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<br /> � . . �� :. .:.�,•-�,�.:.. �..�a:. -
<br /> . :�.�.�;w,w..,�+:,�.-� •- r - - -- __ - -
<br /> � �
<br /> .�,�
<br /> �i -_--
<br /> {#,' �.l.li� ���" F � � ..<''-
<br /> - . . + ! . ....4.:�
<br /> � 91- 102845
<br /> candemns��ic�n or cMher takin�oi uny part af the P�apeAy.ur for canveyuiue in liru��f curulemnut iun.aro hercby a��i�ned unJ �--':'"`'`:�"
<br /> � shall be paid to Lcndcr.
<br /> . In the evem of a twol laking af the Prupeny, the pmceedx.hull he upplicd �o ihe ,umx securcd by Ihla Securlty
<br /> ,,s,�. Inxtrumenl,whrthe�or nol then duc,with uny exces�puiJ�o B��rn►wcr, In thr evrnt oi u partiid �uking of ihc Property in _
<br /> which the fuir markat vu{ue of Ihe Propeny immediulcly hefare�hc iui:ing i,cyuul to or grcuter thuo�hc umoum of ihc sums __
<br /> . � � ,- � secured by this Securi�y Instrumem immediutely 6et'ore thr taking,unlesx Burmwer und Lender otherwitic ugree in wriling. __��
<br /> r,;.�.r;., tlx: ,um�+�:curcd by thlx Securiry lo+irumcnt shall 6c redurrd hy Ihr nmount o(thc pr�xeed+ niuUipli��! by thc following _
<br /> � �' ""�� Fn►ctinn: (n)Ihe totul umount of the cums secured immediately befure�he�ul:ing,diviJeJ by 1b>thc fuir m,�rlcet value oi chc ���'""_!
<br /> PropeAy immediately t+efae the taking. Any baL�nce rhall t►e puid to BaRC�wer. In �he e�cn� oE a par�l:�t takin�oE the �°°��.`:�-
<br /> ? _ �.' ,A.4.�.�.�� ' v��';:.
<br /> �iavi�-_ v
<br /> Property in which the i'air muket vatue ol the Pro�xny immediutely hefcxr�he tukin� i� te..thare�hr :urrau�tt ot'the stem. �!�s�t,��,��_
<br /> ' �� :'�' '�1��. : xrund imn�edwtely bei'ore the taking, unless �+.xmwcr uncl 4enJe�dherwise a€ree in wri�eng �x uok,�upplicahle law• -
<br /> �b,-�c;,;;' otherwise provick�,the procced�xhall Ae applieci�,�t�r;vums se�ured by tAi�c Serucity In+tcumrnc w��Brr:�r��t�he.um�atrc
<br /> =�:., i:,;,a+ a ti�due.
<br /> ,.. ...,.y,� �°=
<br /> - �.z�;w li ta�e Propeny Is ubundoncd by Borrawcr,oc ii,uf'ter nutire by l.r�cl�:r tv Bum�wcr tha�ihc c�xHlcmn��r��ITrn to muke -�i.
<br /> .:..;.•
<br /> _...._��`-__-_•.•: :��. an award or setde u cluim for damuges,Banower fuilx to re+p�md a►LenJcr�vithin 111 d��y.ullc�the Jutc thc nolice i�given, _?:�--� •
<br />— ="'�"•-=,y.,� Lender ia uuthorized�o collect und upply Ihe pnxecJs, u�i���►ption, �ilher�o re.�oru�ion ar repuir o(the F'ro�ny ur�u thc ��__�==^_;:=`-
<br /> -°°=-� � sums xecurcd by�hi�Security Inx�rument,whe�hrr o�not�hen due. -
<br /> _—�,�''''°""'.."' Unle�x L.endcr und Bnrmwe�rnherwizc ugree in w�iting.uny uppUr�uiun ol'pr�xeed� �o principul tihull m�t exicnd�x ----
<br /> �_��;, ;..,
<br /> - �'" �� `.• :a pawlpane Ihe due dutc of tlk mumhly payment�rcl'erreJ�o in puru�truph+I und?or chunge Ui��•rmoum nt',qch paymcm�. ��--
<br /> ' ��•x���•.. 11. Borrower Not Relea.cedt ForbeArance By I.ender N�N � Wafver. E�icmiun ��I iDe �imc li�r pu�•mrm ��r _�
<br /> i�`�4 _ �� � malificu�iun uf um��niruti�►n��t��hc.umr,rcunJ by�hiti Srcurily M.tnimem grumrd hy L.en�k�io uny ,uccr.�ur in imcn.� ---
<br /> ' �`� of 8orruwcr�hull n�N u�xrulr U�nlcu+c Ihe Ilubility uf Ihe iK�pinal tlurcowrr ur Hnrrnwcri,ucc�,.ur.in iweir,l. L�ndcr °� -
<br />".. �_ - �__,_
<br /> - -� � ��� +hull nut hc rryuiRd w rumnkncc pr�xcrdinµ,uguiu�� uny +ucrr�.�►r io imrrr,� ur r�luk iu cx��iul �im�• li�r paymm�l ur �
<br /> ..:��� "� :;. "' . �• oiherwiWr m��lify umi�niiutinn al lhe,wn,+ccund hy Ihi,ti�ruri�y In.lnm�rnl hy re�i,��u��I:my alrm;xid nwdr hy�he ori�tinul j�:'�:t �
<br /> ' - H�►rn►wrr nr Hurmw�r:�ucc�:.u�n in�nten.i. An�• lurl+rur�uicu hy I.cnd�r�n r�►rci�u�p niry rigbt ur r�iixdy,Iroll ni�� Ix u �� ��`�`:'
<br /> •. sr�=..___
<br />_ ; ; r., wuiver uf or prcclud.ih�rxcrcix uf nny rigM or nnmdy. "�''"''y`s'"'
<br /> ;;�; . «.x�+::.�-
<br /> 12. lurcc�.wxw wnd A4rIRns Hound:.lalnt+�nd ticvcrul l.iuhllityi I'��•�I{�ncrti. 'fhr r�wcnnin+,uid+��tnrmrni,uf�hi� .t=•°:>�".- °_
<br /> •;�, - .;,,y�:�," , ti�tiuriry In,trument ,hull hind und Ixncli�Ux�urrc,�nr.und a��ign���f l.endrr mid Nom�wer. .ulyc�l �n�hr provi,ion,ul' �•�`�-�'�----
<br /> puuuruph 17. Norruwer:c�wenunt,iind u�reementti�hull Ix�oini+�nd,rvri;d. Any HuROwcr whn cu-�iNn. �hi�Securi�y �r�t:==�.�_
<br />�ti r �•'�''' '.. (n,wmrnt hut d�k.n�►t cxccutc�hc Note: Iul i�co-si�ning�hi.tirrurity In+irunrem unly�o in��n�ugc.g�am unJ ronvcy thut ��;,�;��r;,,•-
<br /> ...:,:�•' �,; Born�wcr:in�ere+l in�hc Pm�xny umkr�hr tcrmx ot'�hi+Securlry In.t rumcnt: 1 bl i,ix�t�xr+uiwlly��hli�utcd�o puy ihr.um�. ___ -
<br /> ' ,ecumJ by thi.Seruriry In+trument;and Icl vgree,thut Lender:�nd uny oilxr Bnrcnwrr muy ugree toextend,mcKiify.fnrl�ur �.�'�.---:_-
<br /> �� or mWce any s�ccommodmion+: with reg:ud �o the tertns ol'ihix Securily Insln�ment ur �hc Nae without �hut Bormwer: �»'`-"""'�"
<br /> � r�:+Y� ..,. •'� • cnpKe.nt. cr_xz� _._
<br />-,, ., , ;`'` - l3. Loan Cheraes. It'Ihr loan ,rcureJ hy thiv Securiry In+trumem i. +uBject Io a law which �e�, maximum loun
<br /> rx%n•.m•.-.��..;-
<br /> ��•e:.: charge�,und�hut Inw i.tinalh�intrrpreteJ.0�hat t6x intcre.t or��Uxr luan rh;ugrs mtWrct��i rx a k�r cullected in connectiim -�'�" ' _.,`"`
<br /> . • ;, �; with th�I�t►n exceed Ihc permiaed limi�..�hen: lu�;�m �urh I�un rhargr.full tk rcyttk�tJ M ttw rnwuret nece,.ury w reducu �+',;�;�„�_4�"-
<br /> ..,� the charge to�hr permitted limit:a�xl lbl an.•wm.alra:w!}rulk�.icd t'rom B�Nrow�r which�x�t�dcd prrmiu�J limit.will he � •;i �� ,'
<br /> ' ;-� nfunded to Burrower. Lender ma�•rhoo.e to makr thi.nfunJ by reducin¢the pnrki�ul uNed underttk lute or by making u
<br /> dirert payment to Bormwer. U'a rrl'und rcdurrs prinripul,thc reJuction will tk�reuted a+:�p►nial pn��aym�nt wi�hout uny � ���y_ .;
<br /> , `�'! . prrp•ryment churge umier�he Nae. °- .
<br /> � .'n• `��,';y:�; 14. Notices. Any nutice k� B�.rcower rovidcd li�r in�hi, Serurity In,trumeni .hal! t� gi.en h}delivrring it ur by �=��,_'"'_
<br /> '' ��' ;.':;:,ij)�%'1:?: mvilinE it by fint cla�.mail uolu+.:�ppliraAl�law rryuires u�c ul'anot her mcth�xl.Thc n�xirr.hall�x atrec�rd io�he Pmpeny ' ,,;�t;�.«:;:
<br />_ .�,.,,;,;�.;.�� �._".::.�__.�...
<br /> r ,,,.�,;�,,; Address nr uny�her;uldm„ B��rrrn�e�clr�ignulc. hy no�icr to LcnJcr. Any no�icc to Lcn d�r,ha:l t n @iven by lirrt c lu»
<br />" � ,,,�, muil ta l.endcr ti udJre,��latrd herrin ur am a�hrr adJrr.+Lc�xlrr ikti ignutc�My notice�u BcxTU�.�r Any nutire providrd I'or �",�.��i,�._-
<br /> ' in t his Sccuriry Im�rumrn t +ha l l t k drrnm d to h:�v e I x e n �C i vr n k� H o rc o w e r o r L r n d r t µl x n �.i��n u x p r ov i d e d i n I h i� ��._`�^�'r:.:-
<br /> � � � pars�graph. —.---
<br /> "s"'" � I5. (:overninA I.aw; Se�•erabilih. Thi, Serurih I�n,aument tihull t►r guvcrncd h} f�rizr-.a[Iaw iind Ihe Ia�w uf thc �=_�--==—°=
<br /> �':`�`• jurisdic;ion in whirh Ihc Pro�ny i,l�xatrd. ln�he�vent�E�at:�n�•prc�vi,i�m or rluu.c uf thi,Secant}•In+innnem or Ihe N�HC �:•.<�»;::T r�.
<br /> . . , conilicis wi�h upplic�blr law..uch caniiict,haN not atTcct�,ther pruv i,ion.of thi+S�cun�c En.rrumcm��r Ihc Notc which cun , �,
<br /> . , be given et'fect witlx�ut the cunflic�in� pro�i,ion. Ti�this end the p�o�i�wxi.ot'thi�S��:uruy In�trumem anJ�he Note ure ^ -�==v
<br />