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, .,r . <br /> . . - . � ��L�:i.rf.,.l. . _ r-_ -_ <br /> .. . ^ � . . , _ :i'., . ��s.� ''�.�i .`� ��(i;•�.i�l� -r _ . . _ - <br /> .. ., ":��,- _n..t..... ti..�(i'��: .1._. <br /> . . , . ..,.,, .. ,: • .. .r '' .m;,,a,.�_�...%:�`�,i'. ,. <br /> L ,. �� • • .. ' ,�' o •,�.?u . ... , ,u. <br /> .�.. .-—•-_... <br /> —�ef.Wooatal�r.W�lita�/�a�i.�Ry,_orliqroo�rw�iata�i�i�,.-- _ � ±w�+�����_� :`'_ <br /> ilr w*id lo i�d�r. .. - ., . „ � � , :. <br /> , �, fa e�e m�t ot.w� t+id�s at a.r�p�eiy� tM. d�.0 6�ipp�w a �w �w. w�ia��bj�ew�i�q , <br /> 1�aN.wMaM�a not��e,rrilb Mqr�taM to Bano+w�er. la 1d+�w�t d�prlid W�i�d IM�lb <br /> wAich 1be fi�i�a�i�t v�lw ot 1�Pro��ty�embd�Mely be!'oro tbe uidn�u pwt b dr p�M�r IMn tM rnow�e d �uent <br /> • . �rd by d�it 9�dity bwrw��t��liefo�a d�e tdtLy.unle�Bor�o�r,and l.tedK QIM�wM��lu wrloh�. <br /> t�e arm�e�u�ed by tl�is Sa.�oritji ImwmaRS be rod��o�d by dit MaotaM o�dr by die foiloNrL� <br /> fr��tiaa: .(af tht load�vf�e wa�a oecund intiawdl�ely 6efore the ta{ci.*►�,div1��)�ma�t vdua of ibo <br /> reopaty�.�ely beraMe d�e a�id.�. My bd�ame�u be pda a arx�owe� In aie aw�t d•p�ad�dtd�d die <br /> Pl�oputty ia which tbe fi�aarkel vatGe d the Phopetty� befare d�e 1�i�len dum ths auouat af tbe wau <br /> oputt <br /> aa.uad imoAeOiMely befo�e tiie �. uek�s Banower�nd o�l+awi�e ynse in wrldn�ot unlea y�lic�ble I�w <br /> pd�enrise povides.die p�oo0�eds d1111 be�ppUed b dlo amt feoYrod by thb 3ecufity In�bwr�aN whath�r or Iwt d10 Nltn�aro <br /> ��Property G atMndo�ed hy Horrower.o'N��aotiaa t►y Lm�der to Bamwar d�t tho ooademnor oiC�en w m�o <br /> aa a�va+A or setde a ch�m far ds�oqe�,Baavwer fidl�w reapond to Ler�der wi11�n 30 d�y�aRer the due d�e notke I��ivai. <br /> I.e�Aer is autbot8red w oollect and�pply�6a procads,at its optbn�dtha to�atanqioa a rep�ir of t6e Ptq�eny or�o dr <br /> •wms sa.�od by d�it Security�asuwna�A whaher anot tben�#ue. <br /> unkss l.a�aer aaa eamwa ot�erwlse,�geeo b writinY.�► icuion or pnoeeAs w ptincipd.hau noc oxceaa ar <br /> po�tpone the due d�oe o!the moathiY WY��neferted w in psr�gra�i 1 and 2 ar ch�a�e the amotatt of such payn�aw. . <br /> 11. sarr�ower 1Vo1 Rdea�ed� I�rbara�ee By Leader !Vo! a W�irer. Bxta�don of tho time for p�yaneat a <br /> modiflcatlan of�on of tbo anns tocurod by this Secmity ia�trwaa�t�rantod by l.eeder to my�sar ia inle�at <br /> ot Barowet sh�!oot openta to reiwo the IlaMility of the ai�ital8amwer or Bmuwer�wcoe�a�s in Inte�t.l.e��de�t <br /> �ai!nat t�r�u2�-td td c�u,u�aca prace¢clIngs ega�st anY succ�r in��r t�4lc�tn aataa!ei�far gsyere�t�r <br /> odrctwlse modify�mortiz�tion of tho wms secwed by this Security Instrument by�easan of any dem�M m�de by tho ari�l <br /> � Bormwa or Borrow�uh wcceisac in interest, 'Any forbearance by Lender irt exa�cking�ny rl�ht ar remady�II na be a , <br /> �'� w�iver of or proclude the exercise of any ri�itt..or rennedy. <br /> ' • 12. SYOCarots wd Ari�m Hout�do�.�oiat and Several LhAllityi Co�en. 7'be coveiwnu w�d agroements of,tldt .' . <br /> � _ � Se�qrity Ipsaument shall bind and benctit the succee�oie�nd�usigna of I.t�der and Bormwer.cubJec�a�he provisiqis af�. . <br /> •� • parpgrqPh 17. Borrowenc�ovenmu And agreemena sFull be joint�nd eaveral.My Bortower who co-signs thi�Seeu�xyr'' <br /> : . IneGtWnent but does not eaecute the Note: (a)ls co-dgning this Savr�ty Insdument only to matga�e.grant ud cunvey t0�at <br /> • Hormwer�s inte�st in the Pmperty under dto terma.of thie Stxurity Inswment; (b)is not peaonally obligAted to p�y the auas <br /> ,, � serwed by thi.R Securhy insdumatt;and(a)aStees tlu�t L.ender�nd�ny otMr Barrower tnay agroe W eatea�d.medlfY�farbeu �� <br /> or m�tce any acowmr�odatbn� with regArd w rhe termc of thi� Security In�arument or the Nota without d�at BoROwer1� �'�. <br /> con:en� <br /> �. !3. �C !f 11�t lflan xtt�d by thls Sxarity Inss�umesit Is sub}ect to e !aw w!�lc.h erd3 maximum Icw� <br /> , � cbuges.end that Iaw's i'inally inter�mted so t6at the intetest or otl�er loan cherges collected or to be coUected in connoction <br /> • wlth the loan excced.the petmitted limits.�hen: (a)any such lowi chArge shell�be t�educed by tlro am�wM r�ecessary w reduce <br /> thc chugc to the pertnitted limit;u�d(b)anY sums ulready cdkcted from Borrower which exceeded permitted Wnits w1U be <br /> nfunded to Borrower. I..ender mry choose to meke�hia rofund by reducfng the principal owed w�dar the Noa or by making a <br /> dinxt�payment w Borrower. If a�iund aduas principal,the reduction will be trcated a�a pa�dal prepaymrnt without tu�y <br /> prtpayment charge under tho Nou. <br /> 14. Notlees. Any notico to Borrower provided for in this Socur�ty Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> m�iling it by B�st claas mail unless appNcable law requi�ea use of another method.The notice shall be diroctod to the Pnoperty <br /> Address or eny other address Barower designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice w Lender shall be given by first claas <br /> maii to I.ender"s addrcss stated he�in or any other address Lender designetes by notice to Borrower. Any noNce pmvided for <br /> in thia Secudty Insaument stu�ll be deemed to have bcen giveo to Barower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> �g1S Governing Law;3ever�billty. This Securiry Inswment shall be govemed by federal law nnd the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the PropeKy is lacated. In the event thut any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nate <br /> canflicts wi�h applicable law.auch conflict sholl not affect other pruvisions of thia Security Instrument or the Nae whieh can <br /> 6e given effecC without the conFlicting provision. To this end iPie provisions of this 3ecurity Inawment and the Note ue <br /> declated to be��verabie. <br /> 16. Borrower's Capy. Bortower sBnll be given one conformed copy of the Note end of this Saurity Instrur►xnt. . <br /> 17. 7lransfer of the Property ur a&neflclal lnterest in Borrower. If all or any psut of the Propeny or any interest in <br /> it is sold or trnnsferred(or if u bcneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transf;Ned and Borrower is rwt a natural person) <br /> without l.ender:c prior written consent,Lender mey,at its option.reyuire immer:3�ie payment in full of all sums s�xured by <br /> this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exe�cised by Londer if exercise is prohibited by federal luw as of <br /> th�datc of this Security Inrtrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,I.ender sh�!{give Borrower notice ni acceletation. The notice ahall provide a periad of <br /> not less thnn 30 days From the dute the notice i�delivered or rnailed within�ti•hich Borrower must pay all aums seeured by this <br /> Security Instrument. lf Borrower fnils to pay �cse sums prior to thc ex�ir��ion of this period. I.ender may invoke any <br /> remedies permi�ted by this Securi�y InsuumeN w+tFwuc funher notice or demund on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinats�te. li Burrower meets ce�ain conditions, Borrower shull huve the right tc�hnve <br /> enforcement of this Sccurity Instrument discontiay;d at any timr prior to thc enrficr of: (ai S days(or such other perial as <br /> � Singk F+mily••Far�ie MMe/fYMdk Moc UNIFORM INSTRUMF.Nf-•Unifwm Coveiuntt 9�91� 1/+aR��aJh/bR�sl <br /> �R �'-�Ri7 h��{���f�� � SL 2J1}.. <br /> . . _ . �'' �t . __^� l/� <br /> �.. -�1i� � ` � ' �' t ._ .. � p; l. S � ...-.�. .. rr•: Y•i'r�i �-': <br /> �`�aA R ;��..v' j�, r t S{,�t�4� ` �1��) � ���S}I�.�t Y . t �r'��i� 7� a� ,�,1�.,tI:( 7� . ` .._ fn � <br /> ..,.� _1'�.,._ _��111�J r.�af?�_ ?�'.t�ti�tu��£fl_A_'�L1��.7.�'l.�.�ari,��.���.e_r_i-_�,�.T._rS:z�_i�►��l�j}�l '� �Il1i�e±��i.r '�:..,�.����. ��. <br /> .•,� Q �.'�} i � • jf�����( }��{�+f(l.h•�`�i+c`lmYp-r f i� -- —_y-. - - —,--- ' ��-.T�'.:�v.�.���t�'Sic I��S4`�� -` T' . �11 �. �1,�'�'��,�yt4�`; <br /> < i } I } .r � <br /> w ..1�� � •`� ����r1�t.1VYR���"i;�4t��fj�lt f�}+� • . � •+1 i�� s}�5����1 �t 5 i}� �Si1� �r? ..ti 1�i tl <br /> �tn. "r" •�i;.. �v� '`'°!�:' '•�4�°!�� �1�`' . �- �Sfi�.� f_}�i �'�. ���� ,�t �.� t if ti � <br /> - . <br /> •`� � � �r � � , , , ., At ...v:�4 i , 1 � �� <br /> - . , ;��. • . . , <br /> o v ;!'�.;�si•_�'t� F� +.'�}.:'�E �� ,�).:�,, . ,. . •� , '• rT` �.:''�'�`•:' :(A.n kr;d�r�•i>':v�'l,:�.t1`t'��,t�!5.�.1/2i ���`!r <br /> _ � •i��t•�� ' � , <br /> � J�1. ?���;� 5i�t� '.rya- �f'� - . -- •-`=—�-� --r--�-•--�`--;-'---,7Y,.: ;,. ���i;p(�y�P �� C"� F <br /> l ..z=4����1�7�n .I'�ilrr ._ . �1, ..�Y � . . .. 5.. _ A .~ �'}1 1 J {G:y• ��"������rr� ` . <br /> 4 .v. �...r a t,: ..� 7 :Stf`� ��Y .. � . _ `3- r i. . . ��.. �� �!!�•t�q)��cf d.�o{�fiL'4�y:'�'y�,S <br /> � ,�t t� ���;� ��f�/�75 �f����•1 Y � +�I�, <br /> ��,Ai `. o•.' +�,�' ' ' , . -q, . . 1 if"1 : 5�, . , . <br /> � ���'•.�,�;. : :fE� , d.._� .. . . . ,� ;t4}• <br /> t�l���G _{ti .t t?� . � , �- . . .. , ., t�,•. <br /> ��L'3qlT ,bT.i.Y 'J . , • . 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