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--r�s"'` _ .. - -. - - �i� - �, ..... ...,�.,�,�— _ <br /> � . , <br /> .. <br /> . .,---- -- . . ... �- --'' ,.�' .' .. .. >' ... . �" ,t .� -. _ n� .�''� �'� �-`� <br /> . • . .. • . • ��.,��r�eAc�6s�� <br /> _ - 1�id�et-vea�rlweaf�ial�p��t,iir�wo�irll.:.r.- - —=�---5�---� -_. <br /> _ .. .. � : ��_ <br /> , �IMit , , . . . - . ..:: <br /> ��`��wt��aut a�du�a�il�M�q�wtp, d��pao�d��MU bu�pp�Ne�a er wnM ironi�d''i�r i�'i'!��': ..,, ; - <br /> u <br /> L�M�wMMMr 4r not d�n d�i.wilb�np�ow p�W�u saro� In dM�vaM d�prdMl aidN d dM hmwb In , <br /> �rhld��M wwhrt��las of tM P�opaly I��diwsly b�fo�tM akb��M�b tK�er tlMn tla�nt d dw�arn� � <br /> wprrd Igr 1hi�Srauity tnM�ummt tmmodiMrly b�fcw tlw K�dna.unle�Sonower aid La�der orbmvviM ap�in rvrNin�, <br /> dM���d by d��oueily lmbiumrnt�iudl b�riduo�d by dN�mntMt ut dap nwldplNd�y d�Ibllo�ln� <br /> IF�cdoa: (�)tlis a�l m�ouat otdit x�►e�ecu�ed immedl�betore ths ykln�.dlvjded 6�y(�b)d�e tair m�iool vdpe Qf tb� <br /> p�opwty inpa�diMdy b�tlo�tM tddn/. My btl�nos�11 p�W to Barower. Tn da event of�p�Ai�l Wciat d tbe <br /> Propaty ia�rhich d�s hir nwuk�t vdue d the Praperty immedi�oaly bel�aie die t�lcin�i�ba Ih�n 1hs�rnount d die�unu <br /> �uhd inunediWely befae the ad�lat,unlau 8aeowror�nd I.ender ud�erwt�a apee in wridns or unla��pplic�ble IRw <br /> udbnvi�a pro�vldM.tIM prooead�dMU i��pplbd to the w�p��ecurod by d�is Secudry iaqnunent whed�ar or not dw�a�u�n <br /> If dis Pra�aty U�ndoned by Bonow� if.�Iler notioe by l�ndar b Bomo�wer tb�t d�a oondannor o(ten to mtke <br /> r�aw�d ar�tle a cWm fm d�m�,liarnower fails�a�apmf w Loada widSa 30 c�yt�x the d�te the notloe i��ivm. <br /> L,mldOr f��eiLOd ID ODlket#�d app1Y me ryooued�.�t iCi opli0�,ei�ier b I�OfYi00�O[�ep�ir of Ih0 PnOpetty ar iu 1rR <br /> ��ecwed b�r 1►f�$ec�ilq�omeo�.w�r ar not Iaea dMe. <br /> tJala�a eona�a�oltiaiwi�o+�roe in writin�.wr�PW��P���P�P���e:�eoa ar <br /> pa��po�e e6e dae dMe of d�e pyr�na�tc refeme�f a fis p�n�r�1�ad 2 or clw�e�he�maru of�ch p�panaots. <br /> �1. M*w�a� (�1ot Wle�e � i�r#�ara�oe d� 1.e�ie� !Wt • NYtva�. �oa of Id�e timo [ar, ar . <br /> NodiRp�tioa d'�o�im of�he auaas peawaa qr 1Mtc Lu�oan ar�py i�a�dar a wqr wooe��+�a <br /> of Bonow�a�11 not aper�le to rde�e�he li�6ility of�6e � '�• I Bano+Mar�r&xrowetic s�o�:o�s i�ialic�c�,t:.'l��ia�.;, <br /> �Itali aoc bo ro rnmma�ca pancoedlnas�am�r aooc�saq ln intes�sc a�,�fusa to exi�d ti�fai gaYsv�e.nt�a'�.� <br /> ahavv�.e n�y sma��ta.�r���ecurcaex�se�,.Ky u�a�u�by n��r.oy a�nw�a m.a�by�ne.�rs�a� <br /> eonowa ar Bona�wr.rb zuoxs:oa in irua�est. My ra6earance by t.a►da m exercts�na�ay riahe ar�neay�u,u�,rwt be a <br /> wdver of or prcclude the eae�iso af�ny�iQht or rc�ody <br /> 12. SMOOe�ors�Adlr Ba��dt Jatat aad�eve�al L.t�Wlityi C� 71�e cavm�siu:a�d agrocir�aots of Wia <br /> Security Lntrw�a�t�bdl Mnd+ud barcfit the wcoeaw�s and assigns of La�der and Bonower.wb}�xt w ttie pnnviaau of <br /> p�tly.Bon�nwer�covenu�t��ad�gneanents sludl be joint wtd c�cveal.My Bonower who co-si�ns this Socurity <br /> L but doa aot executes the IVote: (�)i�co-:gning this Sccuriry[nst�ument only w mortgaBe.8�ant and coavey that <br /> Bon�w�b intenat in tbe P�openy under the te�mc of ti�iR Security Inraumen� (b)ia not petwnelly oblig�ted to pay tbe�u <br /> aecurod by this Securily Insuumen�and(c)agrees that Leoder and any other Borrower may ag�ea W exw�d.modlfy,far6ear <br /> or m�ke any acoommodwtiaas wid�regard w the te�mr of this 3ecurity Inqrumcnt or the Noto without dwt Bartowerti <br /> oonsau, <br /> 13. i,oan Clu�r�ea. If tbe loan secw+ed by�his,�,ecu�ity Insuument ia eubjecl ta A law which saa m�ueimum loan <br /> chat�e�.and liuit I�w is fin�iiy imerpneted so thu dio inte�est a od�er ioan ciuuges coiioctod a to ix rniiocted in eonneciion <br /> with the lan exceed die pertnitted limits.thrn: (a)any such Iwn chuge shall be trduoed by the amount neoese�ry to roduoe <br /> the chwge w 1ha permiued limit;and(b)any sume alneady collxted from Borrower which eaceeded pem�itted limits wiQ be <br /> �fi�nded to Bortowea Lenda mq choose to meke this rofi�nd by rcducing tlw principal owed under the Note or by makLig a <br /> direct ppym�nt to Bortower. if a refund rcduces pdncipal.lhe roducdon wlll be aeated as u putial pnepayment wlthout any <br /> p�paymatn chArge under the Note. <br /> lI. Notfoea. My ndke to Bomower provided for ln this Secu�iry Insuument shall bo given by delivedng it or by <br /> mAiling 1�by firet clses mail unless epplicablc law�equi�s use of unoth�sr method.The notico shall bc dir�ected to the Property <br /> Add�esa ar eny other address Horrower dcsignutag by notice to Lender. Any notke to Lendcr sh�ll be given by flnst clesa <br /> muil to L.enderh address sla�cd herein or any athe�addiess Ixnder designates by notice to Borrowcr. My notice provided for <br /> in this Socurity Insuument sholl be decmed to havc been given ta Bamwer or Lender when gfven as provided in thi� <br /> �15�Governing Lpw;Severabllily. 'Il�is Security Instrumenl shall be govemed by federul law and the law of the <br /> jurlsdicdon in which the Property is lacated. In the event tiwt uny provision or clause of thiF Security Instrument or Ihe Note <br /> confltet�with applicabk law,such conflict shall na nf'fect uther provisfons of�his Security Inswment or�he Note which can <br /> be given eifect without the conflicting proviwion. 'Ib this end�he provisions of this Security InsMiment w�d the Note are <br /> decla�ed to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall 6e given one confomted ropy of Ihe Note nnd of this S�curity Instrument. <br /> 17. 7Faader of the Propeny or a BeneBcial lntenst In Borrowe� If all ar uny purt af the Propeny or any intcrest in <br /> it is sold or vunsferred(or if a beneficial intere�t in Bamwer is sald ar trunsferned und Borrower is nnt a nuturnl person) <br /> without L.ender's prior written consent,Lender may,at ilti option,requim immediate payment in full of all sums secure�by <br /> this Secudty(nstrument. However.this option shall nd be eaen:ised by Lender if exercise iq prohibited by fedeml lew as of <br /> the date of this Secudry Inswment. <br /> , li Lender exercises this option.Lender xhull give Bor�ower notice of uccelern�ion. The notice shull provide u per�ad of <br /> nat less than 30 dn�s from the date the notice is delivered or mniled wi�hin which Bcxrower must pay all sums seeurcd by this <br /> Secudty Inst�urnent. IF Bomower fnil+ to pay the+e sums prior to thc expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without fuhher nwice or demand on Borrower. <br /> ' 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Bnrrower meets certain cunditiuns, Borrower shull hnve the right to have <br /> enfm[�rn�nt of this Security[nxwmenl dikominued at uny time priur�o the earlier of: (a)S duys(or such aher penad cis <br /> • Single Fmily-•Fwak Moe/FYMdN M�c UNIFORM INSTRI'1fElVT•-Uniform Covenanu 9l90 IpoRe I njb paRts! <br /> r y {. f°- <br /> ,L����� �� �l��11�;���- `1:i . .�.,.- �.� ... ��.y,�+1�'�w ' .};. ��� � (tF-- — -- - � r �'. � _ ..��,��x� - <br /> ��;.• 'J�e �-�S{ i ��` ��i1.tk_ ;y �i` 4 r� r�J ?19. .ra7�r,� <br /> -�.94:�;���' ����:i��.�r.`15r�� .� �t�. ._ _. . �.�rd.��i�liit�vfi�l_ti•f+�t"tac.i�i�i�13 ���Lk������IS�,T 1���»nc,�,-. <br /> -SfGJ'R('1!1l2f.b���i��1}-����Y X. ,.,. .. .-'' __—__ . _._._:-- . r,__.-_ 1 . —.-� -i-�'r'4�7 r y����.t' : _ - - _.,�ii��iZ�Q�r-'�: � .". <br /> �u iW! � 1'!�4 • . � � . � r• S _ 't'1'{ ` <br /> �° !, y rna. - . . i./ ��;�,e�t i;�-`r �r�. i t <br /> �t :'i Y �- , _ r.11 R .�.�.1-�:�y S �JidGil3k'.�t,T r - . � � ° <br /> C1M. ..�k.'� tr--`..J.'_ .1_ �-. \ y 1 - , <br /> .� - : � -- . -r__._� .1�R{' �r.{f_ �1�o�r��i�7.��..t�i%..a._ ��. ''"" 1- ' . <br /> _ .�.��F'�u w�.t��i���{ �i' _ .. ����- .. ' . .'(!��i������`���{�l . . . . . � ,: <br /> +iii�lfiwr�.r�o�us�a�w�� ..�..,-- � . �.. . - .. , . '(�5���.1 �l P f 1 . __ '!`'/. <br /> _ „ �� i f���Y� l��Y , sf q2 ,�-� , <br /> a- � . . - • (' y !i S'.�''� � �t i i { _ <br /> iorl^r . . . .;S`. t�,'V � �`..p�..��,M1; - <br /> -�S t b.�vt. ` �. .� .. � . ' n��y�+ 4 �-_ - �> �. � � <br /> +� �Me ��.r.w.i^,�e.�i-,o��v.,. «. - • - ��'tlti�!{�}..�` � t��j::.•� 'I ' I <br /> '-�- r� ' . . � � , .x+ . .vu7 � �� <br /> =��� Ilt .. . . •,.�{ ., �'t� .' . (tr t���. �r�.1. :�., .. • . ',• <br /> 1 `i'�'�x..m t�s1 w �fq'�i..,Y�!11, l'td. ln.(. . r ���a,� . � .. <br /> --s�y:T - . -' ' . . - .. , ..� � •. � � i• ��... ` <br /> k� s.+�� `+t'"•:�' <br /> � _y4� y';:- �!7r��F.�iY�1.���`+'•.. `ei �C �I+i 1�,. S;-i'.'.�� .'r d4 . . .. . i�. ...ins:v��a��tw: ., t1d'�'1M - �. <br /> - �"1 Ta ��L�{w.EM�M~��;��' � ,"�+.,�,r�. . . , .. . . ;i..` t. _ • .. . <br /> —___ —w-��.�%;�u�:.`.� 3 �YL�.�y�.°._ _" ' _"_. _� ... "" "" . • _ . . .cr .—... �__._ __ —_. <br /> ..�su tt_ �_n'°�'m��v.����:_�� <br />