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��i�___.,,��.,_,�...- <br /> � .. .. � '��•91Y�'!�liWwiwwr'w+�wwn'=rs=`�t"-- - _.___ <br /> ' - .. . ., .. � ._ �• ,. :�1�'�"PY�,. „ A . � 7. . � .i , t':..�."°we-� '- <br /> • . � .. � ' •, 1) , , `�. ��"n i' a .�.'�4lLL�Y�T�_. <br /> • ' • � � <br />. ' ' .. �I . . • <br /> �1 � ��-�-������ ��.���� .. -,_.M... _ <br /> � a p�) � d� �dih�ekr�bwii�7tio»on�imM�11�A IMMrwre: � <br /> i�Zw�dR��io�wYa�� �bi�Aw�d�r dih�a�N�r 4�urw�t r/M 1'kM�if qo aOPMIM1iM-�� � " -:, <br /> o�(�)dww�►a�li�dt d«q aVr oow�na«�nw�ie�(�)awr+�+�l�+�����'MwNw <br /> ' ��i�I�CIOIINI j�IIM� PIOf �MIMd 10y lMIOIIiWi �I�IM��IYM:Mld(II)hd/wC��01�011 M IdIN�M'1�M� <br /> �IM�QrIM��r�drt �C1M�l�t �M�IIIIIM /II�M OAM���pM1�M1�t V ��������� � <br /> • �INpYpMIM� O�IjY�00f fOCIt100��0�lY lIMIJ Iq�IIIUY�OCtIVO�{(�QO�OOON1�b1�OD01RIrd. HO'IAMM� <br /> �110 ninM�M�hp aot apply In the cw d�oadaWen widor prap��h 19. <br /> al. 8d�d N�Mi��1�8�rtlo�. '11M NoM a� inNnst la 11M Noee(ta�a11��h.�W�► <br /> Iaptar�en�)tmY ba�oM aie or mo�e d�aes witiio�ut ptior notkb w a�no�iver. A ab tn�y mait M a clwn�e in tM�r <br /> (la�o�rn d tbe"Lo�n 8avloa")du►t collect�aioMbly p�ymena due under thn Nad wl thb Secudty lnM�unbnt. 71�ent rw <br /> m�y be ane ar mo�a ch�es ot dis Lo�n Sewioer mnWed a�We of the Note. tt d►me i��dun�e ot the Lu�a 8e�vkor. <br /> sona�rer a►iil be{ivan wdpan aotiae oP�ha ch�nje in�ocaniwxe wiN p�n�aph 14 above�nd�pplic�bk i�w. Tbe nadoe <br /> �riN w1e�b�e are and�dd��M the new L.o�a Savioa�nd die�dd�eM�o whicb p�yrt�aw diwid be mde, Ths notia a►ill <br /> airo ao�ut��oqr o1Gn iofaRnWan iequirod bT Mm►• <br /> �. I�Sr�. Boero�er sot cawe oc penmit d�e p�e�e�.we.dt�poW�.ar�eie�e o��qr <br /> Ii�z�doW Su6�woa un ar ia die Propaty 8amwer e�ll oot do�nor Nbw anyonp d�e to do.�ryl�iai afPo�.'�d�e , <br /> Pro�aty tl�t it in viuWial d'�ny F�virooa�tal L�w. The pnaoedinj two�eata�oes ahll not apply b tAo p�a�:e.� <br /> �e on d�o Prnpaty of anuill qMaMitia ol'1las�udou�Siubwoca tlMt a�te�7 reoo�oi�oed to be�pproPiws ' � <br /> raWenti�l wa aqd to m�fatenarice ot tde Pnopetty. <br /> Bamwet thdl P�P�Y 8ive I.eoder rvrinea aolioe of qy iavestipdon.claim.domwid.4wwit a ofrer rretion by�oY - <br /> gov�!nr�u« = a�Y w�ri�Pa�ty idwel.n�i�e lriirpe+-�y�i wry i�r���r�-+Gra�at <br /> t,�w of whlch Banower 6as anual knowled�o. If Bonower le�rne. or ia aotifled by my � a��7► <br /> autlwrity.dnt my t�emoval ar dher remedladan of�oy Hspr�dow Su6stance affec�oa We Pbopeity ia oeoe.u�y.Bar►ow�er <br /> thall PmmPUY talce all nccess�y tdnedfal�cdans ie aocardwoc�e wilh EnvirontrKnW L�w. <br /> As u�d iq thi�p�rngny�h 2D."fl�z�rdous Subctamoes"iuc tb�ee subsunas defu�od as toxic or hawdow aWisqnoes bY <br /> Envir�nmaital i.�w outd the falbwiag aubst�ioes: gasolLie.t,einsenc.abcr tlantn�bic ar wxic petr�laun P�odi�cp.w�c <br /> pestkides and iieibicides. volat�s�dv�tnts, aWe�ls eonniain$asbestos or famddehyde.uw1 radioactire m�terial�. At <br /> used in this p�gr�ph 20."F�viro�u�enal Law"�feder�l4ws aad lawe of the jurisdicdon where tho Phopaitx ic IocMed <br /> t4at relete to fieaWi.safery or enviro+unenW p�otection. <br /> NON-UNIPO[tM C�OVE�IANTS. Aarower a�d l.crder fipther coven�nt�nd a�nee�s follows: <br /> tl. A�i Re�les. Lender s6ap�ive�ce ro Borrower prior to acceleadon followl�Borrnwtry <br /> br�each o�any ooveMat or�ra�neat ta tbis Securlty Iastrumeat(bat nat prior to aocel�xtioa Yader pu�apr 17 <br /> wleae applk�ble la�v provides otberwise). 'ff he aotke ab�ll specif�: (�1)t6e ddaYlt:(b)tMe acdoo reynirsd to cne�e ere <br /> f�a�(C��1�4't A11��C�iM�IMtl.��Sj+Y�`U'diii ui8�UtB�18 iiO�CL��'i Q�ES�gitiiiOTiCfi�fi�1�C�it���'!' <br /> cured;ond(d)that hllure to care tUe de��ult op or before the date specifkd ia fbe aotice aaq resWt fa�coderndon o� <br /> tMc auu�secand by thts Security Instrumeot and a�le ot Ihe Property. Tde ootia s6�p flnrther tnform Borrower d <br /> U�e�Ight to reinet�te aRer�ccelerNba wnd!he�IQht w briog a court action to assert tirc aon-eRistence o�A dda�lt or <br /> Aay a�ha'detense of Borrower to accelerAtbn nnd sale. It tl�e detault te not cured nn or before the dote spcclfkd to <br /> thc notia,LeptYer at its optbn may requlre immediMe pAyment id full of WI sums secured by lhi�Secu�ity Ia�trutaent <br /> , wiChout furt6Fr demand aqd mwy invoke !hc power ot eale and any other remedks permNlyd by applkable I��v. <br /> I.c�der shsll be a�titkd to coNect WI expensea incurred in pursuing the rcmedies provided ia thia paragrnph Zi, <br /> includtag,but not limited ta�reasonable nttorneys'fees ead cosls ottitle evldence. <br /> If t6e power ot eate ie invoked,'[Yuetee shall record a notke of defpult in wch county in which any part ot lhe <br /> P�operty is located and aholl�aoil wpies of auch notice in the manner prescrlbed by applicnble IWw to Borrower And to <br /> tbe other persons prescribed by applicuble Iaw After the time requked by npplkable luw,7Y�ustet sdall give publk <br /> naHa utsale to the persons and fn the ma�er prescribed by appllcable Ipw 7Fustee,withaut demend on Borrower� <br /> sball sell We Property at pub8c Auctbn to the highest bidder pt the time and place and under thr terms desigaated in <br /> t`e aotice of eale in one or more psucels and in any or�er'IYuatee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sak of wll or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pnbflc Announcement at the time And place ot any previ�usly scheduled sale. Lender or its <br /> destRoee mpy purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt ot payment ot!he price bid.7lrustee shall dellve�to the purchs�.ser 7Yustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recitals In the 7Fustee's deed shs�ll be prima facie evidence of the truth of the PWtements made theretn. <br /> 'IFuetee ahWl qpply the praceeds of Ihe sole in the following order: la)to All cagts and expenses ot exercisia�16e power <br /> Form w2N 9190 qwAe s�,/'n�,nKe.�� <br /> t ,� az.��*ti`7yv'1Ty�',m�' ' � ' . : . ...' <br /> \3r �E���t)��ltt� •t,��•1,f,S''�.�, � 1"l�.i{�f��s �j p, .a 1 _ Tc�r <br /> -m"'�� t F���14r• . , ' �•.� . :t•:;�.};��i.. 7 "-�•7rJ����}Y'�� t;� �' ''� �:�.�'p�G+.3' .r �,: <br /> .,��E i1�i ( !.{ '•. - �1 IL.I� .-. .YrL. .cw�'�.., "�: C . . <br /> _a��s�.s� • f <br /> � • <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ' .�:.r..t�, . . + . � s � 'tic.• �.l 3,�_ <br /> . , ���,/,��a� �.• . . <br /> —i ��•;a.;�..Y•--+ �'-.--_:,����i.,Y��.zr.,..L�tUsrS�LSI'dl::.'�►ifftk].`�i�.'���f�.17�:�� 7 `�U: <br /> 5,�ni�. �1�L1 Ltl� '--. 1' ,.,. .-r .. .-- ---- ',.5���� � ��i4�'4 - ---- �� � � <br /> -.' v�'r'��x''yi�7tn,��v.� , •. � �'7 y. T r �fl 1 p ` �i ��' iyM J'�+Ft����` 'ta`Ti,-,�. <br /> 3iaa.s �1'L�4u i/� .- • . - •.�•. .•n r � µ• <br /> � }� <br /> -.- -_— --.-,.�.�.rbtc.�... .. n . '..... t- .. N.:..�1 f.iD. �•�7- 4P�b�.4_'At • �l.� _' _ ___ <br /> ��"jJ�ti1Y5� __ + . __ - ., — _—.�---- . —_— - - _ - _ '�__ - .�_ , � <br /> - -YU�.�.�Ai�:Tsrl:�Ss �S kh5t' . o t'. .5 + . . �- � ,u� � . � , . � . .. ,' <br />�°�+�cr+ 8��a�,fiY1n•ri.-:• o.�w:�Jl,.� 1,:�+ . } )�° . . . . .. . , , � • <br />� �_�.ia[c�.,�",'1' U�� �tY�`�t�r1.• . .. , . .. . .`,. .,. .` . . <br /> 44�i' '�i:.'s �' f ' ' . . .� . . .� , ..n�.'.�J./. .. ' • t, � <br /> .�_rA :.c..:_. '�t�•�'+ r '•dia r'' -.�rt.. � . ' .. , � � � � . <br /> -- -�y.— •n .. , <br /> ---.r_'�_.Iwt�ti�h:3rSx�' �r '� � -i,� . . . � . . �.� - . <br /> .541/n �Y. �'�6rti.;�!':�! � .. � <br /> . -t�.t��i�1�-.Y�., �...,��. ..�.�1, 1.�C.. �� , , . . ., • . 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