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<br /> 1, NON-UN��ORM OOV6NANF['9.Bat�nMa ad l.emder IItt1R Pa'��M����eder�lavdce ihe po�d plr .
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<br /> - -- ,d,�,ai�r nne3��pern�ed by�PP�ai.a. tender�u ee eaaa�a a .0 e�•�a b P�*�t�•rwrsr.
<br />-_-- paridb i�16i��� 17� .bat aot UmiMd 10.rorarbb��ry���+�d aos�d tid�avW�oe.
<br /> - ��r�r�twi ii iw�t�i.�ir na�+���rflo�didYdt I��owiM,�r�1� P�d IM lM�r�7 b MnUi
<br /> - ../ii w�aPw ot�..noe h u..n..irp i�w�1r��c W� /��ot"i�•l�i a�u.p�d Y�
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<br /> �
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<br /> aetr,d.�.�n.M.�y po�ln�,de ot.t.r�r r�d���p"��"�'d�t u�u..r wc+..r.q .
<br /> ��s periw�/�ei�irMi�W.I�ier ar W���P�w ��j�'�,a iM Ib i'1�ip.71it -
<br /> _ p��d�wr�1 d tM prioe 6M.'I��r1w ir d�ll�te tYe Ae� ����P��
<br /> nelhb i�tr 71�Ma adMiii be prfr ddr.etWme d t�IL dIM�Rwr��ia tieri.71�lw
<br /> -�� d W�Y the�adsz(y te ra�d tM�rls. b�t aot M�d t0.7YMMy liw a�pRwNM�b�F
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<br /> � �U.R�a+�el���p��P�Y�a ol all amn�enuad by�it SecvrkY����f°l��Tnniee 10 reooeveY d�e sL�il
<br /> _y �f�YU alfll�E�1�$OL11t��M��1�{a��dn Inwume�t w Tnutee.Ttuelee
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<br /> --�- ---� �I�OOO�ldttlOOQOM/• . .
<br /> --�� ? �f.8�LM1e�Y 71�I�e.l�&r.+�i�s optiaa.auY fro�a time w Wae�anoNO T�wee od �a n�ooenot tnulee�o my i�u�bo
<br /> �_,'� Aara�dv Er«.i�unme�c�ecaaea in the aouay ia whica tb4 sawia�eon�mat�i�oadod.wttEout ot uie
<br /> tb4
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<br /> �-...� � .
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<br /> —_`-r:'�: . imamdi�e P�YwaR ia 4bD daU wm��ecwod by 1Ais Sacwity lnsinuaeat.A wtitom�ta�0emen ut ary wu6arised�e�A of t6e Seu�enry ---
<br /> _n�"i��`•;1:'���`r ' —
<br /> :�a;:���,;�,j' ;�F. ' da�ed ab�equeot to � Aqnt hs Gna�u�e dMe trctno(.declinia6 ro inam dd�s«udtY 1��aclfod by le�oder =-
<br /> .'_�� thpdry��ll be deemed aaodusive ptaof of wrb iadi�ibiliry.[��the fane�oioQ.tdi+aptioo m� _--
<br /> ,';i;; , � �im�aaoe premwm o�tbe Sxreery.
<br /> - °�---�-_ :,��ei'�� vrheo We u�l�6iliq'of i�atamcc ia sddy due to It,ader's fiilwe to a _
<br /> '-��'h:d:. t ,r .
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<br /> —,. .:,� ,
<br /> ____-'``�
<br /> --�:;_;:7 RYkrs lo lMi�9ee�dq IiqtnMe�l•If one or morc riders are eaecuted Ey 8nrrawer and tecarJcd togethet with Ihis Sec�rity
<br /> '+u� lnstn�mont.the covemm�li of euh such�ider shalt be incorporned into a�yhall amend �t�dt sapplemrnt �he covenams and
<br /> ; �rT:,,:��- , a4reemean oi fin Sccurity Instiumer+t as if tht ridtris)rrese ia e par!oq�l��.�rcudty Inurua��t.1Check aDDdca6k box(all.
<br /> --",�;r�;•��4k,. ,. __
<br /> ---�-"---.:`�i .'{'. :. .
<br /> ,....,�.�Z.�.� a.:Y,��. �`.< —
<br /> �++"s�i r K�;�f�'�t�"� ❑C.�danMium Rider � Adjus�ablt Ra�e R�der Gm�i� Equity Rider
<br /> �--- --dLt�,��; � Other
<br /> �.,i..: :��•,, , Q Oraduated Pa mem Rider
<br /> z��:,`',��;%{�•;:�� ❑Planed.U�it Uevelopmem Ridcr 7
<br /> :,;;��:�
<br /> --''�:-:�,•_�.�'w���,.:
<br /> "'—y� ' �l�^ BY SIGNINCL BELOW,Barrower accepts and egrm ro lhe terms comained in�his Sewr{�y Ins�rument and in any riderlsl _
<br /> .���'�•�-• cxRCUted by Borrower and recorded with U.
<br /> ,.�. •
<br /> - '•_��.�,�,f+~'~'.�,d,�9,` .,ti -
<br />;�• -- -
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<br /> ;_ �� ��. ' &.ro�Me
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<br /> , ..:" . ., Uo d�a 9t�h dry of MaY , t9 9� .befae me.the�ndas�ned.a Nat�ry'Public -
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<br /> , . .j.� _ ' - � .so roe aber7oe -
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<br /> � •;���'• �� �1 ; " t Flel T vdiWary wY and deed
<br />:.i�'.i,t.S , d saW d�e
<br /> r�l:i;'��;:�`•; W�rnt my h�a�'J�d uourial sad ut �y' .0
<br /> ;n. , GRAND ISLAND
<br /> ,,;�.r, , d�se ofw�a�id. -
<br /> : '�, �stS;��st� qS/ ,�,ia, ��-p�n/I pc• -- 4I ,�.
<br /> . �� �'r�t,���,r, My Commis�+on ez{xrea: -
<br /> ;,a:,a� . �. 1�L�'illll ll Y� N01ij'�k -
<br /> . �;.� �apMA � -
<br /> , .. t,:• Il�prg�j O�imU'�1M� _
<br /> 'PO iRUS'fBB:
<br /> ,;�` •' , 7Le undps{goed is the 6dde�of Ihc nute or nota sxurod by ihls Deed ot Tnnt.S�W aaoe or ooas.to�UKr wAh aN otha indeboedoeas
<br /> . :,� �ecmed by td4 Deed of Tnnt,have ban p�id in PoII.Yau u�e hereby dlrocted a canoel aaid note a noks nnd this Ueed o(Tnw,w�hieh
<br /> � . " u+e delivaed beaby.aod a roconvey.ahl�out w�rtaiMy.WI the eefaDe row held by you wder this Deed of Tnut to tk permn or peno�u
<br /> . • , �uy�oa�w. ;
<br />. 'y�; .'. . �; -
<br /> :it�_.. ...: ..�t
<br /> zb.aa::.• :'1��wlY. • _.
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