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,. _ _ <br /> � .. , . . . . . .. „ ., �� � �.:�,:�. . �.:� ,.:,= <br /> � ., �.� � <br /> -- --.f � . ��d�a�d�rrry�,.Ti�i�a�rdr�►i�di�t1�i�t�w�h�ll M cb4iw�by�a�owK�hl�ot!n i!1��� <br /> . - . ,., r,ppn�vil wMlab��IWI aot ba�a�oa�bi�w�MiNM. U Bonrwrr 1fiiW 10�inuda•oov�e d�nlbd ibo�,i.dKlir aA�y.+t <br /> ' t„�1�ppioN,o6t�M awaye Ma P+oreq X�day Ri�es is IM+eP�ope�t�i�i�000r i�tii oe i1b pu�l�ph7. <br /> AU l�Ma poii�Ms Md wn�w�U�II be la t,�eder rind�11 lnclude�rtan�l�r�d nna�y�oM�. l.a�dir <br /> �lau h.�e tha�h a 6old die poticia.,rd noe.rJs�i.�{er requiroa,�rowrer sb�u pnrmptly dve to tw�r.n wo�ipt. <br /> d p�id pMa�iunu�ud eenehmi notloa�. In the�vait d Ma.Bon+nwer ah�ll�iva pmmpt ao�ka w t!M iawraao���d <br /> LMdK I.adu awy�lre puof of las if nat o�de p�ar�M1Y bS'�arower. <br /> Unb:t 1.elida�nd Notrower alherv+fae rarae fit writl�.lmuanoo piooeod�sludl be�pplied 10 twtar�tlon ar npeic o� <br /> ���ty �ed,��no�n or��eco�un�ny�e�+jb�e w�a[.eaaerb.�ry �ua�+a�a. ��e <br /> or i�aot eoonomical�y re�abb or La+aetl��xwity wau�a be k�a�oa,�he inwranoe pooeea�.ad�ba <br /> • qrpUod to Ihe am� sewrod by thi�Sea�rity I�nuanent,whaher ar nat tf�a�due.wlth�ny oxoa�p�id w 8a�m+wa. !f <br /> iiorrower ab�nd�d�e Propaty.or doa not ap�wcr wltbi� 30 d�ye�natice from l.erider�hu tho lnwranoa c�nior lu�c <br /> ofle�ed W icuk a claim�Ilton L�ender m�y collact ihe iasuranoe proceodi. Lender m�y uce tho prooeed�w mpad�or roAOro <br /> d�e or a p�y wms�ecurod by ti�9ocudly ln�duaia�t.whether ar not tiren due. The 30�d�y period wil!bqin wha� <br /> tbe oe��iva�. <br /> Ua�ees�.a�der and Barower atherwi:o�groe in wridng.�ny appiic�d4n of proceeda w princip�l Rhall nat oxtend ar <br /> po�tpoae t3�e dMe due of the monthlY paymentc Rteated to in puagaphs i and 2 or change thp amQuat of the payma�ta. If <br /> . u�der�prapa 21 tr�e Pt+uperty i�+�cquhod by k�xkr. Bormwer4�ight to any in�unmce policks and praceeda rowidng <br /> fiom dnn�e ta t6e 1Propeety prior to the iwequisidon thRll pau�a w I..ender to Ihe cxoent of the wms�ocumd by thi�Security <br /> Io�uoneal uml�edi+tehr Pria to Ihoacqu4ition. <br /> f. OncuPaacy� Presen►Mioa. NWaten�ece �ad Pwtectloa ot tMe Propert�; �orravra�9 Lo�w Applicatlo�i <br /> l.eveMld�. Barrower alwll oecw�py,est�btish.�nd u�c the f'ro�crty aa Bamwerh pr�,�pd�esidenve wlthin ci�ty daya afltex <br />--- tha exam�on of t6ia Sauritr Ius�-�,a��d s�ll ca�tiaue to occupy tiia fi'r�.�t}r as�r,rwe•r's pri�xI�wi i��lc�uux ivi rit <br /> le�st ane yeu aR�rr tNe d�te af accuQ�nc.y. unkss Lender aU�ervvise ag�ees m writing. which consent shall not be <br /> unnessopa6ly witliheld.or unkss eatenu�ting cion��ncea euist which we be�ond Bortowah cantrol. Harowu chdl nat <br /> deapqy�d�mage m impafr the Prapaty.dlow thc Ps�ope�tiy w dcteiiorate.or commit wauc on the Prope�ty�. Bomower sb�ll <br /> be in default if�ny forfiitum actian or proceeding, �+5ether clvil or crimin�l,is begun that ia l.e�tderh good P�ith judgment <br /> _-,�_��� oouW result in fafeiturc of the Properay cx otl�ise matedally impair the lien c�sated by ttai� Security lasinmrrnt w <br /> �- . Lender�s�curiry intetesG Bomuwer ma;•.:v�e gucd s�defnult and ncinstate,us pravided in pnt�raph cauain�the aciirn: <br /> • � a procading w be dismissed v►�th a iv9an� L.ender�good faith deoemanation.precludes forfeitun of the Barnwer's . <br /> intere,st in the P��perty a' other maror�al irnpAiraw nt of the lien c�ated by�hus Security Instrument or Lenderlt security <br /> ' fnte�sst. •Barrower ahaU also be in default if Barrower, dudng �he laan applic�tion process. gave mat�rially ialse or <br /> inaccurate tnfixmatio�n or xtmements to i.mder(orfailed to provide Lender with any materlal infortnatfon)in cnnnect�an wltb <br /> the lo�+ evidancod b the Nou, utcluding,but not limited to. rep�sentetions conceming Borrower's accupancy af the <br /> . Ehoperty as a�rincip�re�idencc. If thls Security InstNment is on a leasehold,Barower shall comply with a111he provlsions <br /> of ihc lrasa. !f E�scs�ler acquires fer!3sle to the Pro�aty.s!u leastl�ld and ttx�title sha!!aot srserge unless Lrn�agstrs ,- <br /> 1p the mergcr in writing. _. <br /> 7, protectlon ot L.eade�'s Righla te the P+a�perty. if Borrower fAi�s ta� perfonn the coveiwnts an9 agceements <br /> eontained in this Secu�iry Insaument, a there h ri kgsil proceeding that ma}� significently af�'ect Lendar's rights in the <br /> =-':;�.y� propetty(such ea a pracading in bw►lcruptcy,probat+e,for condemaalion or forf'eitaae,or to enfarce luws or regulallons),then <br /> — _= .L�.mder may do and pny for whutever is necessary t�o protect thc valuc of thc Property and l.enderk rights in tl�c Propeny, <br /> I.ender's act[ons mey include paying ony sums secured by a lien which hug priari�y mer this 5ecurity Inswment,appe�ring <br /> in court,paying reasonaMe uttomeys'fees and eate�-ing on the Propeny to mWlce repairs.Al�haugh Lender may take action <br /> under thls paragtaph 7,Lender does not tuve to doso. <br /> Any amounts diRbursed by Lender under tfrs parugruph 7 shal) become udditionul debi of Borrower secured by this <br /> Secudty inauvment. Unlexs Barrower s�nd I.endero�ree to other�erms of puyment,these urrtounts shall beor inlcrest from the <br /> date of diabursement at Ihe Note rate and sholl bc payable,with interest,upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower rcquesting <br /> paYmen�. <br /> 8. Mort�age Insurance. If Lender requiRd mortgage insurnnce as n c�ndilion of making the loan securcd by this :_ <br /> _ - Securiry Instrument, Bonower shall pay the premiu mr reyuir+ed to mnintain thc mongu�e insurance in effect If, for any <br /> -- � reason. �he mortgage insurance coverage requind by Lender lopses or ceases to be in effec�, Bomower shall pay the <br /> '�,.}'�+ <br /> . -,��A•.::+• � premium4 rcquired t� ohtnin cove►Ag�• whR�anti�lly eyuivolent lo the mortgage insurnnce previously in effect, at e cost __ <br /> �--��f_'`t; substantially equivalent to the cost to Borcower of the mongs�ge imurunre pr�eviausly in eFfect, from an ultemate mortgage <br />_ --- — insurcr upproved by Lender. If�ubstuntially equivaQ eM monguge inxurance coverage iz na availuble,Bomower shall pay to <br /> - ��� Lender ench month n sum equAl to one-twelflh ot'ihc ycurly monguge insur.�nce premium being pnid by Borrower when the - <br />"`�-�:;�y� insuronce covemge lupsed orceased to be in effeci. L.ender will accept,usc:u�d roiuin�he,e p•ryments us n loss reserve in lieu -' <br /> ----- of mortgage insuronce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be reyuired,ut the option of Lender,if monguge insu�nce <br /> �'+y�� coverage(in the amount ond for the periad that Lrnder rcyuirrs)provided by An insurer upprovcd by Lender nguin becomes <br /> •-1n_�.--._ available and is obtained.Borrower,hall p�y Ihe prcrnlums required to maintuin mortgage insurance in effec4 or to provide u _ <br />---_�-�.� loss reserve,until the requicement for mortgnge insu rance ends in ucrorcluncr with uny written o�rcernent between Bomower �� <br />-=��;;;�-;- and Lender or upplicable luw. v <br /> ' :4� _ 9. Inspection. Lender or its agcnt may rn�CC reusonuMc cntries upcm and inspections oF fic Pmperty. Lender shull <br />'�'°�^+�:..� give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior w an in,pectiun sp�rifying rra,on:+bla cuu+e fur the inspectiun. <br />: -,:jr:,,�;, `_ <br />'.-; � '� 10. Condemn�tion. The proreeJs ot'any uwurd or claim t��r dmnages,direct ar con.eyuenliul, in cunneciion with any <br /> .���F•',::5! � = <br /> � ��'t�'` Sin le�amN Fiank MwdF1'edik I1fae UNIPI)R�11N�"fl�l'�1£V7'•-Unlfnrm Covcnanla 9/90 � <br /> ;�Sf.•�S:•t� g y•• M,Re.t��'n — <br /> 1 s;j 1 puXea) -- <br /> `RWi�I fi�rat�qtNBuMota.y Fam�.lor-� - <br />-.w ri..��(.Y� � Yb Oder fatl�t b006911BC199 0 PA{816791-11�1 <br /> .,; �1,frt <br />':17�����qf — <br /> �-_i. iii41. -. <br /> �w:v4111� <br />"_ __ __ �.'._. <br />_ _ _ !. •inilxlf,IS: „ - � ' � - i f• . . .'�1���,.�•�:'�:�t� � ' . . . {' � • <br /> __ •' . - � � <br />- ���`r`ywj��eL' . � ' `'J���At} • J;, - . , � f �• �:::�'����'- . . � � • '�'t:;:ti-� <br /> ._ .. . <br /> :.:r�.1 r-7 � . , y' <br /> -'�"�s '"' i � � � ' '. • � �.�:�� � ; } �,�.�� <br /> _ ., � �,` <br /> . y <br /> � . , - ' ` � �....� <br /> r �!: <br /> �r. _ <br /> _,-.i. ..�__.It �,'[S _--- .." -----'-� -- ' - - � <br /> �' .�f_i1,ti�.l�' clfl� - .•1 l��_. 1.{ l. <br /> ,--rN�'�Cr�'[' � , . . _ __ . . _ _ . . . _ - il- --�--�----- --.- -- i�,�� /,4_ d; >R_.�h . .'.. _ 'i '. <br /> � <br /> `t <br /> T,�e��S�,;����} , i 1� �1�t�i.t,-k\� 'r`� -k' '1�'l�i��r�, � x �1�+1 r� <br /> ,1�'.x' ia.....a._..�ak.. � , ...�..1 -. t tii ti t d��7 �.��- r � !i „a� ...i ---•• . . .._.�- - ',; <br /> —r r,rss---� .__.- +i�:�. y p <br /> � 1.,'. ..,..�... _ .'a ' r .. , ' �i�2 l 'l 11f - �I J,� - - : .___� l . n <br /> ro +. ��:'. . . : , ,;;: �t,V�Tf �.,.. .,• , „ '�� <br /> .f�"�_a.'�!. t -.._,- _ ��#'�v Yw4..��'�nr.f. 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