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--+rr�r.� T--� <br /> , . . <br /> . .., . . r rl.,•, .:irh�-r�L, a. . ,.._..,.- - T`.,.-. _ — <br /> • . ' . . . .. - n --I.t. w:rsr���..Nt-.r�' ��' . ' '!n���� <br /> . ' � , ��I � n , . <br /> aaodMreriar a aiK ti�P�r�qr pw�t oF ibu�� f�w wr��y�ia tlataf�►�r 11a�►�'�'"�---— -_. <br /> �MII b�Nid Is i�'. ., , .. � <br /> 6�ir eveRt'd r 1oa1 ukii�Ql�M huprAy.dw pooMd��11 M �pplM�b Ib��narwl bp d��ky <br /> �whKlwic or aa dim 4�.wh6�r exa�prW to 9ono�r. tn dr.av�at d a patW q�d th��t� <br /> wn��e r.��nu��.�aare r�y�.�y r,e�da wdn��«�wu a«pwe�t aMO,w.�o�a .�w <br /> �ecue�ed by thi�3ikwity bpdument innmedi�ly 6efas tia niciiy.unlesr Bomower aw(Le��der�erwi�e+�a b w*itMi. <br /> tta�ums�eemed by d11�9ecwity G�dumeM ahaN be reduoed by the�tnouM qf 1he pi�oo�ed�mWtiplMd b�►1he fdfow�l� , <br /> fr�cti�n: (�)ihe toul�of the wm�Recumd immediataly before the qkiu){,dlvldrd by NI ibe fdr fi��lc�at v�lul�d d�o <br /> Propnly imnedi�ely befa�e the t�kina. My ba4moe duQ be p�id to �onovMa. la tbe avent af��tUi�l Wcin,�o[flr <br /> Pro�ty in which the f�ir owkAt v�lue oP die Propeny immodiaely beforo the qkinj i�ba tium the amount af Ibe su�a� <br /> aecu�ed inunediMely btfo�e tho tdci�Q,unMxs Barower uid I.erider wl�a�vi�oe ytee in writin�or uale�appllcable uw <br /> od�e provldeo.die proceeds sh�ll be�pplied W�ta wm�recurod by t�Secutity impwamit vr1�e1Y�ar qat lae tuma�ne <br /> 16ea due. <br /> U tho Prope�ty ie�by Banu+� if.d�er noticc by Lender to 8amnwer Ituit thc uo�ndaninair afkra a�ks <br /> en enrsn!ar ect�le s clelm for d�m��e�.Rn�rower G34 0o napoad to La�da�wi�hin 30 day�aRer IYo dne dio notka i�pva. <br /> i,arkr��tul�orized to collact and�pply the poc�eed�.at in optfoo.eidwr to�ato�stion or[eMir af the Propaty at ia d�o <br /> w�t tacurod by thi�Security Instnuneat.�6dl�er or ooR tUa�due. <br /> U�las L,ender and Borrower oNiawise�nee ia icuion of p�oceala a p�incipl da►11 rot exteM or <br /> poiqxxa the due dwe of the monthly p�refarcd w in�1 arW 2 ar cl�aq�e dio amoui�t of wch p�ynqa�a. <br /> 11. Borrow�r Not ReNa�ed; Iirbe�raoce �� l�a�der Na a Wilwr. �c�en�ion oi the time far p�yma►t ar <br /> aadification of amatiz�an of Ihe awna securod by this Security Gudutneut y�ted by I.eader w ary�in iataat <br /> of eamwa,6aU aa operate to rcka�e the li�b�i4tf►of the a�i�ia�l Bo�►a nr Rixnn+w�arl,uooe�as Ia Iokaat.Lender <br /> duU aot be uined to commtnce piocr�dings �aay�asor ia intartt or ief'uae w eateud 6me far paymeat ot . <br /> odKrwieo modi�y amonfxuion of the sums aecured by thiv 3ecurity Lwaumrnt by resson of any danpr�m*de by the oagin�l . . <br /> Bors�nwu or HortowerS�wcceasors in inte�st. Any forb�anu�ce by l.ender in e�enclsin�any ri�dt ar ral�edY�hsll nat be� • .��� <br /> w�iver af a preclude die eacrcise of eny right or remecly. ' <br /> 12. Suaesoors sud A�na Bow�di Jolnt and SeverallJsbWty;Co-d�as. 'I7�e covawnq w�A ap+ewtients of dlis <br /> Secudty Instturnent shall bind and benefit the successurs�md assignr of L,a�dcr u�d Bomower.:ubject to the provisiau of <br /> pua�tapb 17. Hamwer'a covenants and sgraements shall be joint and a�everal.My Bomuwer wfio ca-signa this Socurity <br /> Insuument but does not execute the Nde: (a)is casigning thie Secwity L�swment oaly w matgaS�grant and convey that <br /> Bamwerl�intercrt in the Property under the krms of lhfs Security Insdumrnt; (b)is not personally obligaced w�ay tha sums <br /> securod by�his Socurity Inspvmcnr,and(c)ng�oa that Lender aM any other Bartower may ag�ee to extend,modify.forbeu <br /> or malce any accwmiodadona with reRard to cha lerma of this Security lnstrument or the Nut� without thnt 8amwal� <br /> coosent. <br /> 13. Clu�r�ea If the ban secwod by this Securiry Inswment ia subject ta a law which seta maximum loan <br /> charges.and that law is finally interpretod so that�he intercst or wher foan charges collected or to oc coiiectai in cauiocfion � <br /> with the loan excecd the pern�ined limi�s.then: (al any such loan chuge sh�ll be rcduccd by the umount neccsgary to�eduoe <br /> the charge to the permitted�imi�and(b)any aums alreAdy collxted from Bomnwer which exceeded'pemdtted limits will be <br /> eefuoded to ii�rcnower. I.endor may choase to make lhis refund by reducing the,pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a • . <br /> di�ect paymen�cu Borrower. If a rcfund reciuces principal,the�r.duction will be peated as a paKial prepaymat+t without any <br /> prepayment ch�tge under the Notc. , . <br /> 14. Nodces. Any notia to Bonaw�er provlded for in this Security lnstrument shall bo given by delivcring it or by <br /> mailing it by first class meil unless oppliqable law requic+es use of another method.The natice shall be dirceted w�he Property <br /> Addrcss or any ott�er address Borrower designates by not�ce to L.ender. My notice w Lender shaU be given by fust class <br /> mqil to Lenderfi addness slated herein or uny other address Lender designata by notice to Borrower. My nodce providod for <br /> ln this Security Inswmrnt xhall be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whep given as provided in U�is <br /> paragmph. <br /> 1S. Gove�ning Law; Severability. This Security Instrument xhull be govemed by federel law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the e��em ihat uny provision or clause of this Security instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with Applicahle law,such conflict chall not AfFect dher provisions of thia S�curity Insuument or the Nate whlch can <br /> be given effert without the conflicling provision. To this end the provisians of this Securiry Inswment and•th�Note are <br /> dcclatcd to 6c scvcrablc. • <br /> • Ib. Borrower's Cppy. Horrower xhull be given ane confomted copy of the Note and of this Security Inswment. <br /> 17. 'IY�nster of thc Property or a Beneflci�l IoterPSt in Borrower. If ull or ony pan of the Property or eny intere.ct in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a heneficial interest in Borrower is sald or uonsfemed and Bortower is not a n�aural person) <br /> without l.ender�s prior written conscnt,Lencler its option,require fmmedfute payment in full of ull sums seeured by <br /> this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exe�ised by Lender if exercise is prahibited by federal law as of <br />� the dete of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises�his option,Lender shall gfve Aorrower notice of accelerntiun. The notice ehall provfde a period of <br /> aot less thon 30 days fram the date the no�ice is delivered or mniled within which Barrower must pay all suma secured by this - <br /> Security Instrument. If Barrower fails to pny these surns prior to the expirution of this period, Lender may invoke nny — <br /> rcmedies permitted by this Secur{ty ins�rumrnt wi�hout furthcr notice or demc�nd on i�orrower. - <br />, 18. Borrower's Righf to Reln�tote. If Borrowcr meets certain conditions, 8orrower shall huve U�e rlght tu have <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument dir,conlinued at any time prior to ihe rarlier of: (a15 days(or such other period as <br /> Single Family••Fpnak MndFYeddie M�c UNIFORM INSI'RUM6hT••Unfform Covenanb 9/90 Ipa.qe+l��/4 paResl _- <br /> ' ' i <br /> -_____ — — -�..-,��.., ��i`�i'n���','`��-wn��+Ji4y;irky , �,j�� ��, <br /> .�,v'.r`.S'�.`.�`1CtR:9•�:�?�C T�i �� ? 1�r1. ' . . ,•.���� e.• ip.� ��;'ht���l�. ,, .... . -. , <br /> +xr..�rr. �dt` - , . .i �( .' i'• ` ���� ��t',i.�:��' �t�Y`�� �i�• y '�„}�''SI'�� U�5 i. <br /> ti a� ,r,- dti:� ,, , t�� , x , {� � , r �' ��„t� .'�.s r r, r t�` <br /> �.._.�.4_r51�:�. �. : � .i,� t�icti4t. . � �i �(�,r 1�,��,��,,;,� �' t <br /> s��,. � <br /> {�� a y`:ty, �;. ,.Y <br /> _ ,u(��c �, ,,;�s�, ;�'` _»:�titi,�:Lek��'$bui..__ ►�y'��fDY��VLi� i :��'I.�i�t?�'4��iYr�h4vSY�-�� <br /> ..� n � -- �� �� - -- rat� : � - � �t.�s, �-i :.�..s�nac,yrM'p �`r""`rC`., . . )r t� �r-- - <br /> __ .V� t. t ..t.. .,``(��� _111(�tf�,�i • 'l�. - i}�v� k�i7��1t f� M�'��'y �=�f�i� 1;;+?..�L��S��y '�`'Z.'�.�r fk�. <br /> £'� '_°„ �' ' Tf.S..�+�,'.� � t'� •� ,.T.��3 -f �f` •'�y,' �� ^�? i��'y�} �,, �f'!�� 4y�� {I�� �� �1f��r5. � ��? <br /> ... �� .-1� � <br /> �!t'`ftF'�'ti�Yt�'iB6.t«!'.+..-1,�c�.ri. l r- ���,� �i�, ��` � �r'i� '�:}�itfl l�!�S}�...��':��'.S::M•''�N��:'i-.' ��tf•• . a.. ��uu'f"� aH •. <br /> ! f -�"1 -. �-�.R�j. ..+n t ' -:t- , _�� :.,... :pp,.rw•,l.���, �.tr.a•�.-�..s-..o....».. , , ,.`,�. ,_ l_r,--. <br /> �,� �»�^�- ��.::�> > . �1f �ti• ; �, , � , rl}J i;t tf�'. .. �r_ : <br /> �rn� }1 fE p:�17 .`7 T /{r���7 -4 I7�f'2. 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