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<br /> condemnali�+n ar ahor lakin�af'nny purt af'thc 1'a�ny,or far cunveyuncc in lieu uf cunJrmnu�i�,n.um hcrcby avsipned ond
<br /> _':� xhull bc puid�n l.ender.
<br /> In �hc�vent ��f u a►�al ti�king uf�hc Pmperty. �hc pmcc�Js r.hull tx: uppUrd �u �hr yumti Kcurcd by thi� Secu�i�y
<br /> Mstrument.whether ar not Ihcn duo,w�lh uny exrr.ti paid a�Hum�war. In�hc evcnt oi'u puniul�uking ui tlx Pir��peny In
<br /> � which Iho fuir market voluc of Ihe Pmpeny immcdiutcly bcfi►ro Ihu u�king i�ryuul la��r�tna�cr�hi�n�hc unx��mt af thc rum�
<br /> ,.._�; hcrured by thi�Secudry Inti�niment immediutely f+cfore�he iuking,unlex� H��rn►wcr u�xl Lende�othurwiK ugree in wrping.
<br /> Ihc tiums secured hy�his Securi�y In+�n�meM .hull t+e rcduced hy Ihr nmoun���f�he pr�xced� multiplied by ihu 1'oUuwing r
<br />�= frncdnn: Ic►1 Ihe total amount uf'Ihe�umx�ecuRd immediutely befnm�he �uking.div�ded by Ih��he fuir mu�ke�vuluu uf Ihc
<br /> Pn�petty immediutely lwfan:thn luking. Any hulamcc.r•hall iic p;�id �o Onrrowc�. in thc evcn� of u puniul tuking oP the
<br /> -_-- —_°-� __�:�� Pmpeny in which tha tuir murk@t vuluc�ri'�hc Pa�pchy immediuiely tx.i'urc thc�ukinF ir Ic.�thun Ihc umoun�uf Ihc+um�
<br /> _e _ ;� secured immeQiately hefare tha �uking, unl��ev Hom�war und I.cnder�ahcrwitic ugme m writin�t ur unicz� npplicnble law -
<br /> _�� othenvi�e provides.�ha pmi:eedK shull he upplied lo�he�umx�ecurcd by thi�Security Inx�tumem whe�her��r n��t Ihr xumti ure
<br /> then due.
<br /> �-"f°'y`'4"'-- If the Pmpeny Is nbnndoncd hy Normwer.�x if, uner nalira hy l.cn�lcr to surtower�hu�Ihe condrmnci���ffcn tu makc
<br /> -- ---= ==-� un awanl or xetqe a claim for dnmugc�.Bam►wer fuilh lu re�{�m�l to l.cndcr wi�hin�0 duy+uGer the Ju�c�hc ni►tice in given. _
<br /> ''' 'q"'���^ .� Lender i�uulharizeJ�o collec�nnd upply�hr pnxeeJh,ut Uh option.ci�hcr lo re��oru�fan or repuir of�he Pn��ny�+r to ihc
<br /> T`'��'i"+1�� � .r•ums xe�:ured by thix Security Imtrumcnt,whethcr or not then Ju�.
<br /> ..�'!�M?ed!ie�.w-.ftl�[.'.
<br /> Unle�s Lender und Born�wcr�Nherwi+c ugree in wrfting, uny upplicuiiun of pnw��ed.y to g►renri�al til�Il nat cxtend or
<br /> ���,��„�� postpone the due dute ot'the monthly p�ymenlx referced ta in purugmph�1 und 2 ur ch;uut�thr ain�wnt uf+uch p•rymenl+. -
<br /> ��'.:.�
<br /> �.:+� • Il. Borrower Nat Releasr.dt �orbenrance By Lender Nut A Woi�•e� Ex�ensiun ui' tt� �ime ti�r puyment or
<br /> =�.Rs:;�;.�`;�*'� � modit7cution af umoqizudon af Ihe,umY s��:umd by thi�Security Inaln�ment gamted by Lenelrr ta uny sucee+.r•ar in interc,t
<br /> -� _ ._ " '` of'Hortower shull na operule to releahe the liahility of the cxi�,inn! Born►wr�or Fkxnn"er3 succe,wrx in in�erezt.Lender
<br /> - -;;••;; µ};,;�! sha���wt bereyuired ta c�xnme�xe pro�eedings ugainst :uiy+urre�wr in intere�t�x rel'use to rxtend timc fur payment ur _
<br /> �,.�,;"�
<br /> —_;;u�.(, �,,�,, otherwise mo�diiy amortizativn oi'the�um��ured by�he+Security In.tnament by rcawn ui:ui7 demunJ mude by thc originul
<br /> _�''�-'�''r:• Burrower or Bamawer:suc�-�s�on in intem��. Any i'ort�ur.uice by LenJer in rxenitiing:my right or remeJy xhull not be u
<br /> • ..�,�'•:. f`.
<br /> � `"��` y`' wuiver of�x prcclude the exenisc of Any right ur rcmedy. ' -
<br />- " "�=°��'�°�r�"� IL Successot'e And Assigns Sound;Joint and Sevet�ul l.iAbility; ('asigoer.t. The c�w�nun��imd ngrcememti uf�his
<br /> �'�'`�"�' � ;�• � Securiry In�tn�ment+hall bind and bene�t the.uccesson und usxigm uf Lender und B��nuWer. �ubject to the provisions uf
<br /> ----��sa5.•• r`�
<br /> - ar„r•� � Puragmph 17. Borrower'.s cavenunts und agreemenh tihull he joint und several. Any s��rmwer who cn-xigm thiti Security
<br /> ��uar. �a% .
<br /> `u ,, „ Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (al is co-�igning thix Security In+trument only to mongu�e,grunt und rnnvey ihat
<br /> '�!=-':i."r '� ; Borruwer's interest in the Prnperty uncler the tem�+af this S�rurity Instrumem; lb)i.not personully nbliguted to puy thc sums
<br /> -=��_r�;''�.�4�.:.��.
<br /> �—� =`;-;�_�,•,,, secumd by�his Securiry Insm�ment;and(c)ugrees�hnt Lender unJ uny other BnROwrr muy ugree to extcnd,malify.I'orlxur
<br /> �'=""��'• or mnke uny +�ccommodations with regu►d to the �ermx of ihis Security Ins�rument or the Note wi�hout �hut Sorn�wcr's
<br /> �;;-�;, . -
<br /> �/1{r."....
<br /> �•�•QU._�� l'0117iC171.
<br /> -- ����:�,';:i '' 19. 1,oaq CbAr(Res. If the Icum secu�ed hy Ihin Sccumy In,truiue��t i.ruhjeci t.. a latiL• r:hich scts m�stmarn loan
<br /> .:�r�:.,., t.���
<br /> "�::�.:..T.....'� 4hurgex,unJ tfiat!nK+�fioally imnipreted xo�ha�the interest or uther loun charges rall�cted nr io he collected in connerli��n
<br />-��.`�?�i;14�: '�" w•izh the loun rxceed t�hr{k rmitted Iimi�s,Ihen: lu1 a�y,u�b(aun churge �h;de hr reduced h}th� :�mount nece�sury to reduce
<br /> •��'�� �'�"�`��J• ihe chn��e w the pertnitted limit:u�d(bl any sum�+dready cdlected from Bara�wcr which rxceeded prna,iaed limit+will be
<br /> ����' � refundLc!to 9oirower. Lender muy ch��c to make this ret'unJ h�rrducing the priikipul owcd under the N,+ie or I�y muking u
<br />_��`._•�*�`' ••h,��;: direct puyment to Bnrcower. If a rel'unJ reduces principal,the re�luc�fon wUl Ix trcuted us a paniul prepvyment without uny
<br /> �`" " ' '°`L prepuyment churge ender tha Note.
<br /> `�`_��'�`•'� ,.
<br />.�.,.�� �.-.• . ;r. , l4. Notices. Any nutire w Borcowrr providcd f'ur in�hi.S��uriry Instrumcnt.hull he �ivcn by Jclivcring it or hy
<br /> ��;:'; `�� b muiling il By fint clatis muil unle+.applicuMr luw reyuirr.uu of another mcthixl.The noticc.hull M:di�c�:�ed to Ihe Pmpeny
<br /> ��•��^'•�' Address or any other addre.rs Burr��wcr dc,ignutrr by noticc Ic.Lrndcr. Any nu�icr lo LcnJcr+hull tx�givrn by fint clas�
<br />,-�'��_ .��.�.•i. .
<br /> - ' . muil ta l.ender+uddre++�tutcd herein or uny other udJres�Lcnder dc,iEnuleti hy nu�icc tu Horrowcr. Any noticc proviJrd far
<br />"�'��• "''± . y, in thiti Securily Ins�niment �hull Me decmeJ to have tx:en �iven to Burrower ur Lrndcr when givrn ux pmvided in Ihis
<br />'�a,:` r��.,-•,,:��c. '; pi�rngruph.
<br />--*3"' t -' =����� �. 15. Governing Law: 5everability. This Security Intitrumen� shull he guvcrned hy feJcrul Irw und Ihc law oi'�he _
<br />-"�•�: `'�;,,�.�a•^y+-'`,'.. ,, jurisdiction in which thc Property i�locu�rd. Ire U�e cvent�ha�iui}provitii��n ar rtau�c of thi,Sccuri�y Instn�ment or the Note _
<br /> .`•.� 1,.. � �•}`'`�'•A4r•:.�.' cnntlicts with upplicuble luw.such conflic�sfiall n��i:�fiect oihrr provitiiunx af�hi+Sccuriry Imtrument ur the Note w•hinc�un
<br />.;_���_ ��`` be given eff'ect wiihnut Ihe contlicting pravi.ion. Tn thi�end ihe pmvisi�ms ol'thi.5crurity Inxtrument und Ihe Ncxe urc
<br /> "#�; ' s�-�T., �i> declared ta tx:srverablc.
<br />,r_,,� t 1"r' 16. Borrower's Cupy. Burrciwer.h•rll Ix��i�•�n one cunl'cirnu•J cupy of thr Notc und of�hi.r Srcuriry In.ln�ment.
<br /> .,,�r�•� ,: j�" ;, 17, 71�unsPer uP the Property or n RenePclul lnterest fn NurroN�er. It'aU ur amy part��t'thr Pro�xny�n•uny imere��in
<br />-__�.;���•'•� it is s�ld nr trnnsf'cmrd(i►r it'u M:netici•rl intorest in Born���er is tiold ur ir:+ntil'c�md nnd Borrower is not u nuturvl peno��l
<br /> .�:: ' •
<br /> ,��..:�;+�,,�'. i.�,,�°�.• wlthaut Lcnder'.s prior written c�msent.Lendrr may. ��t it�opti.�n,rcyuirc imnicdiutc puymcnt in full�if ull .um.secured y
<br /> a��-"=°� • ��:,.�� �����;� thi�Scrurity In��rument. Huwevcr,ihix option sh�ll nrn he esc reised by Lender ii excrciM i.prnhibi�ed by i'ederul law us of
<br /> �a�°'��.` ':h�s,}�;'t ���
<br />-_',� �...:.. {;�,J�'lt; ��,. the date of Ihix Security Instniment.
<br /> -�1'- :� ..i,y�'�:k , If 1,ender excrci.ex thi.option.Lcndcr+h�d!give tiorro��er nuti�e uf ucceleru�iun. Thr noticr.h•rll provide u��iad i�f
<br /> �� , �k� nol lev�thun 3D duys from the dutr the ni�tice is delivemd ar muiled�vithin whieh Hurn►��rr mu,1 p.�y all�umz�crureJ he�hi� _
<br /> ,, ..,'.�,� .. Security Instrumenl. If Bormwer fuils to pn� th�;e .um, prii�r tu the cxriratiun uf►his �xrial. Lrnder muy invohe uro��
<br /> � remedie�permittcdMy thix Securi�y In�trumem N•illi��ut iunher n�xirc ar dein:�nJ un Borru�rrr.
<br /> .� � . ' l8. Borruwer's RiRhl lo Reinstate. If Nnrn,��•�r nkct�crrtuin randi�i��n.. 13oROwer �hall huvc the riFht ta huve
<br /> �. � � � � eniarteu��ent of thix 5ecurity In►�rument di.runtinu�d at am tirnc�+riur tu Ihr rarlirr�d': I:u 5 Juy.l��r�urh uthcr�xriad ax
<br /> .., J . Smglr Fanuly•-h'qnok�far Freddic�9x Q `IF'QDRN 1\ti"1'Rl'S1F.\7'..l'uilurm('u�eiwnl� 9ISM1 �paw•J•�I Ayu�t�•.s�
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