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1,y,- ..y, . .. : .�; � .....}1'�nn'"- .._ _ ___�. - � -_ <br /> ���.. .r:RN7� t��.• ..�_� <br /> „ • -- <br /> . ..._ . <br /> . :.�� .._ _. ., '�Y, ��+,w� � _. .�R, <br /> � � �w�j�i�Rt�... • _-�. <br /> . �.;.:.. . . . .. <br /> � ..�.,...�..�.�..�.� —___ . <br /> ._..�...� --... �,.-_ <br /> 91.�. io2859 � ___ <br /> � t � � - - <br /> �� If i.andw requirod anan�uuRe i��uraoce a� A condiUon of mnkin�U�o Msn ucu�cd Ay !h{� i+ccu►Ity Inswmenl, —_— — <br /> � Ilorrower ahdl p�y 1ho promlum• �eyuirod to m�inwM tho fmuranco tn eifec� unUl �uch 1�mo u tho roqulrenwnt for 1ho <br /> �� a.._. .; i. insursnao Iem�inata in Accardwoca wllb liarrower's and I.ender i w�llten ,iYreemeni ar applicuhlo Irw. <br /> $, ��qpt+etian. I.rnder or iu agont m�y m+�tco�ea�onablo cnlria upun and in.pocdon�ot�ho Pro�ly. I.andcr <br /> , �,,e+ � �hall give Dorrewcr noqca�t ihe dmo of ar p�ior ta An in�psctian�E+tr.9rying rc+�nx�ahlo cauic fi�r tho inrpecUon. � A_F <br /> i�'��•�.•�:�; � � q, CondCtn1111tiop, 9he praccod�oPmy award or c1Aim far damoge�. J{rect ar cunaeyuential, In connacllon wilh _ _ <br /> " � ' any wndu�mullun ur oU►cr mkine of any part of !he 1'roperly, or fi.r a•nvoywn.x in Iieu ul'wnJ�u�ylbn. rro hcrofiy �_ _��_ <br /> . • ,.,i,�' a a�i k ned And�hdl b�paid W l.rndcr. <br /> • ;�y.; • � In Iho event of a total lakfng uf Iho Pro�►erty� the proceeds�hull bo applieJ lu d�o�um��ccu m i by U►i�Sr.u�i ty . <br /> n�,; .. ' Imirumonb whclhor or not thrn duo, wllh any oxccss paid to Borrowor. In�ho ewent of a paMiw) wking ol' 1hc Property, <br />�• unlas Q�rrower And Lmder olhenviso �yreo in wriling, tho�ums�ecured by Uds Sccu�hy Instrumcol�baQ bo rcdu��eJ hy <br /> . ' �. tho nmeunt eP1he proceed� multiplied hy the fallowing IiracUon: (+�)1he tolnl nmaum af ihe�um� ucured immedintely �.�_�-__ -- <br /> ;,;�;I boforo Iha tAking, dlvidod by(b)1ho fuir markot valuo of 1bo Proparty immediutcly bcforo Iho wking. My bWanco�hull lw <br /> .:m... paid to Dorrowcr. - - <br /> - If Qio Prop�ty f�abandoncd by Borrower. or if, Allix noQce by Lcndcr t�Dorruwcr U�ut irio condcmnur oRcns w � ,�f''4 w����`�'�• <br /> —_..�...�.:.::'_.:�._�. <br /> " make an nwud or�ettte A ciAlm far d�m�gea, Ilonower falli to respand lo Lendc�wiU�in 30 duy�allc�the dnte�he natfco v���i�^ <br /> . � '; � b givon, I.ondor fs Authorlr.od to collcot w1d�pply 1ho procaadt.�t It�opllon,oilhor ta resloraqon or rcpair of tho Pwperty --------_- - <br /> � • • or tn the Rum�ucurod by 1hi�&BCUrily Imtn�mont,whether oe no�Rhen duo. — ..�—,�,.—�. <br /> � �' Unlo�� 4onda and Bo►rowcr othcrwisa ut wri' . A plkaQon of rocecJs ta rincl al rh+dl not extrnd or �r ••",.;-_--- <br /> .. paflpone the due date af tho monthly paymente ref'ared lo i�n paraYt Ph� 1 anJ 2 or cheuige�fie u�wunt of ruch payn�enta. �;;�-��°'°' -- <br /> � IA. Barower Not Rcle�s�di�abc�ua�cc�Y 1�cndcr Not a Wdvcr. �atrnaion of'�he Gme fo� psymrnt or '`. ..� __ <br /> , m � � <br /> � � ' modfQe�Uan of amortlzrUon o1'Ihe aums secured by this Security Inslrume�d grantrJ by Len�kr to wny succes�or i�� �` '"�N'`-� <br /> �- : _ <br /> .',4,' . . ;:;.��:,;.. •.:.a.�.. <br /> .�,�,�l_ � intenst of BoROwer�h�ll nol oper�to Ro rcleue Ne liability of Ihe od�inal Bortowet or poreower's �uccaion in iMcrest. :..., ::•-._ <br /> '� .;�;;i�. •' ° Lcndcr ehali not bo rcquircd to commenco proeccdinga ag�in�1 any succesyw io intcrcal ar rotLio to oxtend Umc Pa� � ; _ <br /> , .,�.,. ::. ,• . .. _--- <br /> '�;.• ', '+i; :,'.!: �• `��^�#f'�� payment or otfwwLe modify +�mortirntion of 1he sums secured by�hi� Security Inswment hp reason of any demand mado �,;:�.,� �., <br /> ;:'�h� ��}'';�� by iho o�lginal Roircowcr or Borrowct's�ucccssars fn intc�csG Any fo�betuancc h} 4endcr in oxcrcising any right or remedy '�.'!ic�„�': �•�'" <br /> � ��:H ' 2��• � . � abaN not Ae a waiver c+f or precludo�ho cxercise o4'any right or remedy. �Z'.;i,`j,,;�;?_i <br /> j'' �� ��, SYCa�sors aad Assi� Boundi Joinl aad Sevcral WabiUty;Co-Ggnas. 'Ihc covcnanu and agrcemrnUs of .t,��,-:�;,,h;- <br /> this Security Imtrumcnt shall bind end bmeflt the succ�caon and eaiigns of 4enJer and A��rrowcr. subJect to the provfaioqa ��-"--�= <br /> •..�, . of paea�raph 17. Borrower'�rnvenants end agreemonta ahall 6e Joint nnd severnl. Any Ilorrower who co-signa lhis Secutity ���•�"��;__ <br /> Indrumenl but dow not ezocule Iho Not�: (u)ia ca•signing thie Security In�trumen� oniy tu mo�tgnge, grant and a�nvoy -� . _ <br /> • ' Ihot Ilo►rowor's intarest In tho Proparty undcr the term.of this Secu�fty Insuumcnt; (b) is nal per�on�lly obligated to pny ' ._��— <br /> the sums sacured br U►h Sccuritr lnalrumenl;anJ (c)ugrccs Uta�I.cndcr unJ uny othcr Ilorrowcr moy agrco ta exlenJ, � --- <br /> �, , . ,.j;,;;,(, l modily, 1'orbear or muke any a�ruaomodaUons ailh regard to the termi of U�la Securily Inslrument or�he Ivots without ��---�� -= - <br /> .,:,.",',:�,, lhat norrawcr'�cooacnt. �':'^`� :.': �owa� <br /> � ��� e otm aecured b th{s Securi Inalrument ia subject tu a lau•which aeb maaimum laan � .,V, � ��.n,� <br /> � . .f� .;•.; �a. i.o�cn�. is�h i r �r <br /> ' ��'; � �'`•`' chnrgea, nnd that luw i� linally Intorproted ao lhat the intcrest or othe� �-.�an chargcs collccted or to bc collectcd in �.. "''' �J <br /> � ����� conneclion wiU� Iho loan exceed the permitted Ilmfla, then: (a)any such In.m chargo �hall he reduceci hy d�e amount , ,� <br /> � ncccasary to raduce 1ho chargo to tha permitted limit; und(b) any sums alrcaJy collectal Gom Dorrowcr which cxcccdcd . ' <br /> ` pem�iued limiu will tw retUnded�o Ilorcowcr. I.endor mey choo�e to meAe Ihis re14nJ hy reJucing the princip�d owcd � <br /> ' . � •� under�ho Noto or by making a direct pnyment to Qorcower. If a refund reduce�princ{pol,tho rcduction will be trealed ua u ` . , _ <br /> . parQnl prepaymenl wilhoul Hny prcpayment charge undcr 1he Nots. ` ' r`��_ <br /> 13. I,C�islatton Aticcting I.cndcr's Rlghts. If ennclmant or cxpiraUon of applicablo lawa has tha cllect of ` �;�`-_�� <br /> •..: rcndcrLig�ny provision of lhc Noia or U�is Sc�:urily InsUument uncnforceablc accurding�u its�crms, LenJcr. at i�a upl�un. 1 ' j� <br /> „ . may requiro Immediate payment in I'ull of nll sums secured by this tiecurity Inetrumenl and may Mvoke Any remedies _ _ <br /> ;,:`�.i;,:;: ,, j�• :-��.._ <br /> ..0.,, permilted by paragraph 19. If Lender exerci�q thi�option,Lender rhall tnko tho Ktepe specilird in th�cecond pnragrupl�of � <br /> , -•;:•: �+a�A��A�n i�. . <br /> �,%��`,:::�.,'`��' 14. Notiet,.w. Any noUce to Rorrower provided for in this Secudty I n�uument ah:�il be given by delivering it ur by {. ��, <br /> � ,� �;; : , melling it by lirvc claae mail unlcxs npplicnhlc law rrquires use of nnothrr methnd. '1'lic natice ahell be dirccted to the �. � <br /> �".. ;..�� Proper►y Addresa or nny other address Dorrower designutes by nodce to �.ender. Any nodce to l.ender�hnll be given by , <br /> ' � :�t' '' •' lire�clasa mnii lo I.onder'�xJJresx slateJ I�ercin or any other addreas t ender Jc,ign+ncs by nuUce to liorcuwer. Any n��Uce . <br /> .. � . � providcd for in this Sccurity Instrumeni shull he deemcd to hnve been given to Borrowcr��� f.endcr whcn glvon as proti•idad � . ,,�.M,,,,: <br /> , , in lhin paragrr�h. ' '.;::'r�.31i+F�u:- <br /> .,,:,r, „ <br /> •� I5. (.overnina IAw;�vetability. 'Ihis Sccurfty IRatrumcnt sholl Br govcrned hy tedcral luw nnd the luw oi' lhc . . �� ' � <br /> judsdictiou in which ihe Properly is IocateJ. In Iho evrnt�h�t uny provisioo ur cluuse��f thia Securi�y Instrument ��r U�e � `%� �'�'� <br /> }.����� �c;. <br /> ,, ,,,�.���:_, <br /> ,�:,t •, Note conllicta wilh applicnble law. such conllict shall not hll¢ct othe� provisinna ol�lhls ticcurily InsUUmenl or the Note ,� ;, <br /> +�.� � .',�;�%:;".; whfch can bc ivcn cllect wllhout thc conOfcUn rovlsion. "1'o thia enJ thc rovislona ol'U�is ticcurily I�utrumcnt and the " ^�r�;�• �'_. <br /> ' ;�,;,� ;• •, B SP P -��.. .:%„, <br /> '�, �,.„.��•,,,<' �,,t:�� Notc arcdeclared to besevcr�blc. .� . <br /> ' �•' ' 16. IbROwCt's Copy. Dorrowcr shAll bc¢i��cn onc conformcd co�y oT thc\olc nnd�+f thia Sccurity Inatrumrn�. �; ,�'� <br /> ��!Y .�,:'..' . ' � <br /> i`;f'�. .,, •. � 17. 'fransfav�i Ihr Property ur a licnclicial Int�r�ht in liorrowcr. IY all or nnv p:�ri �I' thr Properry��r any . <br /> in�crest in it is aold or uaasicrred (or if a beneficial tntcresi fn Uorrower i:�sold o�trnnsterrcJ nnd Ilorro�vcr is not a natural f <br /> perR�m) wii��out I.endcr'� prin� wAllcn ronscnl,I_cndcr mnv, at Ils nTtiun, rcyuim immeJituc payment in full�f t�ll+um.r ' : <br /> aecured My thla Securily Inrirume��t. Ilowever,lhis option shall not he eaerci+ed hy I.ender il'exenise ls prohibitecJ hy <br /> feJrral law as uf the datc of Ihis 5ewrily Inguunicul. ' . . <br /> � If Lender caercisea thia optiun, Lender shall give Borrou•er no�ce �f accelrr�Uon. I�he noticr shall provide+�prrlod � <br /> i uf nut Icss lhan 30 days frum Wc Jatc U�e noti�c is JelivcrcJ or m:filcJ wi�liin ui�ich Ilorruwcr must pay�ill sume secured by <br /> � this ticcurity Inswment. If Horrowcr fails to pay�hcsc sums prior to Lhc cxpiraUun of this perind, (.cn.�cr may invokc any <br /> . �� � ; ranrdies permiued by lhis Securit} losuument wiUiout furWer nutice or dema�id un Bor�.�wrr. <br /> . 18. BaKrowcr's Ri�ht to Rcinstatr. If' Ilorruwcr mccu�crWln condilions.�w•cr+hAll Imvc Ihe r{ght lu ha�r <br /> � enforeement of this Security In�vumenl disconGnued r�t a�ny ume prior 10 the earlicr of (:i)3 J:�}'s(or such other perN�J a� � <br /> _ -_ - ' . : a��ii�ani� ��3W may npeNfy lor rcmsuucmcm� hQ1OfC.lA1C llI U�C ITOrLTIy rYf�udt�l la�:Itly(���wc�ari aaic�ufiiu�i�iu ii�u�in <br /> , ticcurity Inslrumrnt; or (b) rnvy ol'u juJgmcnt cnforcbig thi� Sccurity Ins�rurrtcnl. �I�h��sc cundiGons arc that borcowcr: <br /> � (n) pny+� I.ender att tum+ahich then w•ould he due under �hia Secunry leatn�ment anJ the\ote had no acceleratinn <br /> � occurted: (b) cures any deh�Ct of nny other co�•ennn4s or agreements: (cl pu}-s all cxprnses iocurrcd in enfntctng this <br /> ticcurlty Ins�rument, including, Aul nol Iin�ilcJ lo, rcr�aonahk attomry� fcc.; nnJ (d)�al����uch :�cti��n as I cnda m:i�• <br /> rcaxonahly rcqui�c to ussurc that thc licn ol'lhis tircurily Instrumcnl, I.cnJcr�. rigNts in Um I'roperty arid liorrou•cr'x <br /> . ohli�+ufon lu poy thc aums �ccutcd by Wir 5ccurhy (n.trumcnt �IiaU c.�ndnur unchangcJ. l'pnn rritult�lcn�riu hy <br /> Ilorrowcr, thh tic�vrity Inrtrument and thc ohli�tadons sccurcd hcrcby shall rcm:un 1'uUy cllccli�r aa ifno nrccicrnliun I�ud <br /> ocr.urrcJ. I luwcvcr. Ihii rfght to rcinsWlc nholl nut npply in Uic eosc of �uccleruuun unJrr p+�rnKrLpl�a 13 ur 17. <br /> ' I <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � <br />