��' 2 ,.ft ��it. sx -.ei: Mi'� `��rl`��,°�e� �a,ts� ! t:, �..�—e���(,%�A°ce.�at�+,"�r�-.
<br /> n��r ', ^���,�`l •��j�{:�<< i ,ft `v�_:�. — ---
<br /> .. � Y ic �y+ i . . �
<br /> a ., . "__ . % _-{�--�--.
<br /> . � •- �'`�`-�
<br /> - I � . . +•'� ... .�w..7r�vr.w�» ».w- :"` .� ... .
<br /> I Yl���;� �r�i
<br /> 1 ' - •- • - ...i.._ - . . .--
<br /> 91-� 102�10 -
<br /> �
<br /> ° ;; 1.�����1�1,IM�'Nt MM I.Ms C�.Borrower�ull Wy when due tbe pdadpal of.�ad iaterat oa,tbe debt
<br /> . :l .;,, avidsnoed by tba Natt�od I�to chuta due under�he Note.
<br /> �
<br /> t `• �?•K�:�'r,�;,:^ �,��t1�lq�a�p ot Tws.l�wn�c�ad a11erC��w.Borrowa�Il include in acd moathlY paymrnt.toQether wdth
<br /> �., the pdaciP�l and interat n�et tonh in the Nota uid wy late chu�a�an i�u�aUment of�ny(a)tues�nd specW asuwmenu
<br /> ' � �,`� levbd or to 6e levled�the P�o�tY. (b1�aY�u or�rouad renn oa the ProPenY�and(a)P�nms fo�
<br /> ,. ��'�.. iaturaaoo taluited bY Pan�roPh 4.
<br /> g�eb pwathly imt�llment for items(�l,(b)and<e)shtll Wud one-t�velfth of the annual amounu,ar reacan�►bly c�tl�wted by � - --- --_-_��-�
<br /> �h�''•-:!'•'t�':';.`� i.p�der.plw aa�uauunt�iticiem o mdntain�n�ddiUond balRace of not morc than one-si�th oi tbe atim�ted�mounu.The
<br /> ,��.T. _._.. . .
<br /> k, � . ��•� fUU annual a�nount for euch itan thdl be wcciunulaud by l�enda witbia a period eudiag ona month bafore�n item would
<br /> u
<br /> �- `=' �� beon�t�e deYnquent.Lender shdl hold the amounts collected in trust to pRy itemi(+�).(b)and(c)before they become delinqurnt. �
<br /> _'-` �'!�'� •, '.• ,
<br /> lf at�ny timo the totd of tUo paymenu held by I.ender for itema(�).(b),and(c),toaether with the fulure morttl�l�r palrment+ ___.
<br /> ����� '",'•�'`� � � for:uch ltans y�blo to L.endar pdor to the dua d�tes of such items.excad�by moro thpn one•�izth the atim�ted amaunt ui __
<br /> }�' °�`!' ' mts roq ta p�y sucb itans when due,aad it paymenta on the Nae�uo cuRent,then I.ender�hall eitber aNLnd ihe
<br /> fT'�' . � �L_;�:�_
<br /> ewico�a�over one•si�cth of 1he atimued paymeats or crcdit the exixss ove�one-sixth of the atimated paya►enu to wbsoqun�t _ _ __ ____
<br />��rt ;� , • pay�naats by Borrower.at tho option oi Bonower.!P the total of the payma►ts m�de by Borrawer for item(AI,(b).or(c)ia : . __ _
<br /> �4 insuffide�t to pay the item wpen due.tb�m Rorrowu ih�U WY to I�a�"y+�°O°qR�y to auke up the detiekucY on or [�
<br />�+:�i;� ;�.,� _. . b e f o r a t h e d a t e t h e i t e m b e c o m a d u e. t i:'�:�'�`�,•��•
<br /> t"" ;. :; A,s used in ti►b Secudty In�trument,'•Secretary,• meaas tAe Secret�rY oP Housina and Urbwa Devebpmeat o�his or her _,�
<br />;; : . • � desf�nee.Most Saudty lasttumenu i�uured by tha SecretarY ue insuae+i uada pro�which require advaace parinent of ide - ---_
<br />;;,• ,` • .,,•.:
<br /> . i � endre mon{#Qe inturatce promium.If thi�Sa�u�itp Iasuument is or w�u i�wred tu�da a Pro�rwn which did aot aquia advaace
<br /> ;j� r� � ent=h�U�Iw include either:(i)aa insta4lment of Ihe
<br /> �'' ° ': � � ._ �. _ p�ymrnt of the calirc mort�ye iawraace pro�aiwa.then each moathlY PaYm
<br /> ' - anaud mat�e insurance Prcmium to be p�id by I.aKkr to tUe SeuetuY� ar(U)a moathly charge instead�*F a m�f9�ge —�:_..—_°-
<br /> , ,�: .� , ituurance Premium it t6is Sautity In�Irument is held by t6e Secrctary. kach monthly in:Wlmeat of the morngnge in9wQaace — _.-
<br /> , • .• pranium shW be in aa uaount sutiidmt to accumulue�he iLU an�aual mort�e i�urana premium with Lepder arn mamRu « ..yr..;.::..
<br /> "' � ' pdar to the d�to the full annua!mortg�e Insuru�a premium is due to the 5ecretary.or iP this Security Instrwncn�is hekt by the _ ,�.-
<br /> �/�;'��' .. 3e�retuy,each monthly chuQa thdl be iti nu amouot a4ua1 to one-twdfth oi oue-half per�xnt of the outstarr�Jing pdndpal --__ -
<br /> »:�•. �.,
<br /> b�lana due oa the Note. � -
<br /> ' #''::`,t;;,I, ,. '',.+:, � If Borrower tendera to I.ender the fuU payrae�t of aN sums secured by thia Secudty lasuument.Bonower's pccount ahaU be �;; �``.;��,: ...
<br /> �n:a-
<br /> " cte�ited wltb the bal�nce mn�ininB for all insWlments for itaas (a).(b) aad(c) and aay moriQ�e inaurance{►remlum ��'; ';- r ,,,__
<br /> • .. � ,�, i�stallment thu Lender has aot become obli�aled to pnY to the Secretary.�ad L.ender:hall promp��,�retund any easess fundv e� •f . .�r4,,..:.
<br /> ' Borrower.lmmallately prior to a fore�loaure sak oi the Prope�y or its acquisidon by Lendu, �orrower'a accaunt sPud!be J•',�i:;;,;`
<br /> ,.�, :. � crodited wllh�ny bd�nce randnin�for all iastwUmenu for items�(a).(b)and(c). �±t.�.�i`°..
<br /> ° "R .,...,�i-
<br /> • 3.AppYcatlo�ot hJ��•�PaYmrnts under para�raqlu 1 and 2 sh�ll ba applied by Lender as followa: ";��,',•.';, ,...--, -
<br /> ; . . ,
<br /> .. .
<br /> tA +
<br /> .:., . �• �
<br /> _ _ ���„�he mortga�e insuraace Qrcmiwa to he�aid by Lenfla to the Secretary or to the monthly charae @y the Secretary 1�� ' _
<br /> i�uurance prcmiUm,nnlas Borrower Pa1d the cntirc mon�e insurrnce p�ouuora when this L--� `.`.,L
<br /> � : iiutead�ai the monWy mon��e ,,.;;...
<br /> � SoC�ii+Rf' Ea4[rumplt was siatled; .���1:'4;_
<br /> . ��''.:;,� � a� ,to any wca.special assessmenu.leaseh�payn►oa�s�r�raund rents.pud iim�flood w�d other iw:ard in�uraace d"��+�;;::�
<br /> u ' ,, � ,
<br /> i1 uired; �,,,:r=--
<br /> p(GIIIIUnIf� � :.r;�„�,..-...v
<br /> ', ' THIRD,to intereu due under the Note;
<br /> ' . , . UR .to anortiration of the principal of the Note; "� `'g�� �
<br /> P'
<br /> � . F�j,to lue chu�a due under the Note. ����`,��'la•��.�
<br /> • . . _ �u�:---
<br /> .. , . .•. 4�,:. ..__;-
<br /> T . 4,F1re�E7ood ad Olrer H�s�rd Iwirnsce.Bortower shaU inaure aU fmprovements on the Property.whether now in existmce _
<br /> or subsequently erxted,+�Balest+mY hawrds.casu�ltia,And contingsncia,lncludina flre.for which Lender roquira inaurance. �; R,�;;�'`�
<br /> ' This insurana ah�l!be malntalned in tMe amounts and for the pedods that Lender requira. Borrower shall also insurc ell ,�1.••'�`" �.-�•.:�;
<br /> • improvements on the Propnty.whether now in existence or subsequendy erected,a6af�st lou by floods to the eutent required by �,��'`_�
<br /> � • the SareurY.AU insurance shall be curied wleh compania approved by Lender.The insurance policies and any renewals thstll ��_:�.,_
<br /> ' ' be held by Leada and shaU include lou pay�ble clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to,l.ender. �•'.'�'� � _ -�-��_
<br /> " " ' In the event ot loss,Borrower shall�Ive Lender(mmediate notice by mall.Lender may make proof of loss if not made prompi- _. -
<br /> � ly by Bortower.Each inauru►ce company concerned is henby authodzed ond directed to moke payment for such lou direcUy t o . ,�:.;,�,f-;•-
<br /> '''� ' Lender.t�stead oi co Borrower and to Lender jointly.All or any part of the insurance procads may be appl{ed by Lender,ut its �a .,�-----
<br /> ' "� �•••, optioo, dther(a)co the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note nnd this Secudty Instrument, first to any deUnquem �t�:�t:;�.X"�.:°'.'�
<br /> amouats applled in the order in Paragraph 3,and then to prepayment of pdncipal,or(b)to the restoration or repair ot the :, {.,:• .,, ;rt:
<br /> , � � .�1:� d�m�ed property. My application oi the proceeds to the pdncfpal shall not extend or postpone the due date af tfie monthly ,.;j�,,,,�;, . , -=�.:
<br /> ' ��}`��� mu which arc rcferred to in Paragrapfi 2,or change the a�gvunt of such payments.Any excess inaurance praceeds over an �!'• •��(�t'�'�:�';;
<br /> • .;j_ •,.,� P�Yp► }�•,." • „!;• , ,.
<br /> �•�� ' ��Y�;�� ` uaount requircd to pay all oucstanding indx ntcdmes under ehe�Ate and thi:Saudcy Instrument shall be paid to che entity IeQu1• .,�,...� �•
<br /> ,1� �i �,., ' ' � �;..��.
<br /> e+.' �•.}?� ly e1Nitled therclo.
<br /> i°�` "���'��`=`''3+"�`t��' In the event of forecl�sure of this 5ecurity Ins�vt�ment or other transfer of title to the Propeny Ihat enlinguishes the in- � • • • •. ��5.�:
<br /> � ��'�'t :;;;" � , ,.;;�;. ; debtednas. dl dQht,tide and inurat oi Bortower in and to inwrance po8cia in torce shall pass to the pu�chaser. ��'�
<br /> '..4i. .
<br /> � y,� .� ,S;F:;:,, k
<br /> , •,,,�, . s.pe�per�r�do� �rd Mwte�ace oi 16e Properq, I.e�erok�• Borrower shall not commit weste or deatrov, damage or ` ,
<br /> � eobatantWly chaage lhe Property or allow the Property to deteriorate, reasonable weu and tear eacepted.I.eader may inspec�
<br /> • � the property if the property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default.Lender may take reasonable action to protect and
<br /> preserve such vacant or abandoned property.li this Security lnatrument is on a leuehold,Borcower sh�ll comply with the provi• �
<br /> , afoqs of Ihe lease. li Borrower aCquires fee INIe to tUe Ptoper[y,the leasehold and iee tiUe shall not be mergW ualas Lender \
<br /> �tep to the mer�er in wrillnQ. �
<br /> !
<br /> i.C6�a lo Bonower wd Protectio�oi Leader'e RIQYb ta IMe Properly.Borrower shaU pa��+�goveenmental or munici�al • ,r��,:;;,
<br /> chaqes,Ona and impositbns thu are n�c incls�ded in Paragraph 2.Borrower shall pay thae ob;iga:ions or,�ime diratly�o the
<br /> •� mtity wAlch is owed tMe payment. If fsulare to�a��vould adversely affect Lender's Intetest in t6e�'ccr�ern.upoa Lender's re- i
<br />� ,;"���'':��;t, � qutst Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnaler sereipts evidencine these payments. ,
<br /> • • • ' pF�Qrer faits co m�ke tAese payments or ehe payments required by ParAgraph 2.or tafla to periorm ac�p�,�.F:ar esvenanu and � .
<br /> ." a�:�rnts concained in this Securiey Instrumem,or there is a f�al praeeding that may signifiantly afkct Lende�'s rigMs fia ,
<br /> tEene ptmperty(such as�ptoaediog�a bapkruptcy,for condemoa�ion or to enforce laws or re�uiuioas),then Lender may da:�:a'. i
<br /> pay whuever is necessarY co praect elu value ot the Property and Lender's riahts in the Praperty,includin�ps�yment ot wxes.
<br /> 4��...� 7........��swA Nltir ttlrttt[TttfUbYl[a LCJ P3�aQtaD�1 Z. -
<br /> � . " My amounts disbueud by kndec unQer chis Parngraph shaU become an s�dd{lionel debt of Borrower and be r•ecured h;r cftis i
<br /> � Securlty Insuument.These uaounts tihall bear interat from the date of disbursement.at the Note raee,and ac che opcwn ot �
<br /> ' Lender,shall be immediatelv due and payable.
<br /> 7.Co�s�adar.The ptocads of any award or claim for damayes. dlreet or conscquentiAl,in connection with nny condem-
<br /> . natlon or other ulciaQ of any put oi�he Property,or for conveyance in pince of condemnation,arc hereby assigned and shtll be
<br /> paid to Lender to the ettent of the full amount ot the i�dcbtedness that remains unpaid under the Note and this Security Instru-
<br /> • ment.Lrnder sh�ll apply such proceeds to the reduction oi the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument.first to
<br /> � , any deliaquent amounts applied in the order pro�ided in Paragnph 3, and then Io prepayment oi principal.Any application ot
<br /> the protteds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due d��e of the monthly payments,which are referred to in
<br /> • Pu�aph 2,or chu�e the amount of such paymen�s. Any excas proceeds over on amount�equired to pay all outstanding in-
<br /> � debtedness undK the Note and this 5ecurity Inrirument shal)be paid to the entity IeQally entitled thereto.
<br /> � i.Feei. Lender may collect fas and charges authorieM by 1he Secreuty.
<br /> PoRt 1��J 1 �
<br />