. �• rR�: '� '. 4 Y��b "7�7'-\ _�aaa� _r�.�,.a�e
<br /> 1 'a:i't' `' ' � -
<br /> �-�-�• �.-
<br /> y�:,,t��**�+TM��'
<br /> � . . .. . . _ -
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<br /> —
<br /> ---
<br /> • ,.;.� - —
<br /> , �Y-- 102859 -_-�_
<br /> � ��'� . . -
<br /> `1 UNIFORM Ct)VI?NAN1'8. DorrowK and l.enJcr oovcnant and a�rce as fi�llaws: _— —
<br /> '� 1. Paya�t ot Pri�eip�l�ud�ntc�cat;P�aymait�nd I.ate ChAry�os. Bc+rr�+wcr �hnll promptly puy whcn duc
<br /> tho prindpa) of and intorc�t on tho dcbt ovidwucd by�ho Noto end ony prcpa�mcnl+�nA laic clr�rgci duo u�dcr�ho NoW.
<br /> �•`\h.
<br /> w
<br /> - ( �. 2. Funds �ar T�ca 71t�d�11su�a�ce. Bubjat to applicable I�W O�(0!1 W fI110� x•:iiv�r by I.eM1tr. Borrowc u 1 Ato
<br /> ' pay to L,nider on Ihe do monthl • menu are duo undcr Iho Nate, unUl tho Nnto I� �IJ in Odl.a�um('1'und�")�9 car)
<br /> '.�;�-�':,.��� � uno-lwelNi uA (a) yonr ly taxp and a��afmcnu which may atlafn p�iarlty ovcr �hb Sccurity Inilrurncnli (b) Y Y �
<br /> '� " icu+chald paymmu or ground rrnu on thc P�opMy, if any: (c) yearly hsa:�rd inturancc prcmiums: �nd (d) yca�ly
<br /> ; __._ _ _.. . �nortga�o Msuwnco premium:, ff any. 7'I�csc itema arc callcd 'escraw ileme' LcnJor mwy e�ImAw tho 1'unds dao on tho L - -- *^ .--�—•,-,
<br /> �'� 't� basls ol'currant dau�nd reaso��blo osllm+�tes of Nture escrow itcm�•
<br /> �,., •' , ', 'llw f�unJs ihxll bo held i�an iniUtutian the depoitta or accounts of which uro imureJ �x guaraMCOd by a fcJcrnl or --
<br /> . ,T,a.; � stale �gency (Inciuding I.rnder if l.ondet is such an in�Utulion). l.rnder shall apply tl►e I'und� lo pay lhe e�crow items.
<br />'" • ' I.coJor muy not ch�rgo for haldinp nnd applying tho�und�, anulyzing lhe nccount or vcriryhig Ihc acrow items, unlcis �
<br /> ��• • . • �,e�der pny� Norrowar intercxt nn the Fundn and �pplicAble law permits I.mder ta mnko surh a cherge. Harrowcr and —
<br /> • I.onJor muy agrco in wri�ing that f�terest ihnll ho paid on tho Funds. Unlc�s an ogrcetncid is mudo or oppUcablc law
<br /> • �aquires interat to bo pa{d, I.ender ahall not he required to pay 13onawer flny inter�t or es�mfng�c�n U�e Funds. I.cndar �_ci _�•+�- .
<br /> shAll givo lo Aorrowor, w{thout cLergo.aa annual acceuntie+&of thv i�unde ahowing crediu unJ Jeblls a tho Funds and 1he �,�,,,�,�.,,��,;,,�„�„
<br /> �. �:,• . . �.�- ----
<br /> ..! purp�se for which each debk to the I�unds vuas eu�e- 7'he Fwnds wro pledgeJ a�nddf�funul r�Yr�ily for Ihe eun�s secun�f Ay a_— ---
<br /> � 1hi�l+ccurf�y In�wmont. ��- —
<br /> , fI:_"=-�
<br /> ,, � � .,, .. 1 If Ibo amount of the A�unds hetd by 4ender, togethe�wi�h Ihe Ibturo monthly pnymenu�►f I'unJs payablo pri��r w ;�a��,_.�.,
<br /> the duo dutes of the�crow iterns. ehall exceeJ the amou�t rcquired to pay tho cscrow ilems wlicn duo, �ho oxcrse e�w�l bc. jz�'�:�;--
<br /> ,�
<br /> � at R��rrowcr's opNon, aithor prompUy vepaid to Rorcower or credit�ed to Borcowcr on monthly pay�icnts of f'wH1s. IP Ihc �,��_,
<br /> am�unt ol'tl�o funds hcld by l.r��der ia mat aullicient to pay the escrow item�when dua,liorrowcr�haN pay to Lender+�ny ,�,��;;:�-��5-
<br /> ��' ".
<br /> " amount nccc�wry W mako up Ihe dcticiency in ona or mo�e payments as rcqufrcd by Lcndca . W ,.��,�
<br /> .' Upon paymenl in fuli of ull sums:ecured by lhis Securlty Inatrument. 1•tnde�shnll promptly retLnd to Harruwe� � • a:._�-,
<br /> ••,�'Ir�S�+:'
<br /> • ony I�unds I�cld by Lendor. If undor purograph 19 thc Proporty(a sold or acquircd by Lendcr, I.cndcr ihnll upplp. no lalcr _ 'r!��
<br /> . " Ihan immeJiatoly p�lor lo lho�alc of lhe Properry or i1s acquisil�on by I.endcr, nny Funde IuIJ hy (,rndcr ut U�c timo ol' �,;��,�,;..,.,,�
<br /> applicauon as u credii ngainal Iho aums securcd by this Sa..�udty los¢rummt. ` �;'�"�� �`_��--�;�„�
<br /> 7. Applicatian of Paymrnts. Unla«Applicnblc Inw p��+v;dci othciwi�a. nll pnymcmx rcccivcd hy I.endc�undrr �••�
<br /> A ` p:`� d..
<br /> pn�ugraphx 1 und 2�hall ho npplicd: (irot,lo latc cha�aca due und�r thc Noto; �ccond.to prcpaymcnt chnrgcs duo unJcr thc ��j;_�
<br /> �'' Notc; Ihi�d, to emounts pnyabla under paragruph 2; iburth, lo intcrestdue; aod luxt, lo prin�ipal Jue. :. :
<br /> •l�� 1. Chu�es� l.icas• porrower �hall pny All wacs, asaosamenu,chargc�. tines nnd ImpoiUians nuribulabto to tho "� �.� ,�
<br /> . 'i Properiy which may awio prioriry over this Secudty InsUument, and leaeehold �Aym��w or ground ren1�. if any. ''r^�:;;i�,'� :� �
<br /> , t • .-1,�•�.:r„ .
<br /> «..�1�c, D o rt o w M a h all.pa y these obl i ga�ons io thu mnnner providcd in parasraph 2, or if not pniJ i n ihAl manncr, i�orrowcr ahall '.: ;�.,.:�-�� .� '
<br />. ' , ... - pay U�m��••n tlmo dtrectly ia thc person ewed Pay^'�n�. 1lorraw«ahaJl promptly Il�rnfsh to I.cndcr AN no Uces o f Amoun�x �;.:: �'-;��'�:P"'�
<br /> ,��F;_I._ .'a`., i'�'.!�c-°-,
<br /> ��-- — ta bo pafd under thiR parag�aph. IP Ilorrowcr makec th�c.re pAymenls direcUy. Bonewe� eh nN prompUy Nrniah to Lcnder .ri� ., ,`' [�s�!t_—
<br /> � ��1}�� l�i,;..'-.� :r.y.�r..
<br /> �• n • recofpu evidencin�lhe puymenb. �o�� ovet this Securfl Inain�ment unlesa F�orrawer: (n) .
<br /> - Ilen «•h ich has r Y ��' . .'r�•�`��
<br /> . ". Dorrower shall prumpUy dl�charge any P Y
<br /> •� '' � � • ogrccs in wridng to tho pnymcnt oP 1hc obligAtion sccurcd by thc Ifcn in u mnnncr nccepwblc to I.cndcr; (b)contra4a in gooJ � • :�`,<;''r�,-
<br /> f.��itli tiic Ifen hy. or Jefcnda againnt enforcement of �he licn in, Icgnl proceedings whicn in thc I.enJcri opinion opernte tu ,'t��� _�.t��
<br /> • ��„ ;.�. ' provcnt dio cnfarcomcnt of tho licn or fcrPciwrc of ony part oP thc Proporiy; or (c)securca knm thc holdcr of cho Ifcn roi ` �•t...�
<br /> �;c;�';�: : agrecm�.�i� salisfactory to l.endcr eubordinuung Ihe lien to thi6 Security Inatrumen6 If I.endcr Jetc�mine�Ihal any p+�rl of , ��`
<br /> ,,:'•;;�,,: , • tho Property k eubjcct'to n lien which muy atmin priorfry ovcr this Secur{ty In�lrument, I endcr mny give Dorrowcr n ( �, . �:
<br /> nut�cc iJcutil�ing U�o lien. Qorcower�hall satfsl�the Ifen or��+kc one or mora of thc acUons se�furU� ahove wilhin 10 Jays ` •-•?_ �'—"
<br /> �,,.., n�,
<br /> , of thc giving of notice. ! . .
<br /> , S. Hazard Insuraacc. I�ur�ower xhull kcep U�c improvemcnt�now cxistlng or licrtalicr crcded on tt�o Properry .
<br /> innur�Kl ags�inst las by lirc, haznrJa included wilhin thc tcrm 'exlcndrd covcrage'nnJ any olh�r hoiarda for which I.rndrr
<br /> " ' rcquires insuronco. 'I�his inauroncc shul! be maintaincd In thc amounta�nd for thc periuds thal I.endcr requires. 'fhc
<br /> inaur:mce curcier providing �he inaurance shnll he choaen I�y 13orcower suhject to I.ender't t�ppra�val whi�h �fiall not be
<br /> .. unrcnsonnbly wilhhald.
<br /> ' All in�uranco polkien nnd renewnla sh:+ll he Tccrplable In l.ender and ihidl fncluJe n su�ndvd marlFs�ge rinuse. ;f;
<br /> - ! � I.cndcr sfiall hAVO thc right to hold thc policfcs und renewols. If Lcndcr rcyulres, Ilurrowctshall�rompUy givc lo Lendcr '�, •�
<br /> ,�:? ' 'i ,�;�r all r��:cip4i of p�W premiums anJ renewal nu4ccs. M the event of lus+,Rorrower ahall give pn+mpt noU.:c to the insur�mcc� ''=�"°
<br /> '�'i:�'
<br /> � ��'"`��� `��• corricr nnd Lcndcr. Lendcr may makc proof uf lujs if nut madc prompUy by I�orrowcr, , , •
<br /> i,'��;;:�'� J:, , � .
<br /> ��;.•�••:� � Unless I.ender and i3orrowcr olhcrwisc agree in writfng, insurance proceeds ahall he npplied �o restoratlon or rcpai�
<br /> F{.,;t
<br /> 'i % of tl�c I'raperty domaged,if thc rcntoraUo� or repoir is economicully fcasfhlc und Lendcr's:rcurlty I�na Icaacned. If the ��'��'�: �
<br /> '•1�;;'�' resloru�ion or repAir is not ccunomicuUy feaalble or Lender's aecurily would he k�ssancJ, the inaur:�nce proceeda ahidl hc
<br />�. ��� � �'"':�� appfled to the sum�aecured By lhis Securily Inawment, whether or nat Uien due, will�:iny rscexs pnid to Ilorrower. It'
<br /> ;',':�`� Borruwcr ubundons thc I'roperty, or do�s nut amwcr wfthin 30 dnys u nuticc Prom LenJcr ih+n tT�c fnauroncc cnrrirr hn�
<br /> � t • olfereJ to seWe a claim, then I.enJer mny collect the baurance proceeds. I rnder m�y use the��rnce�ds eo rep�ir or re�tore
<br /> �: 1he 1'roperty or to pay �ums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument. whclher or not then Jue. I lu 3(Idny period will Megin
<br /> , � when lhe nodcc le given.
<br /> ,� Unless l.cndcr�nd I�orruwcr olhenvlsc ngrec in w•rfUng,any appl{cution of procecdY to�rin.���al Rlinll not cxtcnd or
<br /> � �:� � post�►�me tf�c Jue Js�tc of Ihe mnnlhly parmcn�s r�Pirred t��in p+�rs�grnpba 1 rmJ 2 nr clmngc �hr am„imt.�f thc p+�ymen�x. II'
<br /> t; �' • undcr pnragrnph 19 thc Properly ia ncquircd hy I.cndcr. Il.�rrow•cr's right l.�nny insur�nec p��li.icY �md procecds rcsulling
<br /> -+��';,':�� fram Jom+�go tu 1hc I'roperty priur�u lhc Hcyuisitiun xh��11 pt�zs to Lrndcr Io lhc rslent ul' the+ums .ccured hy tl�is ticrurily
<br /> '' � , +�;,1,,:. Instrumcnt immedinlcly prior to llrc acquisition.
<br /> , � , b. P�CSC�Yi1�IOt1 AIIII 1�A1111Ci1�tiOC AP Pr0(IMh':�.C51.4r�It1�V. Ilurn•wcr sh:tll n��l�li�t�'�w, Jamage�,r suhsUmtinlly
<br /> :i;� '
<br /> . • changrthe I'roperry, allow Ihe I'ro�xrt�. to deteriotute or cornmit wuste. II'this tiecuri�y B��+ua�menl ls un u Ieasehold.
<br /> � Dorrowcr <holl comply with thc provisluns ul'the Icasc, imd if I)orruwcr ncyuires Icc 1iUc 1u 1h� 1'roperly,lhc IcascholJ anJ
<br /> kc dUc nhsdl nol mcrFc unless I.cnJcr��grres w�he rnergcr in��•riiing.
<br /> ,__..._. . . 1. 1'roteclion ot I.endrr's Rights in the Prqperry; �tortua�e lnwranee. 11' Ilorc.�xer fails i.� perSorm �}►c
<br /> , "' " ' • .
<br /> !�'_.._�1....T .
<br /> covenarta and agrecmemn ronti�ined fn U�is Srcurity lnavament, or�nere is A Ic�ni(�t'occatin� uw� mut +�����•....•��y •n•�'�
<br /> � I.cndcr 9 rights fn tho Property (such as n procccding fn bankrupt�y, proMntc. I'or mndcmnadon or to cnl'orcc laws or
<br /> ' ' regul�iQnns), then I.enJer may Jo and pay for whatever i�necesvary to prv�lert ti�c vidur n('U�e I'ro�wrly and I.cnJrr's ri�eFr�s
<br /> � in the Property. I.cnder'a nct�ons mny include payiog any sums srcurcd N}• �lirn whirh ha�pri.�riry ovcr this Scrurity
<br /> � Instrumcnt. :�rpearing in court. puVicig rcasua�hlr:�tt��rneys'fees nnd enlcring uu lhc Pr��Eurty to ts�ake reE►airs. Altbuugh
<br /> , ' I.cndrr mr�y tnkc ncuon undcr lhis p:�ragraph 7,I.endcr docs not ha�•c to do so.
<br /> � Any nmounts dishurseJ by LenJer uuJer thfs pur:igr:+pt� 7 sludl hecume:►JJiti��nal.A�+1 .d f;orcower securcJ hy d�ir.
<br /> ticcurily Instrumcnl. Unlrss Ilorrowrr nnJ I.cnJcr ngrcc tu uthcr tcrms of p:ry•ment, Uirsc ;�m��unLs shc�ll hr:rc in�en�t I�om
<br /> Uu Jalc of disbursemcnl ut tl�c tiutr ralc+u�J ahull hcpa)�ihlr, «iW iulcrrsl. upuu m•U.r liorn I caJrr w 1l,�rruwrr
<br /> • rcqur�iing pxymcnt.
<br /> I
<br />