides otherwise). The ndice xhall spocify: (al the dePaull; (b1 the action required to cure the default; _ <br /> =��� :y � a -- (c)o date,not less tl�an 30 days irom the dntc the notice iR Slven ia Borrower�by which the dePault must be cut+ctl:and �-, <br /> ��.., „ . - <br /> ''�;�;,�•-;,� `� ~ (d)tl�at P�Ilure to�eure the deFAUlt on or before the date specified in the notice may resuN in acceleratlon of the sums <br /> r; ,���•;;4c�,`. " ' secured by Ihia Security Instn�ment and sale of the Pmperly The notice shaU Purthcr inform 13orrower of the right to =�`� <br /> 0!4-' <br />' ��••��°�' ' K'� reiostate aner acaelerntion and Ihe right to brfn�a court wction to asseM the non-existence of a defeult or any other �''=_ <br />- ' ��r�;'i � '�'�; �K�r, .. detense at Borrower to acocleralion and sRle. If the defs�ult is not cured on ar before the dalc spoclRed in the nodce, — ' <br /> S <br /> • '�{;�� ''�'� '���,'`�r���� Leader, qt Its option, may requlre Immedi�te paymeM in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument without <br />- � � '�'^'��• fwther danwid and mAy invoke the power of s�le and any other remedies permitted hy applicable Inw.I.ender sFwll be <br /> � ,'`�•` `' enlllled to collect all expemes incurred In punsuing the remedies provided in thls paragraph 21.includin�,but not Ilmited — <br /> •� ��'}�'::`<:5 '��=" "� - to,reason�ble attoroeys'Pees and coste of Utle evidence. <br />-•;'`�•.:•-'.�:','• � "�fj' '` i(Ihe power of azale is iovoked. T�ustee shall record � notice of default in each county in which any part ot the � <br /> ''``''°`'`' �,g.: , � Property ts loa�ted aad shall mail copies of surh notice in the manner pt�escribed by applicable law te Borrower�nd to �� <br /> -�.n l4'.���� . �` <br />°::.•{�,4;}; ` ���r peraons prescribed by�pplicable law.Ai'ter th�time requfnYl by npplicA6le I�w.Tn�stee sh�ll givc publlc notice —� <br /> � y , .� <br />`�.���,,�":, ' ot sWe to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable Ipw.Trustee. without dem�nd on Borrower.shAll sell �,. <br /> ,. ' ° a "' t6e property at public auction ta the hi�hesl bldder�/the tlme and place�+nd undcr the tern�.s degiRnated in the notice oP <br /> :;:�;��.y�,; a . , sale in one or more parccls and In�ny order Trustee determincs. Tn�.stee may poslponc wle of all or any parcel of lhe <br /> ',-�.� ��:� • Y b 6 1 ic Announcemen t s�t I h e t l m e a n d p l a c e o f a n y p re�o�w.�y s c 6 e d u l e d s e l e. I.e n d e r or ils desi gnce mA y "� <br /> =�'. ?i:' 'n„ Q:':'tilA ��y y � �,. <br /> , ,�; x. �...,�.,.v�We Prnperty at any r,ale. � <br /> • '4,,; .. ':. �a `,�� <br /> . r) 1'i�.,� �;•;�''��,�7�.. <br /> .�i.. ,."!�t` •`i'�i�t��?��;���� � <br /> . �� • . ��.(;������`�r� i <br /> ��1�:._: �i�� '.r•.. <br /> ._ ;!;r . . ' , . FOIf11�Z8 9I� <br /> . � , Pp�6 01 6 �. <br /> ' ' �J. <br /> '� •J � <br /> . . , � . �•;i•,1)��.�n'. �.�� <br />- ,-.. . . . . . � .. . . . • , •4,. <br /> � { <br /> . . , , f <br /> � _ � <br />