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<br /> � " .i..
<br /> Yd�'�'� • � —
<br /> �� ,;1 ,( __._.__ . ___ -_ =-.
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<br /> _. , , , -
<br /> ��
<br /> _ 1
<br /> �::; :� . . . . .��. 91-- 1028 i 0
<br /> � �.c.�..r r«�oe�.w. — -
<br /> , � � U)O�frM.l.�ndn la�U of�idl wau�wcur d by�thi��S�CUdty la t�rum�at i�ej.,�la tIM caa ot paYrown def�ult��raiuiro � --
<br /> ImaNdlu�P�Y�
<br /> ��^ p)dottowar dat�ulb by f�Uinj lo p�y la(WI�y monthlY puynaedt rpulred bY thl�Security Instrument prior lo ar an
<br /> � ; „'i,; tlu due dap of the nut monthlY WY�b� —
<br /> , .t•. (u)B�tow�r dtfault�by f�Wo�,for�perlad of tbirty day�.ta perforta�nY ah�r ablfsuion�contdned ia thb Secwity
<br /> . •i.xt:i��.�,... IO�tf11111m1.
<br /> ' �',' ' A)S�M WNtio1M Cn�l Appifartl.l�ender Ynll�if paRtiaod by�Pplic�bio Irw ud wi�b tE�e prioi tPP�n'al af the SarceRry�nequ�►e �-_--- _------°
<br /> _ _ , __ .._ ..
<br /> qx<.�' �dWs p�ynbnt i�IWI ot all tfN au�Mcurod by�hir Securky ia�aua�ea�it: _,_
<br /> (i)MI at pri o!the Ptapaty b albuwUe tnasfare�d(otba tMn by davtte� )by I h e 8 a�o w e r.�n d
<br /> . .�u.•-'� p�r�ry raidaioe,ar t1a or
<br /> _ � p-- ii i�oot o o c u p i e d bY�he PurclNSer ar�nolae�s bb ar her �� of t�
<br /> _rt:;;:....r.:;.. O'It�o P�o p e�t y but hM or hr uedk Is uat betu�p p l o W e d i o ro4►�
<br /> _ _..— :_�,�._�:�� �r+rMee doa w aoa4Y�e P�apertf' �,.._- -
<br /> --::.,_.�
<br /> � �..
<br /> —�_ � � (�l No Wd�w.if circumstana+occue tlut would permit Lenda to reqWro Immediate p�ymait in full.but Lender doos not � ,._ : _:---_ .
<br /> .,,_ .- -.�--- rcyuiro such piyeneat�.Lender daa not w�lve in ri�Ms with rapael to iubsoquent avrnb. � _- ___ _
<br /> �,�°�" .":-, , (dl RqNWb�oi HUD 8�cotury.la�aY�ccu�+�oa rcBu�Itoas icsued by the SocretaY vriU Umit I.e�der's r!`:;s,in �r?._-_==-..
<br /> �.;��. � ;�" tUe p�e of pwyaaeat defaults.to require imnaodG�t�e PU�m�t b�+�forxlose if not paid.Thi�Sauri�y Imin�ment doa =---�
<br /> - . .. .�, "• aot tuthori�e�ooekratioo or faecbcure t�oot Oerm�ilted p1�K��oi the Socreury• ----
<br /> --.=�i�`•:, . °;.,' �.'' —
<br /> — ���`="` ' • N. RdrMatw�, Barorv has w ri=ht to ba refaststed iP LendeQ E�s «quired iaunedi�le p�ymmt in fuU beause of _.,.�
<br /> --:;��R��,''..0 . ;
<br /> ;'•:�,._�__:�. �OrreMrer•�f�ilurn a pT�o+wwuat due u�da the Note or this Securll�r Uo�umeat.Thie�ipht Applia even afta foroclosurc
<br /> "�-� �to�are ioukuted.To ceiastat�the Security tastrument,Borrerrer s�ll tenda in�Iwop aum all amounts required to ��-
<br /> L
<br /> bria�Botrowa's�coaunl cuRent includln�,to the extrnt they are ob�tioas of Borro+rer w►der this Securiry lnsuument. � •:, ..__-
<br /> toroctaure casts �ad rcason�ble aad custamarY attornry's (oa and expensa ProPer�Y auoci��°d `vi�a the foreclosurc _ _
<br /> "Y,. ��.Up��t�temcat by Ilorrower,this Secudty lastrument�nd the obliQatlons that it secures shaU remdn ineffect as —�. .
<br /> ' itl.a�der h�d not n�ui�ed�mmedWe Ptyi°e^t io full.However.Leader is not requind to permit reinstatement if:li)Lmder hu ='T,-_
<br /> ,,,�� n
<br /> _�r'... !R�:', .,,. �coepted �einsweaient aita the rnmmeacement of foredorwrc proceedlnW withiu two yeus immediately praxdin� the .s.--.-.� �
<br /> �1,"1����.�:�'� �ommeucemrnt ot�current fomlosurc proceM(n�.(N1 refniutement w�U prcclude fomlosWe on difkrent �ound� in tne
<br /> . ' a;:'�.� :.; fwure.or(ii�l re�t�tatement will Rdvetsely atiect ihe priaritY oi the iien created by this Saurity Inttromeni. L-
<br /> • , �y�pw�Plp R�e�;Forbeanu�te h Leader NW�W�. Exterulon of the time of payment or modifiation of
<br /> � �. , � .� �unortfudon of the sums secured by th4 Security lastrwnent p�anted by l.ender to ar�y succasor in interest ot Bortower�hall not _
<br /> operue to rckase the liability of�he o�igin�l Borrower or Bono�er's sucaswr ia interat. Lender ahall aot be raquired to ���_._____
<br /> ;, commence proaedin�s�ainst any sucoe�wr(n interat or Rfuse to extead timc for p�yment or otherwisc modify amortization ,..,,«fi7�—
<br />- ���� �� o�tho sums secund by this Savdty Instrumeot by rcaaon of any deawad m�de by t6e orl4inol Borrower or Bwrower's �h �`���%':
<br /> :. . : h�or rcmed shaN not be a waiver oi o�prah�de the "' -. '"':
<br /> • �• . ; sutxY�istS(ii�idc'i�9t. Aily�8ib�t3tiiX by�.8!l�Li�!!�.ltlClS�l1$8!!Y!�Q Y :—
<br /> .� _.�. atercise of any ri�ht w rcmedy. ��_ ----
<br /> 1�.Saccmoea ud A�u Bood:Jolal Md Se�enl I.hbW1y:Co•Sipen.The covenants rnd AgrameMs ot this Socudty
<br /> � Instrumrnt shall bind+md benefit the successon and auigns of 4mder and Bortower,subjecl to the provisions of pareenph 9.b. ___ _
<br /> Botrower'e covenaats and agreements shell be joint and setiYral.Any Borrower who co-si4ns tMia Saudty Inetrument 6ut doa ,���Q .'__
<br /> ' not execute the Note:(a)is co-aigning this Secu�ity Inetrument only to moflWiBe,gront aad convey that Borcower s interat in �.•�--��. �
<br /> the Property undrr the terma of thi�Secu�i�y in:+vument•(b)is not persont�lty obliQated to pry the sums secuad by this Secudty
<br /> Inatrument; and (c) agrees that L.ender aa� any other Borcower mA�; �qree to extend. modify, forbear or moke any �. � .
<br /> ,,,,.` " ._. �> ,. ,. ' --_
<br /> ; , } accommodatlons wlth re4ard to the term af this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bonower's conaent.
<br /> �� ..
<br /> . �� 13.NoUtes.Any notice to 0urrawet provided for in Ihis Security Instrument�hnll be givm by delivedng it or by maNinQ it by ��• `--� .;
<br /> ; , • �' ', ,!''�..
<br /> , .� , tirat class mail unless appUcable lna reQuires use of another method.The notice shaU be dincted to the Propeny Addras or any � �
<br /> � other addras BoROwer desianata by notice to Lender.Any nodce to Lender shall be given by fitct clrss moil to I.ender's addras L^-�r',_..s_, .
<br /> � ^ •� �'� swted herein or any addrac Lender daiQnAta by notice to Bonawer.Any naice provided for In this Security Inurument sh�ll �.;:,�
<br /> ~ ' �'� 6e damed to have been Qi��en to Borrower or Lmder when Qiven as providod in chis par�raph. ---
<br />