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<br /> /• ., , 1�.T�aeder ot Ire Prap�tl9 ar a BcndicW Iatere�t In BorroWer.lf all ur any pxn nf the Pmperty or�ny iaterest io it
<br /> �, ` :. i�sold or t�anafemed (or if o benefici�l imemst in 8artowcr is aold or transPertal und &►rnawcr is nnt a natur�l per�anl wilhout � ;._�
<br /> ' .,.,, � Y ;: Lender'r prior w�itten consent, l.ender m�y. at ita uptfon, royuire immodiwte p�yment in fuU of �ll sums securod by lhis
<br /> • + ; y . "`�"�° ' Soeudty Instrument. Howevu. thic option clwll not he excrciced by l.endcr if cacrcice ir prc►bibitod by fedcrnl law�oP thc�te -
<br /> ,.. ,.:�: • „�� . of thia Socutity Instrument. �'
<br /> '- ' .,' ;_• If Lender exe►cises this op�ion.I.ender shall give Bormwer�tice oi acceleration.Th�:o�Ki��e xtwll pruvide a peri�d��f not iiYu
<br /> ^�%"',�,•-. ...,. 1��an 3p days from t1�e dwte tho notice ia deliverod or mailod within which B�ROwer mu�t pay ull xurtw wcu►csl hy thi� �,,,��''� ''
<br /> -•=• � Secu�ity IRStrumcn�. if Bc�rrower fsails tu pay these sums pdur ta thc expirotion of this pe�ial, Lerdcr may invoke�ny rcmaliea —'
<br /> . ;.'�" • p�rntitted by this Socurity Instrument wjthaut futther nc�t�a or clemunJ un Banuwe�. �,:�`"��- -°.
<br /> ;�_�`:�. , 18. Rorrower's ltight to Rdnstata U Barrower meets certai� cnnditians. Botrowcr +hull huve the �ight ta have ,.':,:+�_<_ -
<br /> eniorcement of this Securiry lnstnimem discantinucd ut Any time priar ta the���t �a�un� S wer�nf �ale contairred n�hi� ,��-���`�_�._
<br /> � • applicablc law may specify For reinctatemenq beforc sale of the Propeny pu Y 1� _ � �`--�--
<br /> T f�.. . : s�,=
<br /> 5ecurity[nstrument; or(b)rntry af a judgme�t enforcing this Secu�ity Instrument.Those canditinns ure thut Bc►rrower:la)(�ye . C'�L-,:;�"___
<br /> v • �� I,ender all sums which thea wouW De du�e un�ber this Secu�lty InatnrmeN and the Nate as if no uecelemt ion hod accurtrxl: Ib) -_____
<br /> � � � eures any defauU of any Wheu cavenaats or a�groeme�ts: lcl pwYs all uxpenses incurn� in enforcing�his:Secur��y.lnx�rument, °_
<br /> r
<br /> "._ including. but nd limit0d to. reasonablc auorne�s' fecs: and (d)takes s�h action as I.r.ndc�muy revsonnbly rcyu�rc lo asturo "' �;'_.—=__,._,.._
<br /> - - �. - that[he lien of this Sucacity Instro►ment. L.en der s r ig h t�i�t h e P m p e r t y a n d B o m►w e r's o b l i�u t i o n to p a y Ihe xutns�:ecured b y ��'��;;�=-°
<br /> .,a,t _�-:..._
<br /> ;� ',, this Security Insuuiment shall cantinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borcowcr, thia Security Inslrumcm und Ihc . • �.�,:..•.�,u�
<br /> ,,��..,�.:-�...=------
<br /> ,'f;�. , o b l i g a t i o n s s e c t�r�o J f�e b y s h a l l remain fulty effective as if no aocele�tion h�l�tiurred. Nowcvcr. this right to refn�totc nhall �,:�, _ , �—.
<br /> . . . ' nc�t ap ly in the�oi a�celeration under parugrnph 17. �"�:�`�a���_.
<br /> !E',_
<br /> . �g, �k ot Na�; �,'k�e oi l.�wn Servtcer. 'fhe Nae or a �a�1ia1 inter�cst in thc Nae ftogcther with Ihis Security y�,._..
<br /> � Instmment)may be sold«n�c�r more times withuut prior notice to&�rnower.A sale ar+y result in a rhange in�hv eMiry(tix►wn ,_,� -
<br /> ��_��---
<br /> . � .- as the"l..oao Servicer')tfwat��nllects monthly paymcnts due under the Note and this Secunty Instn�ment. There uls�►owy be one ���s_� -_�
<br /> or more chan ges of the Iwwn Servicer unrel�led to a sale of the Note. If there is u changr uf�he l.oan Serv irr,Borrower wi116e �.:���
<br /> . ..;��°,,�j�;I given writtea noticr af the chunge in ucr.��ance with parAgr+►ph l4 above an d app licA b le luw.T h e nwi c e will stute�he nume and ,.::: .�..,,+..
<br /> . •::s''��;`•'� address of IF� oarrw lAran Servicer and the address to which payments should F�c ma�k. The n�uirc will silso cantain any other '�;r;;��;�;::_ ��Y'
<br /> , , ._ _�.. .r.:�+ aien
<br /> , ,• ::,it�;;��,t��'�;�,�;�i:: infom�ationtequda�rlb� t�pplicablelaw.
<br /> .;.•, a..,r Y� f}i � . Y ':,:f. ...::.. .:=..
<br /> .;�;;.y:-:: , .y'.,;•, ,c�, 20. Naz�rdua9�w�tums. B�m►wer siwll not csmse or permit the prcsencr. use,disposul. s�orrge. or release of an N' ��
<br /> cs ..
<br /> `�. ' t�k.:.1(�!'��f,.;.J�,i �:l� `'Y ''_
<br /> ti'.:'; � ya�srdous Substances on nr in the Property. Borrower shall nat do, nor Allaw anyone else to do, �nything affacting �he ,
<br /> '.z'.'S�' ..`"�"'�:�.
<br /> �����i�.�., prope�ty that is in violatian uf any Env ironmen t a l L aw. T he prcc e d i n g t w o s c n t e n c�.�s s h a l l n o t a p p l y to thc p�esence, uxc,or .���
<br /> •� ' ���. s to t a ge on the Pro p e rt y of small quantities of Hazanlous Substance�ahal am generally recogniud to be appropriote to norn�at ��
<br /> residential uses and to maintenonce af the Properiy. _?''��•"�
<br /> Borrower shall promptlY B�ve I.ender written notice of un�• i�vestigsition, clafm,demand,luwsuit or other nction by any . ,.-
<br /> • t .
<br /> '' �� � governmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the Proper and s►ny Hazardaus Substance or Environmentul I.aw •
<br /> ry i -
<br /> " of which Barrower hos adual know l e dge.I f B arrower I�u rns,c�r ic nntified b y any governmcnlal or regulatrry authority. that . ,';t,�•:.� r:
<br /> _ ____���,{.. �y���,�t.,T��•�rrmediation of anv Hazardous Substancc Affeciing the Pmpeny ia ne�.'essari'� Barrt►wcr��II promptly take .� . ,.,. .
<br /> : - --�- •
<br /> ���,;�'•�',.,; .� ul�ne�essary remtdial actions in accor�9Ance with Environmental l.aw. �-�. •�� ,,
<br /> ' ,•'.r�;�:°r�; As used in Ihis paragraph 2U. "'F3azardous 5ubstanccs" an: thosc sub��ances dcfinrd u.c ts,xic :x huwrdous substtmccs by �'i„ . 1,7`.�
<br /> � • ' �" ��'`�+ � Environmer.�[al Lnw and the following substances: gusoline, kern,cne, u�her flammablr nr taxir pctrolcum products, toxic .,.r.r;
<br /> :. ;,„,y,:_., ;:''1�:`:1•� '• �
<br /> • • {.. pesticides a�acl herbiclde,,volatile solvents,materids c�ntaining aybestas or inrn�aldefiydr,and rndiauctive materials. As used in ����
<br /> :�,;;, `' this pamBrag�h 20. 'Environmental Luw" mcuns fadet�l luws�nd laws of�hr jurisdiction where the Property is locatod that A;', ` ..
<br /> � relate ta healam,sufety or environmcntal protcction. � ^�% ,'
<br /> • ' NpN.�"NIFORM COV ENANTS.Borrowcr und I.cndcr furtbcr cavcnunt und agrec as follows: � °„„
<br /> � ' • � 21. Aoceleratlon;Ranedies.Leoder sl�����ve notice to Borrower prlor to aviceleration Pollowing Borrowerl7 u� �� .�
<br /> � ot nny rnven�M or aR�eme"� in this Security Instrument (but not prior to ucceleration under paragr'aph .
<br /> • •, . ' applicable law provides otherw'isel• 77�e notice s6a11 specify: (a)the deiAUlt;(b)the action requfred to cure the defaWt; �I +� �;�•-_
<br /> ' Kc)n date,not less tt�an 30 dnYs irom the date the notice Is�iven to Bnrrower. by which the defeult mw,t be cu�'ed:+u�d ,4..;'`
<br /> Qd)tlwt Pnilure to cure Ihe default on or before the date specitied In the notice may re�sult in acceleratbn of the sums • , _
<br /> - ° secured by this Securlty Instn�ment and swle oi Ihe Property.7'he notice xhall imrther intorm Borruwer ot the right to ,�f'%� v`!��:—
<br /> rt��tale afrer wxeleratlon ond the right 10 br1nR s� courl �+clion to asse�i the non-existence ot a detoult or any ot6er �:
<br /> detense ot Borrower to�cceleration And s�le. It the defaWt is not cured on or before the date sperified in the notice. l, :.
<br /> , ' I,cader. at its optlon. may requlre immediatc payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument without I
<br /> � f'urther dem�nd and�ay invoke lhe power of wle w�d any other remedles permllted by �pplicable law.I.eade�shall be
<br /> „ ° mUtled to onllect nll expenses incurred in pursuinlR the remedies provided in Ihis paragraph 21.includity�,bat not limitcd ��i1 : .t��_
<br /> • to.reaasoro�ble nttarneys'fees and costs of title evidence. �„ - t�'%='`
<br /> re t,:w;--=..
<br /> " 1[thepo wer of sale is invoked, T�vstee shall record a notice oi'default in each county In �rhich any part os lhP _., yi
<br /> _ property is I�cated and shpll mail coples ot such notice in the manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower And tu ; �J-._=�ti��:�'._
<br /> � . t6e ader persons prescdbed by applicable luw.Atter the tfine reyuired by applicable law.Trustee shall give public moilce �+ ;'..;�.,l,
<br /> ` J ' � ot sale to Ihe persa��nd in the m�nner prescribert�by applirable law.Trustee.without demand qa Bo�ower.slwll sell � � . ,
<br /> ' t 6 e p r o p e�iy a t pu b l fc a u c t i o n t o t h e h i�h e s t b i d d e r a l t h e t i m e a n d p l a c e�nd under thr/erms desd$eAte�l in the m►tice oP
<br /> , ; ' � sAle in nne or more parcels ond in an}order Tnistec dctermfnc.s.Trustee m�y po�lpnne sAlr nf ali e�r�ny parcel o i t he � „�.� �,� •
<br /> c
<br /> � . property by publlc onnou�uement at �he time s�nd pinre of s�nv prcviouxl,r xcheduled su9e. Lender or i1s desi�nee moy •
<br /> �u
<br /> .•r
<br /> .
<br /> i pu�r�ace ilhe Property al any sale. r•;��
<br />, ,� :i . �
<br /> ' ',•,
<br /> Fam 3028 9�90
<br />� . � v�qe 5�n s
<br />.. '
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