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_ � <br /> . . - <br /> :� <br /> __: . �... y� - - .--'t. .. .''` � - Jr_ _ :. <br /> _.��1_.-__�__� _ .. ' - _ .� . '' ..f� � .. ` ° •yi�s h'iw•..�;�u.,y �.�� ..+� ._ .�,,y . . . .t1�' Y . ___ _— <br /> .? ���,-1�.�.��,-�jT: <br /> . . _• . • ;+,f__. <br /> - � _../-. �.- <br /> -------— —°°— ��� �S . . �. , * .. <br /> --- – - — �Ilatbn to TnMMi�nd M�flol�ry.In tM wrM ra►Y patoy In��nn�a In�aoo�na wHh th� ,pronl�bn�a ���Ph� <br /> Its acpiratlon d�t�,TrwtM or Mmflol�uy m�y proou+�wof+ <br /> Tnntor shall dNiw►to�flai�ry th�o►IOln�l poNo1N"bf Inwr�na aed nMwal�1h�r�of a aoplM of woh po11oIM�nd <br /> nnhw�U thKaf. Fdlu►�to fuml�h�uoh I�wlsrNf�bY Tnl�tor.�x nMwdt ss tpulnd h�tw�fdM�shall� N tht optlon of <br /> �flal� oon�tltut��dNwl�.All unMm�d Pr�mlum��n h��by aalpn�d to YnutM a��d6fiions!Mourlt�►,and a wl�a�d <br /> oonwy4 7 �p�rty 1yy!h�Tn�tN�h�ll op�rat�ta oonwY to th�purahaN►th�Tnator'a IMwwt In�n0�o�tl po11oIN . ' . <br /> - of Insur�cs upon the Truat PropertY. <br /> 6.Tu��nd A�n�.Tn��tor ahdl MY all tutes and�p�el�l��NSStn�nt�Iwl�d or uN�d�pnlnN�a du�up�n,tM <br /> Prop�rty b�bn dNinqwnay and will dNlva to 9�flal�ry oopl�s of noMP1��ho�wln0 MY�t ot�uah l�x�s�nd�p�01N <br /> u�NanNnt�. <br /> a�ao�.�u«�..Tn�ao�►.rwi m�..0 a��.o����.� w��� a►�Ko�.�,t«.,.pe . <br /> •xw�+...oona.c�.e io a o+�eo.u�r.��a�u�n noid�n ur�nor ansnaaui..und.r�n�r or�o.o..a ae r�t,.Mo�w�+a <br /> �othK s�qrrih►�w�+«�Mnt.e.tar.ui.d.t.tlw�r�aNlAqw�►t,�na to wr�r��+��M�*�� a�..awitfl . <br /> — -- ' ..�:��tritl.�+st�lA. ,. `� '. , . ' • , <br /> `--�"` '. ' `' 8.P�I,�Iltin oQ��b,Sh�bq'�hlstor tp�l�o m�lc�+�nr p�yrt+�nt:�tA�i ta'do�11Y�ct�s MreM'proY�d�d'w'�If._: <br /> _�,.� •. .:'w�i��t�Noh vr prv�9a�k��b oon�c�d w�kc'!��nAte�lall�+��tec1�8eneiMi�ry'�fnterest ln 1M�Property.irNCfu�linB.bul�lwt�:,. � :. <br /> .- - �•• 11�¢�GI'b,�e+kl�n�reM Q�ti�a,in.lmolwncl►.��ts Ar WoQOe�llnps•InvoiWnp�tlpnk�upR dr decedqnl..theh�ar�Qlci�M�r or�, . '''� <br /> ='��°" •t�ue��,�ut witliix���tbnlo do so„�nd wltl�wut notld t4 or d�m�nd upon T►wtor,and without rols��inp TNd�tor itom�oy <br /> `:`.:"�"_�'� olblpiltlon h�nund�r.may mdt�o►do th�s�n�.�nd m�y p�y�Pu���,�tut or aompromlw anY snaumbrmc��oh��a <br /> ' - - !lexs,cxhlch!rs tlso jei0gmor�t o!eltMsr apRsaea ta efteot eela P►n�►srty:�n u�rcldn0 any�uoh pow�n,th�B�ilolarf►aTru�tN _ <br /> - may Inour a Il�bllltp and�xp�nd wh�bw►amount�„Inoludlnp ol�bun�m�nls of n��onabh�ttoros�r'�twi,whloh In tMlr aib� <br /> solufe dl�oatlon m�y b� n�c�uary.In tl»w�nt fh�t Tnutor�h�ll f�ll to prooun In�ura�a�,i�ll to p�y f�utq�nd sp�alN <br /> ��N��ments a f�ll to mak��ny p�ym�nt�to�xl�ltnp or Ptlor Il�n hotd�s or b�nNlolula,th�8�n�flcl�ry mar proaun woh <br /> -•• In�ur�na�and mak�auoh p�ym�nt�.All�um�Inaumd or�Kp�nd�d b�►B���ol�ry a TrudN In saoo�nc�wlfh th�provl• <br /> .�', �lon�of th�M�d ot Tro�t a�Nou�fMnby�nd,wlthout d�m�nd��hall W Imm�dldNy dw an�!pay�bl�by Troslar�nd�11 <br /> ., b�u lat�n�t �t tM ��t� p►ovl�d fa �dvmo�� und�r 1M Lwn Apn�m�nt; provid�d,how�wr,fltlit �t th�oplton of 1M <br /> 8�tlol�ry or TrwtN,woh�um�may G��dd�d to th�prinalpd b�t�a ol a�y Ind�bt�dn�wound hK��nd�MII bw <br /> ' ' iM urr�IM�nst��uah Ind�M�dna�Mnd shall b�paypbl�rN�bly owr th�nm�lnlnp tMrn th�nof, <br /> 6.AwIp�M of 11�Ms.6�e»flal�ry sh�ll haw tM►Iphf,pow�r and�ulhorlty durinp Ih�aontlnu�nc�of thl�ONd of Tru�t to <br /> �� " coll�at th�nnt�� Iwwa �nd proilt�of th�Wop�rty and of �ny p�non�l prop�tY loaaled th�non wlth a wllhout t�Mlnp <br /> •' �, ;� <br /> _ ;,,.�... ..x. pou�sdon of tM P►Op�rty dhct�d h�nby,�nd Tro�ta h�r�bf►�b�oluNly�nd uncondlllon�lly i�tlpn�all suoh�nt�,luuu <br /> ti�:�� �nd p►otlt�to B�nNlolay.B�ndlal�ry,how�wr.h�nby aons�nt�to tM Trudor'�coll�atbn and ntentlon of�uoh �b, <br /> _;'�^`'�"'*':""u..�'`•-"• I��uss and fN�u ths�r�ccrw and b�aome p�ribte w lonp��Tru�ta b�ot,tl�uch tinw,�n d�fauit witin nspsat fo pw�r <br /> a,+n,�..•:,. , .. . P►0 <br /> • � m�nt of any Ind�bt�dnss� s�oured heroby or In ths perlorm�nas of �ny ap►e�rrwnt h�nund�r. Upon �ny suah Mf�ult, <br /> ,;�� �_ �. � Bensflol�ry m�y�t any tlm�,eNhsr In p�roon,by apent or by a rsodvsr to b�appolnt�d by a court�wlthout notlae and wlthout <br /> � • �epud to ths adequ�ay of any ssaurlty for 1he Indebtednsse hereby eeourod:(a)entsr upon and take posseaslon of the Proper <br /> =;i-�'��•. • �• ty a any pan the►eof�nd In Its own nams eus for or otherwlse oollsot suoh rsnte,lssuea�nd profit�,ipeludinp thoee past due <br /> = and unpald,and apply the sams, less aost�and expenses of operatlon�nd collsation,Inaludlny reasoneble attomey leea, = <br /> � upon any Indebtedneae seaund hereby and In auch order ae 8eneflolary may determine;(b)peKorm such aate oi�epalr or pro- _ <br /> _ �°���:- ' teotlon ae m�y be n�ae�sary or proper to conae►ve the v�lue of the Propeny;(a)le�as the aame or any pe�t.heraof for suah ren� <br /> ,����� J_�: .� tal te�m and upon euah condltlons ae Its Judpment may dlotate.Unleas Trustor and Beneflalary apres otheMrlae I�wrltln�,any = <br /> .:: � ,_ appllaatlon of rente,lseuea or proflte to any indebted�eae aevured hereby ehall not exfand a poatpone ths due date of the Ir� ` <br /> - ' ' i stallment paymente as provlded In the I.oan A�reemeM,and the eppllcatlon thereof as aforesald ahall not w�lve or oure my <br />'�•?l�i,�,`'. ;, � ,�,,:*;�,.;=." detault or notice of default he�eunder or Invalidate any aat done purmuanl to auah notlae.Trustor also aealpna to Beneflalary, _ <br /> `;��},•,' ;;'r;�,��;`,:'�'. , . aa further aecurlty for the performance of the obllpatlona eeaured hereby,all prepald�ents�nd ell monlee whlcA m�y have _ <br /> ,fr�:'� i,�It�''','r.s:�; ��� been or ma hereo8er be de a�ted wlth sald Truetor b an leasae oi the Pro e�ty,ta aeouro tha a ment of any rent,�nd �� <br /> _�'��S;�>: i�?��":''`?�i j j. +� u n default In the rforAmnce of an ot the provialo�a heraof,Truator a�reea to dellver euch rent and deposlte to the _ <br /> � �i"�� Po Pe Y <br /> �;1'.�•��� " '" ��� ��" Beneflolary. Oelivery of written notice of Benelflaary's exerclae of the N�hts pranted hereln to any tenent oaoupyln�aald — <br /> -' r�°�' �. • • , • premiaes sAall be aufNclent to requlre aald ten�nt to pay aeld rent to the Beneflclary untll funher notice. _ <br /> ' � 1,- � . � �� 9.Cond�mnNlon.lf tltle to any part of the Property ahall be teken In aondemnatlon proceedlnps,by rlght of eminent domaln __ <br />� :° : ' '` or elmllar eatlon,or shall be aold under threat ot condemnatlon,all awards,damApes a�d proceeds are hereby aealpnsd and - <br /> �� ,�'��� � ahall be pald to 9eneficlary who shall apply auoh�w�rd,dama�es and proceeda to the euma seau►ed by the Deed of Trust, - <br /> . .tia.t:: - <br /> ''";�� ` '�s��•• ' . with the exoeas,If�ny,pald to the T�uator. - <br /> �����° '``•�.. 10. Futun Adr�nc�i.The Loan Apreement provldes for edvancea from tlme to time to Truator by Benefiolory�s provlded =_ <br /> ;�`��� ,����•� thereln.In addltlon,upon requeat of Truator,Beneflo�ary,at Beneflclery's optlon,prior to reconveyance of the P►ope►ty to the " <br /> '•��' '.;, . , Trustor,may moke addltlonel tuture advances to the Truetor.Suah future advanaea,with Intereat thereon,ehall be seoured by <br /> thle Deed of Trust when evldenced by promisaory notes etatlny that said notes ere aecured hereby;provided that at no time �. <br /> �� �,,� sh�ll the aeoured prinolp�l and future advances.not Inoludinq sume advanced to protect the seourity,exoeed one hundred per• �__ <br /> � �'� � ' ' cent(i00%)of tha oripinal princfpoi emounte aeaured hereby. �.' <br />:,� , 11. R�m�dbs Cumuldiw. All remedlea provlded In this Oeed of Truat ere dlstinat and aumulative to eny other rlpht or !' <br /> -� ' � f remedy under this Deed of Trust or etforded by 1 aw or equlty,and may be ezercised aonourrently,independently or aucaeaelve� f <br /> ly. - <br /> = ���' . 12.Aea�l�ntlon;RMn�dl��;8a1�.A default ahall exlet In the event of: � <br /> ' (A) Any fraud or misreprea�M�tlon by the Trustor In aonneotlon wlth the Ilne of credit whlah this deed of Trust eeoure�; _ <br />�• (B) Any hllure on ths p�rt of!hs Truator to meet the repayment terms 1��espect to the Loan Apreeme�t and Any other Ad• �.. <br /> . � ,> � v�nass under thls Dsed of Truet hereby eeaured;and, ; <br /> ' � z • � •' (C) Any actlon by the Trueto►prohiblted by the terme of the Loan Apreement or thls Osed of Truet or any tallure of the Truetor � <br /> ;,e ?...*_..r�:_�. to act ae requlred by the loan Apreement or thle Deed of Trust,each o(which Trustor hereby aprees have an adverse ef• _ <br /> �����r feot on the Beneilolary's eeourlty for the Il�e of aradlt eatabltshed ana tne rlphte ot tne eenenciary in euan eeauriiy, , <br /> ,:•. : <br /> and upon the happenlnp of any auCh event of default,Beneficiary may declare all sums aecured hereby Immedlafely due and ` <br />��,.�..,l „ " ' payable by dellvery to Truafee of wrltten dec�aratlon of dotaull.The Trustee ahall heve the power of sale of the Propeny,and�f �I <br /> Beneflclary deslres the Property to be sold, It 9ha11 depoaH with Trustae thls Deed of trust and all promissory notes�nd I <br />'� "� ��` d00uments evMancinp expenditurea aecured hereby and shall dellver to Trustee a written notice ot qePBUli 6nd eteCtion to � <br /> _ ��>i:��� cauae the PrnFerty to be sold,and the Tru�tee in tum shall ptepare a notice in ihe fo�m required by law,wni�ri shell be duly f{I• ; <br /> ,. ,,�4,;..� �r`t ed for rocord by Trusiee. <br />_ i�,:,. , ��,�,r. �� i <br /> � �.�•"•`i:�:���! ��y.• (A) Attet the lapse of suc�4ime as maJr be required by law followlnq the recardatiaa of said notice ot dafault,and notice of <br />( � . . ;i�'f.b;pi?l�; �•'�f1C�1 <br />, ,:;;�.5 ;r���c.:�>Y,1._ ,c, default and ootice of sale havinp been ylven as redulred by lew,Trustee,without demand on Trustor,ahall sell the Proper- <br /> '���' �.�:�� r 1�%�'�11 ' <br /> _ •. ;f„;r,,,�,:,;��.;�.j�r ty on tt�e dale and at the tlme and place deslpnated In sald notice of e81e,i+t public auctlon to the highest bldder,the pur- <br /> ,,;;,•;,:,.;�' '• '�I��,?,�1;;'�°`;�'iX,;t�tij,r��?' oheae pNce payable In law(ul money of the United 3latea et the tlme df sale.7he pe�son cunductinp the sale may,for any <br />-"'?;'�'�� �;y:;::.<t:•, ' cauee he deeme expedlent,poatpone the sale trom time to tim6 until It shall be completed ond,In every such Caee,notice <br /> ,.,��.:•:,:. <br /> � �:.:�; � Hsw�snAO� <br /> ;�� „ <br /> ��1t• <br />