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_ _ T. ...,. . <br /> � �.�:.�r�.:�',�■ . - -. r . -,,_..—.,•t �. <br /> - — .� � - <br /> �- , . --- 93� �� . :� <br /> n, <br /> �- —` -`---- _ , --'-- � �-- �i3��� ���i�l7r��8!SRilRaRPnsPlr�'�� - • "- --. ... <br /> a/�IbM'�1 rrMoM�b�11M1!bt II�IMI011lla�t w1�1�1/11. I��OII�OM�/1'�1p Ip�illt�loo�r�y�d110i�1d�. .�f.�.� <br /> � •i��k apioe.aUt�in w p��aMOt l.MW�ti ri�M dMP�p�ry M�000nl� Iw di p�p�pb'f. . . � <br /> . /NI ia�rno�polfclw�iaa�wl��bdl b� to Lw�irM�Il(aoluds�M�td�d mo�t dwM. [.R� <br /> �11 binre tha ri�u a hotA tbe polkb.�nd r�aaw�I��L��der reqWn�.damriwr�11 pron�ptiy dve a L�tll roaipa <br /> ,d pad p�wniunM and�sMal eodea. 1a�bs ewne of laa���nwr�II aw pnaay�aodo.a dw Y�a c�r�ad � <br /> ; L�dr. I.and�r m�y mtloe proot d IoM if'nat m�ds P�Y bY�ri�"K• <br /> � Unless Leneler�nd Hcrnorrr.r�rwiee�g�ec in artithe�,iresttn�flcwp�n �II be epplied to tMtaMioe ar npir d <br /> ��Prapa`y d�ed' u ab eeuo�tioa a r� a eoonomiaauy reaibie"au�a'�,enaerr seauiry t��a b.�nea. u tM <br /> xation or i�not eoonomically fa�ible ar L�eMery�oauity MrouW be lowened. tb Irou�rtoe ptnoeeiM aaill be <br /> �ppliod w�h4 wrtu�o�u�d by tbi�Secwlty in�t,wbether or eot It�en due.witb my enaw p�id�4 Bo�eO+ver U <br /> Bomcnver�I�ndo�u the Piopmty.or doa aa ao�wx within 30 d�y�a notioe fiom Lra�der dut the i�aun�aoe c�rier Iw <br /> oflbnod w�atle a d�im,tl�rn L.aiderauy ooliect tbe inwrnace pooeed�. Lender m�y uAe tbe prooeed�w n�re�ote <br /> the or to p�y w�u�d bY tMs Se�tY fa�u�pnaq�wheU�ar at aot diea dra. 'If�e 30�y Paiod bKin�rhm <br /> a��'d,�. <br /> , udas l.cndcs.m earowsr aAawLe.�roe ia w�.p��,�p1�iaRioa of procaed� 10 w'inciql au�u uot��aa« <br /> poapono t�o due dMe of t6o imonlhly pyrmmts refened a io �aphs 1�od 2 or d�wn�e Wr araouiM af tde pyi�orcou. It <br /> w�der Qar�rapi�2l tbe R�it aoquino�d by L�eader.BarowKtf�t Io aoy in�ara�ce polisit�a+Md P000eds�e�u�tiq <br /> fivm d�e w dio Piape�ty �o the aoqMisiiioa YMU pw�o l.enda�w�he enieat d tYe��ecuted b�r d�it SeeMriyr <br /> i�uun�cat immedistdy pr[or b d�o aoqui�itioo. <br /> 6. Oocnp�scg � 11/�1�c#�MOe 11M ProlOttie� o�t6e lro�ertyi ��owe�9 IwM �i <br /> t�+Wda. Rorrowu sbaU oocupy.aaWitl�ad ute tha Ptope�tY a�8aruwer�Prwcipl ydideaoa wub�►�b d�Ys dla <br /> , -;;�`i�� drr��r�c:udan of drii Sccuriry Instrmnent aod siWt co�tliae to oocupy the P�oQaty a��amu�a�erl�priucipi resideooe fior at � = <br /> kast one yeu �tter tba d�te of oocup�ncy. unla� LaWer dherwise a�nees in wtldng. wiiich oonsau �sll ttot be <br /> _ unrensonably wiqd►cWi.�unteas eutenwtiag ci�um�anoes axist whlch are 6eyand Bonowa�eamml. Bonuwu�haU aot <br /> desmc►Y.�S��'�P�'��Y•allow the Prupaty to deteriaate.or commit waste on the Pyopetty. 8amnwu s1�aN <br /> ;,i��. 6e in det'ault if any fafe.iape xt�on ar procxoding. whether civil or criminal�is begun tl�t in L.endrrl��ood f+wM judpoe�M <br /> ���;i��,`� couod �sult in forfeinne of tii� K�nopeaty or otherwlse materldly impair the Ikn creatod by this Serurity l�p�wne�t ar <br /> -- Lenrlork security ioteresc Bonnw�r may curo such adefault ad reinst�te.�s provided ia p�r�aph r�dro+rctian <br /> or prooeedbg w 6e dismis�od with a ruling I.e�derk good faith detcrminWon.Pteclwies foA'eid�of tha�ott�pwerh <br /> -- intemgt in the Froparry a other nwtuid imp�im�ent of the lien erdaect 6►y this Seeurity Inurvimeat ar L�eaderti security <br /> ==r;' inu�est. Borrower �haU also be � def�ual� it'Barower. during thc to�an �pplicatior�prrxxss.b�vc p�teddly false oer <br /> —_' inaccurnte informallon or statemente to Lender(�or failed to praride L.ertder with any materi�l infomiadon)ia a„u►ectiou wjth <br /> � �b,e 1n;�a evWenced by the Nae,L►cluding, but nd limited w. repese�nuuiams ooa�oenaing Bamwer� ooc�ncY of tlia <br /> — _. � • . ..Pt�►c:c4;�as a pri�cip�re:idence. lf tbis Secudty�InsWmaoa is v�a leaseiald.Bortqwe�s1wU ewnplY with dl the pmvi�iwu <br /> �� � of ihe]r�so. lf B�xrower acquf�s fcx dde to the i�rapq'ty,tQa iet�seha�d�nd dhe fee titk shall not n�e unkcs l.a�der a�ree� <br /> V"°•' r. to the merger in writing. <br /> �r+ ;�;,� 7. ProtecHon of l.eader's RIgMe ia We Property. If Bomower fails [o perfam the covaiants and agiecmcnts <br />�`:�?` � cunlained in this Security Inswment.or therc is a legel ptoceeding that may significontly t�xt l.ender�s dghts la the _ <br /> •�� �� � i I�rfi�,;'� Property(such as a proceeding i�bankrupuy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfonce laws or iegulationa),�hen <br /> ' l.ender may do and pay for whatever is neccssary to protect�he vnlue of�he Property and Lereder�s dgAts in the Property. <br /> " Lender's ections may include paying nny sums secund by a lien which hss priority over this Security Insaumenti appearing <br /> in couM,paying rcasona6le attomeys'fces and entcring on the Property w make rcpaire.Although l.ender may t�ke action <br /> - under this paragwph 7,l.ender daes not hove to do so. <br />�_� Any amowNs disbursed by Txnder under this paragraph 7 xhall become additlonal debt of Bortower sncured by ihis <br /> .� Security Instn�ment. Unless Borrower and Lendcr agroe to other tctms of payment,these amounts shall bear i�tcrost from the <br />__- . n. , dete of disbursement at Ihe Note rate and shell bo payabk,with interest.upon notice fiom I.ander to Borrower requcsting <br />,,•;' ,� payment. <br /> } S. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender�quired mongage insurnnce as a candition of making the loan secured by this <br /> - ' � Secudty InstrumeM.Borrowcr shall pay the premiums rcquircd to maintuin thc mortsage insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> d,r� ��, � reucun, Ihe mortgege insurnnce coverege roquireci by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in eifect, Borrower shell pay the <br />= '`•i�' premiums rryufred tn obtain rovernge subc�amielly equivnlent lo the mcxtgege inaurnnre prviM��ly in Pffect, at n co� <br /> �� sub�tuntially equivulent to the cos�to Borrower of the mongage insurance prev�ously in eftect, from an alternate martgage <br /> - , . �� <br /> � �a, insurer upproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insumnce coverage is not Available.Borrower shall pay to <br /> �� Lender exh mon�h u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortguge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> �_`�``�= insurance coverage Inpsed or censed to be in effec�. l.ender will uccept,uxe nnd retuin�hese paymems ns A loss reserve in lieu <br />_ -;�;.� of mortgage insurunce. Lo�s rescrve payments may no longer be rcquircd, ut the option of I.ender,if martgngc insu�unce <br /> �. �° covernge(in the amount and for the periad thnt Lender require.e)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender again becomcs <br />,LL � • '�� ;;�,:,�.,� avallable and is obtnined.Borrowcr shall pay the premiums required to maintpin mortg:�ge insurnncc in effect,or to provide u <br /> ,. �•••=c��' , loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with uny written agreement between Borrower <br /> b-''�� .}. ' ",. �.. <br /> -��� . ,�H and Lender or a licable law. � <br /> �::_'•=�. pP <br />�-:.�' ,f F� '�•••' '", . • 9. Ins tion. Lendcr or its a ent ma make reaconuble eMries u on und ins clionx of the Pro �r1 Lendcr shull <br /> -�r�s�.•.,.+r. ¢ , .•._ P� g Y P f� P y <br /> 'L;">.'�.���'a: give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to an inspection specifyinR reasonAble cuuse for the inspection. <br /> ��p�ri��a' 10. CondemnaUvn. The proceeds uf ony uwa�d or cluim for dumages,direct or conseyuential,in connection with Any � <br /> :.y;�"-j°,�. . <br /> "S. �:, <br />' ,�:i.?��;�•;'�� �� ' SingleFamily-•F�nnleMadl�reddkMrcUNIFURMINSTRUM�NT-•UnNormCovenuns 9190 f/wx�.+��lh/bR�f► <br />� !.�,� rn r,.l. . . t���; <br /> `�t� ..�� �•-'�•i.�r..`� ('weyt Inla+BueYxr�Fd�r.Ix � <br /> `:t;J, .:r c�'�,<<y • io aroa c.�:aeoua�amac+o vex eie.ton��si .. <br /> ,'.�.N!':,:.`' _ <br /> R�c � � <br />..- �71 • <br /> --.;; � ;;7F;S�i ,f�. ••, . .. :.'�^`^`rTlK�="J�°�")„qF..yr:'��,'!'��^�rR�(d?^°°r�r-^*+-�-^.� ^ .,��.�, - <br /> � �� {��e i.�L'<i� r� il�::i'�, <br /> h; ;� ��n� ���� �t f �, :, : .. . � , <br /> , r . t , <br /> �>,+, ;t�• +�_ ,f� '„� , <br /> �:� �,,�,f} ,��;srt�;iF}hi�;� !,,�,,, ,'< <�, ' . �,(�Y . ., �.� . . , 1ifi� <br /> , �� x; �. <br /> 5.�1tV�.r4�•t.��.w 1r,IS,�`r: ?' �� - - ''_�:'.�'.i�.ti_�a'�an'�ic'•__ � '�tr�� �' S ��:_L <br /> --..���s�e x'-TP_'-T � 9i'T`i ... _ 6 '- _._. 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