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. 'r�.. -�, . �, � � ` ...._. <br /> 17..'�k��M'�M Mr��rlohi I�MwI i�Ml+a��r.U�II or Nrrt a�Mw.Mo�1y ar iq i�i■t ir it <br /> ' _ ��d0 or�e�ed��lt�il��ItM�N M�v�old or u�rt�d md�otY�i��ot��1niAO� <br /> ;�I�oMM. HawsvK�INa �i1M11 uol b���L+Md� ti �p�roidlil�d r!►W�f Mi►_M�.��'• �� - <br /> � a�dii��' I�dt�r 1pMtutlMnt. � � <br /> It 1�sz�w thb ap►bn�Laber�11�i�ti Batrow�no�ioe ot�ooeloradon.Tho ooUoe�ll��p�lod af�t <br /> !en th�n 30 d�y�fhnm the d�le tia nntloe i�delfverod or mdled wuhin whicl� Born�wer nxul MY � *��roQ.1!Y• <br /> �cwfty Gqq�ument.lf Borrow�fi�il�to p�y the�e aunp�or ta tho expiiMloa af thl�pedod�Lsdar mq►Iuv4iwMD► � �, <br /> ' p�nnittedby tdi�9eeu�i Inun�n�t wltUaut N�tt�er notfoe or dan�nd on Borrower. �, . . . <br /> iS. �ow�e•�1 to Reln�la. If Bnrrow�r mata ccrWn condldons. Bnr��ll heve Ifro d�M h+ Mr� � <br /> antorcensK of tid� ty Inqrumeet dlwaMinued M my Una pdor w tbe e�u8er of: p)S d�y�(ot ach elher perbd r '" <br /> �pplkabM M�r ra,y pbcN�r for r+elnwtanent) befwo ule af thep�pe�ty purawit w auy powor of s�le a�ntainod ia Wi� <br /> Secudty Gwrnmait:or(b)omrY of a Jud�meM cnforvin�thi�Secu�ity in�tniment.�lObO COIIdIUOM�1�C Ilf�l BO�'IOMbI't(�)p�ys <br /> Les�da�tll suau whid►thon wouid be due under thi�3ecudty In�uument std the Note�s if na�ooeleptioo tud oxuttied:(b) � <br /> ara a�ry detwit of any oU�w ooven�nu or�groanent�:(a)p+iy•dl o�cpe�ua ineurnd 1n entorcing tbis Soaurlty Imtnunent. <br /> iacludin�,bu�no�flmllad t�.rcaaon�bie uwrne�r�'fees:�ad(d)t�kea�uch�ctian nx Lender mry ratonably nquire W�aro <br /> �t t4c lioa of thia aec+�rity 1nsp�umer+t. Lendcr a d�hta in the Prnpaty aad Bomower'a obligstlan to pq►the eums eaunod by <br /> dris Secudty I�utrument �hdl wntlnuo•unclu�nQed. Upon roinaateir�dn by Borrowor. tbi: Sxudty lnsaumeat and the <br /> obliptio�s�ocured hcieE�rr eiWl remdn f�lly efl'octive�if no aocelontjon hd oocurrod. Howaver�thii ri�ht w rcl�utpta�haU <br /> aot�pply in the a�e of aooeteration under puagtiph 17. <br /> 19.Sde ot Not�K,'la�e ot I.oM S�rvioer. The Nota or A paRiol interest in tho Nota(to�dhu witb thie Security <br /> Instroonat)m�y 6e sold one or mone times withaut prlor aotice w Borrower.A salo may tesult i�� e In the entity(known <br /> �e th'Lan Servker")that oollocta taonthlY p�Yma�ts due updet the No1e�nd this Security Inctrument�`Irre�Iro mry be oae <br /> ar mone dianpes of We Loan Servioer uruelabd w s�sdc of thc Nae.If thro is a chan�e of the Lo�a Serviaa.Harower wlll be <br /> given wrkten notioe Of ttiC Ct�nge tn a000rdu�oe wilii p�graph l�i awva iuw�+�iliudi►id Irw.Tt�e noi'tca wiU stato tltc twme�wr! <br /> dd�ess of tNc ncw Lo�a 5erviar and the address to which pAyrnaN�sliouW bo mwde.The aotioe will dso ooaqiin ahr atder <br /> . iafornwtbn requirod by applic�ble law. � '• '. . . <br /> � 20.Nas�u+dous S�ab�oce�. Borrower shall a�c,e a�use dr�pertnit��e.qxe�►ce. use. disposal. stwAge. c►c tepea�e�e��'aiiy . � <br /> H�ndous Substancea mr� � tpt PrqpertY. Bottv�wet sheDU aot dv.. �ar aQ9caw xnyone else w do, aae�yt�ing�a�'a�i�g 1�.' � •: <br /> .Praperty that ic in violuiaa�m�of aray Environnxntal Law. 'Cha��arecading twa sentenceg�hall not ly w ihe.�nee,u� '. <br /> nce. ap e <br /> ator�ge oa theProp af amall�y�runuivas of Hezordous Subsvar►ve�tAat�re geqerally rocogni�d to be s�ppropnate tu���0 � <br /> �esidential�WSgs end to ymainteqarce a►ff t�:Aroperty. • , <br /> Batrawlr shall pcomptly pive ILe�+der wrfcten nodce of ar�,in��stigation. claim.der�wnd lawsuit ar dher ectian�Any <br /> 4ovemmn►tal or regu0az�,Y�pgc4GY P�p�1vate pwty involving theP�►oporty and any Hazandaus S�ubstu�ce ar��virunme law <br /> . of whiC�Horrower has u�ruat kaowledgt. If Bortower learns. as is iwti�iod by any govemanerN�!or regnclutvry authoNtg,t�+sW , <br /> aieY ienqx+vn0'ot otber trinediation�vf uny H�ardous SubsGtnce uff�ertin�the Property is�ecCssa�J,Bormw+�x¢I�al�pmmipti9 aatce . <br /> �ti �ecaessunr i+emod'wl acbions in arssarciunce witl►EnvimntnctNaG J.nw. � <br /> � .r�►s uscct in das pa�r�g�2�D. "t•iazAQdous�io�noes' are ihoac suiaxia�w�.,�ic�'ina�i,b t���.or R���.�ar.rts by <br /> $nvirompental s�nd the foilowing aubstanees: gaso9i�ne, k�rosene. atikr ila�nable or w,�xic petraleum Qraduc�s. ta�ic <br /> pestkides and herbicides, volatile solvents.materials coetaining asbestos or fom�akiehyda,and radtoactive matenals. As used in <br /> this parajrap6 20, "Envfronmental Law" means federal laws and laws of tAc jurisdiction where the Property is lacated tFwt <br /> �elatc to►ffety o�enviromncntel protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomnwer and I.ender further rnvenunt and agrec as follows: <br /> 21.Aoceleratba;Remedka.I.ender slwll give notice to Borrower prbr to accderatlon followbg Borrower's breach <br /> of any wvawnt or agreemcnt in thia Secu�ity Instrument (but not prier to s�ooeteratlon underp�gra ph 17 ualess <br /> �pplk�xbk lawpro vides ot6erwlse).The noqce shwll specii'y: (a)ihe defaulh (b) the actlon reqWred to cure the default; <br /> (c) r date. not liar ttwn 30 days from the date the noticr Is given to Borrower�by whkh tl�defnult must 6e cured;and <br /> (d) Ihat tpilure to cure the defpult on or betore the date specitled in the notice may result in naela�tton of tbe sums <br /> secured by thts Securlty [r�strument And sple ot the Property.T6e notice shWl further Inform Bomnwer ot tbe ri�ht to <br /> reinstt�te atter �xeleration Aad the right to bring n cou�t adlon to�ssert tbe non-extctence ot a ddAUlt or Any othee <br /> defemse of Borrower to s�oceleration end sale. II'the defAUlt Is nat cured on or before the date specllied In the rwtla, <br /> I.ender,at tte option, moyrequIre immedipte payment in full of ull swps secured by this Securtty Instniment without <br /> fu�ider demond and mpy invoke the power of sale and a�y other remedies perndtted by appIkable Ipw. I.ender shall be <br /> entitled to collect nll expenses incurred In pursulns the remedf�.w provided M t61s{wragreph 21,including,but not Iimited <br /> lo.reasanrble attorneys'fses And casts ot title evidence. <br /> If thepower of sole is invoked, Tn�stee slutll t�ecord a notice o�defaull in each cuunty in whtch any part ot the <br /> Property is It�ted and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appllcable law to Bormwer and to _ <br /> the other persong prescribed by applicable law.Atter the time required by applics�ble law�Tn�ctee xhall give publk notice <br /> ot wle W the persoas and ip the menner presc�ibe�l by Appllcable Is�w.Truntee. without demand on Borrower,sdWl sell <br /> t6e Property at publlc auction ta the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the term.4 designated la the nottoe ot <br /> sde in one or more parccls And in uny order Trustee determines.T�ustee m�y pastponc sele of all or�ny parcel of the <br /> Property bypu blic anaouncement at Ihe time wid place of any preriously �scheduled sule. I.ender or its designee moy <br /> puerhASe the Pnoperty at any sele. <br /> Fotm 3028 8180 <br /> Pp�5of8 - <br /> 7 <br /> � . . <br /> . . . ___. . _._ . — .��o.ria.i���':,� . . <br /> ...� _ —--^�=rr�..'......--_-,�-- .V.77.�,�::.:+-,uc.1'.,.R'M;,,j�{4y4 .�.�' <br /> _� � L -' . . l:, . , -;..;ti�,�-��,y! ,,�y • , . <br /> _ _`M -f�J_r_ fyi� �� { '�� '���:5..'ifGa��L`� i " ,'. . <br /> :z_.ix_,a1_ �f,.�•,..._ v._i.��'- .s•• _�1t� L'_I�.�ws�l+tY�;li4:"�1 biW4Li�•..�•�i� <br /> i.ti•� . _ __ -- �, _ �- . _ . .. � _ _ . . _.. �_ .. - �_ . -5.-.��_ <br /> -.� � �tf i � <br /> `.-• _ - , d 1!1!/ 1 °` ._ 1 - . -�r r�s �_ . _ .� y r � . . a .. <br /> ��_ .,�-{,J� . �., i.�'(+, 1 V� . . - . . j u � . .;.�� t i��e, r . i � . <br /> i <br /> f ti.:. <br /> _. ..•�r,rif 7•IW�i Ji`9N�•M.t,f."'i�!'.�������d�l::7ti'��5��fir ! _ .....�,. .......,:. 1 ..��t�t�t�}�li� y � .. .)i �.ZI-ifl..�' t���t 1 . - 1 � .. <br /> = zS �[^-r ��'!''rl�F�a �T e,' —c �'r,.•---°----"-...._ .. . T r�. . �•� i; RT -7-� , r-�.,j;, ��+r c� <br /> �:�tdtc,f1'Z 2 � �, �'IS' � i.l.. ... . . 7� � � �t }..':� rti 1 rtCS'.•y 'i)r + .) - <br /> _:-rv:x�[ts� � N.)�.'�h, �alr r _ ZiP 'n - .I. 1• - �I��s�.1��4•Sft.,�y?�t'��a:r�;t;tiir,''�•���•.� �4�v )i l_ 9��. <br /> S_ , '1`', ) a . �! !f ri�; F Ini'1;1 � r , <br /> ' r�%�s���s�- '' �., �•4✓ yr� �rFil�� E i. . } !� � t:����,Ii1���t�!��,��'i t H�q(t{ 4U;.17t [r <br /> :�.L.�'r 1. 1r� . �9-�' tl.• { �, � t'ti.,, f) t . <br /> hls � 'r,. — 1 �y "��- � � . ' �\ d ��,A`t. �. 4 � �5 � !ll'•��, i i � t ,. <br /> s^' '� �' •• �+� '�� ^�{�Y't, • '�1;4 , '�;%Y1�4!},�.��!r'�};7�� f l i 1';S� �TV�'�4� ,ti �f t� �,': <br /> �. f;t � , ,� , , � 11 ( i .�e� <br /> . - •ktl��� , .�- t��Yt ,, - i ; . � . . I•X 1. 4� � •i-, -u :4�, if`-- ,C' �a � <br /> r_ 3 �\' � t_ .�. . ' , ;� � � � • .u' <br /> -y_ ��� �. 1�.y� ' :-. ..1-'.� ....trl�f�.g- �•' .- , �`r��(1J��. .i' ��t .�. �(������1t . 1• i't. '` <br />. _� •�Sc � _,�i.,�.�� -.�•`'�, : . . ,,R �. , ��° . . " °- _ 1"�- -�� � 3 0.' - • ��,��. <br /> � 4�. ,f�. � •• - � . i�. 1.� ., _ _ V}�i �•}� --� .11. <br /> �. - .1 • ��i: <br /> .�t�`` �` d`1i.y��r1:��.,.���t r � :r � ,'� � '�I�:; ' - ,��l' 1 . _ .l• 1 , •.�• ' _. _. <br /> ��•,� _. - ' � <br /> � '.1 1- -- �_' � ��!��,�� ..�� . 4,�+ ..�.Y:�.:a. r • <br /> S� Art.f.�e11 if rr4��9J.S.�t'.1N�{��..�c..o-;:i.i� . . ' '".. :v, . . _,�� ;�'..�1u.-.., � <br /> — ._ ..��...�_ - . i �. . a � i , _ . . . .. ., <br /> - -?:.i4.,�..�. . „ _t:,:•.,.u,. • ,.. , •. <br /> _`,�5r_._ __ , ' ". .^o- ,��. — - -- �_ _.'�'.`�_ ....�� .. '--- <br /> 5 <br />