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_,_�.w=�:����., .. _ �.. _ - '= -� <br /> r,• '.',� _ .t,�e�°'sr:_-- <br /> �"�_'. .1�..1tJ��j . " ' . . �l ' �;�T''t��'. �I�� •_,y a�NtL�:' . __ .Y-_`_��T..- _ — <br /> �`�- � W.r�.�J <br /> ...,_:.,...,._s.�iii � . . e• . . ,..,M' _3+u .:�, ... Tr ' .r. .1....�-� <br /> ",� . � • • ..n�.'.:�s:c.Sy,..,,�.R�.oa•� -_ --- <br /> � . � . . .� . - .. , . . . °M c. " . . ' •T-..{Y:�3{'� .s.. _ <br /> „ ., ��� - �� - ::�c.:}:�r;_.,,t"���.Y�'-�'= <br /> . ..... ' .,. <br /> ` ., . � . • ,. . . , , . " . 1�; <br /> -- -. • __. . � . , :. � . _ . " -... � _ _ . , . . . 1 ,`_ . .�r_ . .L.-�u'�s.:�a� -. <br /> . . n. . . _ . .. " ' � _�.. :rH. �'y�' ,,,_"" ,�;_, <br /> .,. . ' ,, . �.. . • �ct�+�°' °°; <br /> , ' , .. ' � ., .. , .14..+nt� . .Yt;- <br /> � . . �'''�•..:"�� <br /> � �� <br /> �, <br /> ACKNGWI.EDOMBNT TO OEED OF TRUBT <br /> TM und�nipn�d'�T�udor"u WmtlfNd In th�Mllowlnp DMd o�TruN,whrth�r on�or mon�und�►at�nd tM�t tM doaum�M <br /> q�y an�bout to�x�out�1��DMd of TnNt and not�mortq�p�,�nd that tM pow�r of wl�provld�d 1or 1�the 0�!of Tnat <br /> w�o,►�a...�aea��a��aa�«.��n�nn�a�iw�.a�r�s,o��a�w.�r.�n.�•��.o•��u�.w«►�a•�►un«eu..a�a . <br /> oeuq�bn una�er�re aw o��wa.mor�rq,,e�a�oe wnwa ra u�.e«wt�ci.r�r:r�p�a w�n.�w�n.�roa«+�r��+a• <br /> iaww� a r�ua sow e�►�h.T�in..wnnow.�n►!�w P����G Tru�ta r�p►wm. �a wan�na�w. <br /> Ackno�rMea�«�t w...x.cuNa b�r uw�a.�a.a..x�cw�on a u.a..d a Tnat n«..n««.e . , <br /> : . �.,.: ;.,. � <br /> - . . � ' ,'��� �. ,�''' . . .,•: <br /> �'1 • � �., . ' . . , � iar a;�A. So �enf�ld� � ' . <br /> ti�� , ; � � • . . '. , �� . � , _. <br />:;jj;.; �,� ' . , . . ; , . <br /> _�� � � Mercia R. Sonnenfeld <br /> --- HOME E�UITY LINE DEED OF TRU8T <br /> I� THI8TRUBTDEEDmad�thl� 15 d�yof April ��p 93 �p���� Clarence A. Sonnenfeld � Marcia <br /> " R� Sonnenfeld. Hubend d� Wife.n���n�r call "Trustor"�whoN m�lllnp addrps I� 3130 North Raad. G. I. ME <br /> a,.o..a L7 ,Attam�y at(.�w�whoN m�lllnp adda� I� , (� <br /> �s"TrunM";�nd Hom�F���I Swinpt�nd Lwn Auool�tlon of Qr�nd IN�nd�whow m�lllnp s 711 <br /> -R� P.O.9ox 1000.annd I�I�nd,N�bruk�d�1,��"8�n�flol�ry,'. <br /> -_= �S�vuwbl�aon�ld�►atbn,Tnutor Inwooablp gants,trand�n, aa►wfn�nd awlon�to TrudM,In tru�t�wlth pow��of <br /> ' �: Nt�,ia th�b�flt�nd wou�lty of B�rNllola�r,undy�nd�ubJaat to th�t�rms�nd oondNbn�of thh DNd of T�wt,tM lallow� <br /> �����y�t��� Hall County _N�br�to wil: <br /> �" l.ots 19 and 20 in the Ed Ross Subdivision � 2 A Subdivision of e part of the North 1/2 of <br />_� - the Northeast 1/4 of Section 2, Township 11 North� Renge 10 West of the 6th P.M. in Hall <br /> �� Countx. Nebraske. except a tract af land beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 20i <br /> thence running westerly along the North Line of seid Lot 20 a distence of 968 feet: thence <br /> • •�,��; running southerly parellel to the North line of said Lot 20 a distance of 135 feet; thence <br /> ' running easterly parallel to the North line of seid Lot 20 e distance oF 968 feet to a <br /> Y., '�� ti,;,, ' paint on the east line of seid Lot 20; thence running northerly along the east line o�r seid <br /> �'� °"•��" lot 20 a distance of 135 feet ta the point of beginning. <br /> -p o wt:.k <br />.:( .�S�#N;'�. '�i•_�.w:rY':� . <br /> i ��1J,h��`"�1•p,' ��,�•�� �� <br />-,i �;�)��:i�i-�..;+�ti���,9 � <br /> �.; �{�;�.r.';;�i,,.��y° _ <br /> ��. � - <br /> ;1��.�:�... :� � � <br /> ;::z ,, �. <br />���i;; �. � • topsiher wNh all bulldlnpa,fixtures, Improvements and appunenancea ihereunto belonqlny,It betn�ap�eed that all of the <br /> � � ' �.*��'%`'�'-� ' brepolnp ehall be henlnaRar reterred to as the"P►operty". <br />"�::;•:' r <br />��• '� • • FOR THE PURPOSE OF 8ECURINO ormanoe of each ap ont and aoven�nl of Truator hereln aontal� t p�y- <br /> _7".: ,�; �.. ,' ment of the pHnolpal aum of Seven�housand and no���---------------------p��,�e(t 7.��•� ►, <br /> �:;.. �ff" ,:'�-_.-�'. aa evldenced by a Home Feder�l Home Equlty Loan Apreement between Trustor and 8eneficl�ry(the"Lwn AprssmsM"�,pur- <br /> "� �� "�� i au�nt to whlch Beneflclary wlll advance funds to T�uefor from tlme to tlme at the Intereat ratea and upon the terma provided <br /> a'�• ,�..:. • .. <br />-_ � �r;�'-� thereln,topethet with any�um or auma of money with Interest thereon which may hereafter be pald or advanced und�r ths _ <br />_ _. ... . __ terme ot thla Dead of Trust,bolh�rinaipal aum and imereat thereon beinp payable oaoordinp lo ihe terma set forlh in ih6 Lvan _ <br /> �� A�reement.refsrence to whloh Is hereby made,af the offlce of the 8eneflalary In Glrand Isl�nd. Nebraeka,or et auch other <br /> place aa Beneflol�ry may deslpnate In wrltinp. <br />" �;";:�:.,. . -. <br /> �•:�;�, •, TRU3TE9 AND BENEFICIARY COVENANT ANO AQRHE A3 FOLLOW3: <br /> =w;� � 1.WunM�t of TNI�.Truator le I�wfully eelzed of the Property;hae�ood rlpht�nd I�wful�uthorlty to aell�nd oonvsy the Pro- = <br /> "��: ,�.' � psrty;th�Property Is fres and ols�r of all Ilene and encumbsrancea exeept Ilens now of ncord;�nd Trustor wlll wanant�nd d� - <br /> - "=���� • � f�nd th�tltls to ihs Prop�rty unto ths TruatN�nd N�euoaeaaore and�eelpns forewr ay�lnet th�ol�lma of�II p�►wns. <br />=.'•,; t �°�.�:�:���_" 2,P�ym�nl of iMnolpN�nd(ntead.Truetor ahall punctu�lly pay the princfp�l of.and IMerest on.all adr�nc��und�r the <br /> ' `•' `-`' Lwn Apre�m�nt�nd wlll punotu�lly psrform dl apreoments,condltlons�nd provlelons of any ofher��ourlty Irntrument 41ven = <br /> , .. .. <br /> ,,..;.,, �. <br /> ._ T_= __ ____ : .__ Iw��w�n1tM uAfNfAI����n��nfley� _. <br /> ��w'� � ��-:.�-: �z-T. <br /> , � . 3.Pn�N'qtlon�nd M�IM�n�no�01 Prop�rly.7ruetor wlll not commlt any woste upo�the Prope�ty At wlll,at all tlmee,meln• <br /> ,���-:�� _ t�in tho s�nN In pood ordsr and aondltlon and wlll make,f►om time to tlme,all npalrs,renewals,replaaementa,addltlone and <br /> `'�` " Irnprovemeota whloh ore�eaeon�blr required to prevenl waele,fmpefnnenl,or deterloratlon ot ssald proporty.No bulldlnp or <br /> ' � •��L'�:�,��w.t�•�� Improvement now or he�eaN�sreatW upon the Property ehall bo aR�nd,romoved or domoU�hal wlthout the prlor written : <br /> - c��4 "�. <br /> --����i���;;J�':;;s}�;:,:'�yi oonesntof Beneflalary. �` <br /> ���` ,.Insur�no�.Truetor,at Ita expense,wlll malntaln with Insurer6 approved by 9eneflclary,Ineurance with respect to the Im• <br /> � I;h:Yi <br /> _:;�,��l,::, t;:, y�;'� <br /> ��.;a�:: .'�Rq�'���`•i�,�}�'r�:: provementa and peraonal proe►ty conetltutlnp the Property a jainst foas bq fUe,liq�lMnp,tornado and other perlls covered by <br /> -- ;:+� �;��r�;�'`•' 'i;� 6�indard axfended covera�e endoreement In an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the tull replacement value <br /> • •�•• ''°� ��t'�' thereoi,and Inaurance egalnet euoh other hazarda end In:uc�amouM as is cuetoma�lly carrled by ownere and operators of : <br /> �;;';; <br /> ''"''°`�+i "ti�'�{r���r�`` Ben'sflclory may from t me to tlme re ueat for the proteet ant�tiriauranee�ol ihe Int p ewoi the reapeotive pahl eeA/ In� <br />-__ '-i0•`.c�''�'�};�?���;.� surenoe pollclee maiMelned pureuoM to thla Deetl of Trus!ahal�tne Trustor and 8eneflciary as Inaureds,aa lheir respective � <br /> , � � •• Inte►ests mey appear and provlde thAt tAere ahall be no ci�ncella:ioh ar anadification wlthout faftean�15)days prlor wN4ten <br /> �y <br /> . :. • ,. ,. • . <br /> . . ,., � , :. <br /> ' � ��;I�. , : ' <br />