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<br /> ' 1' .�. . "' "'•^'1 .. ...►r.M h• '.
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<br /> �2.
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<br /> ,�,.�� 91— 1 n28 a��
<br /> - perlodN�hut l.endat rcyuire�. Tho inxurunce cars ier pnrv l d ing i h a i neu�u ne e x h a l l h e c h n�e n M y B o m►w e r�u b j c e t�o L e n d e��
<br /> upprovnl which�hull not ba unreur,�nubly wi�hhcld. If Bnrmwer fuil�u�muintuin cov��age de.uriheJ aix�vr,L.eiMier ms�y,ut
<br /> • , I.ender'»option.obtain covernge ia protec�Lencl�r�rightr:in�he PrupcAy in accordimce wi�h purugruph 7.
<br /> ''� ,. , All insur+utce policies und rcnewulr:rhull fwe ueccp�nble to lender utal�hull McluJe u+lundard marl�tnge cluu+�e. Lendcr —
<br /> ' ahall Iwvc the�ight to hold�hc policiex und r.�newal�. If'l.ender nequirex,Born�wer+hull pmmp►ly give io l.cnder ull rcccip�r� �,_-
<br /> s: ': of puld premfwns and mnewul notices. In ehe event of loss, 8nrrowe�xhall give pmm{N notice �o the Inxurunca curricr und
<br /> Lender. Lender may mnke praol'al'loxw if na�i madr pam�pily by QuROwer. �°Ci1
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower othenvir.a�ugree in w�ilmg,in�urunce pmceed� rhull he upplied to retitoraiian nr repuir of �_-
<br /> �•��: �.�° �, the property damaged, if the re�ior�tion or repnir i�:econamkully teu.�iMe Und l.ender: .ecuri�y in not les�ened. If ih�
<br /> restarati�n or repair is nrn ecorromicully feucible or l.ender ti securlty would be Ies+�ned. Ihe insurance pr�xeeds shall be �.^�.,,
<br /> .._ . ,�<<5:;;i*� � A����� yums secured by thia Secunity Insirument, whe�her or no�then due.wtih uny excesti puiJ to Borrower. If _
<br /> �.��.:r�,�-,:�- Borrower ubvwdons the P[opecty.or does mot w�swer within 3U da�+s a naice from �.ender th;u 1he ia�urar�ce�.urier has —
<br /> �wi�ssx��w�: " a�fe�eci to settle a claim.�hen l.ender may rdlect the insueu�ce p�viceeds. I.ender ma�r use the pra'eecF.te►�'e'W'w'a re''�� —�
<br /> ,w S c
<br /> -. _- ;,..,�..._..�...__ t�e. or to sums�ured by this Socuriry In�trument.,WRiethrr or nwi d�ra du�. Ttrr i�1.i{�,y p,ruxl will tiegin v►hrn ��
<br /> ;;�;14� ��� P�Y �}:,ui
<br /> ` �� �" ��, � t+Ix 1�+3ice n�gn*.t�. �':
<br /> z a,?, '' � Unless�.cnwer aac2��*ne*wer c�th�rwati�agcc� ee�waitin�.ave} ��p@c�ation ati proe:�d.to principal �hali pot ertend ar �
<br /> ,_;;'.:,�,� '� •..`" . pos�pone the c1��7ate ot the m�x�th!}�)m��nas rehned ta i�paragmph. ::u�d:or change the umaunt of the puyments. If _
<br /> _'=-'�,ris��.,�<<<.:Y;;,;'s un�ler peragmph 21 �he Prupe�lY is acquiredby 4ender, Barrower� �ghl to smy inxurnnce policies und prcx:eed�; resulting '�
<br /> ��, .;;, . � from dumage to the Propeny prior to the ucyuisi�ion shall pusx io Lender lo the exienc ot the aum*yecured hy ihix Securily p�y�,,_
<br /> ,,y� ''�, ' � Instroment immediately prior to�he ucqui�itian.
<br /> - *�-�"�"� -� b. Occupancy, Preservwqan, Moinknance nnd Protectlon oP Ihe Propertyi I�nrrnwer'x I.awn Appllcatlani =�-
<br /> =.:��r : • �,.�••. • —_=
<br />��•:,,rt�. .• Lenseholde. Horrnwer rhrll�xcupy,estublirh,and ur;e Ihc Pn�perty ux Norn�wer:�xincip�d re+i�lrnce wi�hin.ialy duy.r ufier _
<br /> -�.,,�� .=_:.., .,,., � , ihe execution oi�hir�Secu�i�y Inhtrument und xhull con�inur u��xcupy die Pra�Cny u. Hu�ruwcr�principal rexidence li�r ui
<br />:�\rr�; Iruw ��nc ycur uflcr �hc datc at� �KCUp•rncy, unlr.. l.cndrr athcrwi+w ���en�, in wri�inµ. which r�►nknt �hull nol Ix
<br /> -- ��: �r.��s..:.��
<br /> - ,, .. unrru���nuhly wi�hFulJ.ur unlc„ex�em�utb�g circum��uncr.r�i,� whirh ur�Ixynnd HnttnK•er:r�NUrol. Hunower+hull n��l �
<br /> �=�j��•, ,,.-.�• dcru��,y,Jumugc ur iuipuir Ihc 1'�o�xrty.ulluw tFx Nn��x ny��r ik��n��ru�r.ur c�xmnl�Nu�lr un�I�e I'm�ny. N�Kn�wcr�h+dl
<br />'�::«�_��','�.�'"` ` " Ix;ln dcf'uul�il'uny 1'urlri�urc ur�ii�u ur pr�x•ccding.wlklh�r�:ivil��i rrindnul. n Ixkin��h+u ni I.rn�l�r.�t�NKI Inllh jud�tmcnl
<br /> -°�"=� ' roulJ n�ul� in I�xtri�ur� of Ihc Ro�xny ur inhcrw•i.r nuitcrf�dly nu�n�ir �h�Urn crrnh�l hy ihl. ticrunly lo��ruirKm ��r
<br /> .. _. ,'�7�'� � •
<br /> -��., l.rmk r�,rcu�Uy ia�en,i. NurruNr�muy cun,�kh u drtuuU und reln.�mc.,i��nn�•�Jcd in��aruy�r.�ph I M,h�•cau,m�t thr+�cUun
<br /> : r,._.�,''`�'' ; . , �'.. . ��r��r�ke«tii►�t�u t�dlrmi.Kd wfih u n�ling tlr,��.ii�l.�ro�t�r:u�NKI luitb del��m�hinuun. pnclude� I��rtel�utc ot �he Rurro�vrri
<br /> " +• fineRtit i��hr Pnqxny ur olher muteriul iro�u►imient uf ihr Uen rr�uic�l hy ihi, 5ecurny In,��umr�u ur I.cnJ.r', ,ccuri�Y �
<br /> �r�'. . .�•';s:.",, , inlcre+�. Burtower �hull uMi� Ik in defuuU il NoRUwrr, dorin�! Ihr luun upplicu�ian pr�kc��, guvr mu�crially Ildu or �
<br /> ;�1: • ' inurcum�e inlimnution ur+tu�ementn�o l.cnder 1��r Ii�ileJ ro providc l.endrr with uny inu�eriul infunnu�iim 1 in canncclinn wi�h �'_
<br /> �:s"_v�_� �a r � : .
<br />.-• ,';�.�; v E�.° : . . ii�r kiun evi�kncca ny �t�r !`:ciic. ittcludlttr.bsst m�t 14��ti1c�1 �o, mpm.rntuti�x�. rnn�rminc BoRawcr: �kcupuncy i�f�hc �s.�.•
<br /> ':�',..: • ',. . • Pn�perty��u prinripul rr�idrncc. If�hi,Security In��rument ia on u Iru.rhuld.flurrnwer,hull ramply wiih ull Ihe provi,ion+ �:
<br /> �• - uf�tie lea�e. If B�rmwer ucyuire.fer tidr tothc Pn��xny,the Icuu:hold und the fec titic+hull n��l mcrge unlc��l.ender ugrces �
<br /> �i' ' m the merger in writing. ��^
<br /> .� �. ��`` � ' 7. 1'rotectlon of l.ender's Rlshts in tNe Prnperty. If Bon��w�r fuil+ co perti�rm ihc rovenuntti and u�reement. .
<br /> � canwined in this Security In�trumcnt, ix Iher� i. u IeFul pnxrrding thai muy .igniticun�ly ul'1'ert LcnJ�r's rights in ihe
<br />. ., •; �,` . Property(such u..a proreeding in bankrup�cy.pmhatc.ii►r ciirnlcmntui�m or fiideitum ur tu cnii►rcc luw�ar re�ulatioml.�hen
<br /> � Lender muy do und pay for whu�rvcr i.neccs.vry u�protect thc vulur ui th�Pn►percy•rnd Lrnder:righ�s in Ihe Pmprny. °'`�
<br /> ' .v��..... - �
<br />