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'__ .. . �:.�:i.�_1. . ;' ,, _�9C"..:."�.....:-- ' <br /> ..` '"�i'"t.:'�.— <br /> '�� ������w��Y���������'���� .•,.. •._ <br /> � , _ �. �- <br /> _ �_.._ ��..���r�O�er+'id��'w�ap�ait t�tri�alo�+�L�.�.s - <br /> 1M����w�r�•w AMINMr���l�rwe�i��ot.�M�ronid�s IaM Iw�eM�.�I IMi 1�MM,1Mr��I� :--�.,, <br /> . frwll�w�V+aoaa�w widl�MeMM�w��uMt bM�www�wyww�'=.wir or�//N�ib Mw. , , . <br /> �.��M4�..��M�r a ib p�at aMy ai�lo��Mtrlo�uNoa Md la�otiati u�dir hqp�q. 1�rWl� <br /> �oerow�Nntfor at dw time of o1�Prior to�n in�d{a►q�oibin�r�e�Al�auM Ibr dM leu�p�adoa. <br /> i�.C�Nd�wtiM. 77�prvowd�of�ny aw�nd or cidm tor dwn�a�dinct Qr oon�qwnti�l� In condotlon�rq <br /> oondarioulon a alber t+�lcia,�ot my puc ot th� liur oonveyw�oo!n�feu of oa,da�uMUon►�n hrnby wipMd md <br /> �I!be p�W to I.sadK. <br /> ue tne avan of�wa�u�ktn�or the Pnope�cy,tbe p,+noeea��l�ao.p�►�lea to the winn.eoiu+ea by ad�sea�iry rmuuorac. <br /> NbKbar or oot tben due. with aay oxoau p�d ta Bonowor.Ia tho evau of�patid Idcln�of 1he Propaty in whicM th�fiir <br /> mark�t value of tba Propaty Irtunedi�tely bofore t�bo W�ln�i� aqu�i w or gro�ter th�a the amount ot ths�unu�ea�rod by thi�' . <br /> Sewdty Guuumi;nnt im�rodi�tely beforo t�w tdcing.unla�Homowar�nd I�ender dlKrwi�e��roo in nrriUn�.the waM secun�d by <br /> thi�Seairity Imwment rhaU be roduoed by the unount of tlie prooeed� muldplied by the folbwin��fY�ctlon: (�?the lot�l <br /> pmount of 1ha sum�Kaa�od i�naiediately befae da t�kiq�.dlvWed by(b) tQse f�ir narket v�lue oP tde Propaty immediMely <br /> bd'ao tbe qikin�. My b�lance ah�ll be qid w 1lonnwu. In tha eve�N of�putial4kla�af the Pmpe�ty L►�rhich da 6ir <br /> muket v�lue of tho Propcity irturbdiaWy befae tlro taklag is leu th�a Ihe amow►t of tho wins�owr+cd ima�edd�tdy beta�e t1�e <br /> taking. anlas Honvwer�ad i.e�der at4awiao�+ea ia writiug or uaks��pplicaWe I�w o�t�awbe pno�vWe�.tbe pro�eed�Y�11 <br /> bes nppliad W t6e sum�sccured by ihia Security I�qaU whetikr or aot tho wim�ua ti�a�due. <br /> if dre Property ia�lodo�d by if.after notia by L.enier w Bormwer thu tbe oonda�uior ofl'ers to m�te an <br /> �waod m settie�clAim fi►r dp�n�.Bor�nwer fails to re�e►nd to Lender wifiin 30 ci��fax fic d�c tho nndon u givoa, <br /> i,e�x�c Sa authodzpd tp oollpCt a'ru1 qpply the its a�rtion.eithex to reztoratlon or�epair of tho Property or to tho auat <br />. '�� �.��pcu,rc�*�'1�r dds�e�Yr�i�i la�(i�it�n't,'whetlKr or iat tlKn due. � <br /> •.� . �'•..Ual�ls;[�aakx aad Bo�rrot�e atherwise ag�ce in wi�ddng:aa�}r 8�ratian of pinoeods [o priwcippl,ai�ll nc�7 ext�4d ot . <br /> ���.•poslpo�ie�fhe.���sua aY the mbnihlY P�Yments referra{ta ba�ag�ptas I:uqd 2 or ci�nge the�nou�c,!:sttc��,P.�y�enis. . <br /> , � �� , x x,Borruwec Not Rd�;�'orbenrAqcc By Le�a�iY�t�Wsliv�r.F'utcasion a�t6�e time for poiymeat or arn�l�icatlon <br /> • - � i4�bawf��hesi�s'sedu�eci lyi ihic Setulit�Y�utrumeat g'rat�ted by T.�nder to aay s�raes�or ia imerest of Ba�ru�uwer�ha0 <br /> •` �: ' �.�►Y�:rate to re�ease the liability of the origitwl Borrower or�Ba'rrower's sacca�ors in•ioNeY+eat. Lendu shall not be't+bquired to <br /> , • tomiqenbe piiobe't�dirtg�against any auccessor in interest ar refuae to exteaid tim0 t'qr p�j�mont or othe�vvise modlfy pmo�iradon <br /> � of the euans secured by idis Security Insuument by reason of any demand made��►y the origl�wl Borbwu ar�qrtower'� <br /> � successore in inte�st. Any farbeamnoe by Lender in exorclsing any�ight or remedy shall aot be a waiver of or pa�clude tde <br /> e�ancisa of any dght or t�cmodY. <br /> 1Z. S000esROrs arid AssiQtw Boupdi Jo(nt And Sever�U LiabNlty; Casignere. The covenents and eg�eements of Ihis <br /> Secu�ty Instniment shall Wnd and benetit the successors and assigns of[..ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> par�graph 17. BorrowePs wvenant� end Ag�enxnts shall be joint ard several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secu�ity <br /> Instrument but dces not executc the Note:(a)is ao-signing this Securily Inetntment only to mottgagc. grant end convey thst <br /> B�rnnwer's inte�+est in the Property under the terms of this Secu�ity Instrumenr. (b)is not personally obligatad to pAy the sums <br /> secured by thia Security Instrument;and(c)agroes that I.endcr and uny other Barn�wcr may agroc to extcnd.modit}�.forbear or <br /> m�ke u�y a000mmadAtionc wlth regaid to the temu of this Security Instrunxnt or the Note wi�hout that Borrower's oonsa�t. <br /> 13.La�n Ch�a. If the loan securod by this Socur�ty Ins�niment is subject to a law which sds m�ximum loan charges. <br /> and that luw is Bnally intetprcted so ihat the in�ercst or other loan chargea oollectod or to be collxtad in oonnxtion with�he <br /> loan exceod the permipod limits. then: 1++)uoy such loan chnrge shall be roducod by lhe amount na�a�sary tu roduco tho chatge <br /> to the pertnined limit;and(b)any sum.s already callected from Borrower which exvoeded permittod limits wfll be refltnded to <br /> Borrower. Lendcr mey choose to rtwke this rofiind by reducing the principel owed under thc Note or by making a diroct <br /> payment to Bomowcr. If p rcfund rcduces principal, thc roduction will bc trcatad as a partial pnepeyment without any <br /> p�yment chsrge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be$iven by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by tirst cless meil unl�s applicable law requires use of'anolher method.The notice shall be dirocted to Uu Property Addr�s <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by finst class m�l to <br /> Lender's addrcss statai herein or any other�ddress I.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any natia provided fw in this <br /> Secu�ity Instrument shall be deeme�to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given us pmvided in�his paragntph. <br /> 15.Governing i.�w; Severablitty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by foderul law and the law of the <br /> jur�sdiction in which the Property fs located. In the event that any pmvision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Notc <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instn�ment or the Note which can be -� <br /> given effect without the conflictit�g pmvisioa. To this end the provisions of this Security Ins�rument and the Note are declared <br /> w be severable. � <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Bon�ower shaUO be given�rr�aonformeJ mpy of the Note und of this Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> Pa�m 3GZ8 Y�YO <br /> P�q 4 a16 <br /> 'ry.'.'. <br /> .f�1{FZ.'ll'..�..'.W. _ . <br /> -r/i.: ��� - ,�r .n ' r+4..'v;ir'r,-w�K'C �+'.c:+• ��r• !;"1�'+:ic�":4:IoM}� /-' . � . , n, .��.- <br /> ,.y- .���il I .� ' . ' _ . ' :4: l.-. .y. -,t• } .. <br /> ti 4�- . . S�'�q�� iJ.^ f'� <br /> �..._.�.-�-=x�Pt�.,. .w � ���.1 ti1�1i.�l�s.'.f3z,Sii%mAl.i.i.i�trL•r•�: •��.�.ti�Vi���� �:��el�F�;Y��i�J�i�iy�i°`�'�-J._�.. <br /> ..�f -fC� e I 11 ('7`i 1 -H,t:K:'.' • R�A3�-.f , �t 'n-TY-. _ � fZ - . --iT = ;v�l�yY,�+^.�,... <br /> -- '�"�*�'? s 11� ,���7 � t/1 1� �r�}�'t;. al� �1�`.S}'S�1{u7hti� - �7� c' `�1r ,`�*'r °�•, <br />. _—� „"w�i�l t�SS��1�� y � ��! i�,- )1 4.., '!` lr� Y� � . .i:. W�Ui t ', t��� i asY-�'�.��ir1l! 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