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-.-,�.���.�i—' .�'_"""""'..,'_ � T �� ..::::y:�:_;� <br /> -- ., ' �V— /R . , — 'i.: e <br /> �. ��� 1�1'�llfty WIU�b fOfm�Yrf/il�l lol� fll� �V�1� � � OP��M��«�Ol�d ON��. <br /> �!�lty7�`�iW bfi���S�MJ�}!1!1l0�!f!R•��Me!!�!°��11�-l��lr�.-- �°- --- <br /> � ' a00�iMt�11��.�M�1�0�1�.�MI�[1��lM�M111r0�.��i�IrO���w��II��0���dP��O� <br /> � iMt l�du�equita�. 11a imur�ao�arrMr providl�1!r iewrtrea tAdl be eUoNa G� �ruw�e�t�o I.�eiMr't��I ,. <br /> � �i.�u�it be u�ro..aMbly �vkhl�ld. U rore�aw.r nu.b nrtahln oowey�aaerN�ed �aare. L.�a�eiq, � t.wi.rti <br /> , aptia��obuio aova�ye w pratact l.ander'�d�in the Proqrty In�d�no�rvitl�p�ea�r�ph y. , <br /> �►II iewe�os policlM�td�wiew�b dnll ba�b l�ad��nd�hll iedrde�Madrd a�oRtwe dwN. Lwdk <br /> �tiall iMVe tue ddM to Iw►Id�he holkia and reoewal�.tt 1.aW�r roquirw.Bomn�x ibrll promPtly giv�IQ l.�ndu dl no�ts af <br /> P�P��d renewal notloa.ln the c+ra�t of las.Bormwer�lul1�iw pranpt aotice w tYe iiwtrrwr a�erMr ad LMdrr, <br /> L,rdK to�y mdce p�not ot low it not m�de promptly by Horr�owet. _ <br /> Unla�L�rnAec uid Borrowar otiarwi�o��roe in wriUn�.inwnu�oe prooeed�thdl be�pplled to reswrMion or repair of ihe <br /> Proparty the oeworuion or rcp�ir io eoononnially feasible+�nd I.ander'a�ecvrity i�not la�aned.It dr tawradon ar <br /> rep�ir i�not econc►mic�lly[autiblo or I.endu'e�ecudty wauld be lo�ened.thc inwraaoe pnooeed��11 be�pp1�d W the ainu <br /> iea�rod by tl�Secudty Inwum�eot. whoN�er or not then duo� wlth aqy o�ooa pdd W Borrow�or. If Borrower�6�ndau the <br /> Pt+operty.or does twt��ru�riWn 30 d�ya a nol9oo from I.aider th�t tMs insut�t�oe can►ier ip�s of�aed w sdtle�cldm,t�ea <br /> . l�ender ma�y oalloct tha i�sunuioe pm000ds. Laider rn�y we�he pr0000dc to rcp�ir or restooe the Propaty or w pq waoat <br /> � rowred by this S�witi'I�trurnerq.whetlkr or not tl�ccn duc.The 30-day perlud will bcgia wt�rn tho aotice b�iven. <br /> UNea I.d�der ind Horrower aherwisa �ee in wdtin8. �Y RPPliaulon of prooeeAs w pincipal�hall aot extad ar <br /> - postpora Itic dua due of the momhlY pAYmentr referrod to ia par�grephe 1 uid 2 or clwiga the m�ouat of tho payma�tx. If <br /> ___ _- anda p�r�lgt�ph x!�the Pmperty ia ncqufred by ltxder. Bort+nwer'�dght W any inwenoa policiee�nd p�+oroods rcsulti�q G�nm <br /> __.�_- -- =r�� � +�.a.zc;:a��tu!i�Frv�r.�iY�ur co ih�acquisirion phali p�ss tu�dc�w tt�c ractad ut iha suua�s�cw�xi br ti�i9 5ecucec�+it�sttu� _ <br /> ��;�',�� 'immediAtely priar to the acquisitlon. <br />_, `."��` b.O�ocapancp,Pnrervatba,Molutenaooe ind Heta�lon ot tbe ProPe�q'i Borrower's l.a�a Appliaidon;].mdiotdr. <br /> `:;'_:! � Borrower siw�6 or• �ropertY g pal Y AY <br /> _ ;•;;:��� 4upy.esu+blish,and use�i�e as Borrower's riaci rcqidence witFdn sixt d e after the exeeudor�oF <br /> _ =s�:J! ' Ihls Seeurily Ins�rumeat aM slwll oont�nue to ac�eupy the Property�r,Bvrrower'a princip�l resid�ncs for at la�st one ytu A4ite� <br /> th�t�te caF accupuncy,unless Lender otherwise agras in writing.which caasea►t ahall nat be un�'eacc��ub�y wltliheld,or uNrss <br /> ,,,,,��; ,oxtentlati�ig circuinstanoes eaist which ate�beyond Borrower's control. Barrower shall nat dtsstroy. damsge or imp�ir tha <br /> ' '�; Pro�perty, u11aw tlie Property to dderiomte, ar commit waste on the Property. �rmti�r shall be in default if my forfeituro <br /> _ ___�: � ,,. .' ;actioa o�proree�iing.whether civil or craminal, is begun that in Lender's good fsdtl�Jucigmeht c+wid tesult in forfeiwre of the <br /> "�"� • �Prape�ty oratherwi�e motedally impair t9�e li�n crcated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securily interest.8c�rrowa rtpy <br /> A.���'�` 'I �'� curs s�ich�a default and nin�;e,as pravided in paragraph causing the acUan ar prceeedin$to t�e dismissed�vlth a rWiag <br /> ---�—� ' ' �h��, in LeMltr'e goal,fai�t!sktrmii�at�on, pmludes fodelsuce of the 9onawer's interest In the Prop�►rty or et�her m�-riwl <br /> - -���� Impairnient of 1he licn created by thls Security Instrument or[.ender's securlry interest. Banower ahell �Iso ba in default if <br /> — :�� Borrower.dur�ng the loan application process,gave mated�lly false or innccurate infom�ation br statements w l�ender(or failad <br /> _� to provide L.ender with any materfal information)in connoction with the loan evidencxd by the No�e, including.but not limitod <br /> :; to, repre.gcntations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property es a principal residencc. If this Secur�ry Instrument ic on o _ <br /> leasr.!►old. Borrower ehall comply with ail the provisions of thc lease. if Borrowcr scquirrs fce tide W the Property, t�e <br />. :� lea5ehold aM the fee tiUe shall not merge unless Lender agrces to the merger in writing. <br /> �� 7.Pratectlon of Leader's Riqhts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agraments contained in <br /> this Socurity Insin�ment, or there ia a legal pmcecding thet may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Pr+operty(such�g a <br />-' -- proceedi�g In bankruptcy,probate,for condemrwtion ar forfeiwre or to enforce IAws or regulations), lhen Lender may do and <br /> - pay for whetever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Property�nd Lender's rfghts in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> '�� include paying any sums secured by e lien which has prFarity over this Serurity /nstrument. appearing in court. payiag <br />_ rcasonablc attorneys' fees and entering on thc Property to make repairs.Although I.cnder muy taka action under this pangraph <br /> ;, 7,Lcnder does not have to do so. - <br /> '1. Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall became additional debt of Bomnwer secured by tnis <br />- Securiry Instrument. Unless Bomower and l.endcr agrrx w other terms of payment, the�e amounts shell bcar inte�rst from the _. <br /> . x,`a , date of disbu�sement at the Note rnte iu►d shall be payable, with interest, upon noUce from Lender lo Borrower requesting <br /> '�;�s�;4, �/ w• <br /> ' PaY <br /> i 4 J I1�Y.}.�� ��.,M• —. <br />-- �+•�1•y�.. <br />_ : �!!:.}, 8.Mortgnge InvurAnce.If Lender required mortgege insurunce as a condition of nwking the loan securecl by this Serurity _, <br /> %?` Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mnintain U�e mortgage insursince in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> r <br /> � w��� mortgage insurance rnvernge required by I.ender lapses ar ceases to be in effecl. Barrower shall pAy the premiums roqufred to <br /> - �-� �` aMain coverage substantially cyuivalent to�he mortgagc Insur�nce previously in effert, ut u rost substantially equivalcnt to the <br /> �_`� _—°-;y��`j cos[to 8ortower of the mort a e insurance reviausl m effect, from an al�ematr mcm a e insurer a roved b l.cnder. if <br /> ,� , � SB P Y � RB PP Y <br />"�'# ' ��. ;- �tir�; �bst�r�t��I�Y e9uivalent mortgage insurnnce coveruge is not uvulluble, Barrower shall pay ro Lender each month n sum equal to - <br /> ,' `�:�}?�r"'�s';;� one-twelfthaf'the yearly mongage insurmxe premium being paid by Bormwer when the insurance coverage lupsed or censed to <br /> � ��'���t be in eftect.Cender will uccept, u.e and retuin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu uf mongage insurance. Loss reserve <br />: �;� �;; <br /> �i"�'�d,,`�.\SY� FOI�I13�28 9/90 <br /> •` . Pp�3 018 <br /> '�� •S.cf4�� _ <br /> .�'� < ' . <br /> F <br /> -,';, ��}. .NyatK�.A.�. � • � . 111n . vw...l•r .. . _. <br /> __� a..��.w'.h,��f� �♦q � _ � . _ . • <br /> _ � . . w . . . <br /> - � r, .,..^.�,'K 1 1�F��'� . _ .. ••'.�. - .� S•' . - <br /> .. ` <br /> � <br /> ,-�', .•�,.. �aiG,r . � �:4'"��i : . � . . �� , . . <br /> _ . . . . .._ . . <br /> � <br /> ..•. <br />:._. °_...f..,. �__+[�e�n�x:- --.��_,: ..• _.. ..r�-'__ _-... :r:� - _�s�'aYr�SS({�.i���i"t1h1�1.�.�_� +�oe,;A-'n�,..�.�t.�.t!.a�.;��a�:Y.; <br /> ,y _ � l C_i�� � �n_—. _ . _ _ �. �____ _-..._._' _.__ _er�Vwr1.C'.,r_ � _�_ �_ ���+ir • _ <br /> i � <br /> i �.+� <br />.j,il{ 'N K'°1'� • '1��`is.t �'« � . . . . � r . . �• � � <br /> �f,.� � �1�'-. �i13{w�l,llw 1.',�t n.,_.. 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