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�__ �>>� . . ..__ . " .. . .- .. - . - : .. . ,.�i�9'��6":=- <br /> I ' . • . .. -��.. - <br /> a ' . . � �-` <br /> _�! - - ��►���.,���x►�a���er��o..� �.. ��a�, — —-- <br /> I ' S�rau+nrta��et(�) d• �Ibrciy d��arMr I�w�aM. 71�aa�f�•��Mrt lanerwt,'(y . <br /> � p�t/1A1M1Mr IIN Ie�f1t 11i6�Ch�N�OY 60 dIM 1MdIt dIb �p�ity 1��01MOOOt�pd 1�0 Id010 R�U Ao �OO�IQIIMIb.Vd <br /> a.lYwk ar.n�►auec oarmr+a or.pwn�.r.�e ,(C) e�p.a�inauted tn anf�a�ej.�d��.a�ity . . <br /> �ez�q�a�equ, incluai�y,iwe not f6nhae ro,r�s+onbie.f1a++eri'reac ana c��moe�wcM.aion�u t�enear ra�r n.��r <br /> �aecuredby d�it 30c�+hthY Uatnane�M��und�d. U �ma�b7► Nonow�ar�tbbla� <br /> - Lnc�nuneut aad tiia oWi�alle�w te�uoed hereby ah�ll romain NUy et�'eedvc ts if ta aocske+�en h�d aocarred. Newaver�� <br /> ri�lu a ran�t�e a�u na�pply In 1he c�ue ur�oaelar�uloa w�aer p.e�r�ph 17. , <br /> 1!. S�le d Mah=�.'N��e�f La�a 8��la+r. 71►e Note ar� inoaeu ln d�e Noro(t�t!�wlth thi�Saauiry <br /> Gnauman)nuiy be�oW aa a mae Hmas witlaut p�lor nalloe w�. A�#le a�y ee�uh fn�clwn�ye in ths aWty . <br /> (known a�the" Savioar'�tIW coUbcb marnhly p�ymaita due under d�e Male aad thls Secutity Ia�itumak. Thae alw <br /> nu�y be one or maa chm�a of the Loap�Servlxr uneeUited w a ab of the Nde. Tf d�de i�a�of tha Lwn Servicer. <br /> � Barower wUl be�piva�wriuen aotice of the chanQe ln aocond�nce with para�raph 14�bove�nd�pp Icablo I�w. 7ba aotico <br /> � wW wUo Ihe namo and add�ot the qew l.o�n 3ervlcar and the�ddmst ro whioh paymenq�Iwuld be mtle. The aotloe wUl <br /> ' �Iw oo�t�in�ny other infanaatlan�equi�ed by�p1ic.�We I�w. <br /> Z0. Haaa�dans 3rbM�oe�. Barower�11 not cau�e or permit the pirsa�co.use.di�po�l.�tan�e.or rclaue of�ny <br /> flarardou�SWisunves an a ia the Propaty Bamwer elWl noc do.nor dlow�nyone etce w do��nyd�ing afrectin�the <br /> Rtopatx td�t u ia violuion of any BnvlronmenW I..�w. 71�e preoedlag two�entaroc�ahdl noty�ply w the prccerwe.use.or <br /> ��Plnopeity ot���tbe �Pt+cf ipertyH�Nau subcwioos that�o�a�adly neco�niud w be appropri�re a namul <br /> Banawa�sWll PanP11y�iYo LRa�de�wriueo notice of u�y iavettiWulon.��w or al�et�t1an by sny <br />—— -- -- .:� avanme�i ur�egulowrY+�Y a P��P�Y�nB��P��7�Sai�sanoe oa�6avi�a�unutt�i <br /> , �a of whicd Bonnwer hn �c[ual luio*rlodga lk'Bacower le�ns. or is cioBfied b�r �ay� aovertanenhl ar re�ul�oory <br /> _- __ :� �uthoritY.that aay�maval or wher reaaediadon of my.�l�z�tdous Subapu�oe affoctiyg tLe N�opaty 1:nooeswy.Boemwer <br /> _ --�_—=_ �P��PUY t�e all neoessary remedi�l actiaos in�ci.�a�dance with EnvironmenW <br /> ,���� • As used in thi�p�r�grnph 20."Flaz�rdous Substurces"ue Ihoso substanas dotined u roaic or hw�dont wbstar�cm by <br /> :�-:�a Envl�arunaual Law md tho foUowing subsw�ces: g�soline,ke�osaK.other tlunmable or wxic pea+olam products.w�ck <br /> ""�=' peaticlde�md habicides.volatilc solvcnta. materials containing asbestas or fomuldehyde.�u�d radioacdve matai�ls. As <br /> usod in thls puagr�ph 20."F�vlmnmentnl I.ew"means feder�l laws+u�d I�ws of�he juricdiction wha�e the Pt�operty is located <br /> ;.�� tbiu rclnte to heattfi�safety ar environmental protecNan: <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bornnwer and�.�endcr further cova�ant and p$roe as follows: <br /> ' 21. Acakntioa= Remedks. Le�der ahaU �e ueiice to �urrower prior to aoceleration fdbwi�q Borrower's <br /> bre�c6 0�uy covenaot or a�eemep!i�tUb t9eCa►dly�Ia�trun�at Q'bwt aot prbr W Rccder�lon under p�ra�rapr 17 <br /> e�s r��lk�hle I��v prnvideo otherwloei. 7��datioe OwU specitvs �iAl t6e dehultt(b)tbe actiou requhYd to cw�C t4e <br />. ' �dehult;(c)a date,not lese tbau 39 day��iraa tQ�e Gnce!he notice'is given to Bo�'rorrer,by w6ich t6e default ma�t ee <br /> ��`••.� ' c.wrodi�ad(d)t6at tailure to cure the detAUlt bn or me?ore the date specifled ta t0�e aotke maq result ia�l�ration of <br />;���rlr� ihe earag secused by tbis Securlty Iastrumeqt�nd�e ot!!io Property. The r�qni�e shaU�urtLer infora�B�arrower of <br /> — -- ' t�+e rtght to rcinstate after acceleratb�and Ihe rtght to brtng a court actbn to sisstK Ihe naa-exlatence d a ddault or <br /> , � l�� '. aqy otber dePenae ot Borrower to AcceYcraaior�s�nd sok. It the detaWt Ls not cured o�or before the dAh specifkd ia <br />`;;sn�� • the notia,l.ender�t its aptiom m�y reqa�re immedis�te payment in full o�nll sums secured my rt1�ls 3ecuraty Ia�umeat <br />':��x';�.. �vitbout f1�rt6er demand and may invoke!he pawer af sale and any other remedks permitted by applkrble Ipw ' <br />_ Q.eadsr siwH be entitled to collect nll expeRSes iqcw�rrd in pureuing the remedies provided lo thi� pua�raph 21, <br /> indudiog,but not limited to.reasonAble Attorneys'fees und costs oi titie evidence. <br /> ;� ' I�the power ot sale is invoked,7�ustee shall reeord�notice ot default in each caunty in which any part of the <br /> Property is located Aad siwll mail copies of such notice in 1he manner prescribed by appNcabte lAw to Borrower and to <br /> — the other persons prescribed by Appllcable lavr. After the tlme requlred by applicaUle tnw,�lrustee shap give public <br /> naNae of sak to the persons and in the mpnner prescrlbed by applicable law Ti�aslee,without demAnd on Borrower, <br />::�� A�hall sell the Property at pubNc auction to the highest bidder at the time and plACe und under the terms desigaated ia <br /> �,�;::Ir Khe notke of sak in oae or more parcels aed in any order 7�ustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sak ot pll or any <br /> + parcel ot the Property by public annou�emenl at the time and place ot any prevloualy seQ�edukd sak. Lender or its <br /> r �t,.., desi�nee may purchase tlie Properly s�t any sale. <br /> �ti?;• Upon receipt of payment of the price bid�'IYustee siwll deliver to the purcbaser 7lruste�'s deed conveying the <br /> :�n::.f 3'roperty. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed shAll be�prima fACie evidence ot the truth of the stalements made therein. <br /> `��.`•� '�`rustee ahnll apply the praceeds of the s�le in tae tol�ativing order. la1 tn all costs end ezpenses ot exercisiug iAe power <br /> — ----- ;.,.:� <br />_ 'r: <br />`;.:; S�' <br /> . <br /> �' i <br /> =� ��t:� .�'• = <br />����_�_ � ..1�:, _.. <br /> .ili'��11f:.ILw, <br /> .,'' �K <br /> l 1' — <br /> _ ,�� Form J028 9/90 Ipugr J njb poReal <br /> `L1;1:'t. Gr`�`��. _ <br /> ,.t',- <br /> , '� . � . , � _. <br />.`�� ,��.1 �, <br /> !;i <br />- ,;� _ t p._�m,• . . .,%+jr�i :�4;'t4xS•�:d:Si�:=Fr.t• � f '^' s _ <br /> �i!'7 n..;/ . _- —_��Y.'�ii7\ •. J� i . - �� - -� ..': �!�%�.;w�ly ,� _� �i� S.1�G.'y��;. .�.... , t1 . <br /> �e� i�r �'l��u�f���t'�'L.. . . '` � � ,ci . �� ra°.�tc :: . _ _- ��a. :. <br /> Iv��a;J `t.rlsr t�tr.S.c_ti_ .�i�C� .[,. �r t�i(�.�5','_l� �_41__ .....�_3� •�L1�7�2m°��`. <br /> F�KliS�'i'�4i�"ti�"�""�r.��+.i �i: �. ,���fd����i j�'�} ti t f f . ' _'4 "e'Sr�';r;;.�,\��.t,` ..� d`a'lv=t"`" �' ,�r.�.,�. ;_ _-.: <br /> `d !.� ' r �� .: • ' a, ^• . '. .,,.:' ' F^�'In��� M t.. Ae a'�h1`a�.+�.)rt_. <br /> � '� �F+!�'°'.�{S w ` ' , '- 'i- 1 � i L .�.�•. _ ,., , . �. ,,c.�,..::4 ,.. 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