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...,,,, .r.rcm��- . �w.— µ•. .. . .. .,. . µ�r�u.[,.. , .. ,: «.- . _ . _ <br /> ��. • „ • . . • , • " ' .7�'i. <br /> . . � �� <br /> �'���f�i��!q!r.�Q n'�i?!'S��S��l����ii i�i i��L��i��A i� .. <br /> -----—���yIMIMi Of(�1) 0��,�Il�r MrOIC�iWl t111f11tlpM� 1110�OOIII�Cp��I�t a0110Mqf. ( <br /> ' • �►t L�dr W��MI�Mw�Nl�d 6p �IIEM�Mlb �� IIIMIOIMAt M4 tIM NUM M U 110�OOM/Hl10A� r- <br /> OO011lld'i ro�Cl�t��11t 0�`My�Rl�O�YNIMId 01' -�NOI�i l������O��M�IlCllff��II NI�IC�IIt ib{I�/0��1. <br /> Y�110��tlllt q0��111�10d ID.t11Lf011�0 ApOf11Ey1���11l1(d)U�iO/IYC�1�Ct�04 i{�All�lf 11M�1 iM�O� • <br /> I��OOrrod 1��'$OCII�IyI GIMII�MIU�1 OONkN10,�1NIC�UrOd. Up00�r1d ��IIOIM � BOf10M�. !�/b�7R7 <br /> III�lY�IiEM�Ild�Ob1�M�011�/OCYf�Id�I�MU I�d11�Y1�SI O�OCt�Y!!if�110�COO�O�u�011�OOCIK10d. HOMi'01►r►lb/ <br /> rl�ht q reiiauiue�ll aot�ppiy in the r�e aooeleatiao under p�psph 17. <br /> 4!. 8Ye d�o1� C��p d I.ap 8�rtio�. The Nab or• inro�eat in the No1e( wlth d�G Seau[t�► <br /> hnb�maM)m�y ba*oW ane or nate dma withwt pclor aodoe w�n A alo nuy nault �ciw�Re in d�e aMlty <br /> (kno+wa�t tbe"Lo�u►S�rvloer'1 tb�t coUeca moatflly{laymenp due w�da the Na1e aod ddt Securlty ImwntaM. 7Uero�la <br /> may 6e aoe ar more cA�e�of tpe Lon Savioer umoWed w�s�le of ide No�e. U Y�o i�a ctwije of the Lo�a 3ervloer. <br /> Ba�w1Q be givan w�ipa�aaioe d the ch�e in�cco�duioe withP��1�+�o�e and applk�ble law. The nodoe <br /> �rlll et�te the na�e�nd�IAro�s of I�e new Lo�o Savlxr�ad t6e�ddne�q w1i�i pry�ee�aYoWd be lo�de. The nodoe wiH <br /> +�Iw ooaWa�ny a�lhor iofam�on roquited b!►�PPlic�bk law. <br /> �. HasM+�ow 9�I�t�o�s, 8onowra��hW nat cau�e or per�t We�oc.u�c.dispoa���wr�c•or releue of�ny <br /> 14r�rd�t Subaa�ces oo ar ia q�e Prape�ty &x��owa alall not d0.aor Wow Nayane elme b da.�e�an��'a1in�We <br /> Propa�y drit is ia vio4tian d a►y F�vHw�o�aall.aM. The prooed�two�areooea�I�N oot�p�ply a the p� <br /> sta�e m�he PropaRy of am�U q�a�nati�s oi'Hw�doas Su6wooa mat�no�apy reoop�i�ed w bo�PP'�P��a nao�l <br /> ta�+idaKial ases�od oo m�intea►u�ce oF tbe P�ropa�ty. <br /> BnnaYrer�11 pomptlY Slve I.ada iwrivan nodoa of any imesqptian.cWm.Aema�d.4wwit or odKr actioa bg�uuy <br /> �OVeroux�uil a c�egu�►toty�y at priv�te pa�ty iavofving tbc Ptopary aad mry haza..taw Su. e:�a►.�u, tia�uu�r• �ai <br /> Law ot which Bo�rowa hss�c�twi lowwkd�a U Bon�ower iwns. or is natifiod by any govemmaiW ar regul�tay <br /> +uahoJity,dau my rcmov�l or al�er remediuion of�r+y Hazudous Sub�w�oe afrec�We Pbpeny i�oeoe�►.uonow« <br /> thall qanptly qke d1 nooeu�ry ratiedlnl actiaas in accadurx pritd Envlm+nna►W law. <br /> Ac used in this p�rag�ap6 20�"Harardoas Sub�t�c�"are d�ose wbct��es def'wed u toxic a Iw�ndous wbsw�by <br /> Envita�manal l.�w and Ihe foUowing w6stances: g�soRne,kerasane.od�a ft�nuo�ble or wxic pep�olwm produca.wxic <br /> , patic,ides and 6arbicldes,vo1�We solvent�,m�terial�contaiain� asbestas ar fom�aldeByde.�nd r�dio�ctive mucrial�. Aa <br /> uue.d iq this p�u�rapl�20."6nvironmaNal Uw"mesNS iederral laws a�wi tawa of Iho jurisdictian whp�e the Prope�ty ia located <br /> Il�a¢n�,L�te w hc� or envi�+unma�tal protectiaa. <br /> ;ti�QN•lftJ1AORM COV�N�.NTS.Bortower wnd I.ende�irnther covenont and agree as fallows: <br /> 2i.:AcCda�doa: Ren�edies Lenda shaU�ive aotice hr Borrower prior to acakr�tbn tdlowing Borroa�eo's <br /> be�►ch Qt aa�eavaa�at or�reaaent i�Ifl��ec�rity I�strnmeat @at nM prior to soceferolbn under pt�sp617 <br /> • nnle�Appflca161e.t�n?��provWe�otberwise� 'IUe qoti�x sbaU qiectfys (a)ti�e default;lb)tbe actioa requtred to curs the <br /> dK��'I�)�dale,taot les�tAaN�b Mye hrau�t6e�ate du aoti�e i��ivea to Borrower.6y wbicb iius drfw+it rhusi De <br /> cerc�;Aud(d)t6lt'(i�ilnro to cure the def�uit aa or before Ihe date apecitled la t6e aotice m�y resWt ia soalerAtiou ot <br /> the wa�s sceured by tb49 3ecurlty In�trumept s�nd sAle of We Piroperty. 7Ue notke sball AWrther iatorm Borrower of <br /> We�6t to reiastate t�fter ac�eleratiau aad IUe right to bring a court actlen to aesert We oontxisteace ot a def�ult or <br /> . �ny ather deteose oP BorroWer to�caleraoiwi and sole. It t6e de�ault ie not cured on or be�ore the dote spedlied in <br /> the ndioe�Lender at its optlon may requt�e immedlAte payment ia fWll af aYY snms secured by this Secu�ity Inatrument <br /> witl�aat turther demaad w�d may iavolce Ihe power of sak and aay other remedles permitted by applkable Ipw. <br /> I.ender e6Nl be eadded to oollect all e�enses iacun�ed in pursuipg the remedies provided la thi� pAra�raph 21, <br /> Includiag,Iwt aot limited to,reasooa6le attorneya'fees and cosfs of tttle evidence. <br /> If the porver of sale is iavoked.'l�uetee sbpll record a notice oF deiault in each county in whtch any part oi the <br /> Property is IocAted and shall moll rnpies ot'such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to <br /> the MNer penwns prescribed by Applicable law Atter the dme required by appl(cable low,7lrustee sholl give publk <br /> notioq otsole to lhe pereons pnd in tLe m�naer pnscribed by applicnble law 7Yustee,without demand on Bot�awer, <br /> siwll sell the Property at public auctbn to the big6est bidder at the time and place and under the terms destgos�ted in <br /> the notke a�sale In one or more parals and in Any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale ot WI or any <br /> parcel of tde Property by publk panw�ncement at the iime and plaee ot pny previously schcdukd sale. Leader or its <br /> d�nee awy purchaac lhc Propehy at nny�ule. <br /> Upoa receipt of paymeot ot'lhe price bid,71�ustee shail deliver to the purchaser 7�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recitals In Ihe'IFustee's deed shall be prima fack evidence ot the truth or the statements made therein. <br /> 'Itustee shall npply t6e proceeds of the sale ta Ihe following order: la)to all costs and expenses of ezereisiag the power <br /> Fam JOlB 9/9D r�x�!ofn a,Re,► <br /> — -,�---._._�.__. +�w�s-�c� ..�.�r�p 1r��,.�� ---- � <br /> Y _�,+1` fpP���.v r� _" . . - �•"""!�►P.�� ; . �'_ <br /> �q_�_�� �rr <br /> %E� � Y� ���ti�i1�--�, � F � • •• - . - :a ��J(�� � . <br /> r� �� � <br /> i,rr�...,r r4��_y,x�j�� __if.�r __,�.i:;.�:.�..�.�_ t .i.�.,:��]_�.r •.t_Yvda,..i�Y>_:,,da_'.�1ilrllc}iSt}fw`IYdA�+.:lY�].�M.,.v�� ir��1iG.:i.'ss�i4�^_�?�4:iV/.fij1�.Y3a.A:.L:�LYL_.� <br /> _ ��J*.L2L`. � P?+�1r� Il�"'._ __.__-- —,� ����}i 1!,–4J ��1��'.+�";'" K''- " - _ ._ <br /> . d y ,�. • , , <br /> _ � ' . . 7 '. . . -- i V � t �.-- . � . . <br /> NV ,... - � . .. �, , (� 1, c, <br /> _Jan o�74eJ- .�. „1i�.�., i�)`,,i,d,<t'L]-Y•�i,1�rA d.-.'V,'GW1L'.1.,�7��.:.,]�.i•� ,� ' ,.... ,,:..... .,-. . <br /> ����' �� �"� _i: ._.�.1:.-_._ '.�.7•!'.. t;". ...._--,- ._. . �-- , _-—;iC�*�:t'}'? 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