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__ . _ <br /> _ _ _____ __ _ _ <br /> . .. . ,,.• . �,.. .. <br /> - �.,--^��,:-- . <br /> . . ;. ,;,. <br /> , ' , � ;�'� , <br /> � �'r;t'R�V!'CR�U tAe�a tRnr�be+rd�rcnrtrod an d�e pa�rip:�a�r�ao�;r—�� <br /> aad fi�t�t�aoM►tK�ero�tltr�pR d die pe�uputy. AU�and addkiao�Y�11�Iw b�ov�nd b�►1Ws Sod�efly <br /> �Mf�. AII O�Ih0 rql�O�ly It/bI�EfIbA 10 a l�.�Il�ly IIqp411kl11 q b10�PIfJ�011�.� <br /> BOitROw�t�VBNANTS dMt 8arowx b IawNlly�ei�ed at tha auite h�e�eby oanray�ee and�s d�e djht a . <br /> �ed+oanvey tbe Pt�npaty�ad dW�he P�opaty i�una�umbaod.exoep�for a�wmbr�noa ot recad. 8otm�ret w�ura�u�nd <br /> MW detond�enadly d10 Wb p the Phop�OAy�piMt d!CWnw alldde�ntnd�tubjOCt b rr�pM:o�6raera of 1�00o1d. <br /> 71US SECIJRii'Y IIV97RUI�NP oombines unifoRa ca►a�Mt [or o�tiond we and non-uaifarm covaMaa �rUb <br /> tiMital vari�tior�by jrrirdictim�w ca�oitiwte a uait'am iecauity ipwvmeat cov�re�l pnoperiy. <br /> . UMPORM OOVBNAN7'S. Barowet and La�der oovamt od�ee u idbws: <br /> 1. i'u�ent d PrireipN a�d INe�+eM4����L� Bam+�er sUaU ptomptl9 P�Y when dua d�a <br /> p�i�c'�1 otaud itMaan aa�he de6t evidenced by tlie Note aad ray p�qrya�tent and lue dat�es dua uoder tho Nole. <br /> f. FMai�tlor Ybrea a�d I�aMta�oe. SubJect to aipplk�bia 4w ar to a wtilta�waivet by l�endet,aoeower duU p�y ro <br /> I.a�cia on the d+Y moahlY Wymaw a�e due under tbe Nate,uati!da Note[�paid in fi�l1.t swu('Ru�dt")fa:(�)Yar�y <br /> w�es�nct ut�a�whkh n�y�tWu priorl ovu thi�Sewdty Ludument as a lien an tf�e Plropeaty:(bl Y�Y ka�ehold <br /> in <br /> p�y�nents ar g�ouna rc�us on a�o Ptopaty. i .ny; e�)r�y n.z�re or�openy inanarooe p�adwas: ea) r iluod <br /> ina�noe p�n�iums.lf my: (e) Y�y�SQ �P�������Y;�nd(fl�y �u p7�k bY�W <br /> l.aKicr.ta�000�danca with U�e provisims of pvag�aph liw of the pnymait oP a�tga�e imur�x prcmiums. Theas <br /> itans�ne callod"Escrow Iteans" L.ender ury time.collect and hold Ii�nds in aq�amt not to exoeod the muimwa <br /> �mouat a lader far a fodetally�ol�toil�r�t�ge lara may roquiro far Bartoaul�es�aow�t w�der 111a fedpal Real <br /> Bqate Settla�.ptpcedurc.�Act af 1974 ac a�ed fram tLna w time.l2 U.S.C.¢2601 er seq.("RESPA").unlas andlkr <br /> law dW aPWia w die Ruwit sas�laser�nwunt U so�l�der m�y,u any drne�coUact z�nd holdl�ads in�u amount not to <br /> exeeed tlle lessei amo�mt. I.ender m�y estimlUO Ihe meo�mt d tuiNis �iue ri�l Iha tr�.vis of wrrs�t.iwa aud c�cou�ble <br /> �of�pabiwres of futwe Fscrow kem�ar athawlse in accaQdance with�ppl�cabk 1aw. <br /> 71� Fi�nd:sh�ll ba beld in�n institutiaa wbose depocit�ane incured by a teiera!agaicy,ir�cuuma� emiry <br /> (lacluding t.ender.if L,ender is such an instttudon)or in any Rakral Home l.oan Bank. i.ender slull�pply the P�nds to pAY <br /> tde Bsciow Items. I.eoder may nat chuge Honower for holding and applying tho Fvnds,nnnwlly analyzir�g the.escrow <br /> �000wN. a verifyiag the Sscoow items. wless I.a�der paya Bo�wer itUenest on lhe �tds aod �pplicable law permlt� <br /> I.ondet tn malce sucb a ch�rge. �Flowever.L.ender mayroq uire Bomower to pay a one-tune charge far an indepe�+c�etu�eal <br /> ostata tu�ng servlca us�d by l.ender in•connection with this lo�n.u�less applicable l�w provides Wherwlse. Unless rn <br /> ' '.. .�groanent is tndo or applicable Iqw roquins imenst to bt paid.I.ender ahall not be requind to p�y Barnower any interat a <br /> eunings an tbe R�nds. Borrower aqd L�ender nwy Ag�+et in wri8ng,however.thet interest sh�tU bop�d�an the FLnds. Lender � <br /> shall give w Harower.wlthaut uu�ual�ecaunting of�ha li�nda.showing crcdits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> Pwpose for which e�ch debit ta tt�e•Funds was nwde. 7Ue Plmdc are pledged e�Addltionnl sxwrily for all�wmc cecured by <br /> thio Security[�saum4nG <br /> if tii�Aa�ta i�aid by i.c�dcr excezd tiia ar►wuiiu�miue�i to be held by applicabio law� 3..en�cr sba!! acxos:ai ta , <br /> Bamwer for the excesa Flmds in ac�ord�nce with the roquirements of applicable law. If the wnount ai tha F1�nds held by , <br /> Lender at�ny time i�not su�eient w pay thc Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so noHiy Borrower In writing, • <br /> such c�se Bomnwer shall pay to l.ender the amount nxessary to nwlce up tlu deGciemy. Borrower shall n�ke up the <br /> deficirncy in no morc ttwn twelve monthly paymenls,at Lenderls gole discnedon. � <br /> Uponps�yment in full of all eums secured by this Security Insaumen�Lcnder shall pmmpily �efund to Bomaw�r Aqjr � <br /> PUnds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sall the Proptrty.Leader,pr3or[o rhe acqulslrion or <br /> sak of the P�aperty.s6a11 apply any Funds held by Lxnder at�he time of acquisidon or sale as a credit aRainst the suma <br /> �ecund by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3. Applkadon af PaymeMS. Unless applkablc law provides otherwlse. all �nluncats�eceiva! by Lender under <br /> puag�ha I and 2 shall be any prepayment charges due under Ihe Noe�;s�adnd,to wnount�payable undcr <br /> paragr�ph 2;third,to intercst dun:fourth,to principal due;and Isut,to any late charges due under the Nota. <br /> �. Clwr�es; Lien,x Bormwer shall pay all taxes, assessments, chazges, fines und imposiRions aurfbutable to the <br /> Roperty which may attain priority over ttiis Security Insuument,and leaaehold payments or ground rents.if eny. Botrower <br /> sholl pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragmph 2,ar iP not puid in lhat msinnner.Borrower shall pay them on <br /> dme dlrecdy to�he person owed payment. Bomower sholl promptlg fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to be p�id under <br /> this para$raph. If Bomower makes tl�ese payments djrectly.BvROwer shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evider�ciog <br /> the payments. <br /> Bomower shall promptly dfscharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Botrnwer.(a)agrees <br /> in wriUng to the payment of the obligation secured by tha lien in a manner accepteble to Lender.(61 conteats in good faith the <br /> lien by,or defends ogainst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the I.ender+s opinion operate to provent the <br /> eniorament of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien en agreement sotisfacwry to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Instrument. If LEnder determines that any part of the Properry is subject to a I ien which may attxin priority <br /> aver Ihis Secudty Inswment,l.ender may give Bortower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower sha�l satisfy the lien or t�lce <br /> ane dr mon of the acdons set forih nbove wit}�in 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. Naz�rd or Property lmuranre. IBarrower shall keep U�e improvements now existing or tk.reafter erected on the <br /> Prapeny insured against loss by fire,haznrds included within the term"extended coverage" und any other heTards,including <br /> floods or flooding, for whic�i Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts anc� for the <br /> Fom�Q?J 9190 IpaRe 2 nJ6 poRtsl <br /> - _'-___^�mr:.�tr=r. �;,�:;1^o+-�i•:�`u:raMF�.V�tl^.`L11 4�n��%� •r�,• ,��q } )��� ..� . <br /> ry -- ter_i,� s?�_--i ...- . . ' , .�.1..�� i ��r•�, f <br /> � .�+ ,. , . ; � � `���- "^s"^'KC?lS?� ... . . <br /> -_,,.. �::ii7.�L�14. 4' . • r l�i��f L,v.�i7+:t�. '.��°'.�'� u. 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