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;� . _ - <br /> _: ,.;� <br /> . ._. <br /> _. . <br /> - *,�, � . <br /> :..._ _.. - � , . ._. . .._ . ,- . . .:: <br /> �� � �. <br /> TOOB77�BR WITH �11 tbs ii�nprowetmn aoM ot I�aher ee�otad on ��t�pxt � and, rl �a. � � . <br /> rppurwureom�,and iitturos eow a�ha+aCOx�prt ot th�pt�opetty.All trpi�o�menb ad additia i�11�ala bo a►�wd <br /> _ ---- fyr sW�S�oueity lererum�t.All ot t1w toro�oiasi�nfwnd ta i�thi�8w��ritq�la.tnanenta�tlw"P�upi�rt�r. <br /> HORROWBR I70VBNAIJI'S tMt AorrowK i�l��rtully�ebed ot the ahte Mxeby aonveyed ud!�r�d�t tio <br /> pant md oon�t1w Prop�erty�nd thst the PrnpKty i��umbw+d�a�pt tor anaumbnaoe�d e�o�d. Borro�Per <br /> wan�ats aad�►il ddead�a�ally the tide eo tb Pt+operty yaint�ii d�im�and dan�nd�.wbj4ot to sny uaumbr� <br /> d r�oord. <br /> TI�QB S�CURI'TY 1NSTRUMBNT oam6ines unitarm oovaeana ta n�dawl u�e and non�niltarm aovaNnta witb <br /> limtted variatia�sby jutidiation w oo�titute a uni[orm aecurlty inteument wvetins ral pt�npKty. <br /> - -! UNIPORM OOVBNAM'3.Borrn�rar aad La�der aovannt�nd ya+aa r tollo�r <br /> 1.Psyment ot Principl s�d laterat;Propwymeat uid Lste Char�a.Horroxec�II promP�lY P�Y�hen due <br /> the principd of uid intaast on tho dabt evidarced by tt►e Note and�nY P�!►�noat�nd I�te�r�s due under the Nota. <br /> - _ - 2. Faad�tor T+�te�sad Insoranoe.Subjeot m�pplio�bte 1�M or to• Mrittai N�iver by l.ander.Horro�rer dall <br /> p�y to I.ender on the d�y monthty pymentsue due under the Nota�until tke Note ie pId in iull,a sum('Funds')tor. <br /> (s)Yeu'ly tuee and aeaeeamenss M h ioh m�y�ttaiop�iority ovar this Securlty In�ttument as�lien on the WepertY;(b) <br /> yarly leaoehold pymente or�rnund rente on the Property�it any;(c)Yeuly h�rd or propartY insuranoe promium� <br /> - (d�yarly tlood insur�nce any;(e)yearlY mortp�o i�uranae pnmiuma,it any;�nd(f)�ny sums p�yable <br /> by HorroNOr to[ aocordence*dth the provieions ot p�n�nph 8� in lieu ot tl�e p� qt mort�e instumoe <br /> pr+emiuma 1'Aes+�items ue aJled"Escxow ltems'Lender any time.oollect�nt#ihold�Ptx�in an�mount n�t <br />--..__ w e=oeed the m�i�num�mo�aat s lendac Eoe�ta�dca�lly roisted mm�s�e b�a�eJ rmqu+m tor Sor�+uwer's eecro�r <br /> accant undor tho L'edaal Ra4 Bstate Sexttem�mt 1'toceduroe Act ot 147�as aneended trom tiene eo�tima 12 U.S�C. <br /> R;j e: Soction 2601 d�aQ.('R�SPA"�.udose another laM th�t�pplies to tb,e Fttods eeo��tesaer unoun�It eo,I.erKler m�Y. <br /> at aaX tin�e,cdiect aad hoid Ft�ods ia an amount not W e�toeed tlwe leseer ainoun�.l�nay estim�te the amouat ot f <br /> -- Fhr�nds due�n t�b�d cumut d�t��md e+easoruble aRim�tee o�e:peo�iuur�s dt frua.��amw ttemo or utt�vi�e i� � <br /> a000rdu�oe�ith s,ppliaWe is�. <br /> - 'I'Ae Funds shdl be Aeld in sn institutton whoee depoeits aro insurod by a Ie3eral a�enay.inetrument�lity��r entity —.- <br />_ ' (irwluding i.ender,ii I.aK1er is such m institutionl or in any Peder+�l Home Loaa�1Baak.Lender ehsll apply the Punda to = <br /> - . paY the F�c�nM Iteme.i.,ender m�y aat chugo Borroaer tor holdin��nd spplying the Funds,annwlly u�slyzin�the <br /> ' escrow aocaunt,or verityin�the E�,ivvr�tems,unlese Lender paya Borroaer�nterr�+t an the Funds and�ppliable I�w <br /> - � germits Lender to m�ke such a chac�e. However. Le�tder m�y requiro Bornowar a ono-tlme oharRe [or an <br /> �.�:sw;:,. ,ndependent rest estato t�r n�+arting eervi�w uead by Lender in co�u�ecdon with thi�loan,unless applicabfe law provides f-- <br /> �w <br /> ' ' � atAerwise.Unlese�n a�e+esmcnt ie made or��ieeble Isw requires intoroet to be paid.Lender elull nat be required to -�� <br /> ' " '��' py Borrowar my in4aeat'or earnin�s on the unda,Borrower and I.ender m�y agroe in writing,however.thet interaat <br />-1°� ,;..�,�.� ; shall be pid m tbe�nds.Lender ehsll give to Horrower,without ah�rge,an Aonual accountin ot the Funds�ehowing <br /> '. c;�, . crodits an,d debit�to the PtmAs AnA the purpase for whiah ach debit to the Punds.waa m�de.�Funde aro plodAed�s <br />- - „�-,�....-. �'� - �^.�it;fot a!!�ms securer!by tl�e Seaurity Inetn�ment. <br /> . � , „,.;,•r=-���' , It t11a Funds held by l.,enckr exceed the amounte permitted w be held by applicable law,I.endec slull axount to <br /> � • �i ��n;-'*�'�%'i�, Iiort�ower tor the excxse Funds in avcordance with Rhe roquiromante ot appl[ceble lew.It the smount of tho Funds held _ <br /> F'"''�°' "' � '% b l.ender at�n time ie not sutticient to the Escrow lteme when due,Lander ma en notity Borrower in w�iting, -- <br /> ,;,'•:; �'�.�,:;:; 't�-:�:�`�.;�•�. Y Y WY Y — <br /> �'�' �� '�`'< � �� such case Borrower ehall pay to l.ender the�mount necass+ry to rnelce up the deficieney.Borrower ehell meke — <br /> .'��r:.:.�.r �.:;,::,., � __ <br /> :.�;., ,, . +' ; ?, up the daticiency in no moro than taelve monthly payments,at Lender s eole discretion. --�_ <br /> • ' Upon payment in full ot etl sums securod by this Security Instrument,Lender shell promptly rofund to Borcower �qs_� <br /> ..�.� 1..:�� :- MR��_:. <br />-- _ •�t;;;:;,;��;,,.�;,.,�. .,:..:•.; eny Funds held by Lender. It, undar parograph 21� Lender ahell acquiro or sell the Property. Lender, prior w the •._ <br /> � ... � <br /> �' �;.�•':+:- i' ° acquieitian or sale of the Property�shall epply eny Funds held by Lender tt the time oE acquisition or ede as p arodit ��4. <br /> ..'r t�Y ,�'! .' . .�"`' <br /> _y., ��,,r.�,�;,:�:-�,,,.� �g,einet tho sume secured by thia Seaurity Instrument. bij°� <br /> ;%r� q' . , .�• 3. Applic�tion of P�yments.Unless opplicable law providea otherwise.all payments raxived by Lendar under <br /> t�-� �r� � • � ' paragraphe 1 and 2 shell be epplied:first,to any p yment charges due under the Note;sxond,to amounts payabla -- <br />:1.,:� ;_.. -. ... r°�°. �= <br />-�fi �>;.1;., : u�der para�raph 2;third,to interest duo; pnac�pal due;and lest.ta any late ch�rges due u�der the Note. �_ <br /> " � ` ' 4. Ch�rjes; Liens. Horrower ahell pay all taxes,assessments,ch�rges,fines and impositiona attributable W the �,�; <br /> !� �:;,:°'.�, '" '�'°'�'` Property which may attain priority ovor this Seourity lnstrument, and leasehold psyments or ground rents. if any. --_ <br />-� ' " ' ' �''��.i4 Borrower shall p�y these obligationa in the manner providod in paregreph 2,or if not paid i:i that mann�r. Borrower -- <br /> . .�. '-�'.,�. : ,; — <br /> ' ' ' �''' ahal)pay them on tima directly to the person oaed payment.Aorrower shill promptly[urnish ta L.ender ell notices of —. <br /> �',';,�',�x�'.'',-'�'`#��.� amounts to bo paid under thiep�ragreph.If Borrower makes thase payments directly,Borrowet ahall promptly[urnish <br /> �''` ta Lender rocxi ts evidencin the ymenta. <br /> � ,:���;;; . � , . P 8 P8 '�: <br /> R'4� ����:..•�,� �' Bnrrower shdl promptly discherge any lien which has priority over thia 5ecurity Instrument unless Horrower:(a) ra:tre; <br /> '''"�;'s'; '.��.'�'.'`=r'• ; egtees in ariting to the paymont ot the obligation secured by the lien in a menner acceptable to Lender;(b).wntesta in 4�`` <br />-_;�`::�• �'' , . , good taith the lien by,or detends a�ainet entorcement ot the lien in,legal proceedinp which�n th�Lander's opinion �-':�_ <br /> �•{�•°�•�� � operata to prevent the enforcement of tho lien:or(c)secures irom the holder ot the lien an agreement setistactory to ��l_` <br /> ��'��:, . <br /> �r���;� �""'"�• " . Lender subordinatin the lien to this Sacurit Instrument.If Lender determines thet en rt ot the Pra is sub' t ,,� <br /> !�. {;.A`4����tr � B Y Y Pe P�Y l� <br /> _ .';., ; .,r,�,�;: to a lien ahich rnay attain priority over this Security lnstrument,Lender may give Borrowor a nntice�dentitying the ��' <br />° .�;•, '.. � �•l`''� ' :,.`« lien. Horrower shell sotiety the lien or take one or more ot the actians set torth above within 10 days o4 the giving ot ' _:�; <br /> ; �__, �,,.,. notive. is:}:•: <br /> ��� .r�: _ .. :1/:. r.�.:;: <br /> id i <br /> �. .��.. - :(•�:, , <br />-'f_.� :�' . �jl,�t:������ ' ,f�J� iffQ 3�� ��� <br /> +' ',.' <br /> ^,'1 �'.:: <br /> .:���,,f' 'S1:yr:�;,•.:i.� � . . ..� �"�Q�lil0EA01 P�N 7 N! IIIi1�Nlt � ... <br /> .i`j.. �yt ;��,y,��',,�'f:; . . r�`t' <br /> „y,'�.1 fI ,t; . ,. �.4 ;_. <br /> !;1 ir j. 'i''�{��.f �I. <br /> -��\t.�a� " ,��,. -l��r��I `�' hT 1 c—`"`__. ` . .r . . ' . . .V. .. .aIE�6yansC�°"_..-..." .�.�v.r_Nj�- M•�: <br /> �i ' S; �t , rl���t•t�l.`'. '.� � i i�. ly'.@i'inki7!'i�:4r'.�R�'A1. f: <br /> �' - �,4q. '7 a' t�� r � . <br /> �� ���, y i' � ri.� � ii . � �. <br /> r, i�1til��r'�<���1� [�R�,{i�!��it.,�..� � .` '•'�tr,� .- �� `'-. , ►, - ' - • � . <br />- � `�=ti�jn:ti' �,ti:�,t�f���i�j��ti`l� ca , ,f' t1. � .`,• ' ., .� . � . <br /> _ �'�f,f,i f i y :i����:, � � �' , � � ,i:t;;� .' . � , . <br /> ,�.� '��i.;ie�tt��_4�'f't1 _ �A..C� '.�. +,�y,,• .... •�.i�f:_ "i',\t.�s�- -. . <br /> —�1 : _-_^�---�m�11-�;--�-_-_- j119;+,�•I' -, .., _. _:-. . ,. .. ._-�_.-,-- -. _.. , :. ., . . --- -. .. .—-- - <br /> ,a:•' .'W:i�.:t�\}�(+� 11 <,, •+. <br /> - -} rwn:.�• . ,- yi ,—�� � -- --� . �- �I'�.i` .. . , . <br />— +`• . .� " . . . :I'��. .. , ' <br /> h; ,'�.Ycu..,,,_._ , n �• 'l'.�n`', . <br /> '�� , , � .. . ' ' 1 . <br /> t'N „ • . . � . � . . , . . <br /> a��. . <br /> -' _ �. „ <br /> i , � • , " ., . . . . <br /> (�'''.. . . <br /> .�. � ,. , . .. ,,, <br /> ,�� � .• • . � <br /> � � _ -- _- �-- --- — _ <br />