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__ ,.,'�' , �.. � ���_� <br /> � :... . <br /> ' r - ... <br /> �� -- -� � � �� <br /> � S.N�nrd or Propert9 Iwacaaoa Borrowx dull keep the improv�ment�noM eYirtin�w 1►ee�aiter erocted on <br /> the pn�perty innirod y�irnt IaN by�ro I�s�rd�included with�n ehe term"e=taded aav+xa�e and aay uthet h�ndr, � <br /> ___,_ _ - -- . ittcludins�tooda ar tico�in;,ta whicA�der e±�rn+i�►�snoe.Thts ln��noe eiw�ll be m�rimained in ths unanti ._ <br /> and tor.Me periad�tbat Lender requiroa The inuranoe c�urlor povidin�the(nnu�noe�U be oLoaen by Bomoxer <br /> w�b�ct to I,,aider's approval Nhich�11 noe bs�Wy� BorroMx!db to matatain aovat�e daaribed <br /> abovo.Lendx La�der'�opeion.obdio aowra�e to proteat L�ndK'�r��hd in the Prnpa�ty in�000�d�noe Nitb <br /> , prop'sp�7. <br /> Ali inwrarwe poliaiea�nd r�a�a�rat�shsll 6e aooeptable w Latder�nd sh�ll include a sw�dsrd mort�e al�u�e. <br /> I.ender du�ll luve the d�ht to hald the poliola�nd ronexd�.lf Larderroq u1t+e�„ Borroper rhali promptlY�ive to <br /> _ I.ender dl reo�eipts otpdd p�+emium�and neneval natiaa.ln the event otlw�,Bormver elall�ive prompt twtioe to tla _.._ <br /> inppanoe cmler and I.aider Lender m�y m�ke pmot of lar i[not m�de promptlY by Bonowa'. <br /> Unlar Londer snd BorroMer othenvi�e a�ree in wnitin�,inwranoe prooeeds rh*11 be applied to resta�tion or i� <br /> ot the Propa�ty d�e��ed,if the restoation or repdr i�eoonomically teaible and l.e�der's eecudty ie not leeeened,l the <br /> reot�oradon or repair 1e not aoonomically ta�eible or Lendar'e eeaurlty Nou1d be leeeened�the i�snoe p+a�eede eiuill be <br /> applied to the sums eocurod by thie Seawlty Inetrument.whesher or not tibn due,wlth any o:cas pid w Bomower,lt <br /> Borroxa sb�ndaue the Pr�opetty�ot doee not ana�ver Mlthin 30 days a notioe trom Lender th�t the insuranca carria!ua <br /> - oftered oo�eettto a ciaRCx�,then La�der m�y colleat the insuranoe proceede.L.ender msy uee the �eds to reprir a <br /> - nstoro tt�e Plropec�r ac oo�pg muane seaurod by this Security Ir�atrument��rhetber or oat thea c�ue TR�e 30'd�y pereod�r�il <br /> be�ia Rhcn tAo ao�cc is�ivv�n. <br /> iJnleee l�c�ad Ham�ra otheraiae a�+ee in writin��any��'on o�'���ood��p�oci�►1 sL�il n�x o�tcad or <br /> postpone the�iue date a�t the moethiy PaYments retemd to npsra 1�od 2 or c tAe amouat of the Xment� <br /> -�.,: -- Xt u�n�.x 21 the Property is acquu+o�by Lender. Horro�er's ri�ht to any insur�noe �pdicies and pv�oode <br /> ` : - rc:-�Sia�g ���:to�he Pres�rtY Priot t�s tl:e a^q�dtiot�aka!!p�ta!�r to thA erte�td tAs auma ae4�eed by `_- <br /> this SOC,�t g l�aat immediatel or to the acqunit�ae. - <br /> � 6.Qccupaacy,Areservation� �intensaee�ad Ylrotoctia�ot tho Property;Bonower's Lwn Applicatioa; <br />;;;� Le�seholde.Borroper shdl aocupy.establieh,and use the W+operty+�s Ilonowa's g�ninclpl residanoe within sixty dsys <br />,.�.. <br />_,� atter the execution ot this Secur�ty instrument and shall oocetinu� ta aocupy tiwe Praperty �s Borrowor's pri�cipal <br />- residonco[or at last one yeu atter the d�te o[ocaup�nay.unless L.cder attb,awise s�ra8 in writing,Mhich oonsent shall <br /> � � �:y, -;��. �� .e�..,�,; not be unreaeonably aithheld.or unlesa extenw►tin�clrcumetenasexist��acb�re beyond Borrower's conuol.Borrower <br /> ` `'� . ' shdl not desttoy.dam�ge or impair the Property.�Iloa the Property w detariorate.a vommit waete on the PropertX __ <br /> , .�..�,a;.,�, - -- <br /> + �,�,,:x���„ Borrower ahall be in default it any faiaituro sation or proceeding,whether civll or criminel. ie be�un thot in I.ender'a <br />-- � �;'��� .;�,r'< good taith jud�ment vould result in torteituro of the Proporty or otheraise mate�3�lly imp��r the lien crated by thie <br /> - � ° �,;�:�i,::'..t., l4 Seaurity Inetrument or Lender's a�eeu�ity intera+t. Borrower may eure such � detault and reinshte,�e providal jn <br /> �• <br /> , �c. *:.r.r�c; ,�;,,a.� p�rograph 18. by csusing the aetion or pracetding to be diemiseed with a rultng tlut. in�der's �ood taith <br /> . r�r�' determinadon,procludea[orfeituro of the Bottower a intercRt in the Property or other matorisl imppicmant of the lien <br /> �ar.�l� cr-�aisst b y this Sccuri£y lsstrumestL ar I.essder'a�curiiy,iaterest.BorroNet shal!eteo l+�in�.faalt i/ �rt�►wer,during <br /> �'�_�� � 6 ��'=�i�� '�� �� � '� the loan application process. Qave meterially f�lso or �naccurate information or etetaments w Le�tder (ar tailed w <br />'��'�� � °"''"� " °° � provide Londer with any material intormadon)in conneatiaa with the loan evidenced by the Note,includiag,but not <br />-�'.�,• u., ;,,��,;�.-:�:^�'� .:' limited to�representetions cornxrning Borrowor's ooaupancy af the Property as a principal residence, It this Security -- <br />-�"'•,<�' -.,�:.1.;; ; � Instrumant is on a leasehald�Sorrower shall camply with all the provisions ot tha leaso.If Borrower acquiros fee title w <br /> '�" • � �`�` the Property.the leasehold and the fee title ahell not merge unless I.endet agroes w tha morger in writing. <br /> � � • �'�` � 7.Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property.It Horrower iaile to portorm the covenants and agroements <br />_- .,Y;,�.;;•�s� ��,�.�•.I' contained in thie Security Instrument,ar there is a legal procoeding that msy sl�nificently aftect Lender's righta in the <br />-_ �;' . .. .. .� ' ;•. Property (such as a procooding in bsnkruptcy, probate, tor condemnetion or torteiture or to entorce laws or __ <br /> ,.;� _ �;� ��- �� �M�. ngulations),then Lender mey do and pay tar whatever is nec�ary to prouct the value ot the Property and Lcndor's —� <br /> `' ' �� '�` ' righta in the Property. Lender s aotiona mey include paying any aume secured by s lien which hes priority aver thie -- <br /> �• ;, � ��`� � Security Inatrument,appearing in court�psying reasonablo ettorneya fas and entering on the Property to make rep�ire. — <br />''=!` ; ;:,.... ' •, Althaugh Lender may tske action under this paragreph?�l.ender dces not have to do so. __ <br /> �`���:; Any amounts diabursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 ahall becnme additional debt of Horrower seaured by this __ <br /> ��`s'.�,;� ' ; '�' Security Inatrument.Unless Borrower and I.endor egree to other tetma of payment,these amounts ahall bear interest �,�_ <br />-:,s�'l�f;' '''�� s� " , , trom tho date ot diabursement�t the Nota�te aod ahall be payable,with interest,upon notice trom I.ender to Borrower <br /> •`�:;. ' � , �.� requesting PaYment. �,� <br /> •:<i��'"�1� iP;�•.. • ` . <br /> '"''�;� ���•" �•` $.Mort�a�e Ineur�oce.It Lender roquired moMgage insurance as a condition ot making the loan seaured by thie <br />- .;�r..:. :,�,,�.;:, ,. <br />- +r•`•'��• � Securit Instrument,Borcower ahall the remiume uired to maintain the mort a e insurence in ettxt.It,for any <br />,, a�� ��•;.: ; Y PaY P �'�4 8 g �� <br /> ` ++�=`�;.��„s:w.:.;;r'•�•� rea.son,the mortgago insurance envarage t+aquired by Lander lapses or ceases to bt in effect,Borrower ahall pay the �;_. <br /> � " premiums required to obtain covereQe subetsntielly equivelent to the mortgego inaurance previously in et[ect,et a oost ��� <br />. 1j�.:�•N' <br /> �.:�- � � aubstsntially oquivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in ettect, from an elternate —_ <br />:�� ,� , m o r t g a g e i n su r e r a p proved b y Lender. it substantiall y e quivelent mort ga ge insurence covere ge is not available, �-_� <br /> ��. Borraacr shall pay to Lender each month a sum oquel to one-twelfth ot the yearly mortgage ineurance premium being , <br /> � • peid by�$orrower when the insurance coverage lepsed or cea.sed to be in ettxt.l.ender will accept,use and retain these <br />�,��� � ;� payments as a loss t�eserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, <br />:r�,y�t;; ri�� • fwm 3Q2� 8/SO ` <br /> :r�.;�:-,•.; , ( <br />����;�,i„��1; 11. . � �"��19t06AC7 ��y�9 0�E � IOMi�Ie� � . <br /> j'itit•.��,.. 1�� � . . "la��. <br /> v:�� .:r� _a <br /> •�:(i.'.," �;�. • <br />..fl,,;:'1�'�i� ,i3 • ... . . . _�n..- —---....... _..__, ..- <br />�ti_.�t., '�M1 �' , '�� `"` —°--— -'-��- - - " �'tiel�+.S.��,��i•�...�r.., .. .....�.. �-�...... . .-,��rt;,�r •rr;,T�-- <br />�rl �� � � . � . ,t . <br /> - ... , :' ,��-,1',t-,..,,' <br />- �.�._.. . . . . ... <br />,__�. . . ...- — .- . . . ..: - . �. . .. . <br /> . , <br /> '1 _ . <br /> .Y -: <br />- r, .�� . - ' - . � • � ' i <br /> ,� , <br />, 1 � _• - , . . . ' � <br /> � t� "� . � _. - � . . - <br />'t. � �r ,!'f. . ' ,. . .... <br /> .-.' � • %; . <br /> , , i <br /> � j � 4 <br /> ,� . <br /> � -- - <br /> :.�.. _ - - --- - - - - <br />