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. . . , 4 ..,.,�.., . �w�r - =,a� --- --- <br /> ' ��4{ � . . .re'd�.• '-r'47 ..-- _..m-czcr--- ��_ .�.:...,�,— --_.. <br /> P1Y� v <br /> � —._...R---.�. <br /> ••-r,,•.�_. <br /> . _ �.. •rvva�4D�+iSQNax.xr,� . -- �7„n..•,s..�eo..,...- -._ _--. -_ -- <br /> 1 .� ��: .�:�iiF,�� .�r�-��;' .--��— <br /> �.. - <br /> , �.. ___ _ .._- <br /> ; - -- -_ - _ - - <br /> r, _ <br /> �'_s°� , �, gl� 102845 -�_.-_�__-- <br /> � � � applic�ble law may specify far reinatatemant)before salc of the Propeay pursuant la any pawer of sale cantained in tNis ��µ��� <br /> Security Insdument:or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing�his Secud�y Insuument. Those conditians a�e�hat Bortower: (a) �. <br /> � pnys Lender all suma which Ihen would be due under this Secudty Instrument s+nd the Nnte us ii na ac:celeration had -- -- <br /> � • �:�,�:���-` occurted;(b)cures any default of�ny other covenAnis or agreemenlF;(c)puya all ezpenses incurred in enforcing�his Sccurity <br /> �'� lastrument, includL�g. but not ttrt.ucod,t�o.►easonabla attomeys'fecs; wxi ld) lakes such actlon Ah L.ender may reasonably — <br /> � " ��.:.{��'.�',``� �rr.yuiR�o essure thae the lien of this 5ec+uiry Instrument.Lcndcr�righta in the Propeny nnd Hormwer�obligAtia�ta pay thc <br /> _.. .. <br /> ,. , ^':~_'�:--`: su�r�s�curcd� by ttis Securiry L�sa�ent shull cantinuo unchanged. Upc�n reimtu�em�nt by I3om�wcr. thin Sccurlty � =-- .. - <br /> %�'"���'`�'':•� ��� lns��xu ac�tfie obiigaoioas Aact�d hereby shall r�emain fuily effec�fve us if no accele�►licm hwd accurrnd. Nawever,�hi� <br /> .i.¢, ,�� �„�••' <br /> � ��%�'�f�:�.'�r.Vs';:�;. right�o mins�ate shatl not npply w che cuse of acceleradan und�r paragroph 17. �;�•„':��r��:"�� <br /> - � f�`.j�C..• __ <br /> u�.�;���'.�•.l�'� . 19. Sale o�Note; CLs�e ot l.own Servker. 'llio Note or a parlial inleneal in the NMC(tagelher wlth Ihis Securily �+::�. -- <br /> . ��,;, ,: . ,.� • _ <br /> , .. _..r.,• lnstrument)may be sald ane ar moro times wUhaut prlor natice to Bo�ower. A sale moy rc�ult i� u changc in Ihe entily <br /> -��"�••� (kaown as the'I..oan Sarvicer")thut collecis manthly payments du�under the Nrna und this Secu�ity Inxlrument. There u1M� —�- <br /> _--'�=`�i<":�- may bc one ar mo�e chunges of the Loan Servker unrclatcd to p xale uf the Notc. If therc i�a rhungc ul'Ihc L.iwn Scrvlrcr, i_�_ <br /> e <br /> °--�--:��_ '..• �•' Barrower wfll be given written natice of Ihe change in uccordunce with�umgrnph 14 nhove nMi uppl�cui�lr luw. Tin iH��ice �,��;,.;.r,,__ <br /> _-MY.iii7J�L�tSt. . <br /> _:,— ..r��,., witl nlate Ih�nunx and address af the ncw Loan 3ervlcer und the uddresv��which�+nymem��hiw W he nruk. TFw nW ice wlll ��-__ _ - <br /> --��°w".`�!��'�`'`:�'°"'"` alco contain any o�her informAiion rcquired by Appikuhle law. <br />_�.--�-----=����':� 20. Hwawrdous Sub�tances. Bormwcr�holl M�t causc or�xrmit�h�pm+cocc.utic.Ji�.pu�wi.A�urugc.ur rcirux.�uf uny <br /> �. . y <br /> .-_�_�-':• ,;,,�., . Hu.ardcws Subrtanccs on or in�he Prppcny. Borrower�hull n�N du,nur allow unyunc cizc lu do, uny�hinK uffccling �hc �— <br /> �"�'' Propeny ltu+t is fn violatiun uf uny Environmental Luw. The prcreding Iwu�cmence�hhull nn�upply to thc preKmc,uk,��r <br /> —--�'.:: ... <br /> -- .�",_�"�,�: etoro�e on�hc Propehy of small yuAntities uf Huxnniuur Sub�►tunrex�ha�iu�e gene�ully re�agnirtd w I+c uPprupriwic lo n�xmal �,�,�,__� <br /> ,.�.`'-� -� -- rccidcntinl use�and ta malntenaix:e of the Pmpeny, i _. <br /> ."�..:_����.'.` Borrower shull pmmptly give Lender wrkten nati�ti uf uny imesl{gulian,claim,demund,lowsuit or iNiwr uc�ion by any .: <br />-;k: � L� " govemmental or regulutory ugrncy or privuta psuty involving Ihe Pmpeny and any Huxa�daus Substanrr ar Envimnmcnlal �,:- - <br /> . ,:��:,, '�;.' of which Borrower hus actual knowledge. If Borrower Ieumh, or is notifed by uny gavernmenlul or reguluu�ry <br /> . s Subxwnce affectin �h e n is necexau .Horrawer ��'-,�' " <br /> l • ;,y,; autharity,thut uny removal or othcr remediution of�ny Hazurdau 6 � Y �Y �-. <br /> 9`� �� shall prompUy take all necessary remediul actions in accordunce with Emironmentul Luw. �� _ <br />_:: �::; 1 :•.�;.�' ,� � , , As used in�his purngrAph 20,"Hazcudous Substances"Are those substances detincd us toaic�hau►rduua.ubtilunces by ��"�.,,,, � <br /> � ;;�r. Environmenlal Law and the following subscances: gasaline.kerosene,other flumrnabl�or roaic petroleum products, �oxic �;._t4'"«�i.:_ <br /> ` .� . ' pesticides and hefiicides,volatile solvenls, materiuls contuining asbeslos or fortnaldeh de,und �adioaclive muteriul�. As � <br /> ,,.J � -4%,•..,• _ , used in�his parograph 20."Environmental Law"menns federsil laws:u�d laws of the ju�ulictian whete Ihe Property is locate�i �a:�, <br /> ' / ,� :'`� that relate to health.snfery or environmcntal protection. • . <br /> ,.:f l,t+t��u� '" �..�}��•� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.endcr fLnher roYenunt and agree as full���ti;: ✓'��� �`� <br />__,. , �� ,y Fti����„ �� 21. Acceleratba;Rea�edies. I.eader shall give nodce to Ba�uwer prio�r to Acceleru�tien Pollowi�g Borrower's ,��. ;;_ <br /> �t,5,0;$��f', breach oi any�vva,w�i�r t�gr��a3�n ilitc�cusiiy Isstrumca!Ssui aa!�r're�3�c asitlefat�On under �aregsnph 17 •�4:;, - - <br /> �,,.:t,. . ., ,;�;, unless applics�ble law pr�vk]es otQeerwi�el. The nodce shall specify: lal ihe cde�'audo;lb�ihe action required to cure t6e ��y_ <br /> �r���.•Yi '; � "�J, defi�ull;(c)a date.not less tAaa 3fl dAys from the dute Ihe nMice is�3ven to�larroa•er.Dy whlch Ihe dePeult must be `y,�+ti: �• <br /> '',; ''���..', .i��� .�'"�'�� cured;s�nd Id)that failure to cure�O�e dets+ult on or b e fore I h e date spec i i l e d in I he no t ice m:ay�esu l t in ac c e l e r a l i o n o P ,,, ��+� <br />,,'��,;,. ��'�1,�� °"° •� "ti�,";,"1 the sums secured by this Securlty I�s�lrument and Rnle of the Property. The nMice sha0 fua�ther intorm Borrower ot ' ' �,`�;:��- <br /> , 1'��;•�.," � n - <br /> -;:# � , „ ihe�ight to reinstate a8er accelerAlion nnd Ihe right to bring a court action lo asserf the non�existence ot a defuult or _ __�`'��° <br /> '��,,,:'`� ' "� any other dePense oP Borrower to accelerat(on and sele. If the deiwult is not cured on ar before lhe dAte specitied in ____ - <br /> ' �•:;;1, '"'��-�'' Ihe notice.I.ender at ils option ma�require immediute payment in fuli of all sums secured by this Security Inst�umeM ,���---�; <br /> � 'k�i�' without 1'urther demand and m�}• i�vuke Ihe power of sale uar]a�v nther remedies permitted by applicable law. � <br /> ��.. ;:. ,, . ,.i:.;...�ti; �, ::) . <br /> , , �•,. .• ,�,� I.ender shall be entitled to co00PCt aJl expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remediec p�otiiikd in this parAqmph 21. � <br /> � �a;;�=� ..., �;,,a?�;.�' lacluding.but not limited ta�abfe uttarneys'fees�nd costs oltitle evidence. �'' •"'r'�• ` <br /> `�'•r � a� � ti If the wer af�a'k is im�iaked.Trustee shall record a noNce of default(�epch coun�y in which any part of the %S��;. • . '�'��s':;.. <br /> „,?,..�i'��;�: �' �r�'. , I� ����.:.'. <br /> .. � �;;�tly�LL,. • Property Is located a�c1 shall mai�copies oi'r,uch nuNce in tlie mnnner prescr•imed bv applkable law to Borrower and to �;:�;�,a�`.�.�;_ <br /> , v ° the other persons prestrii�ed b��applicoble law After the time requi�ed b;v Applicabl�law.'Irustee shall Rive publk "'"`f ". <br /> "' . notice of sale to the persans aad io the manner prescribed by uppUcable law. 'Ihustee. withaut dem�nd on Borrower. <br /> ' • �� shall se0 the Property at pubUr s�uctlon to the highest bidder at the time and piace ancl un�l�r the terms desi�naled in _ _ � <br /> -.�; ;r,,��?,_ <br /> z•o•� .. • "° the notice of sale in one ar more parcels and in any order 71ru�tee determines. 'l�ustee tnuy postpone sale of all or any �x;.: <br /> ; " parcel of the Propert�bc public announcement ut the time und place of aoy prevlously�cheduled sale. l.ender or ils '.l---_��� <br /> � ; f ° . . . , designee may purchase the Property at Any sale. ,���•'�*T`-` - <br /> . . � Upou receipt oP pAyment of the price bid,'I�ustee shall deliver to tMe parchaser'IYustee's deed cum•eying the '�_�•_��.•`�=r <br /> ; ' �F,Sfi, Propertv The recilals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prfma facle c�•Idence uf the truth��Pthe gtutements made therein. - - <br /> _ , ,' •;�;�.,:�.• 'I�ustee sWill apply Ihe proeeeds oi thr snle In the PoHowfnR urder. �a i to�11 costs and expenses of exerci.ving Ihe puwer <br /> , r�r.�..,:.�. .� --- -- <br /> � ,l:��ty��' .,>'r(r'�:,,�;, =.=__---_° <br />. !.� '�(� t rk�,r ��csr•��� <br /> �..)���'�'�'',�fi;.'}n4)��±..� 3^L!n!'�" <br /> . ��,,���r,1,j '�5k 'A`�'}�'�G��I��� .. <br /> �.t� 2�it�.iP7����Sy��tAfkfq?� �f,�S, - <br /> � � :��,, .1l"G�,1;!•;� ..( <br /> t,, i•r t, ,:i.`�, , <br /> ,' ��:r�"1•`�h�j;+;�:�i�;�,l�jti c �r:i;:;.. <br /> +.1 ? i..� 1�( ,u' <br /> .i •.�� ..:�1.:��C :�'ll'T41;. Y � . <br /> �h'.;l''%' .f�yr:,.,:1<� <br /> �i, ;��t�,.., <br /> i <br /> .. ' ,�• 7;'�:�,, 1 <br /> '. � FnrtpS112M 9/9D ��ti�xr<<)n�arXr�� . . <br /> , . �, . <br /> , 1• <br /> . �' <br /> ` ' <br /> ,,.. , . <br /> '-�' -�.a �.d..�" : - - , - ' , ' ' .�' ' . <br /> •i�t� •.f���•,S� ,e.i�; � � ,. , � . � . . - ' • , . ' ' . <br /> , . .: ��. ., _ i <br /> . � ;.q +;,J='si��_��.yr�if1��, ..',' _ � . . _ . � . �'': '� ' ' <br /> � ,p' .i�., � - . �. . <br /> '`, ' � , � <br /> r. � <br /> . � <br /> �� . _ . . . _ . . _ . .. ._ . . .. .. . . . . . . _. .. <br /> � <br />