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_ , : . :.: , <br /> .. . . _ . .. , n - ... .,... . <br /> _�a � . ' . '9�- �i � .".� <br /> �r+oci�n�t WrrH.0 t6.�.qv�..�.no�►a�r.n�a aa I�.prop�wa..ea.0 a.�n.u,.�pmww�o....�+ <br /> - --- fnsMM eqw or 6w�siier � pri d t� qopwry. Aii mpi�ownrat� axi�iuor �ii�ii �ir�a t,o w-vired bj► tbl� � <br /> --- I�MMw�R.iyli a�P�fa�c�q b r�FRnd�n io tbfe�ry ta�tnia�e�},�r i�c"Fa,�q+.' -- -- -- <br /> SbR1t�1WilR�OVBNAlV1'a dMt Doeio�wr�1�wfWiy MiMd at��,d aMMe h�rabY oorw�Yd atd 6�r tlis rl�bt to p�rlt�ei � <br /> oonyey Ibe Pnap�ty Md tht tMe ltopaety i1 unaaa�a�ba+d.�cap'� tor aiauqb�noe�of reoord. D�evwa� wntmt�Md wYi <br /> detend�eoorally twe tide to the P�opa�ty�ainn dl eWa��nd der�odR.�ubject w any�a�beaoo�ot eeoond. <br /> TH19 SRCt1RITY MSI'RUMBNT oombiaer unifixro oovawits for n�llonwt we ad roauoifatm oovarat�wi�1 U�Wd <br /> nri�tiau by juddiction to oautidcte a unft�etm�eaidry in�trumea�t ooverina r+ail propeety. . <br /> iJMFORM QOV�IVAN7'S. Bono��td I�etider t�v�nt�nd ap�ee a followa: <br /> t. h��t a�PM�dpd �si Iduwti l�'q�l�ae�t +�ed �te�'MRa. Bonower�IWI P�PUY pS� wheo due dr <br /> priadpd ot ud intan�t an the debt evidcnood by the Note md say pro�ymau�nd lue chu�a due under the Nole. <br /> 2.�tirM[or Tau�aed Ie�aNOa Snbject W opplic�bb law or to�wriuen w�iver by LeMor. Hotmwer shdl p�y w <br /> Laxier on the day monthlY WY��+'�due under the Nute.unlll the Noto is qid in fi�ll,a wm("Funds'�for:(a)yevly tuo� <br /> �nd at�aanenn which m�y�tuin pdority ovar thi�Sxudty InWmment as�Uea oa the Yropetty:(b)Y�Y�d P�Y� <br /> or�cawd ra�is on Ihe Property.if any:(c)Yew�ly hqzud ar property in�urwoo pnrmium4:(d)Y�Y��Pm��• <br /> if�oy:to}Y�Y��SA6e ineuranoe uq�:a�d fi�+�Ir�PwY�by Bormwer ta I�endor.ia�oca�nco with <br /> the pravi�ionc oi'pa�niph Itw of tha pqrmeat of ma�tg,�go ins�usnoo prcmiva�s.77�esa items ana cnlf�l'�►Itans," <br /> t,ader npni. �aay tim�o. oollect md hold Funds in�n�wa1 nat to exceod tde maxinwm am�at u lensi:r�;iu A fodewlly <br /> rcJriod matg�W�n m�y roquine far Bamower's escrow noo�unt under the fedual Rcxl Estate 5daem�nt �f�oopc��rcs P�xt�of <br /> 1974 ns Aoiicndad fron time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�seq. ("1tESPA"),unless�u+other f��'�App�ies ta�We'��nds <br /> -- , sets 1 lcs:cr arttouM. It w�. ��en�i�+r��nY, �t a��y �ime, callect and hald Fund4 ia an arpau[�t au.t to e�ioeed the lisscr��xnvt��t. . <br /> J L,ender may cstimatc 1he amount of Funda due on ihc basia of cument dwa and re�sonablo dtlmatea af expenditw�es of fuluro , � <br /> F.aerow Itemss or otherwise in axordance wlth npplicable law. <br />_=— The Punds ahell bs held in u� institution whose depoails uc insurod by a federal egency, Instrumentality.'a� e.ntlty <br />_=- (including LeMcr.If Lrender is auch an institution)or in eny Federnl Home Laan Bank.Lctider s6a1�aPP�Y thC Funds to pay the <br />•�� Eserow Items.I.ender may not charg�Horrower for holding and applying the Funcls.annually enalyzin8 Iho escrow accot��u.or <br /> verifying the 8scrow Items.unless Lender pays Bomower intereal on the Funda and applicable law permlts Lender to make such <br /> �ch�rge. However,I.endcr may requi�eorrawer to pay a one-Ume charge for an indepertdent roa!estete tux�eporting servioe <br /> used by l.ender in rnnnectian with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agra.�nent is nwde or <br /> applicablc law requirea intercst to be paid, Lender siwll not be required to pay Borrower any inte�st or earnings on t6e Funds. <br />- Borrower and[.ender moy agrce in w►iting,hawever,that intemst shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. <br /> without charge. an annyal accounting of the Funds, showing crrdits and debius to the Funds wid the putpose for wbich each <br /> ' debit to the Funda was fiade.The Funds are pledged ax additional security for atl sums securod by this Security Insnumen[. <br /> ; If tho Runds held by Lender excecd the amouats permftted to be hetd by applicable Isw. Lender shull account to Borrower <br />-°"*`a for the exctss Funds in ac;cordence with the requirements of appliceble law. If the umaunt of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> — time is not suflicient to pay the Escrow Items when due. L.ender mey so notify Borrower in such cage Borrower <br />----�•- shell pay to [.ender tho amount necessury to make up the deflciency. Bortower ahall maka up the deficiency in oo morc than <br /> � twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> .,�. <br /> —_= Upon payment in full of all sum� secur�ed by thi� Securiiy Instrument. I.ender shail promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ,� Funds held by I.ender.ff,under pnrngroph 21, I.ender shull acquire or sell the Property,[.endcr,prior to dte acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall upply any Funds held by Ixnder at the time of acquieition or sale as a crodit against the eums socured by <br />_--=�-s this Securiry Instn�ment. <br />"_'"e'9"� 3.Appllcation of Payments.Unles�applicable law pruvidcs othenvise,ull payments rcrcived by l.ender undcr parngraphs <br /> ^��N°;� I and 2 shall be applied: any prepayment churges due under the Note: second,to amcwnts payeble under paragreph 2; <br /> �- ` thit+d,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and las�,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br />;��A� 4.Cnargesi Llens.Bc►rrower shall pay all texes,a.gsesqmems, charges, fincs und impositians uttributable to the Property <br /> - -=___� which muy attain prfority o�•cr this Sccurity Instrumcnt. and Ic:►schold �+aymcnts or ground rents, if uny. Borro�ver shall pay <br />_=s��• I these abligatians in the nwnner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut munner.Bormwer shall pay them on time directly <br /> •���'}��.�" to the person owed paymern. Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to I.ender�II notices of umounts w be paid under this paragraph. <br /> �� °`�` If Bonower rnake.v these payments directly, Borrower shall prompUy fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />`^�z,��C�; <br /> "?ttr,wt.�' Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which hus priority over this Security InatPUment unless Bo�ower.(Al agrees in <br /> �'i:-,=%� writing to the payment of the c►bligadun secured by the lien in u manner acceptable to[.ender:(b)cantests in good fpith the lien <br /> �:_:_T� <br /> � by, or defends agAinst enforcement ��f�he lien in, legal pruceeJings which in thz Lender's opinioa ope.r�te to prevent the <br /> ;.�,;a; <br />-�=;:;,.��^' mfarcement af the lien;nr(c)secures from the M�Ider of the lien an ugreement,atlsiartnn•t��I.enJer subnra�inat ng t e �en to <br /> • this Securiry Instrument. If C.cnder determines that uny part ��f thc Pmpeny is,ut►jcrt t��a licn whid� moy�Itain ptio�ity aver <br /> � • ' � this Securiry Instrument,l.ender mny give Bnnower•r nuticc iJrntifyin�! ihe licn. Borr��wer.hall>ati�tj•the lien ar take one or <br />-..J..:�.`��; i <br /> --'• more of the actiuns set forth above within 10 da�a ut'thc�i�•ing�it'notice. <br />`:,;�'� � Rorm 90Z8 9/90 <br /> • °t.--y <br /> •r <br />�e <br /> f• ► � . <br /> . °,;;L` 3 � . . <br /> 3.'41ti.�, • <br /> (S.• <br /> '�=��1�_ - <br />-__��. ��'' 'SY'��-�d._�;,;. Yt��'i . �w, ��..q!" f!?° � { r� �l �:�V � �'. '!��'S����!�'i=r�. <br /> r�+";�+s�'" •�,�'�, '�4�� ���;'�'��' 6 i� <br /> i ';:�f',�,,�' {. � ,� � <br /> ea� �a4���`-� 1t�.�,1kY`y;`������I'��4t�,i}{' .. .. • ,���ii��l�r _ - �'i�i ti�� �}.��1�ty +��� � :. � �t,3i,�!'. <br /> � -� ':"�'.1.. _ ��;iX4i,vl.l�.i� _�1.i��i�df��_ _�`i'o'��Bsi�w_?1'.�t?}�Et�:e:��;: rSl�r.�i.t'�U��1(4•�.: <br /> �. - - __ _ - - - _ - <br /> _ ., - - -- - - - — - <br /> ,� : �,�',���`1����1��44� .4`4��y��� ,� l I �. ' � ' <br /> �u+ve , � • _�_. r��+��.,_ -,t-;i `� : <br /> f• •t�7�,4� � t � � <br /> •lt.i,'� s�,t' .. � 1� ... � • , .rrl �i '�i '�� -���`.i�'r � ��� � - <br /> _ -,J wr).k...3�5i4�r i ,�..: .•AS,�.•.� t;'l.. _. , .c 1-- ' - ' ' . } _.��' -' •.. . _.. ._. _ , ,'1� - . <br /> �. _ ..�_ r , •3 ^'• ll:.� - — ^- - ... . , <br /> r��'�""_�. .: ,lr'` . . .v�",'+: '��,. ' .I �"�]�(.��t� , {�.••; ' <br /> _KY. t7^ . . . , . . 'I�t�i ., , . <br /> .� � ? 1 • _ . _ _ . . 1� }S\�Ylt• } <br /> -{-�']�i4`'_ . .....� '!- � �� .'` ' 1 �� � `�5�/' , `,�.., . <br /> ��IlF_'!SylFi- �a ��,�q�{ ....U1.�-1.'vli. -� i'd'� . �' .. ` J �l�i��?;•��. �r����lt�+;, � � . <br /> _ -- .,, � .� y.� . , . . . . . . � � •�:. - <br /> _- - ,' � . . `. 2�-- �t� . <br /> sA��R ti. a.�s ,.`i^, , _, - . . .. . . �J • . , <br /> = T �---��'•;1H,'�t.-.- . . . . .. .i. - - .����1�1` ! ! <br /> . ,• . . . . . � -� '. - \ � t� � <br /> � - ��(�}t i+t 1 � � .� <br /> o.r.v� .— nr"4 1,t..;�1,'.'.IIi6.� a :. , n.:....�.......v� . ... . � - �' , � . .�'� i �'li�i����,�, /� <br /> , -- . � ' , ,1 'I <br /> . - , ... <br /> � r ' • , � � ' <br /> yu.a:� ' � . . ... `�"r�r.,YT''.�`t...jJFx..t'-'"Ylr=.n,:��w?'.:v::' - „ , :+�:�i'�;�.t:4f4ti r.i�r �4'•�-�•.-r.... <br /> . d . <br /> � . .. <br /> , . . , <br /> ,. :. . . ,. .... .:: ., a.� w�y- .;. � <br /> • u ., <br /> � K-. - �` ' : . <br />