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<br /> +#'�!
<br /> 'i9�S• . –= _ . . •-
<br /> ��• �
<br /> . �„.
<br /> �•-a ' • �I�-- 1028�9
<br /> � •.
<br /> ^
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<br /> .. � .
<br /> c
<br /> N. 'L.
<br /> '�" ---
<br /> ..,+.�l�v'� - - ,..._..
<br /> - - ' NON•UNIFORM COVpNANTi. I�OrfOWOr�IIIaI(.C(IJCf�Lfllltr CGYOfqlll�fl{I�PeO YY�OII�1M�i -�
<br /> � . •�..�t� r��..^
<br /> � _ ..t.,. : 19. Aaxieratlant Ranadla. La�dcr �►h.�ll {tivc notke to I3orrowcr prlor to sxock�tfan fdlowie� Bort�a+rcr's –
<br /> �^=:�,��,;�:� bre�d��'siay oarai�t or��t in thl��,••orUy Instn�ment l6pt not�eior ro �cca�kratlan unda�psry�apla 13�nd =–-�--
<br /> �. , ��"� 17 unlo�s app�le�Wo law provida dhawisol• I ho n�Hico ahall spodt�'s (a) ie�dcfaultt (b) tho�ctloo roqub'ed to curc tho
<br /> _ ��, ";.-;�;�..*.f�v dcfi�ult;(e)�d�te,�wt Im than 30 daya Ohim tl�r ds��v�ho nabe h givai to�a�wer� by which the defiu�lt must he araf;
<br /> -�"'`�o�'.'r:;b;,; nnd(d) thN i�liuro to care tbo dciautt an or IN•farc tho date ipedfial ln tho notloo m�y nmsuU in acodcration of tha wqts ------_—----
<br /> _._a_,��-a
<br /> .�,.�...,, -
<br /> --=-�..,-;�.. . .,,,,.r., ; w+curod by Ihh Socurlty InttrunKUt�nd sslo uf Ibe Pn�trt�. 7be notlee:b�il furth�r lnfixm Ibrrowcr af 1 e t to _ -- _ _.
<br /> — � ,�. '.' , .��` rci�tate Jtcr soodan�Non and the �iQht to Uring a oo�rt K.'�tM� to�rt tho nan•cxWcaoe of u dciault or any oth�x –
<br /> - -'J� ~"� „�' : dcfe�re u�Bawawer to a o o e l e r�l l a a atd x+►le, 1�IMr def'wk t� wit e�rcA an ar beforb lbe �afe specifled ln thc nolioe. _.�� -----
<br /> __���. ..��_
<br /> _-�_:� I.ewer st ita optiv� m�y r+oquiro imwie�iate{�ayn�cnt ir tW d#Y1 a�s socura� bJr Wc Sa�wril�r Ia�ument wllbnt �_
<br /> _=:�. �:: :..,. of v�{e�a.r aher re�edie� perr�ilRei b�r ,�plica�k law. l.��nder shall 6c
<br /> --�.� W,� ��.,., , �urlMer dea��d swd mRy i�►volca�i� tre rcmedles p�asldad in�b(s Para�rapM �q 6�d°di�+ br1 not limitod
<br /> _.:' : �Si�� � a�titlei to cdloct �q oxpe� P� � ---'
<br /> �: -' -�r -,�+!y'r''���.�{,�' to,re�soppblo attomcys'fa+�oasts ot'titk cvW�oc. �_ ,_r_.�._.,--
<br /> ``,��, ,�„` ;�;,��',. .J If the ot aale is invoked, Trust.���aN n�cord�notice oidefault in eac�eawty q� which a�y psWt of Ihc
<br /> �< <, 5„ . �.
<br />�.:.�(,r�:� . S�r'��. `,. .��..; P�'e! la�s 1a Rorrowcr ad to Ihc �
<br />_::.v,: � _3`f"'�r':_'"•t;t. .
<br /> = t;=ji, ...4;;. Proparty is locatcd and sh�ll mdl oopics of su�h nudc� in tbe rn�nna prescribcd by –;
<br /> •�`'{��;n;... , �:�' .�r�'.,r�� atlKr perso�s P�es�ibe� bY�PP�ic�ble law. Aii��the Qme raquired 6y�pplic�blr I�w, Trastee�give public notice of
<br /> -., ��
<br /> :.t-~: � ��. , �; aab�10 tbc peraons�nd in the maaacr prcaa�30�9 ly aPPlicabic Is�e. Tn�atce� without dcmutd on Borrowcr, shall t c
<br /> - :'�'�'�°�'�r'. P�apq�tY At Wblic wctlon to the hiQhest 6iddcs u�Ihe teme a�d dwa ad under the tarm dealgoated in Ibe aatice d de `-----
<br /> - .. acls�nd fa�ny ardar T�ustcc dotcra�l�t�. Truucc may pastpoac aalc d oll or wry parccl a(tho prop��rly
<br /> ', �,�•` ' � mr rch�wa tt�s
<br /> - _ ' ` "�' in oue or�noro par
<br /> by pu6Uc�nnaunoancat at Ihe time wMl pl�ce of any pt�iously scbedulcd a�lc. [.eMkr a i1s d�ee Y P�
<br /> -- �,�. •.a , . S
<br /> •,"�r� ������ .•.Jf.��l,.'� �p�ty���y� -
<br />-.', ' " ;�:f,'" .'. .,,,.; p " [�poa�pt.of payment ot the peia hid, Tr,ustee diall ddiver to the purcbasa Trestce's deed oonveyfn� tl�c �__
<br />°r.:'':`. �,�.':,�� .' .�`,'ti��' prima��cie evidaioe of the truth ot t6c st�tcments made tharin. –�- . -.__
<br /> u�, ,�. �� property. 11w redl�in the Trudeo'e deed�hWl bc ¢ . +i" ---
<br /> �'�ru`� , ��;�� • Tr�stco ahall tho pr0000ds of the salo in thc fdlowinQ ardcr (a)to ail exp�wmes of Ihc sak,indudinR,but r�a�t limitod �„ ��
<br /> � u 54,' ��4'�;;i��'„�, !Q, Tr�tcr'w f�eei�i pernittcd b9 APdicaMe Is�w and re�►sa��ble Rttoraeys' fers; liaA to dl sum��esured by thia SocuritY '''1�1�'�s:�,� .N
<br /> -��'T�.�.. :.i,"•�'�'�f' ,t� �
<br /> .��,��,. r•,r.. ::;;�:,!�],� I�trument; and (r.)�ny cxo�s to t Ne pns�nn or persans I e�p y e a t i t i o d t o i t. .�.
<br /> ,:':'';%. „ '�,,�i;°::�i 20. I.cndc►in Por�esston. Upon arcelcr,��ian undcr paragnph 19 or a6andanment of the Propetty. Lrndet (in pereon. �,,,.�,Q,.
<br /> `�`;'r�t .,;.1:: ,��,��..ut , P P 6 P�Y ---
<br /> �� r r�;� by agont or by judidally appointed rocoivor) .'h:d�ho entiqed to enta u on, teko osscs�ion of•and manu e lhe Pro and to �a,—___
<br /> ' '?:,.i�;�,:.t �:;,;;':,:',_:.�
<br />. ... ' • �...�,,;. • �. •n, collect tha rcnu of �he PropMy fncludfng Un .. ��-nl dua. Any r�rnu collecled by Lcnder or 1he reccivcr shall be a�licd lirat lo iL.-
<br /> �;,t� ��:''' .��I'•1 o rt�ont of Iho cosu of mansgemcnl of the Prop�:�� And collecdon of rmn. Inetuding, but not Nmited to, rccelvor's fixa. premium�
<br /> r;�.`77•,�'r��, � . . .S�t P Y - '
<br /> .��;}i;'•�;'�_.�t.;�•i; on roceiva�'s bonde end�easonable auornays'fa�..ind Uicn to lhe wms accured by 1hh Securky Inswmcnt. ��Q_Y
<br /> ••�-���• 21. R��eonveytmee. Upon payment o f n l l :ums sec u r e d b y t h i� S e c u r i t y I n s w m e n l, l.e n�7 c r a h a�� t e que�t 'frwteo to
<br /> ;.,,�;,:
<br /> :,t�;, ` �econvey lho Properly and�all surrenJer thia Secu�ity Instrument and all notes evidmcing debl secured by this Securiiy In�trumoat .�4: L�•
<br /> ',;,`,�';�t��, W '1'rustec. '1'ruseee ihaQ reconvey the Propcny wf�hout warrenty and wi�hout chnrgs to the pM�on or pcnon�logal�y anuUed •.` ,y;..,..2~-;.::
<br /> �-i�� W i4 Sucl►ponon or pcnons ehal)pay eny recorJ.�tion wtls. '�. ! . `.;
<br /> �j,:'.; s
<br /> ' . .'.��;{T��l;�(' . ` �1.'.,C�f. • ��i'
<br /> �.. 22. SubtitWe TnlstCe. I.ender, at ila ��pUon. may Gorn tlme w qme remove Truatec and eppofnt a tuccestor trustee
<br /> '��'i•• . a any'�'N�tee pppolntod heroundcr by en instrunu•nt recordcJ in ihe wunty In which Ihia Sccurity Inauument is rceordcd. Wilhuut • ,,,—��;
<br /> ;••:�', *sr ,° convay�nco of ihe Properry. the succci�or tru�kK•�hall�uccced to 81 ti�e UUe. power and dude� confened upon Tru�tea herein �-----=�
<br /> '��:;�y;ig
<br /> ;+ '. .-' and by applieable lew. � p . ��'
<br />,�. ,_ 4
<br />;.�.+'.'+'� 23. Roquest far Notloe�. Borrower requcsu �hat cnpip of�he noAca of defaull and falo bo�ent to Borrawer'� addreu ��y�,:�._�_!^
<br />'.��,- , �;i,. which b tho Property Addreas. P���r-r,.:M-.._
<br /> ,, � •• 24. Riders to this SCCUr1ty Inahument. If one or man ridas are exceutcd by Borrowcr and rccorded to�Nher wi�h I ��..
<br /> '� `'4+. 4:� " ' , th{� SecuAty In�wmrn4 the covenanu and agreemenla of each �uch ride� �hall be ineorporated into and nhall amcnd and �� -�
<br /> ';,°..'' �, . .�;;1+ aupplanent tha covenanu and agrcomentw af Uii� Security Inswmmt ua if Iho rldar(s) wore a pavs of lhie Secu�ity lnstrumsnt. p'f'��;�]7i�r.13i_
<br /> ;d„�c j .' � (Check applicsibte box(a)) ��•., ._ � K x
<br /> _ ' J:: . � � '" ,—
<br /> ' ��' �w,,',j''y Adjustable Rate Itidcr(2) Condominium Itidcr 0 2-4 Famity Ridar :,;!•ti'
<br /> . �s ,. ��,�� --� �
<br /> �j.
<br /> ��.�.<!:,:; ,.�` ' �� ; ' � Graduated Payment RiJor � Plonne�l iJ�ii Devclopmcnt Rider ?�..;,:��'�'m
<br /> ,r,;• +�,�. :�,; �_ •
<br /> r: •,
<br /> `:''�"• sSt',•�. '�j�•'�' � OWer(s)(�Pecily) OWNER OCCUPP,NCY R IDER � �
<br /> ';f::1,... ''�'l t .. -
<br /> .'S'�•�.t�3��,;y • '', F . . .
<br /> .�. `r:.`.�, , ,!.� ,
<br /> ,.,. ..� .
<br /> .. �.{t���J� .�� ,�.��:- ` � .
<br /> . ,, ,.' .;,, '
<br /> '!' `�'�•'t •.��a!"�' BY SIC3NINa IlF.tAW. HoROwrr accepla s�nJ xgrees tu Uie terma.�ud co�cn:+nt�conlnined in this 5ecu�ity Inatrument anJ ia •
<br /> • , 1 .r'If� � . �:'
<br /> . ;��;�}..Y+ . . ,,,i �!' .
<br /> '4 q�`�f:�";�,�. • ' any ridcr(n)cxccutcd by 1lorcowcr and rec�rdcd wi�h it. + .'�+•��
<br /> �i�'•.� �.r-
<br /> ��;'tj'�;•.'1 . 7 •u'.,t.,� `� ���(,"1(+�lv►� Seal , . , . .
<br />'1:.; ;;�• • (Seal) ...`.....f. . ,f ..... ......... (• )
<br /> •. i;J:.�' ..............................._.....................................................:8onowN .._......._.... ..�. .r/ .. .BerrowN
<br /> �� � �:: l1
<br />:��°:•: j,;,;� (iEORGE J. ZUBRLEIK
<br /> . "�.� l•Seaq .f.. �t ,��� 1 �C .:` (���
<br /> . • '('. ; ................................�......................................................:.Bonowv ....����../. .. .':................ .....:.............. ..........Bo.,ar«
<br /> • JOYCE l. 8UBALBIIt
<br /> • ,,�. � .
<br /> � ................................. IScnl) .........._....................._........,,.....,................................... (5¢aq
<br /> � . ..
<br /> ..................................................... •• '
<br /> . � •BorrowM •Ba�owa
<br />' . ., � ISG+c�Belaw TMS�n�faACknowiMpm�ntl -
<br /> „ , .�
<br /> I
<br /> -
<br />