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.—..--�._ -__ ' .S �...J::... '— _ -- . . 'T._,'�'-'_." _ . `!' .' ' -� "r"'✓^a►'9Y,-^.�S�i'•i.•,�.� .�',lr�'x .s.rr_ - <br /> , � �� � �r^...�' <br /> . � ' � „ — - - �� ' . , _ . . -. <br /> ----- - _ . �.y�y� __ <br /> - •— -- _ -- -. l�-*'i� ti�i � '� �-�l•� . _. <br /> S� �..w��.�.���.��... �."/`�J• Y/ <br /> �,����������� ����.�������� � . <br /> ,. �, /�q,�t�r�w�ph�b�wrwl a Y �o�i�r i��t M 1M'h�o�t�r." ,, . , . <br /> ,. SORROM�t�OYBNANTS 11W�araw�r b�aMQy Mi�dtl�e eMMe haetiY�arvayed+aid b�11he dshCOO�t .. <br /> �d co�vey the apd dW da Ptopaty h iu�aitambarod,vxoept far a�caml��noe�d iecad. Bano�rat w�rnuifs�nd� � <br /> - wlr�d/a�mi�k a d�e Propeny+y�h�t au cl�aa�ad da�.�ubJea a+�Y�d e+eoa�k <br /> 7'HIS S6CURl'CY IN8'IRUMBNT oom6ine� tmifam ouva��nu for tu�tiaW u�e md noa-unitatm aor�r�s wbb <br /> d�MNi v�riNiar by jwi�dktian W ooa�[iWls�uaifonn�c�rfty in�trumant cova�in��al p�opaty. <br /> � t1i�0itM ODVBN14M'S. BaROVaa'�ud l�odn'aoMea�nt and�pea a fdiarre: <br /> � L lr,�.�d er hM�l�a r�t.�wti�Ml�••��... e«nawa,�wl a�Y P�Y,vhm eWe a�r <br /> �d aM i�Maaq an d�o debt avidenced Iry tla Nae�nd�nY P�Y�►��!�o c�due under the IVole. <br /> F1u�s�or'IMrM�l�wir�o�a Subject w applkaWe I�w ar to�wriaeie�waiverby La�der.Bonuwa sludl p�y 1� <br /> Londer a►the d�y mo�thly pwpnnm��nc dae uader d�c Note,untfl the Note ia�wid in fYU.�sam('I�ad�")tar:h)Y�y <br /> t�utet and�t+w1�e6 m�Y�t�e p�!►arc+r 1l�u Socu�ity I�N�umo�u+�liea a�d�e Ftopaty;(DI ll�M�Imt�eboW <br /> �nne�W a pound �tt on 1he Ptope�qr. ii+Mq�t: (c)Y�Y �� a ProP�Y�P'��ums;(d)riar1Y iload <br /> in�rc�aoe prcmiwar. �Y ao�r; le)I�earl�r � s�su�nce premium�. if�ny:�rd(tI� aa�► suoaa PRrible b!i Barowa m <br /> l.�sider„in�ae wilb Ibe pv+►i�oa�of p�ra�rapb Ueu of Ihepayme�t�i a�o�tp�e inwnboe pnamweo�. '1Ue�e <br /> ir�eat�re called'tr�cia�v 11e�u." La�der m�y.u any time.collect and hold Ei�nds ia ap�uaot�nt rot w ex000d�he muiawim <br /> am�nt a Oea�kr for a foderally rel�ted moitg�ge lan may roquine for Bumrnwert escma a�acauot mdc tbo[edaal R�al <br /> Est�1p Seukm�ot P1�aodurcs Act of 1974+u�n�trded fran dme to tjma. t2 U.S.��26Q1 ets� ("RBSFi�1'►.rolat nwlher <br /> --- -- ------ tss��st�,to!he Pnacls-�e lese!:�x�t. If�,I wn�Yx awy:u aay tima.coYei.t rNd iioW�i1odR iN w�noret not ta <br /> exceed tho lazer�mau�u. I.ender mry eadm�te Ihe wnount of f�uWs due aa 1lzc�basir ni'c�meat daq aad re�ic <br /> eqimates of expenditwex of fawro Fcc�ow Items or od�rlse in axqd�nce wlth appGcubk law. <br /> The WndR�h�ll be held in an inufrotian wboce depocit� aro incured by� Pederal agency, imavmattdity.or a�ity <br /> (incl►�ding Le�wkr.if Lender is:uch an insUtudon)or in u�y Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender siwll app�y the Plmds to paY <br /> � 1he Escrow Items. l.ender m�y not chargo Bomower for hoWing and applying tha F1�nds. annuollY analyzin8 tbe escmw <br /> acaount�ar verifying the F.sauw itemc. unless Lendcr paya Bonower intercst on the PUnds �nd appli�ablc law pem�a <br /> I,q�der w mal�e wch a chuge. Howaver,Lender mAy ieyuina Bormwer w pay a one-time charge fior an independent rcal <br /> esqte ta�c nepoNng savice usod by[�ender in connecdon wjth this loan.unlas applicablc IQw prcwides othawiK. Uples�an <br /> agroemnu i�m�de or�pplicsbk law mquircs inler�est to be�dcr shall not ba roquired m puy�arower my itwer�est or <br /> wniegs on thc Wnds. Bortuwer wid Lcnder may�groe in w�idng��t intc�est aiwll be p�id an tbe Pw�ds. L.ender <br /> �ull give to Borrower.without annu�l accounting of the R�nds.shawing credits and debits ro d�e Wrds aed the ' _ <br />- ----� purpose tor which each debit w the Eiu�ds was made. 7Ae Punda aro pledged ae additia�l socurity far dl wmr sxurod by � <br /> d�is Securiry InsqumcnL <br />- __ � If the Punds hetd by Lender excted the u�wunts permitud ta be hold by applicable I�w. Lender:tWl account to <br /> - aorrower for the eacess Funda In acco�dance with the roquimments of appNcablo law. If Ihe arttount of U�e Iiu�ds held by <br /> _ --=:�z�i;; I.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Pscrow Ilcros when due,I.ende�may so tatify Bonower�writing,and,in <br /> — ��:�;�j such ceae Boirawer shall pay to I.ender ihe amount ne�:cssxery to make up the deflciency. Barrower ehall mpke up the _ <br />:�,�.�y,,,�� . dcficicncy in no morc lhen twelve monlhly paymerNx,ac Lender'�sole discretbn. _- <br />-"•�'� Upun payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument,i.en�ler shall prompUy netLnd to Borrower wny <br />';�- ;.. punds held by L,cnder. If,under parngmph 21.Lendcr shall acquirc or sall the Property,Lender.prior to 1ha a:quf�ition or <br /> FAi'� sale of Itie�'rope�ty. shell npply any F1�nds held 6y I.ender a the time of Acqufaitbn a sale as a crcdit against the �umc <br /> �:: <br /> .�'r: ,e�,md by this Security Inewment. <br /> 3. Appticallon ot Pwymente. Unless npplicabk law provides aherwlse. all paymen�s received by lxnda under _ <br />-;�!j�;.�,;�' paragraphs 1 and 2 shell be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due unde��he Note; amounts payabk undcr °- <br /> paregraph 2;third,to interest due; principal due:nnd Inst,to uny tate chargea due under tha Note. �. <br /> �• c;}�•r! 4. Ch�esi Llene. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes. nssessments.charges. fines and impasiUons auributaWe to the <br />'�°� _ ^,�j��� Property which may anain prioriry over this Secu�ity Instnrment,und leasehold paymants or ground nents.if any. Borrower <br />;i;�', � . shell pay these obligations in the manner provided in parngrnph 2,o�if not paid in thac manner,Borrower shall pay them on <br />>:�: �ime dlrectly to�he person owed payment. Bomower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> �'��aA`t�:;J thia rn ra h IP Bomawer makes these payments directly.Bortawer shall pramptly fumish to Lender receipis evidencing <br />-r;�:..,-.'::: . [� B P • . <br /> °,�,':°:,0.". the ents. <br /> ,_ �'�:�., �w PaYm <br />';; �u�r, Borrower shall promptly dischnrge any lien which has priodty over this Securf�y Inswment unless Borrower:(a)Agrees <br /> �:• ' '�;;:• in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u m�nner acceptuble to Lender,(b)contests i n good faith the <br /> °•,;�•- lien by,or defends against enforcemem af ihe lien in,tegal proceeding.which in the Lender�opinion ope�ate to prevent the <br />�� .��� enforcement of�he lien;or(cl Recutes from the holder of the lien u�ugnerment satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> �a-.• ��s`N`.� to this Sxurity Instrumeni. li Lender determines that any part of th�Fto�Krt}•is subJect ta a lien which muy attain prioriry �� <br /> " �t�>i?k•� over this Secufity Instrument.Lender may give Borrower n notice idemifyio�g ahe lien. Bartawer shall satisfy the lien or take - <br />_. 4, rna?�.'+,,.'.�-.'_.. one or morr oF the actions set forth aQ�ati•�e within 1 O days of the giviag p6 natire. <br /> , ,:�y;�; . , 5. Hs�nrd or Property lpsurAnr•a Borrower shall kcep t�improvements now eaistiog or hereatier erected on the _ <br /> •� �l1:.'. Properry i�.surcd aguinst loss by fire,haznrds included wi�hin the te�m"extenvetl rovernge"und any other hezarcls,including <br />— � °"�'""-'�'s't'�`'` tloods or flooding. for which Lender eequires insurance. Thi, insumnce �hnll he main�nined in the aMOUnts and for the E <br /> .; <br /> ,M;.w'4-�i� ' '� '- <br /> � � ferm J02B 9l9i (page:nfb/�oRt�l <br /> S,�`1,-...-�i�,'',�'':;��, . <br /> ��.s;"�'h::'•' .;•:,''� - <br /> ,.;:� .y �;� ,; � <br /> ;��1,�(�`* .. /; . �i i•Pr'� . F<►r�'+iG•i,1Lk^.r����.[. � '� �' 1 N.. <br /> E � ��� 4'�.L�'f � � i� �1•t <br /> - ���?.�i 'i' • t:;4 „�•';' }�� t�`s� ` -,r� :�.'� !�kt J:�. � ,�,,� .'�.��.��, �� �} ,.,� <br /> �� .,= i :"f'�. S:• � ' i ,�ii„ i • i '••'• . , l.,• .`_: ` <br /> � � ��:t:' ,. � 1 , 4���, ,�F}tfy��..;4!✓ ,, : � � r'�i i <br /> � �c_[_ r_�!�5..!.)��} � i !t�._..u�.2�i1_ -1��J_�.... �s.u.��SS.G�df[dsi:2' +..�.It t�y • t�,� .[i4_.�,', <br /> - - - - - - - lG� Y,fsauir:'a,l.�rf� n<,��4f�a�:l::� <br /> — �.— � _;_-- .. � —= ss - . - _ =— �4, .,��r�;�•;.�, —�. ,. r . � �kR ,-.jr �. <br /> �� . .. :.� f-. �i���� . �{T� �' �. , . � ���� �)��1 �:+1' �: ... f� �. �5:�'�s•�� c� .. . <br /> r + 1.� sY .f��pi�5j�, � -l��.r . _ c it, {, _ . .� •:�y.�...... .. '1: � ��f:��i(. , / '!�.-. <br /> �_0 �i�nL.P . tfr�.�r �i�.` `�;t�K's' iS'•`�, . � ``. `,}'i`., C ; �. A(�� , .•... •)ti"" �1�Z.�.3�r1� • c.�{ <br /> ..�..�� ,e-'�'-.'-_ip�»i����, u,�� , -�lt �-r�� (� 3� . � � l�� � ) t�s � . .�i <br /> ,,�j ��. <br />�� ���..v�ti�'s�` 1� �a.Y:��F�.�,'51.�.• �. -- � � - .- ,� . . . -.. � �,�'{��} �� � �� ��{ �4� . . ;-.';�lJ��:�,�.� ' - - <br />- ,�.""`- .,1�,�t'}YtS� .. ��. �i �'�'. . . i 5�r���., ., . �j. .�-r � �� �' . . , ��I"� `- . . <br /> - ,#,�...,1 y�;� ,. rr«, ,.. � ....; ;��,:`vi<< ..��� . ., <br /> �. :��, � ' ��``�k <br /> 1 .�._ �5' a� ':�-. .�/ , . . <br /> �,.�f,�y - �� . .... . +��'��,: . �' .��}�itl n. �X,?•��`�I Et <br /> �-=::�R;:'1 �t ,,�";'��;)rI'` . . � , " , . - ' . tt :�.+�� _..f. (' ' '1�, �., <br /> 'w �a �il;�h" . .. � . �) `1i. �C�! �;'t'� l`i. . <br /> sr,<` -.- lr . , , ., � '. '��" . ����tc, ,:i'� . <br /> i��i...�,�.:.t�{Y;�ti� „ . . .: ��..`'`),� � ��,';1��5''�f.'.�, .� i. <br /> ������..�.� �yt��,� ` . „ . � ' • 'SI'i'. ', .. . {1 ',� <br /> ��"Awi � � r.i . � . , . � t�,•�, ' .i . . 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