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�� . --- <br /> ' ' . ' �' "y, �' _ ._" _— <br /> . - � ��r,Mrly��Mr.. �� ._�_ ._. <br /> ����� <br /> . . . . ;�)��:�7.+i+1.' ' � .� ' ' <br /> +. _ <br /> ,, j� 91- 102867 - <br /> :� piymenta moy no lon�cr be roqulrod,�t the ap�iun of Lcndcr,ii'mong�e insurnncc rnverapc lin thc�unount w�d fw tho pariod <br /> :�•� th�t L`nder roquircal providod by aa i�urc��r�val by I,�nder a�{ain ba,romcs avwilublc wnJ i�oMaincd. Barmwe��Fwll PaY <br /> �'`�;, the prcmiumo rcqufrod�a auinain munQ�e incumni,�a in ci'fah,or tu pmvido a las�rescrvc,untii the rcquin�nt fur moh��e <br /> . �..•. ,.. <br /> " •, •,r ,,,�, . .c' :, intuntw�o emlu in�nl�e wilh�ny w�iucn opreen�nl tk�wacn&►rmwcr and i.c�xlcr ur r�pplirablc law. <br /> . 9. I�spe�Kia�. Lcnder��t it��ent may n�w�:o rexa�twbic eMries u{xm wid inspatiuns uf�hc Pmperty.Lender cFmll �ive --__--- <br /> ' : . ^t. ;, ,. <br /> •,�,.;s,�w;,i{�� Barrower noti�r at tlK li�ne nf ar p�inr to an inrpahf�n►peclfyinp m.�unable cuuse for the inspoctian. <br /> ��- �-+�•� -•�� • t0. CondemnWlon.'I'he pmcaods o��u�Y uwAn1 ��r clpim for�mages,Jirect �►r cnn�uential, in connectinn with uny -_ __ <br /> •• , . �:y ai; � _: -: -_ . <br /> �'�„��.,� condemn�ti�n or dher��IcinQ oi Any�wh oi'�hc Property. ur fi�r��unveyan��:in Ucu af candemnatian. �ra lureby wwi�ned and <br /> ,Y,p,,�,� tilull be pwid to Lcndcr. _ <br /> +w� In tho aveot of a�at�l twking��f the Pn�peny,lhe pruceeda slwll he applied t��he xums�xurcd by ihis Secu�ity Inxtrument. -_- <br /> �"" ' �� whethe�ar eot ttie�due, with any axcess paid to Barrower. In the event oi'u paAial taking af�he Property in which t4e fair <br /> ` �::� <br />�„`�,,;�.:��,W.���.•:, ..� rno�ket value of the PropeAy immaiiutely befare�he tuking iF equul t�or grealer thun thc umount of the sums scx�u�d by this <br />�/s/a�¢�r.";; •+�. ��'`�, .:; Sccurfly Instrument inme�Natcly hefar+e�he Iaking.unless Borrower und l.ender Whenvise pgrce in writing,the sumx xxured by _ _ _ <br />�I:t^jM .� .• : ;" . t __ <br /> ,,,�,, ,. �his Socu�ity Instn�ment chall be reducod by tl►e anxiunt of the pracceds� multiplied by�he following frarc�iun: (ul the t <br /> •,t� art�vunt uf the�ums secur� imn�iiutcty before 1he takinB.�lividc�l My(b) thc fair murket vuluc vi�the Propeny immodiiuely --- - _,-- <br /> 7::;:��. _ <br /> � , .•�.� b c f o�e t t r s t a l c i n g. An y balatxe st�l1 t+e p aicl tu Born�wer. 1�the cvent �f u punial taking of'thc Pn�peny in which the fair <br /> ,��•at- •• �aw..����—.- <br /> t;,... '� :.�, ,� ,.• market value uf thee Properry imn�edwtely befar thc taking is lcss tlwn the umount ot the s�n�ured immediately beEorc the <br /> t <br />��1 t�ng, unless Rorr+ower aid I.emler otherwist:�gree in writiog or unkss appli��bk law dherwise provides.the proc�eeds rJwll S,':'�.�c:;4_�. <br /> �'�;;'�. , , "._ . be applied to the surna sccured by this Security InWrument whe�fier or aM�he sums are tAen due. - <br /> fi� •• � . If tde Prop�etty is abandoned by i3c+mnwe�,or if. aflcr aotioe by l.ender ta Banrowrer ihu[the conclemnnr af'fers to malce an � " � -- <br /> , ,�:.c •.,.� <br /> . ' aW�or settie a��sum for dwiwges, Borruwcr fuils ta n�spimd to Lendcr within :{0 J�ys afte� Ihe date the naicc is given, I� • , <br /> . ' �;"�;,;� Le�der is�utAori�1 to callxt and apply the ite option.either to restoratian or nepair of the Pnopetty or to�6e sums ' "',�•- <br /> +� ;�'�.��,i'�,�i'f.`.� secured by tAis Serurity Instrument,whether or not then due. �,�.�� • __ <br /> � 'I 'r�..;,.,, �',,:°,`.;: L:, .. .. <br />; .' j ,...,:.,. Udess Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing. siny npplicution of pr�a�eed� ta principal shall not eatend or �__ __ � <br /> . : � . • ;• postpone the due date ot'�he monthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs I cmd 2 ur chAnge the rumwnt uf such puyments. ��-�;y <br /> , ;�: ,.,,• • �1,gorrower Not Rdeaced:Forbesrana By t.ender Na�W�tver.Extension of the time for puymen[or modification _-- <br /> , � .;;,�;;t,., `.•.�,.�.',; . of anwniuUion oi the sums securcd by this Security Inslniment gmnted by Lender to any wccessor in interest uf Burmwer shall ���... f <br />; .;,"�, ' not opernte to release Ihe liability of thc original Bormwer or Borrower's sua�etisors in interest. t.endcr shall not be rcquir+ed to �;;;n.��;- <br /> �^`'� rnmmence procecdings s�gainst any successor in inte�est or refuse ta eatend time far pWyment or otherwise modify emorti-ration „,;�,:F. <br />;• . w'.'�' <br /> of the sums securcd by this Security Insttument by reason af uny dem•rnd mude by the original Borrower or Bo�rower's ,�3��m. <br />-- - - - :��,-.��1-�--_- g��r��,�in interest.Am forhearance by I.ender in eaercising any r�ght ur�+emedy si�all not be u waiver of'or preclude the _���=--� " <br /> . `� ;.'•;;'�;�i�•..: • exerci�e af any dght or rcmedy. - N- <br /> + � ''"`"� l2. Sua�essora and Assigns Bouad;dolM and Several LipbNlly; Co-signers. Thc covenants and agrc�ments of this � �;�" • _ <br /> , . �. �.tf`�,i�}�;Tr.•�'� �•:,..:��-� _-°- <br /> „ ����y,;� . S e c u d ry I n s t r u m ent shall bind and benefit the successors and assiRns of L.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of �.,,�;;;;;_�-. � <br /> � ; � , ' parag�h 17. Borrower'a rovenunts and ugrecments sh�ll be joint and scveral. Any BoROwer who ca•signs this Security —�:�:�;y,; <br /> , r.,,.,,.•'' R ��;; �,,. . <br /> � • (nstnm�ent but dces not execute the Note: (a► is co-signing this Security Instnimern only t��mnrtgAge, grnnt und canvey that �•.t�.'".. '.,�� <br /> , ,;., ,.';.'..,: .____ <br /> r;�':q?�� Borrower's intercst in tiie Pmperty under the temu of this S�cu�ity Instrument; Ib) is not personully obligated to pay the sums . _ _ <br /> . �.Fi: :•, :�,��.. ,..,:�: <br /> ' ,%~,,: <br /> n �; , ' secured by this Security Inst�vment:and(c)ugrees�hat L.ender und uny other Borrower nmy�ngree to extend,modify,forbear or - <br /> . ;,i,,�, -�:-�_s:. <br /> , nwke uny nccommodutions with regard to thc tcrms of Ihis Security Instrument or the Nde without that Borrower's consent. �'�.;:�-.�•--= <br /> ' ._,;.�.,�:, . <br /> � t l3.Lo�n Charges.lf the lonn secured by this Securi�y Instrument is subject �o a law which u:ts maaimum loan charges, �� - -� '� <br /> • und that law is finully interpreted so that the interc�t or i�ther losui charge�cullected �ir�o be collected in connection with the ;..�_ . � " <br /> �! � �.'r. ,�;; .; � loan excced the permitted limits, �hen: (u►any such loan rhurge slwll be rcduced by the wnuunt necessnry to reduce the charge - -'�!f <br /> ��ff'�����"�' to the permitted limit; and(b)uny sums ulreudy cullecteal irom Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to � ��° <br /> R� � °�''''�z�;�;" Borrower. Lcnder muy choose to make this �fund by reducing the principal iiwed under the Nac or by making a direct � „ • ��:�� <br /> „ ' ' ��`�'� payment to Rorrower. If A refund reduces �ioci ul, �he reduction will he trcated os a artial a ment withou� an - -- <br /> P P P P�P Y Y =.�•,;-��� . <br /> ' ``i� • pt,epayment charge under the Note. � �w_, <br /> � ����'�• w' f o r i n I h i s S e c u r i t I n s t r u m e n t s h a l l b e �i v c n b d cliv erin it or b mailin t- '.., - _ <br /> � �, s +c`�.��k• la.Notic�. Any notice to&xrow•cr pr� iJed y b Y 8 Y B ,;, .. :: <br /> � , '•'���"'�"'� it b}t�rst class mail unless a h�ahle law re uires use of another methaf. The notice shull be direct«i to the Pro rt Address � <br /> ' i_';::� PP�' q Pe Y �'i�'t�:�:"<_'_:-- <br /> '° 'a}^`''� � or ar+� dher address Borrowcr designutes by nWice to I.ender. Any notice to l�nder chall be given by first class mail to ��Ynr-,�.,.; <br /> .. '�� .. " ����,.fi __ � <br /> ' - - [,ender's address stated hcrcin or any�uhcr addrcsx Lender designates by noticc tu Borrower. Any notice providod for in ttiis '__�-,:�:;_:'` <br /> � � ���� °.-;;• ' Security Instn�rnenR shall be deemcd to havc bcen givcn ta Borrower u� Lender wh�n givcn•rs provided in this puragraph. R•,�-���,�'T',;;��, _ <br /> � `" 15. Goverr+�t� 5everabilily. This Security Instnament xhali t+e governed by fi�cieral law and the law of the r� - - <br /> ' �� ? ; �'�1J�k�'��° ,�� jurisdictian in which the Prn}►e�y�is lacutai. In �he event�hat uny provision or clau�c oi'this Security Inslrument or the Note ,;, . <br /> , ,,.. , <br /> � conflic�s with ap�licable lats,,unc�on flict s hu l l not a f fec:t ot her provisi��nx o f I his S�curiry Instrumen t�ir t he No te w h i c h c a n b e i <br /> �''��� given effect wlthout ihe con0icnng prnvision.T��Ihis enJ the provisions�,f Ihis Securil�• lnstniment and the Note are declee�eed � . • � • <br /> i.:'.�� ; <br /> .;f.<..., to be se�erable. • <br /> �''�`��"�"�� 16.Borrower's C'opy. Bcurowrr shali�he peven unc cunii�m�et1 co}�� ul�he Nu�c und�•i�his Securit}•lns�rumem. : <br /> �` �,,�{ . <br /> ��i:`,i. ;� fw��7i fN0 � �. � <br /> '''��'�.1 ,.!;�� <br /> .��j�,.;:, ,_ ' Pp�s oid <br /> .e'�, ' . <br /> � �� <br /> ';- <br />- 1 . ' . . . Ji;l;'r�:�?�• . . . .. ;t' . . . <br /> , I� <br /> .. _�7. .. '� . <br /> __„"'. . __--__ . . . . <br /> � <br /> i <br /> , i , . , <br /> � � \ <br /> . ' �.._l . . ..- — -. .._ , _ .__ . _- <br />