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__ __ _ ____ ____. ,, ,..3...e- ��:-, ..- :. �j_�; �. <br /> � • . . . _ .,. � ..-r; . �-.:�;.;�t�--_— �.... <br /> .. .:�: - 't <br /> ,. . c. <br /> . . �.. <br /> l� . . �• �; . � . ;: <br /> - p�de�#��-a±ai,�� Tiii, .. —���'�di�C�t�c��i � �-- ---". <br /> �„ �V_�`�wot IMl����M►M�11/� �3NM1v�lar lYiY io I�N�M�11 dN�1'ii�i�il�l.�I�' . .1�-� - -: ' ,• <br /> I,wMi�iM,rinM y wpnoMct t.�r�rl�ia tM ProNely i��ooai��p�eynpb 7. � �: <br /> ' An r�..n�o.polid�s00N�",iril°�e.ew� a�m IrMdlt�d id!i�ellede��twdr[d�d1AM�. t�d�t .. ` <br /> �r.w Mn�IMM�o haa tlM patkio��+nd�1�,lt L�ada rec�res,eorrow�er�a per�pl��ive 1c+[�eedK.a reoe3pu , <br /> p����1�M��0�0�4. 1�1�M�YMM 0��OK.BCf1olMet�l�Illl�MO�1'O�l lIOt�00 b 11C 1M��Or1�lf� i <br /> �.�Of. �.�Ef t����1(00�0��Op��Ol IIM�IS plOp�lt�►by�OfID�ME� <br /> �{�O{�rl{�01l01MOf W�1C�1M�fd Y�TOP. lil Wi1i�.I�il[�pr Yt1i��W L��i9 iEilClit�il OP fl.�►7�T CS <br /> dia it tfe ialo�Mior or tep�ir b e�oona�aialty[aWbio��ed Laidert recu�ty b aat lere�ed U da ' <br /> re��a�aot acoaoatic�llr ta�i6ie a Lmder��ecu�ity wouid be la�encd,�he iarunaoe pR�aoee�M da�0 be ' <br /> .. �f110d b Ihe ilY�{so67eed by I�i SOCYfjly 11pa1�iM�1V�10�[Or OOt ihOn t�le.M�h 1�OtCeY�b BqDOMfK K <br /> �0[l�01IMEt i�f80�{t210 pl'OQalx.O[d00�ODl aRiWO�W�1����110��00 t[01l1�t�tbQ�1tIMM00 C�fl� � <br /> drf�M b seqie a C1i17i1.(�ICI l.COdel may GonEC!d1E�qCio00 p'OLtiCdf. 1.671dEf tuay uio dYD pfOQeO�s to���� , <br /> �e Ptapaty or b p�y am:�ecured by d�ls Sxarky laqnn�.wbed�es or mt tbm due. 'i�e 30�d�y pdiod <br /> t!e notica u�tvca. : <br /> Ualesa l.eoda�od Barrowa ot�erwL�e a�ree ia vvridng,�ny�pllcatioa of pmooals w priadprl�MU not exta�!a r <br /> po�tpooe t�e dua d�oe ot tbe maatNY P�Y�rcfened�o ia p�tag�phs t aod 2 or dunge the anount of the . It <br /> uedtr 2l We Ptopetty fs aoqa�ired by lrender.Bor[owerl�right�o�ny iasutmoe policks�nd pro�i'esuitiqf <br /> fi� to tAe Prope�ty prior to the aoqub�ion�ll pau a Lawler w the extwc ot d�e snms ra�rod by thi�Sa�ai�y <br /> to tAe 1 ition. <br /> Ooe� �tio4.M�M�ahtaw�oe aad ProtMio� d tie ; Rarra�sr's Laa� Appiiafkr; <br /> w� <br /> l.e�s�oW� Ba�mwer:6a11 use the Property as Ba�mwa�9 p�1 raidenca wi�hin�f�uy days�fler <br /> ifia exccWau�ut'this Seemiry Lumanent and W�li c;aalinue bo oa:upy tlie�r�rty��arrawer��irjcipAi asid�t�oe fQ:�t <br /> le�ut a�e yar after the date ot'oocup�ncy. unlesa l.etider othetwise s�gtees in vrri6ng, which caustnt sh�ll aot 6e <br /> wnea�on�ly arith6e{d,nr uoless extenwtL�g clreu�tances esist which Arc beyad Borrower�corwol. Barower a6�11�wt <br /> dew�oY.dama8e a impair tho Propaty.aAow dK+ to deteriaate.or ootrim�c wsste ar the Property Bartower slnll <br /> be in defwk if amr forfeituro action a procee�iagp�civil or beaan Ihat in I.endal�good fiith judgmait <br /> cauW iault in forfeiture of tbe Property or otherwise m�cerially impair d�e lirn created by this 3ecurity lnstnunaa or <br /> L.aderl�security iatera� Bw�ower may curc such a default and provido�ia psuagaph IB.bY causing tde�ction <br /> or prooeeding to be dismissed with a�ulln�that.Bn Lender�good faith detertninadat.Pi'ccludes forfeiture oP the Barowerit <br /> inteiest in the P�operty or other m�teri�l imp�imient of�he 8e�created by thts Securiry Inspument or Laderk savrity <br /> Borrower shali also be in default if Aarowa, during the loaa applicatlan process. 8�ve mataiaUy false or <br /> in�uaoc infommtion or st�us to Le�der(ar falled to provide Lender with any material infomwtfon)in camecttou witb <br /> thc Ioan evidenced by the Note.iacluding.6ut not limitod to. tations�or�cerning Bocrower�s y of the <br /> . , , ; .Pzapesly as a ps�xipa�rtsi�esxs. If s�is�rity Issstrtisssmt':s on a _��tle�ld.��wer shal!c�7 wirh n11�pa�ovtsian <br /> � ' of tha lepse. If aartower acquircs fee ritle to tho Prepe�ty.the leasehold aiid the•tfo tille:haU not ir�erQe unleas Lender agrCa <br /> , ' w tAe roerger in writing. , � <br /> 7. ProtecUon of Leuder's Ri=6ts W t6e Praperty. If Botrower fails to pedonn the covenants and agraemenis � <br /> " containaf in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantiy affect L.ender�rights in the <br /> PMperty(such a4 a proceoding in bankruptcy,prob�te,for wndemnadon or forfeiture oi to enfmce laws or regulatloos),thrn <br /> I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessuy to protect the value of the Property and Le�deri rights in tho Piropecty. <br /> Le�erh acdons may Lrclude paying any sums secured by n lien which hac prioriry over this Security Insaument,appeuing <br /> in court,paying reason�ble anomeys'fces and entering on the Property ta make repairs.Although Lender may talce actian <br /> under thls paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amounts disburted by Lender under this paragrapA 7 shall become additional debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> Socurity Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agre�e to other tem�s of puyment,these amounts sh�ll beu interest from the <br /> dau of disbunxment at�he Note rote and shall be payablc,wi�h intcrest,upon notice from Lender w Horcower tequesting <br /> paymen� <br /> 8. Mortgnge Insurance. If Lender required morlgnFe insurance u�u conditlon of making the loan secured by thia <br /> Socurity Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to mainwin the mortgAge insurarxe in effect. If.for any <br /> rcosan, the mortgoge insura�ce wvernge required by I.ender lapses or censes to be in effect. Borrower shaU pay the <br /> premiums reyuired to ubtain coveruge sub,tantially equivulent w�hc morlga�.c in�umncc prcviously in effe�:t, ut a wat = <br /> substantially equiv�lent ta the cost to Borrower of the monsage inxursince prcviously in effect,from an altemate mottgage <br /> i�er a��proved by Lender. If substsm�ially equivulent mortgage inxurance coveruge is not availnble,Borrower shall pay to <br /> �f�nr�liaon�h u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yenrly mongage inrurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> �rsursurat cavemge�up�d or ceased to be in effect. Lender will nnd retuin Ihese paymrnts as n loss reserve in lieu <br /> bQ' �t ynsutanar. �L..�ss reserve puyments muy no longcr be required,At the option of Lender,if mortgage insuronce <br /> cove�ag (ld�the umount and for the period thut Lender reyuires)provided by an in+urer approved by Lender ags�n 6ecomes <br /> available and is abtained.Borrower shall puy�he premiurns reyuired to maintain mortgnge insurnnce in effect,or to provide a <br /> lass r+e.�erve,until�he requimment f�x ox�cegage insurance ends in accordance with uny written ugreement between Borrower <br /> and Lender or applicable law. <br /> 9. Iospectton. Lec�der or it,s agent may muke reasunablc entrira upon:u►d inspe�:tionti of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower notice at the tict�r of ar prior to nn in+pe+.Yion specifying�eusnnnble cuuuu for the incpection. - <br /> 18. Coademnatiaw. 'i'he proc:eedc of any awarei c�r cixirn tor Qxrnagex,direct ur canseyuenhul,m eonneetion wnh any <br /> 5irtgk Fmnily•�Fa�nie M�dtreMiR N�c l".l�ftyl0l►�1 INSTRUMENT--Unif�nn Covenant� 9A0��pu,q�3��jb p�g�rl _. <br /> aeae tdn l�M�er vr.r.�x.■ - <br /> b Qdr CY:N00�60010/3 0�A1�91&7914171 — <br /> V S�+ ' <br /> .. - r . . �rt+u���'...:.��.•.�� '�r -'� � � - -t . � � - - �t_'' 'iIFY�.- <br /> --''d"�'F����)��i f�r tr{t���t} � t�:�t�� ,�..• .;• t i f. �j;•�: •,, •�� `��.:�(�+:��yti,i�� .;f_.�:..`� .. . n. . ��_ri.�i� 1 - <br /> iLs�L.�1 rSKt.;i.��il1 1+ ,?` i� , i � d,;..., trAin,,..�1R}�. <br /> ...►!��L�:�it.hi��u��•1�L�'���:_'�i.i�*ts?_n��'�1�t� ��.'1,�1:�.-- - <br /> �� � . ��+���� <br /> __ f '� .* �._��. _yn,4r�i r. ....r,__ _ _ ._S_ �1.� , ._— ,� -�t�.,e�+��'4'^'-t � }� . ---- ."'i ✓. <br /> -�` �" _ Y .-\ti, n1 e .1 �1`�j�� i\1 r . �,� i ��l���ti�� , ...��31/�S7! -.f G.o.,. , . - . <br /> _. . +t ti �. �I ? �i57r.1!� , ' l,�r�. � ljlti 1. _ . • 1., 1.. . .• _. <br /> ...,...�:;�li e1 ' •f:t.,.�'�; , -.. � � ,r( ��� �� - � - • . <br /> .� ) <br /> __� � c.'SC'J�L,.;.ti.._an�.__:.i1CY•!'.'�•iaK�.}•..� � . . i- ��T�.f..,�.-Z.�n� �kwi.�'.!S.S�i!•t`•e�� �. �1!;�c <br /> � -^.a��i- � r�tiU�n ,n-.�rn^,-, . - — --'— .--.. <br /> . . __ .w . n 3:4i���! L :��'w .. ' i�f' it�, . ...s <br /> --- .�.}'�a� '+'`,. .��i ;�.�`J,�,.. . .-' � .. �. . . . y�.�•�` . � . . - � ' • � .. <br /> --' C.ue �vS. :, "�,. •, ../.. S..�t'�MO`�:a.. w...� <br /> — ��=r�`��r.. r�,a2��� �,.., . . .. � �c .....:t�:'r•;�� i..:.._..�t+• �.. ...� . . . <br /> '+�s�r��1�n�t' :•�u. . ' :i' • <br /> _ —=_:�S:Sf8YEN9I T'.�$��.�/2a. _._-...-..� .. ., .. . . .., .r_..l . . , ' " � . <br /> - � _ '� i�tn�' x�. . 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