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�. . <br /> _ _ � _ <br /> �. � ,, �, <br /> , . ,. � a . � - -' � <br />--- . . __ _._:, .. . _ <br /> s \ J' ... . --. <br /> ' _ __- _"__ . ._' <br /> • _-_ . .__"i�_.. <br /> .if..� - �i �� + ,. � . , . . ' ' __ <br /> �t th� aa ot i�rW�r.l� ra ia�ermw oov�era�e (in tta�mount�nd t�pu��roquinr} <br /> h <br /> Qfq tly YI�(IrN(�f�QQI"OYOd��A b00111M�Y�I�W�Md�/OM�fMd.I�Off�Q�f�f�I�i 1yM pfrfM�11111/ <br /> _�.-- - ^lCQt�R'!�t?tlq�Oh�Q rtlOtt�'��ti�'�ii00�B Q�C�Cf�CT ifl j�DV�Q3 A ���lYQ� ttttE�� L�0 t10�tt�f+C�ItC1tt rC!tYl� _ <br /> �iaw�++�in acoond�ao�with�ny rdtten��+amant b�q►Mn HorcoMer ud Laider ar�pplicabl�IaN. <br /> 9.tup�aetwi.iwadK or ia ymt m.y m.icr na�on.'bt.«►ttii.upQn.nd iropeotiara�the Prop�rcy.lwnd�r�ll <br /> — �iw�rro�w noNas�t eh�slme d ar oc to sn inpeadon a�peait�l�roron�Ws au�e tar thelnpeodon. <br /> 10.Co�demn�tioe.'y'F►e ot�ny awu�d or aldm tur d�m��a,diroct or oonequ�ndd.ln aorr�ecdon witb. <br /> anY aonden��dae ar other a�o��ny p�t d the Property�or tor oonveyanos in lieu oI oa�drmaatian�aro henby <br /> . �i�ed+�nd dwll bs pdd to l�a�der. <br /> _ In�he errent At�tah)takinj ot the Frope�rt9�the prooeeds ehdl be�ppiiad w tM wm��scu�+ed by thi�Sec��ty <br /> In�trumen�Mhetl�or not tha�due„wit!►any au�oen pId W Horropx.ln the event of s p�rd�l takl�ot the Pnnperty ie <br /> whiah ehe t�ir m�rfcet value ot tla Properey immedlately be�oro the t�icin�i�equd w or�ta�fhaa the�maw�t ot the <br /> sum�seawbd by thi�Security Intrumeat immedl�tely beforo the hkina.unlae BorroMa'and La�da�othaMVlse�+ee <br /> in Mddn�,ths wm�seaurod by this Seour�ty In�trument ahdl be reduoed by the amount of ti►e prooeecls muleiplied by <br /> the tolloMlr►�tnation:(a)the wtal�mount ot the eum�seaurod immediately betae the tskin�,divided by(b)the fair <br /> m�rket value ot the Property immediately bdore the t�Wn�.My bdmoe ehsll be p�d to BomoNer.In the event ot a <br />- p�rtid u1c1nQ ot the Propecty in Mhieh the f�i�enalcet val�re ot tbe Pmperty immedi�tely beforo the tatdn�i�laes than <br /> the+�mount ot the suine exu�ned immedl�tely hetore the akin�,unlaea Horroaer and l.,ender othen►dee a@+ee Ia rr�duR <br /> �or cit+�aes a�iicabta t�w aAb�e�iae providee, the prooeeds ahdl be �ppNed w the sums �ea�a�ed by tt�is Saunity <br />- — 1a�ununent xh�ther os aw ffie awn�ara t6An due. <br /> - It tl�o Propa�ty is sbrndoned by H�orra�rer.or if,�fter notioe by Lender w BorroMer th�t the vondemnor offera to <br /> make�n aM�e+d or�ettle a olsim ta�d�mKa�. BomoMer taila to rospond w Len�kr Nkhin 30 days�tter tAe d�ta t1►e <br /> _ - �tatIce Is gtv�n,Lender ta autltaiized t�m ca�!lc�t a�ap�ty tha�.st its aptio�.eitl�er ta reatrnatian ar�e,Faie af ti�s '. = <br /> --� - -� pnuparty or to the sume eecured by this Sa,-aitF i�ent,Mhather a not then due. - <br /> Unla�a I.ender and Horro�ver othenrise�+ee in�nitin�,any applic�tion of proceeda to principsl ehsll not extend vr - <br />- � poetpime the due d�te ot tAe monWly p�ymaa�t ndarod to in para�rapha 1 a�d $ar elw�e the amount ot auch -' <br />' p�ymente. � <br />���' 11. Horrawar Not Relased; Forbesnnoe By i.euder Not a W�ivor.F.:t,eraion d the dme�or p�yment ar <br /> �'+��'1 rnodiRption d amortiz�tivn ol'the eums secuted by thie Security Instrument @nu�tod by Lender to any succe�or en ' <br /> :�„�,:i� . <br /> interest ot Ao�rrawer eA�ll not operate to relesse the liability ot the ori�inal liorroxer or Borrowar's auoceseo�s in , '. <br /> ;,:. � interest.I.aid�r ahdl not be required to commenoe pcoceedinEa��ainet any succeseor in intereat or retuse to eitend <br />`;;;��..,���� time tor pyment or otherwise modity amortization ot the sums seaured by this Seour�ty l�trument by reaenn ot any � - <br />"" +ti::,, deniirid made by the ori�oal Borroaer or Borrower's suocessora in interest.My forbanu�oe by L.aider in e:arcisin� <br /> ; aqy ri�ht or romody ehdl not be�waiver of or preolude the exerciee of any tight or nmedy. <br /> , I�.5ucces4ora�nd Assisns Bound;loint�Ipd 5aversl Li�bility;Co-si�aere.Tbc oovensnts and agroements � <br /> — -- oi thi8 8ecurity Instrument ahalt bind and bonefit the sucaaeore and�seigns ot Lender an0 Borrower�eubjeac to the <br /> ' ;;, pmvisions ot paraeraph 17.Borrower's cuvemnta md��reements ahall be joint and eeveral.Any Borrower who co-sIg�s <br /> � ;_, ' , + this Security Inatrument but doea not exacute tho Note: (a) ie co-eigning thia Security Inetrument only to mortgage, <br /> •�E3��j:± x�n�r<� grant and convey thst Borrower's interest in the Property under the tetms of thie Socurity Inetrumont; (b) is not <br />- ,�;;; f�t_�.'r`'� peceonally obligaud to psy the eums exurod by this Security Instrument;and (a)agrees thet I,ender and �ny othet = <br /> 'a,:��,�� Borrower tqay agree w extend,madify�torbesr or meke any accommodations with ro�ard to the terme ot this Secucity - <br /> :; �.. �•� :,,.��:�. � Inetrument or the Note without thst Bornower a connent. <br />:.�;� �- 13. Lwn Charaee.It the lwn seeured by th�a Security Instrument is subject to a law which sots maximum Iwn =- <br /> • 4'�! chsrgea, and that law is tinally interpreted eo that the interest or other loen charges oolleated or to be collected in :. <br /> �„ , connectlon with the lo�n exceed the permitted limits,then: (e) eny auch loan cherge ahall bo reduced by the amount <br /> ' ��• � �. �:":�•s neces�r w roduce the clur to tha y <br /> ` �.,��y,�y,y,:, :. y ge perrnitted limit; and (b) any aums alread collxted irom Borrower which - <br /> •��.��,;;��„ exc�eded permittod limits will be rotuaded to Horroaer. Lender mey choose w ma�e this retund by reducin�the -� <br /> ' . ��;r princip�l oaed under the Note or by msking a diroct piyment w Horrower.If a refund reduces prine�psl.the roduction <br /> �'p�ar'.•'r'�:�• '�:, will be trcated ae a pArtisl propayment without any prq�eyment cherge under the Note. - <br /> ;�'�'+�;;'tX�?;:�,,".�',?�" 14.Noticea.My notice to Borrower providod for in this Security Instrument ehell be given by delivering it or by =- <br /> "' ' ��f�:::.�!t��7�� m�iling it by ficet cless mail unless applicable law reyuires use of another method.The notice sh�ll be diroated w the <br /> • ;z.M:,. ..�.��,,1.; <br /> � �'��•.; :.,;;�,:;a��� Property Address or any other address Borrowar designetes by notica to Lender.Any�otice to T.ender shall bo�iven by <br />'"��> �•,..,n iirst class mail to I.ender's address stated herei�or any other address L,cnder designates by notice to Borroaer.Any <br /> ;;,� '� .;,,�'_ notioe provided tor in this Seaurity Instrument shdl be deemed to have boen given to Horrower or Lender when givon <br /> - • � ';��.. � � �s provided in this p�ragraph. _ <br /> vA,;y,::�-�� 1S.(iovernin�;Sever�bility.This Security Instrument shell be governed by federal law�nd the law of the _. <br /> - �, ,;. ,��` jurisdiction in which the Property ia tacated,ln the ovent that any proviaion or clause of thie Security Instrument or the = <br /> • � Note confl�cts with�pplicabla law,su:�monflict shell not atfect other provisions of this Security Inetrument or the Nou <br />- �.r`�'��,'�;�,,�...�':*''` <br /> r,.3 which can be given etfect without the caan�icting provision.To this end the provisions ot this Security Inetrument and = <br /> . " .i.' ��. *�. tho Noto�ro dealarod to be sevenble. _ <br /> �,; .,,,:,�. <br /> �.x:�- � . <br /> ,, . . . <br /> ,'..` . . . � �o:� �� <br /> .:;;:: <br /> _ � �-BRqNEi���oecos r�r.�a• Ie1Ndc <br /> ;. • <br /> .r ��.�:�:.�. . � � • • 5• <br /> ' �;1� � a1 - <br /> rh;G'. :� <br /> ' SNi.'. ��. �_ :i.. . _�__...�'`":�.• ��_ . _ ' � . '• ,'i ' .-r:"'r;RCG�4�s.c.'T'"'__�".._°.""�i'�['r:;� - .. <br /> .n.- �� r1 . ,. �— . - , 'a��+fi��/rvllbati�yt•1.-n <br /> .�'�� .:, �_�'.f.. �J' '' t . . '. . . _ _ . ' � . <br /> 5!• . -�•�l ,� <br /> �l�.11 ti1t4t.'' i/. :\- <br /> .. i.�,l:' }. 11'ti� ' ' . . ` � 1 .. <br /> . � <br /> ��' . . <br />� • . . , i. . • . . � .. - � . <br /> . •� <br /> � n . '. .. <br /> . � <br /> A ��k�_�i.L�S'ft . '. . . � _. ' _.+.:....—. <br />_y— . . - -- - -- - --- -- - ----e-=—.-_. — r=-�--- --�----,...---------------- ----. .. .._--.- .—.. _—. — <br /> ":�t . "�.. ... .. .�: :.. . , ��� � , . .�� ' � ' . , <br /> .�... <br />,.�� '�-' .. 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