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<br /> �, ' ' perlads�hat l.ender requirca. 71�e insu�unce cArtfer prnvidiog Ihe i�RUrnnce�:hwll t+e rhosen by Bamnwer xubJect t�l.enebrk
<br /> nppmvul which shall not be unreoconably wi�hheld. 1 i Bnrmwer foils�o moimain rovemge de.tic�ilx.�d ubave.I.ender muy,ut _
<br /> , ' �: l.eoderk option.abtn�n caverage to protect LcnderK righlc in lhe Pmpcny in ncrnrdunce wi�h p;uAgrAph?.
<br /> •• �`} All insurunce policies and renewals+hall be ucce�tuble ro Lender un�l xhall include u.rtandurd mortgage cloutie. Lender
<br /> �:� 4ha11 hnve�he right ta hald�he pnilciex and renewols. IiLender reyuir�s.Born►wer xhall pmmpfly give to l.ender all receiptx
<br /> „�,;,, of paid premium.r•und renewal naicex. In Ihe evem ��f lo,.,Bcxr��wer�hull give pn�mp� natice to Ihe in�urmu�ruRfer und =
<br /> - ' l.ender. Lende�muy make�m�of oi'los�iF na made pn�mpdy hy Burruwrr. c^=T"-:'- ---- _
<br /> ;�.�.,. Unless Lendcr und Borrowcr othcrwihe ugree in wdting.insurancc pr+xeeds shull he opplicd to rr�toru�inn or r+epuir af ------
<br /> ' _ � �,. w �he Prapeny dumuged, if�he restorntion ur repuir is econamically feu,ihle und l.ender+ +ecurily iti nM le�sened. If the =�'-
<br /> _ .�;�. :' restorAtian or repuir is aat econ�xnically feacible or Lender: secu�fly would be Ics��ned, the in�urnnce proceed� xhull be ---
<br /> !�-s�.L�:"__
<br /> " '�;__�.,�;;�y:�:_ upplied ta Ihe sumx securcd by thiv Secu�ity In�lrument, whether or nrn then due. wilh aty excetir�puid ta Bormwer. If _ � __
<br /> �,;, *c, �;.. Barrowcr abwidans the PrapeRy,or doex na nnswer within 311 duys u notice from Lcnder ihu� �h� insurnnce cuRfer hux �
<br /> �� � �,;%• � offemd to settle�claim,then Len�ler may a�llec�tAe incurnnce proceed+. Lc�der may uu�he pn�a�o�epuir or resto� ,� _--
<br /> ,��; �:`• '
<br /> �_�„= the Piroperty or ta pay sumx secured by th�+Se�urity Inurument,wheiher ur na then du�e. Thr;(►rGy prriu�►o wilt begin wt�en ��•'�L i�"_--__
<br /> - �� - ., �� the notice is given. �_ -
<br /> m ,�y Unless Lender und Bormwer dherwise ugnr i�writinF,;my upplication uti pakee J.to principal xhuU mx rxtend or �`s'.'�""'��__�-
<br /> � •' '�' ' t ne the due date of 1he motNhC u ment,rei'e�d to in r.�� ti i:u�d 2 or chan•e the umount oP the a ment+. If imrrssa�c•-�--
<br /> � %�k,�i�3•.h�, . P°`P° )P )' 1� b��' !� P'Y �.
<br />;�z. • 1 . , under�rugraph 21 che Propeny i� ;�:yuired by Lender. Bormwrr's n�.ht t�an}• imumnrr�x+lirir.urxi proccedti revulting --
<br />._:'5.�.• �A4, ,^'1' �n- LL�—
<br /> ,_,,,�. , „ fram d;►mage ta the P4operty prior.tm Ihe Acquisitim tilwll puss t��Leniier w the exten�at'the hums securr�i by Ihig Security ___
<br />-•"T=�'°"�' , . Insuumem immediut�lv priar tu the acqwsi�ion. -""`-:
<br /> _�_�;�°�;� " � ' � �..ti>=-
<br />- 6, (lccupaacy. P�e�erv�fia+n. Maiatensmce �nd Protection oi the PropeMv; Sarrower s Loan Application;
<br /> f
<br /> "'�°�� �; �� ' Le�seh�da. Bormwer.hal!crc�:p�•,ea�abfish,und ur:e�he I'r��prrty u.r• B��rtower�c principul re.idence wi�hin,ixty duys ufter ' � �+ _
<br /> �::;;� � a�.�•.� `.- the rw�cuaian ot'ihis 5ecurity�a�struar�nt and yhael r.�minue��,occupy the F'roperty as Bortx�wer:princip;�l re�iJence li�r ut �--'�'�'��-
<br /> � N` � �' leux� oae yenr alter �he date oi c�ccupunc}�, unles� l.ender otherwise ugmrs in writing. which rc�nsent ,hull not he --
<br /> � . ''�� ' unreasanubl witht�cl;l,nr unle�s extenu:uin rir::m�.stanreti exist which urc b►y��nd Borrowcr;con�rul. Rutmwer tihull nat ��-�=''�—�-
<br />',`r._,.: .n�,��. Y � �,;,:::��-
<br /> _ :a?�'= �• devtmy,dwnage or impuir thc R��+erq•,�llow t�e Prcipeny w de�eriorutc,i�r���mmit wuste on►he Pm�xny. Barower shull -�Q_. .
<br /> • tx i�<IefuuU if any forteiwre ucin�v.m prcxeeding,virhe�her civil or criminn�,i. hegun tha� in Lende�k g�xxi fai�h,judgmen� �`""'-`"
<br /> �,z.�,.,_..
<br /> . �; . ." rauld resull in fort'eiture of thr Property or othenvise matcriully impuir the lien cmatrd hy this Security Inxtrumceo ar """`�°''""'�'
<br /> - F �ender4 security interest. Borrowcr muy rure.uch u de(uult und rein�lute,us�+rovided in purngrnph 18,hy rausing thr.i.•tion =------
<br /> . ;.u: �.. �,__�..
<br /> . , or praceeding to t►e dismissed wilh�ruling�hut,in Lc�xler:R�xxl fuiih de�esmination,prerludcs farfciturc of the Bornnwer's Q�;;r�;�
<br /> , � intenex� in Ihe Propeny or other maleriul impnirmen�of the lien crcuted b�•ifi�s Securiry Inx�rument or L.encler's security �''""
<br /> - '�',.. .� interexl. Bomower shall ulxo tx in defuult if Borrawer. Ju�in� thc I.,�n applicafion pracs�, guvr muterially fake �ir ��,.�y.��;_
<br /> � inaccurate informotion o�statementc la Lender(or fuiled io provide Lender��iih an}ma�erial infi�rmAtionJ in cannection with ����f,�FX�- i'° _
<br /> '� `a'h'`` ` '+:o di h t nat limited ta re msent:sliar.s cnnrernin^ Hormwer� �!•+�panry of �h� ierdi� . '•.
<br /> ,. o..., the iaan cv�dcnccd hy thc � tt. �nclu ng. u , p t ���:, :
<br />: � � � ,,,,,,. � .: Pmpeny uc u principul rexiderne. If thix Securiry Inst rumen�is un u Ie��xrhold.Borrower shall c��mply wilh ull thr provisionti
<br /> � ;. ' of'the leuse. IP Bormwer acyuires fec litlr to Ihe Pm�x:ny,the Icaschold and thc fec title.hull not mcrgc unlesx Lender ugrces `�s°=•'- •�
<br /> " �; ' � - to the merger in writin�.
<br /> • rn , �cm�in;ii:•
<br /> " �;� z . 7. Protecdon of I.ender's Right4 In Ihe Praperty. IF Bum�wcr fail. to�xrform the rovcnuniti und agreements "�'-�-'y"` __
<br /> �s � � ' contained in this Securiry Instrumc nt, or �here ir u k�al puxrrding thut muy .ignificuntly al'frc� Lend�r; riFhtz in the
<br /> '� .•'. , • Praperty(such uti u pmce�:ding in bunkruptry.pmhat�.for condemnu�icm or foA�itum or to enl'�xce laws�x regulu�ionsl,lhen �-,--•-`-,'y .'�'
<br /> � ;,'�.; • _ _ Lender muy do nnd puy for whutevcr i+ neces,ary�o pn►�ec�thc vulur of Ihe i'roperty+�nd Lrndrr;rights in Ihc Propeny. ��,.
<br /> .,,J� •�' • Lender'x ucunnti muy inrlude puyin�s uny .umti.ecu�J by a lirn which has�+rioriry over this Sccurily Irntrumrm,appeuring ""' ;_
<br />, • �;:•;; ����' in coun, puyins reur,onuhle uuorney.+'frrs and entcring on thr Pri��xn�• t��make rrpain. Althuugh Lrnder muy wke urtion ��.,_'_=
<br /> a. . under this pnrngraph 7.Lcndcr Jae� nnt hav�to Jo.o. �+*7�"'�xW-_:_
<br /> • h• • �Y�i"r�__. °
<br /> � Any un►oun�+ditiburuJ by Len�kr unJer �hia�urrgraph 7 shull hrcomc addilion�l d�M ��t'Burn�a•cr ucured by thix --_�___ __-_---
<br /> , ., • � Sei:urily Inxlrument. Unlc..Born�wcrund Lcndcr uFrcc 10 ollnr tcnn.�,f pan•ment.Ihe.c iimounl�.hall Ixar imcre+t frnm�hr ���y��y��?;,;�--.
<br /> ' • -`"�==�'' Jutc of dixbursemem a� thc Nutc rule und xhull t+e s� ahlr,with inlcrcxl,u n nnlice from Lrnder lo Bormwer re uesling
<br /> ; -- . P Y �'�' y ,. �� -
<br /> �z�`iY:�i:�-
<br /> ,. , fi. ,• . � . puyment. �'`�''..�",-�'°•-
<br /> •��5.;� '�`,ti:;;;=`. ;''�:`,;: I�°::`� �"�-.1�.
<br /> {,,, ., 8. MortgaRe Insur�ncc. If LuiJci ��yuircd .�n����:a�.c in,urnnrr+�� �i rnnditiun of mnking the lo:m �ccurcJ hy thix ��!'�,.,_ _ .._..
<br />: 'I�T�`"• ;:.`.�' ,. ',.' �.r� Securily Inxlrumem. Borrna•rr .hal) a the remiu�n,rr uirrJ to muinlain �hc mon a e imur.incc in ef'f'ect. If. for an r.:�'�^�q:.';•."r=
<br /> �4:', }��` ,.� P'Y P 4 F !� Y ....t�,,y:l:�tr�-.'.=-
<br /> .� {�1 r,S,. reason, thr m�,ngage intiuruncr coverugc reyuired hy Lrndrr lapu� or cease. to t+e in eftccl. Borrowcr+hull pay the ...,5�;;�•?�,.::,_.
<br /> 'y ,�j r��i:�;,�. . . ,,
<br /> premium. mquircd to��FNuin rovc�age ,ub.tantially eyuivalrm lu�hr nwnga�� in�urance previuu,ly in �ffrc�. ut a co,� � ' �:::;;��s
<br /> �, ,,..:,,�,f.:t�,�, sr;
<br /> . ,.:a•,�i•�' sub�lanliully cyuividem �o Ihc ra.t t��Rarr��wrr of th�mortgu�c insuranrr�revn�usl} in�•rrec�, from un•rllrmatc mon�uge t,,r��r-s,��_=-
<br /> ' ' . �, in+urcr upprovrd by Lendrr. li',ub.�antiallv equi�•al�nt mungugc imurance c��v�rng� is n�t uvuiluhlr.Bom�wrr.hul)puy w �-� tr�=��-�.
<br /> � Lender eurh momh u+um c uul to��nr-�wrlUh oi�hc c•rrl mon�u�c imuranrc rcrnium txin� aid b Borrower whc;n thr ' `""�.��=_�'"'—
<br /> . N ?' Y E � �' b P' Y -� .._,� -
<br /> • ' insurrncr covrrogc IapuJ or rraxJ a►Ix in ct'Qc.•�. LcnJrr��•ill urcr�,u��:�n�l ra tain thc+r puymcnl+ax a lo�ti n.rrvr in licu �`�~��z��;�::;:=-
<br /> � uf m�xt u e imurance. Lo�s rr.en•e u�ment. ma �x�lun er ix: re uired. al the u �iur, �f LrnJer.if mun u•� in�urunce ,, � f=:_-'
<br /> • F B P 3 Y � N P F b' :.�;�Y'fiM,,::
<br />• coverrgc lin Ih�amnunt unJ ti,r Ihe �riud that L�ndcrrcyuin.i�rovided h� an in,urer ap�nwrJ h�•LcnJ�raguin hecometi �;.,`�jt,:;;t� _�
<br /> arrilable unJ i�obtained.Burcou•cr ,hull pa}•ihr preniium.r�Naiind w maintain numgagr inwranrr in rl7ect.or to pmride u . ,, -
<br /> '�f?r;`,s � � lo.s re+erve,until Ihe rca�uirrmrnl for mortgaLC o��uran�r rnJ.in ucc��rd.m.•e aith any�eritten:igRCmenl tktN�e�n Hom�wcr
<br /> �'� � � vnd Lender i�r a�4iraMa lu«•. '
<br /> ��l%%'�.,��� ' '. , ..;�. • 9. Inspertiun. Lrndrr ur ii�agrnt ma� m;iAc na.unable cnlrir� u�,n nnd in.�xrliun�ut'thc 1'ru�xrt}•. Lender�hall 1 �:: f.
<br /> �• �;•;•i� . , give[3arn►�tcr noiicr ut the linw.�t��r prior to:�r�in,�ciinn.pecilj•ing rea,anuMe r;�u,r tiir the in,�xcti�m. E �,:'•
<br /> � '
<br /> �`i;:l'� 10. Cundemnallon. 7'Iw�r�w�ed.��I�tret a�aar.l ur rl.u,n t��r damag�.,dinc�ur:un.ryurntial.in conrkti�ii►n wi�h any � ,`�:' �.. ,
<br /> . '�,
<br /> ��r.;kSi� , � � �mFlr hmu�y••FLn��Ix Fr�ldk\fyc t\IP'UR\1 t��Tiel�II?�l' •1'nd�mn t'u�rnam. 4'9(1 1� +�eru
<br /> ��M7L'�'7.� �(
<br /> � ;�'`,. I,R�t I.i��Wr11k�c�h�tm.hn' �
<br /> ,;�� I�.�MIMr�aY I�iN►'C11�4ci.W.l l 1 VN1 UIG7l11•1111 � .
<br /> �
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