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__ :':'�.-�,{;y.��..t.�„ ... '�`a:Z7-+-��:'7�(T.s�.�.�..�.. .,. :.� <br /> ':J'MO.. Yl►! .i�4R�Ill.�. _ �...- - r. <br /> � -a�e��M-'- <br /> .. . �i ' '__— . rµ'���IM . _' " " � - .._. -_�_..._. <br /> .-..�.��}Nl W � - - <br /> �1 '_.'.._ •. <br /> • � <br /> . �► .. 91- 102867 <br /> =.`e`�. th� iroprovements naw caicting or hen�aRer erocted en�he <br /> S. Il�d or PropatY �• Bamuwu cl�ll kee� <br /> � property inr��rod a�dmt law by firc. tivardr includod within the tcrm "exundod rnvcraQa' r+nd any dlKr Iw�ards. inch�dia{ <br /> ° . ,:fi. a :• ��or Iloodia�.for which Lendcr roquiren irtwrance.This fnrurance siwll be maintained in tFie anwunl�c and for tho puiod� <br /> . �h�t i,e�dex roquira. Tho incumncc carrle�providing ti�e insurance siw�l be chocen by Bornnwe�subjoct to Lender'R approvd <br /> .. . , ':.n�j which�tull not be unrea�o�wbly wflh6eld. IP Borrower fails to maintafn �rovemge desc�ibed abovc. Leirler nwy. at l.endee''� <br /> ��..•..i.�. oplion� abtain«wuage to protcct Lcndcr's rights in the PropertY in aocordoncc with parnRrnph 7• <br /> ..�. "TT r . _._. <br /> , .� ' All insurnnoa polfcies and�ia shall be aaep�able w Lendcr and shall include u standa�+d moAgage clauic. l.ender _, - <br /> � .�•>,`.���; clull have thc dght to Iwld thc policia�w�d rcncwals.If I.ender rcquires.Bomnwer shall pmmptly give to l.ender all ra�eipta of <br /> ��..�. <br /> ��.��;:r'< — <br /> ',,., . :`'s`��, pwid pr+emiums at�d renewal naticeA.ln�he event af lass.Bornnwer shall�ive prompt notia to the incurance caRie�w�d l.ender. — --_ <br /> ' �.,µ•: �,,onder msy m�icc praoi'oi loss if not made promptly by Bomnwer. --- <br /> —=,�k��'-�*�, ---_ <br /> �¢f• ���..,,.<< Unkss I.ende�und Borrowcr dhcrwise agree in writing.inaurance pra.'eed�4ha�l be APplied to restorution or repair af che � <br /> -- � ''` -•.v�t�, pmp�rty danwged,if the testoration or repair is econamica�ty feasible and I.ender's securiry is not lessened. If the restoration or �,=w.�.- <br /> - .-�,��.�..:.^'` �.' . lied ta the sums <br /> f °";`�': i+�., •� ,,� r is not ocawmically feasible or l.ender's securit�r wvuld be lessened.�he insu�+nce pmceeds shall be aPP �—_u---• <br /> _.':.�,._.�::':' ' _ . � 6-_T�-._�_ <br /> _ - ':{ zocuroci by thia S�ecurity lunuu���u� whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta Bocrower. 1�Borrower ab�ndons the v <br /> _;�=�. . � property,or daes nat answer wit6in 30 days a notice from l,e n d er�h�t the inosumncc ocarrierestore the P�opert�r or to puy sumc -- <br /> - -- .,:k � Lend�r may colloct the insurancc proceeds. L.eoder may use the proce�s repa � , — <br /> �"".^� ''•, , %+�� `,;. Focured by Ihis Secudty Instrument, whe[tier or not then dwt:.The 30�day periad will bcgin wheo the naice is given. �,��. <br /> .-::,��: '" ,•;- . • �wise r e e i n w ri t i n g. an Y a p Rlication of pra�eeds to principal shall nat extend or �`:y"'`+=-_ <br /> . '�:,';:'. U�S I.ender and Borrawer othe �R h�1 and 2 or change tMe amount of the payments. if �"' <br /> ._���;. • �„�_.T`�.-- <br /> �; `_�,�¢°�.:.�:...�' :- postpone the due dote of the mon�hlY PaYme�ts refeROd to in Para�raP �, -_ ,_ <br /> � uader puaBtaPh 21 the PropeRy is acquired by��r•�����r'a;ight to .ny insw�nc. policir a��cw2 proceeds resulting fmm <br /> -��'� ' ° a �g�to the Property prior to the ucquisition shall pass tu Q.eoder to the extent of tiu sums secureu i�y this Security Instnrment ,r.,z,�:z. <br /> ._ ,. � •' • �` -�- <br />" ,,�' • ' imn�iiately prior to thc ocquiaition. ��_-�. <br /> w ,prerervAtlon,Ms�luteo�aee swd��on of the PropertY:Borrowe�''s Loan Applicatiun;I.easselwlds. ��;�., <br /> -:,�'--, ��. <. '".� 6. ��� ps Borrower's rinci al residence within siaty days after the execution of _-_____- <br /> - , � , Borrower shall accupy.estuWish.ond use the ProPertY P P — . <br /> �'�� this Securiry Instn�ment ond slwl!conti�ue to occupY the Property as 8orrow'er's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> ,._ �:r •;�::>- ., ..F <br /> .. . the date of occupancy, unless L..e�de�othen�'isz a8�ees in writing. which mnsent shall not be unrensonab�y withheld,or unless `1', `I�/,.,. `` <br /> - °•' ���b,� . extenuating circumsluncc� exist which arr beyond Horcower's rnntrol. ��w��wer sballeberin�defd ault$if any forfeiture n�y,�–�_�. <br /> '-, d..; ' property. allow�he PropertY a�deterio'Ta�z, or cammit waste on the PropeAY• _ <br /> �;�'� �" xtion or proceedfo8.wMthe���n!cK c�minnl, is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the --�--.--�- <br /> ' .;�,,,; ,.,_ r•: p��,���thcrwisr;m►teria7ly impair thc lien created by this Security lnstrument or L.ender's secu�ity interest. Borrower may <br /> '� - rovided in ra h c�ausiu�tt�action or proceeding to k±e diAmiR4ed wlth a ruling �,. �""�='' <br /> ' ' �to r u::"r,; .� cure such e deiault and reenstatr,as p P�b p �s a ,, <br /> yT.�a <br /> • . t�+.1��::��' • � _ <br /> �,,�5��,4.{y�,,.. thut, in[.ender's good faith detemiination, prec�udes Parfeiture of the Borrower's intcrest in the PropeKy ar ather material �- w- <br /> ,, . .�..,...'. .;.:,, impaim�ent of the lien crea�ed by Ihis Secu�iry Instn�ment or L.ender's recurity intc�t. Borrower shall also be in default if - ----- <br /> ' ' ':,,��.��:;�:' Borrower.during the loan epplication Prucess�Ba�e muterially false or ineccumte infornu►tion ur statements to I.ender(or failed �. �M�. <br /> . '��� ',,'+" f�:i.T:Ji1:`�y'_,-:... <br /> .;� r.•:� l:;,1�- to provide I.ender w'ith anY ma�edal inforn�atian)in cannectian with the loan avidenced by the Note. including,but not limited <br /> � �-• �o,nepresentations rnncemfng Borcower's occupancy of the Pmperty ns u prineipal re� this Security Instniment is on a , .f�tt'�__ • <br /> ,. ,y,;,. , ... . . .. <br /> .�'�• ;; ., leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provlsians af the Icase. If Bc�rrower acquires fee tiUe to the Properry. the u..,.Y,..._;__ , <br /> "' � • Ieasefiold and the fee tide shall nat merge unless l.cnder agrees to thc merger in writing. t� �:-- <br /> • �:';'. , rt If Borcower Cuils�o perfonn tha covcnants and agreements rnntained in . ��'�•' , <br /> �.`:•'„ . .;•; 7.ProtecUon ot I.ender's Rights in the Prnpe Y• � •.•. <br /> .., }�ti ,, . _ --- <br /> ^ ° •°'��:'�'"' this Saurity Instrument, or therc is A legal pro�eadi�6�hg�muY ,igniiicontly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> . :';, �� proeeoding in bankruptcy, prob�te. for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce luws or regulations),then I.ender may do and tir_r,;�"=F` <br /> r <br /> , pay fa whatever is necessary to prolect thB valuc of the Propeny and l.cnder's rights in the Property. Lender's uctions may ' ^ <br /> . ' include paying any sums secured by n lien which ha�c prioritY over this Security Instrument, nppearing in court, paying ,:' u _ <br /> � '` .• ' ' reaso�wbla attomeys' fees ond entedng an thc Property to makc repuins. Although C.ender rnay teke action under tbis ParagtePh _,�,�,,.� <br /> • �L`�:�"'.r� _ <br /> • � � 7,Leader does not have to do so. : <br /> •� . ' � Any umounts disbursed by l.ender under this pamBmph 7 shnll be:come udditional debt ol' Borrower secured by this ,,L " ' ,_ <br /> � • �;:��i",:� 5 e c u ri t y Instrument. Unlexti 8urrower and Ixnder ugree to other tcrtns of payment,thcse amaunts shall bear interest from the -�' . <br /> - ,.E�l.l�' �.-,,..,. � <br /> �1.�.�-.-.-__--` . <br /> � �;��,,'� ,:i;y';'�:,,;�:. • date of disbursement ut the Note rate and s h a l l b e paya b le, w i t h i n t e r e s t,u p o n n o t i c e f ro m L e n d e r c o B c�r r ower r e questin g �.��=__._� <br /> � '' !f�� . . .�.� -= <br /> ' ''�" � '�`•`-: � �i:,�•�.r'.., PaYrnent. — <br /> � �� �. � ; ,, ;f;!; J{��^'�:::. 8. Mo�igage Incuranee. li l.endtr required mortguge insurunce aw a condition of mulcing the'loan secured by this Socurity �� <br /> • ,:f�•t�'r'l%�ti:� t _li�._:. <br /> '�'�•`���'� � �',•-,'.. .. ���"}t,,;�� Instrument. Borrower sha1� pay the premiums �yuired tu muintain the mortgage insurance in ei�'ecl. If, far any reason, the .� <br /> ; 4�S,y�; . • � ,`?u',r� mortgage insurnnce coverage requiaKi by Lcndcr Inpscx or rwk�to lk in effcrt.Born�wcr sha?!�a�thc premiums required to �' `�.-.':��w:T r� <br /> •'�� • ubtAfn covernge sub�tuntiully cyuivalent to the mortguge insurunce provi� in effect,at �cost 3ub�tanti�llC}�equivalent to the a. <br /> ;.;:,��, cost to Borrc►wcr of the mortgugc insurnncc prcvi�iusly in cffix:t. fmm vn ultcrnutc m��rtgaFt in.tiurcr approved by Lendcr. If <br /> � � ''�� subsloncially equiva lent mongage insurance covcrnge is na uvailuble, Borrower shul� PaY tu Lendcr ea�:h month a sum equal to � . <br /> � ``;�� ��' one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inau�ance premium being p•aiJ by Borrower whcn the�nsurancc cuverage lapsed or ccsr.�ad to �+_ ;�_`-" <br /> . i'::.14';, , if;. <br /> � •� be ineffert. Lender will arcegt,use�nd retein these payments v� a loss n:serve�ee 6icu a�� mna�gagc insurance. Loss r��erve 1 <br /> F��02t �f�0 • .�,�:: <br /> ` . .�t�� Pq�7o18 � , ,'.'+'. <br /> �j ., - � �15 1!t:. <br /> ,1;: <br />. � , ' �(`{��'1 � , . <br /> . ' . . •:'!I� .' .., � .. .. ...�'.' . <br /> y ' ...--.. ..- .._. -. . , <br /> � .. - :" i � � , ., <br /> k <br /> i 1 � <br /> f � <br /> �. --- -- -, ---- <br />